
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;

// This is unfortunate dependency, but...
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.evt.NamespaceEventImpl;

import com.ctc.wstx.util.BaseNsContext;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.DataUtil;

Simple implementation of separate non-transient namespace context object. Created for start-element event by transient namespace instance updated by stream reader.

Note about implementation: Location information is only needed (and only needs to passed) if access is made via extended interface; one that can return information about actual Namespace event objects.

/** * Simple implementation of separate non-transient namespace context * object. Created for start-element event by transient namespace * instance updated by stream reader. *<p> * Note about implementation: Location information is only needed (and * only needs to passed) if access is made via extended interface; one * that can return information about actual Namespace event objects. */
public final class CompactNsContext extends BaseNsContext { final Location mLocation;
Array that contains 2 Strings for each declared default namespace (including default namespace declarations); first is the prefix, second URI.
/** * Array that contains 2 Strings for each declared default namespace * (including default namespace declarations); first is the prefix, * second URI. */
final String[] mNamespaces;
Number of entries in mNamespaces (which is twice the number of bindings)
/** * Number of entries in {@link #mNamespaces} (which is twice the number * of bindings) */
final int mNsLength;
Index of first namespace pair in mNamespaces that is declared in scope of element for which this context was constructed. May be equal to mNsLength (which indicates there are no local bindings).
/** * Index of first namespace pair in mNamespaces that is declared * in scope of element for which this context was constructed. May be * equal to {@link #mNsLength} (which indicates there are no local * bindings). */
final int mFirstLocalNs;
List only needed to support List accessor from start-element event; created lazily if/as needed.
/** * List only needed to support List accessor from start-element event; * created lazily if/as needed. */
transient ArrayList<Namespace> mNsList; public CompactNsContext(Location loc, String[] namespaces, int nsLen, int firstLocal) { mLocation = loc; mNamespaces = namespaces; mNsLength = nsLen; mFirstLocalNs = firstLocal; }
  • prefix – Non-null, non-empty prefix (base-class verifies these constraints) to find namespace URI for.
/** * @param prefix Non-null, non-empty prefix (base-class verifies these * constraints) to find namespace URI for. */
@Override public String doGetNamespaceURI(String prefix) { /* Let's search from beginning towards end; this way we'll first * find the innermost (or, in case of same-level declaration, last) * declaration for prefix. */ // (note: default namespace will be there too) String[] ns = mNamespaces; if (prefix.length() == 0) { for (int i = mNsLength-2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (ns[i] == null) { return ns[i+1]; } } return null; // default ns not bound } for (int i = mNsLength-2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (prefix.equals(ns[i])) { return ns[i+1]; } } return null; } @Override public String doGetPrefix(String nsURI) { // Note: base class checks for 'known' problems and prefixes: String[] ns = mNamespaces; int len = mNsLength; main_loop: for (int i = len-1; i > 0; i -= 2) { if (nsURI.equals(ns[i])) { /* 29-Sep-2004, TSa: Actually, need to make sure that this * declaration is not masked by a later declaration. * This happens when same prefix is declared on a later * entry (ie. for child element) */ String prefix = ns[i-1]; for (int j = i+1; j < len; j += 2) { // Prefixes are interned, can do straight equality check if (ns[j] == prefix) { continue main_loop; // was masked! } } String uri = ns[i-1]; /* 19-Mar-2006, TSa: Empty namespaces are represented by * null prefixes; but need to be represented as empty * strings (to distinguish from unbound URIs). */ return (uri == null) ? "" : uri; } } return null; } @Override public Iterator<String> doGetPrefixes(String nsURI) { // Note: base class checks for 'known' problems and prefixes: String[] ns = mNamespaces; int len = mNsLength; String first = null; ArrayList<String> all = null; main_loop: for (int i = len-1; i > 0; i -= 2) { String currNS = ns[i]; if (currNS == nsURI || currNS.equals(nsURI)) { /* 29-Sep-2004, TSa: Need to ensure it's not masked by * a later ns declaration in a child element. */ String prefix = ns[i-1]; for (int j = i+1; j < len; j += 2) { // Prefixes are interned, can do straight equality check if (ns[j] == prefix) { continue main_loop; // was masked, need to ignore } } /* 19-Mar-2006, TSa: Empty namespaces are represented by * null prefixes; but need to be represented as empty * strings (to distinguish from unbound URIs). */ if (prefix == null) { prefix = ""; } if (first == null) { first = prefix; } else { if (all == null) { all = new ArrayList<String>(); all.add(first); } all.add(prefix); } } } if (all != null) { return all.iterator(); } if (first != null) { return DataUtil.singletonIterator(first); } return DataUtil.emptyIterator(); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extended API, needed by Wstx classes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public Iterator<Namespace> getNamespaces() { if (mNsList == null) { int firstLocal = mFirstLocalNs; int len = mNsLength - firstLocal; if (len == 0) { // can this happen? return DataUtil.emptyIterator(); } if (len == 2) { // only one NS return DataUtil.<Namespace>singletonIterator(NamespaceEventImpl.constructNamespace (mLocation, mNamespaces[firstLocal], mNamespaces[firstLocal+1])); } ArrayList<Namespace> l = new ArrayList<Namespace>(len >> 1); String[] ns = mNamespaces; for (len = mNsLength; firstLocal < len; firstLocal += 2) { l.add(NamespaceEventImpl.constructNamespace(mLocation, ns[firstLocal], ns[firstLocal+1])); } mNsList = l; } return mNsList.iterator(); }
Method called by CompactStartElement to output all 'local' namespace declarations active in current namespace scope, if any. Local means that declaration was done in scope of current element, not in a parent element.
/** * Method called by {@link com.ctc.wstx.evt.CompactStartElement} * to output all 'local' namespace declarations active in current * namespace scope, if any. Local means that declaration was done in * scope of current element, not in a parent element. */
@Override public void outputNamespaceDeclarations(Writer w) throws IOException { String[] ns = mNamespaces; for (int i = mFirstLocalNs, len = mNsLength; i < len; i += 2) { w.write(' '); w.write(XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE); String prefix = ns[i]; if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) { w.write(':'); w.write(prefix); } w.write("=\""); w.write(ns[i+1]); w.write('"'); } } @Override public void outputNamespaceDeclarations(XMLStreamWriter w) throws XMLStreamException { String[] ns = mNamespaces; for (int i = mFirstLocalNs, len = mNsLength; i < len; i += 2) { String nsURI = ns[i+1]; String prefix = ns[i]; if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) { w.writeNamespace(prefix, nsURI); } else { w.writeDefaultNamespace(nsURI); } } } }