 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore;

Class RootReference is an immutable structure to represent state of the MVMap as a whole (not related to a particular B-Tree node). Single structure would allow for non-blocking atomic state change. The most important part of it is a reference to the root node.
Author:Andrei Tokar
/** * Class RootReference is an immutable structure to represent state of the MVMap as a whole * (not related to a particular B-Tree node). * Single structure would allow for non-blocking atomic state change. * The most important part of it is a reference to the root node. * * @author <a href='mailto:andrei.tokar@gmail.com'>Andrei Tokar</a> */
public final class RootReference {
The root page.
/** * The root page. */
public final Page root;
The version used for writing.
/** * The version used for writing. */
public final long version;
Indicator that map is locked for update.
/** * Indicator that map is locked for update. */
final boolean lockedForUpdate;
Reference to the previous root in the chain.
/** * Reference to the previous root in the chain. */
public volatile RootReference previous;
Counter for successful root updates.
/** * Counter for successful root updates. */
final long updateCounter;
Counter for attempted root updates.
/** * Counter for attempted root updates. */
final long updateAttemptCounter;
Size of the occupied part of the append buffer.
/** * Size of the occupied part of the append buffer. */
final byte appendCounter; // This one is used to set root initially and for r/o snapshots RootReference(Page root, long version) { this.root = root; this.version = version; this.previous = null; this.updateCounter = 1; this.updateAttemptCounter = 1; this.lockedForUpdate = false; this.appendCounter = 0; } RootReference(RootReference r, Page root, long updateAttemptCounter) { this.root = root; this.version = r.version; this.previous = r.previous; this.updateCounter = r.updateCounter + 1; this.updateAttemptCounter = r.updateAttemptCounter + updateAttemptCounter; this.lockedForUpdate = false; this.appendCounter = r.appendCounter; } // This one is used for locking RootReference(RootReference r, int attempt) { this.root = r.root; this.version = r.version; this.previous = r.previous; this.updateCounter = r.updateCounter + 1; this.updateAttemptCounter = r.updateAttemptCounter + attempt; this.lockedForUpdate = true; this.appendCounter = r.appendCounter; } // This one is used for unlocking RootReference(RootReference r, Page root, int appendCounter, boolean lockedForUpdate) { this.root = root; this.version = r.version; this.previous = r.previous; this.updateCounter = r.updateCounter; this.updateAttemptCounter = r.updateAttemptCounter; this.lockedForUpdate = lockedForUpdate; this.appendCounter = (byte) appendCounter; } // This one is used for version change RootReference(RootReference r, long version, int attempt) { RootReference previous = r; RootReference tmp; while ((tmp = previous.previous) != null && tmp.root == r.root) { previous = tmp; } this.root = r.root; this.version = version; this.previous = previous; this.updateCounter = r.updateCounter + 1; this.updateAttemptCounter = r.updateAttemptCounter + attempt; this.lockedForUpdate = r.lockedForUpdate; this.appendCounter = r.appendCounter; } int getAppendCounter() { return appendCounter & 0xff; } public long getTotalCount() { return root.getTotalCount() + getAppendCounter(); } @Override public String toString() { return "RootReference(" + System.identityHashCode(root) + "," + version + "," + lockedForUpdate + ")"; } }