package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.impl;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvGenerator.Feature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvSchema;

import java.util.Arrays;

Helper class that handles actual low-level construction of CSV output, based only on indexes given without worrying about reordering, or binding from logical properties.
/** * Helper class that handles actual low-level construction of * CSV output, based only on indexes given without worrying about reordering, * or binding from logical properties. */
public class CsvEncoder { // Default set of escaped characters (none) private static final int [] sOutputEscapes = new int[0]; final protected static char[] HEX_CHARS = CharTypes.copyHexChars();
As an optimization we try coalescing short writes into buffer; but pass longer directly.
/** * As an optimization we try coalescing short writes into * buffer; but pass longer directly. */
final protected static int SHORT_WRITE = 32;
Also: only do check for optional quotes for short values; longer ones will always be quoted.
/** * Also: only do check for optional quotes for short * values; longer ones will always be quoted. */
final protected static int MAX_QUOTE_CHECK = 24; final protected BufferedValue[] NO_BUFFERED = new BufferedValue[0]; private final static char[] TRUE_CHARS = "true".toCharArray(); private final static char[] FALSE_CHARS = "false".toCharArray();
Currently active set of output escape code definitions (whether and how to escape or not).
/** * Currently active set of output escape code definitions (whether * and how to escape or not). */
protected int[] _outputEscapes = sOutputEscapes; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************** */ final protected IOContext _ioContext;
Underlying Writer used for output.
/** * Underlying {@link Writer} used for output. */
final protected Writer _out; final protected char _cfgColumnSeparator; final protected int _cfgQuoteCharacter;
/** * @since 2.7 */
final protected int _cfgEscapeCharacter; final protected char[] _cfgLineSeparator;
/** * @since 2.5 */
final protected char[] _cfgNullValue; final protected int _cfgLineSeparatorLength; protected int _cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars;
Lowest-valued character that is safe to output without using quotes around value, NOT including possible escape character.
/** * Lowest-valued character that is safe to output without using * quotes around value, NOT including possible escape character. */
final protected int _cfgMinSafeChar; protected int _csvFeatures;
Marker flag used to determine if to do optimal (aka "strict") quoting checks or not (looser conservative check)
/** * Marker flag used to determine if to do optimal (aka "strict") quoting * checks or not (looser conservative check) * * @since 2.4 */
protected boolean _cfgOptimalQuoting;
/** * @since 2.4 */
protected boolean _cfgIncludeMissingTail;
/** * @since 2.5 */
protected boolean _cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings; protected boolean _cfgAlwaysQuoteEmptyStrings; protected boolean _cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar;
/** * @since 2.9.9 */
protected boolean _cfgEscapeControlCharWithEscapeChar; protected final char _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar;
/** * @since 2.9.9 */
protected final char _cfgControlCharEscapeChar; /* /********************************************************** /* Output state /********************************************************** */
/** * @since 2.4 */
protected int _columnCount;
Index of column we expect to write next
/** * Index of column we expect to write next */
protected int _nextColumnToWrite = 0;
And if output comes in shuffled order we will need to do bit of ordering.
/** * And if output comes in shuffled order we will need to do * bit of ordering. */
protected BufferedValue[] _buffered = NO_BUFFERED;
Index of the last buffered value
/** * Index of the last buffered value */
protected int _lastBuffered = -1; /* /********************************************************** /* Output buffering, low-level /********************************************************** */
Intermediate buffer in which contents are buffered before being written using _out.
/** * Intermediate buffer in which contents are buffered before * being written using {@link #_out}. */
protected char[] _outputBuffer;
Flag that indicates whether the _outputBuffer is recyclable (and needs to be returned to recycler once we are done) or not.
/** * Flag that indicates whether the <code>_outputBuffer</code> is recyclable (and * needs to be returned to recycler once we are done) or not. */
protected boolean _bufferRecyclable;
Pointer to the next available char position in _outputBuffer
/** * Pointer to the next available char position in {@link #_outputBuffer} */
protected int _outputTail = 0;
Offset to index after the last valid index in _outputBuffer. Typically same as length of the buffer.
/** * Offset to index after the last valid index in {@link #_outputBuffer}. * Typically same as length of the buffer. */
protected final int _outputEnd;
Let's keep track of how many bytes have been output, may prove useful when debugging. This does not include bytes buffered in the output buffer, just bytes that have been written using underlying stream writer.
