package com.ctc.wstx.evt;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.evt.AttributeEventImpl;

import com.ctc.wstx.util.BaseNsContext;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.DataUtil;

Wstx StartElement implementation used when directly creating events from a stream reader.
/** * Wstx {@link StartElement} implementation used when directly creating * events from a stream reader. */
public class CompactStartElement extends BaseStartElement { // Need to be in sync with ones from ElemAttrs //private final static int OFFSET_LOCAL_NAME = 0; private final static int OFFSET_NS_URI = 1; private final static int OFFSET_NS_PREFIX = 2; private final static int OFFSET_VALUE = 3; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Attribute information //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
Container object that has enough information about attributes to be able to implement attribute accessor methods of this class.
/** * Container object that has enough information about attributes to * be able to implement attribute accessor methods of this class. */
final ElemAttrs mAttrs;
Array needed for accessing actual String components of the attributes
/** * Array needed for accessing actual String components of the attributes */
final String[] mRawAttrs;
Lazily created List that contains Attribute instances contained in this list. Created only if there are at least 2 attributes.
/** * Lazily created List that contains Attribute instances contained * in this list. Created only if there are at least 2 attributes. */
private ArrayList<Attribute> mAttrList = null; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life cycle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected CompactStartElement(Location loc, QName name, BaseNsContext nsCtxt, ElemAttrs attrs) { super(loc, name, nsCtxt); mAttrs = attrs; mRawAttrs = (attrs == null) ? null : attrs.getRawAttrs(); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StartElement implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public Attribute getAttributeByName(QName name) { if (mAttrs == null) { return null; } int ix = mAttrs.findIndex(name); if (ix < 0) { return null; } return constructAttr(mRawAttrs, ix, mAttrs.isDefault(ix)); } @Override public Iterator<Attribute> getAttributes() { if (mAttrList == null) { // List is lazily constructed as needed if (mAttrs == null) { return DataUtil.emptyIterator(); } String[] rawAttrs = mRawAttrs; int rawLen = rawAttrs.length; int defOffset = mAttrs.getFirstDefaultOffset(); if (rawLen == 4) { return DataUtil.singletonIterator(constructAttr(rawAttrs, 0, (defOffset == 0))); } ArrayList<Attribute> l = new ArrayList<Attribute>(rawLen >> 2); for (int i = 0; i < rawLen; i += 4) { l.add(constructAttr(rawAttrs, i, (i >= defOffset))); } mAttrList = l; } return mAttrList.iterator(); } @Override protected void outputNsAndAttr(Writer w) throws IOException { if (mNsCtxt != null) { mNsCtxt.outputNamespaceDeclarations(w); } String[] raw = mRawAttrs; if (raw != null) { for (int i = 0, len = raw.length; i < len; i += 4) { w.write(' '); String prefix = raw[i + OFFSET_NS_PREFIX]; if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) { w.write(prefix); w.write(':'); } w.write(raw[i]); // local name w.write("=\""); TextEscaper.writeEscapedAttrValue(w, raw[i + OFFSET_VALUE]); w.write('"'); } } } @Override protected void outputNsAndAttr(XMLStreamWriter w) throws XMLStreamException { if (mNsCtxt != null) { mNsCtxt.outputNamespaceDeclarations(w); } String[] raw = mRawAttrs; if (raw != null) { for (int i = 0, len = raw.length; i < len; i += 4) { String ln = raw[i]; String prefix = raw[i + OFFSET_NS_PREFIX]; String nsURI = raw[i + OFFSET_NS_URI]; w.writeAttribute(prefix, nsURI, ln, raw[i + OFFSET_VALUE]); } } } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected Attribute constructAttr(String[] raw, int rawIndex, boolean isDef) { return new AttributeEventImpl(getLocation(), raw[rawIndex], raw[rawIndex+1], raw[rawIndex+2], raw[rawIndex+3], !isDef); } }