/** * Let's keep track of how many bytes have been output, may prove useful * when debugging. This does <b>not</b> include bytes buffered in * the output buffer, just bytes that have been written using underlying * stream writer. */
protected int _charsWritten; /* /********************************************************** /* Construction, (re)configuration /********************************************************** */ public CsvEncoder(IOContext ctxt, int csvFeatures, Writer out, CsvSchema schema) { _ioContext = ctxt; _csvFeatures = csvFeatures; _cfgOptimalQuoting = CsvGenerator.Feature.STRICT_CHECK_FOR_QUOTING.enabledIn(csvFeatures); _cfgIncludeMissingTail = !CsvGenerator.Feature.OMIT_MISSING_TAIL_COLUMNS.enabledIn(_csvFeatures); _cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings = CsvGenerator.Feature.ALWAYS_QUOTE_STRINGS.enabledIn(csvFeatures); _cfgAlwaysQuoteEmptyStrings = CsvGenerator.Feature.ALWAYS_QUOTE_EMPTY_STRINGS.enabledIn(csvFeatures); _cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar = CsvGenerator.Feature.ESCAPE_QUOTE_CHAR_WITH_ESCAPE_CHAR.enabledIn(csvFeatures); _cfgEscapeControlCharWithEscapeChar = Feature.ESCAPE_CONTROL_CHARS_WITH_ESCAPE_CHAR.enabledIn(csvFeatures); _outputBuffer = ctxt.allocConcatBuffer(); _bufferRecyclable = true; _outputEnd = _outputBuffer.length; _out = out; _cfgColumnSeparator = schema.getColumnSeparator(); _cfgQuoteCharacter = schema.getQuoteChar(); _cfgEscapeCharacter = schema.getEscapeChar(); _cfgLineSeparator = schema.getLineSeparator(); _cfgLineSeparatorLength = (_cfgLineSeparator == null) ? 0 : _cfgLineSeparator.length; _cfgNullValue = schema.getNullValueOrEmpty(); _columnCount = schema.size(); _cfgMinSafeChar = _calcSafeChar(); _cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars = MAX_QUOTE_CHECK; _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar = _getQuoteCharEscapeChar( _cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar, _cfgQuoteCharacter, _cfgEscapeCharacter ); _cfgControlCharEscapeChar = _cfgEscapeCharacter > 0 ? (char) _cfgEscapeCharacter : '\\'; } public CsvEncoder(CsvEncoder base, CsvSchema newSchema) { _ioContext = base._ioContext; _csvFeatures = base._csvFeatures; _cfgOptimalQuoting = base._cfgOptimalQuoting; _cfgIncludeMissingTail = base._cfgIncludeMissingTail; _cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings = base._cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings; _cfgAlwaysQuoteEmptyStrings = base._cfgAlwaysQuoteEmptyStrings; _cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar = base._cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar; _cfgEscapeControlCharWithEscapeChar = base._cfgEscapeControlCharWithEscapeChar; _outputBuffer = base._outputBuffer; _bufferRecyclable = base._bufferRecyclable; _outputEnd = base._outputEnd; _out = base._out; _cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars = base._cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars; _outputEscapes = base._outputEscapes; _cfgColumnSeparator = newSchema.getColumnSeparator(); _cfgQuoteCharacter = newSchema.getQuoteChar(); _cfgEscapeCharacter = newSchema.getEscapeChar(); _cfgLineSeparator = newSchema.getLineSeparator(); _cfgLineSeparatorLength = _cfgLineSeparator.length; _cfgNullValue = newSchema.getNullValueOrEmpty(); _cfgMinSafeChar = _calcSafeChar(); _columnCount = newSchema.size(); _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar = _getQuoteCharEscapeChar( base._cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar, newSchema.getQuoteChar(), newSchema.getEscapeChar() ); _cfgControlCharEscapeChar = _cfgEscapeCharacter > 0 ? (char) _cfgEscapeCharacter : '\\'; } private final char _getQuoteCharEscapeChar( final boolean escapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar, final int quoteCharacter, final int escapeCharacter) { final char quoteEscapeChar; if (_cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar && _cfgEscapeCharacter > 0) { quoteEscapeChar = (char) _cfgEscapeCharacter; } else if (_cfgQuoteCharacter > 0) { quoteEscapeChar = (char) _cfgQuoteCharacter; } else { quoteEscapeChar = '\\'; } return quoteEscapeChar; } private final int _calcSafeChar() { // note: quote char may be -1 to signify "no quoting": int min = Math.max(_cfgColumnSeparator, _cfgQuoteCharacter); // 06-Nov-2015, tatu: We will NOT apply escape character, because it usually // has higher ascii value (with backslash); better handle separately. // 23-Sep-2020, tatu: Should not actually need to consider anything but the // first character when checking... but leaving rest for now for (int i = 0; i < _cfgLineSeparatorLength; ++i) { min = Math.max(min, _cfgLineSeparator[i]); } return min+1; } public CsvEncoder withSchema(CsvSchema schema) { return new CsvEncoder(this, schema); } public CsvEncoder overrideFormatFeatures(int feat) { if (feat != _csvFeatures) { _csvFeatures = feat; _cfgOptimalQuoting = CsvGenerator.Feature.STRICT_CHECK_FOR_QUOTING.enabledIn(feat); _cfgIncludeMissingTail = !CsvGenerator.Feature.OMIT_MISSING_TAIL_COLUMNS.enabledIn(feat); _cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings = CsvGenerator.Feature.ALWAYS_QUOTE_STRINGS.enabledIn(feat); _cfgAlwaysQuoteEmptyStrings = CsvGenerator.Feature.ALWAYS_QUOTE_EMPTY_STRINGS.enabledIn(feat); _cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar = CsvGenerator.Feature.ESCAPE_QUOTE_CHAR_WITH_ESCAPE_CHAR.enabledIn(feat); _cfgEscapeControlCharWithEscapeChar = Feature.ESCAPE_CONTROL_CHARS_WITH_ESCAPE_CHAR.enabledIn(feat); } return this; } public CsvEncoder setOutputEscapes(int[] esc) { _outputEscapes = (esc != null) ? esc : sOutputEscapes; return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Read-access to output state /********************************************************** */ public Object getOutputTarget() { return _out; }
NOTE: while value does indeed indicate amount that has been written in the buffer, there may be more intermediate data that is buffered as values but not yet in buffer.
/** * NOTE: while value does indeed indicate amount that has been written in the buffer, * there may be more intermediate data that is buffered as values but not yet in * buffer. */
public int getOutputBuffered() { return _outputTail; } public int nextColumnIndex() { return _nextColumnToWrite; } /* /********************************************************** /* Writer API, writes from generator /********************************************************** */ public final void write(int columnIndex, String value) throws IOException { // easy case: all in order if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { // inlined 'appendValue(String)` if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { appendColumnSeparator(); } final int len = value.length(); if (_cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings || _mayNeedQuotes(value, len)) { if (_cfgEscapeCharacter > 0) { _writeQuotedAndEscaped(value, (char) _cfgEscapeCharacter); } else { _writeQuoted(value); } } else { writeRaw(value); } ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value)); } public final void write(int columnIndex, char[] ch, int offset, int len) throws IOException { // !!! TODO: optimize write(columnIndex, new String(ch, offset, len)); } public final void write(int columnIndex, int value) throws IOException { // easy case: all in order if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { // inlined 'appendValue(int)' // up to 10 digits and possible minus sign, leading comma if ((_outputTail + 12) > _outputTail) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } _outputTail = NumberOutput.outputInt(value, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value)); } public final void write(int columnIndex, long value) throws IOException { // easy case: all in order if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { // inlined 'appendValue(int)' // up to 20 digits, minus sign, leading comma if ((_outputTail + 22) > _outputTail) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } _outputTail = NumberOutput.outputLong(value, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value)); } public final void write(int columnIndex, float value) throws IOException { // easy case: all in order if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { appendValue(value); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value)); } public final void write(int columnIndex, double value) throws IOException { // easy case: all in order if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { appendValue(value); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value)); } public final void write(int columnIndex, boolean value) throws IOException { // easy case: all in order if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { appendValue(value); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.buffered(value)); }
/** * @since 2.5 */
public final void writeNonEscaped(int columnIndex, String rawValue) throws IOException { if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { appendRawValue(rawValue); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.bufferedRaw(rawValue)); } public final void writeNull(int columnIndex) throws IOException { if (columnIndex == _nextColumnToWrite) { appendNull(); ++_nextColumnToWrite; return; } _buffer(columnIndex, BufferedValue.bufferedNull()); } public final void writeColumnName(String name) throws IOException { appendValue(name); ++_nextColumnToWrite; } public void endRow() throws IOException { // First things first; any buffered? if (_lastBuffered >= 0) { final int last = _lastBuffered; _lastBuffered = -1; for (; _nextColumnToWrite <= last; ++_nextColumnToWrite) { BufferedValue value = _buffered[_nextColumnToWrite]; if (value != null) { _buffered[_nextColumnToWrite] = null; value.write(this); } else if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { // ) { // note: write method triggers prepending of separator; but for missing // values we need to do it explicitly. appendColumnSeparator(); } } } else if (_nextColumnToWrite <= 0) { // empty line; do nothing return; } // Any missing values? if (_nextColumnToWrite < _columnCount) { if (_cfgIncludeMissingTail) { do { appendColumnSeparator(); } while (++_nextColumnToWrite < _columnCount); } } // write line separator _nextColumnToWrite = 0; if ((_outputTail + _cfgLineSeparatorLength) > _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } System.arraycopy(_cfgLineSeparator, 0, _outputBuffer, _outputTail, _cfgLineSeparatorLength); _outputTail += _cfgLineSeparatorLength; } /* /********************************************************** /* Writer API, writes via buffered values /********************************************************** */ protected void appendValue(String value) throws IOException { if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { appendColumnSeparator(); } /* First: determine if we need quotes; simple heuristics; * only check for short Strings, stop if something found */ final int len = value.length(); if (_cfgAlwaysQuoteStrings || _mayNeedQuotes(value, len)) { if (_cfgEscapeCharacter > 0) { _writeQuotedAndEscaped(value, (char) _cfgEscapeCharacter); } else { _writeQuoted(value); } } else { writeRaw(value); } } protected void appendRawValue(String value) throws IOException { if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { appendColumnSeparator(); } writeRaw(value); } protected void appendValue(int value) throws IOException { // up to 10 digits and possible minus sign, leading comma if ((_outputTail + 12) > _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } _outputTail = NumberOutput.outputInt(value, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); } protected void appendValue(long value) throws IOException { // up to 20 digits, minus sign, leading comma if ((_outputTail + 22) > _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } _outputTail = NumberOutput.outputLong(value, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); } protected void appendValue(float value) throws IOException { String str = NumberOutput.toString(value); final int len = str.length(); if ((_outputTail + len) >= _outputEnd) { // >= to include possible comma too _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } writeRaw(str); } protected void appendValue(double value) throws IOException { String str = NumberOutput.toString(value); final int len = str.length(); if ((_outputTail + len) >= _outputEnd) { // >= to include possible comma too _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } writeRaw(str); } protected void appendValue(boolean value) throws IOException { _append(value ? TRUE_CHARS : FALSE_CHARS); } protected void appendNull() throws IOException { _append(_cfgNullValue); } protected void _append(char[] ch) throws IOException { final int len = ch.length; if ((_outputTail + len) >= _outputEnd) { // >= to include possible comma too _flushBuffer(); } if (_nextColumnToWrite > 0) { _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } if (len > 0) { System.arraycopy(ch, 0, _outputBuffer, _outputTail, len); } _outputTail += len; } protected void appendColumnSeparator() throws IOException { if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgColumnSeparator; } /* /********************************************************** /* Output methods, unprocessed ("raw") /********************************************************** */ public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException { // Nothing to check, can just output as is int len = text.length(); int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail; if (room == 0) { _flushBuffer(); room = _outputEnd - _outputTail; } // But would it nicely fit in? If yes, it's easy if (room >= len) { text.getChars(0, len, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); _outputTail += len; } else { writeRawLong(text); } } public void writeRaw(String text, int start, int len) throws IOException { // Nothing to check, can just output as is int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail; if (room < len) { _flushBuffer(); room = _outputEnd - _outputTail; } // But would it nicely fit in? If yes, it's easy if (room >= len) { text.getChars(start, start+len, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); _outputTail += len; } else { writeRawLong(text.substring(start, start+len)); } } public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { // Only worth buffering if it's a short write? if (len < SHORT_WRITE) { int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail; if (len > room) { _flushBuffer(); } System.arraycopy(text, offset, _outputBuffer, _outputTail, len); _outputTail += len; return; } // Otherwise, better just pass through: _flushBuffer(); _out.write(text, offset, len); } public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException { if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = c; } private void writeRawLong(String text) throws IOException { int room = _outputEnd - _outputTail; // If not, need to do it by looping text.getChars(0, room, _outputBuffer, _outputTail); _outputTail += room; _flushBuffer(); int offset = room; int len = text.length() - room; while (len > _outputEnd) { int amount = _outputEnd; text.getChars(offset, offset+amount, _outputBuffer, 0); _outputTail = amount; _flushBuffer(); offset += amount; len -= amount; } // And last piece (at most length of buffer) text.getChars(offset, offset+len, _outputBuffer, 0); _outputTail = len; } /* /********************************************************** /* Output methods, with quoting and escaping /********************************************************** */ public void _writeQuoted(String text) throws IOException { final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } // NOTE: caller should guarantee quote char is valid (not -1) at this point: final char q = (char) _cfgQuoteCharacter; _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q; // simple case: if we have enough room, no need for boundary checks final int len = text.length(); if ((_outputTail + len + len) >= _outputEnd) { _writeLongQuoted(text, q); return; } // 22-Jan-2015, tatu: Common case is that of no quoting needed, so let's // make a speculative copy, then scan // 06-Nov-2015, tatu: Not sure if copy actually improves perf; it did with // older JVMs (1.5 at least), but not sure about 1.8 and later final char[] buf = _outputBuffer; int ptr = _outputTail; text.getChars(0, len, buf, ptr); final int end = ptr+len; for (; ptr < end; ++ptr) { char c = buf[ptr]; // see if any of the characters need escaping. // if yes, fall back to the more convoluted write method if ((c == q) || (c < escLen && escCodes[c] != 0)) { break; // for } } if (ptr == end) { // all good, no quoting or escaping! _outputBuffer[ptr] = q; _outputTail = ptr+1; } else { // doh. do need quoting _writeQuoted(text, q, ptr - _outputTail); } } protected void _writeQuoted(String text, char q, int i) throws IOException { final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; final char[] buf = _outputBuffer; _outputTail += i; final int len = text.length(); for (; i < len; ++i) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c < escLen) { int escCode = escCodes[c]; if (escCode != 0) { // for escape control and double quotes, c will be 0 _appendCharacterEscape(c, escCode); continue; // for } } if (c == q) { // double up if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } buf[_outputTail++] = _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar; // this will be the quote } if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } buf[_outputTail++] = c; } if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } buf[_outputTail++] = q; } private final void _writeLongQuoted(String text, char q) throws IOException { final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; final int len = text.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } char c = text.charAt(i); if (c < escLen) { int escCode = escCodes[c]; if (escCode != 0) { // for escape control and double quotes, c will be 0 _appendCharacterEscape(c, escCode); continue; // for } } if (c == q) { // double up _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar; if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = c; } if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q; } public void _writeQuotedAndEscaped(String text, char esc) throws IOException { final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } // NOTE: caller should guarantee quote char is valid (not -1) at this point: final char q = (char) _cfgQuoteCharacter; _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q; final int len = text.length(); if ((_outputTail + len + len) >= _outputEnd) { _writeLongQuotedAndEscaped(text, esc); return; } final char[] buf = _outputBuffer; int ptr = _outputTail; text.getChars(0, len, buf, ptr); final int end = ptr+len; for (; ptr < end; ++ptr) { char c = buf[ptr]; if ((c == q) || (c == esc) || (c < escLen && escCodes[c] != 0)) { break; } } if (ptr == end) { // all good, no quoting or escaping! _outputBuffer[ptr] = q; _outputTail = ptr+1; } else { // quoting AND escaping _writeQuotedAndEscaped(text, q, esc, ptr - _outputTail); } } protected void _writeQuotedAndEscaped(String text, char q, char esc, int i) throws IOException { final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; final char[] buf = _outputBuffer; _outputTail += i; final int len = text.length(); for (; i < len; ++i) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c < escLen) { int escCode = escCodes[c]; if (escCode != 0) { // for escape control and double quotes, c will be 0 _appendCharacterEscape(c, escCode); continue; // for } } if (c == q) { // double up if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar; } else if (c == esc) { // double up if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgControlCharEscapeChar; } if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } buf[_outputTail++] = c; } if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } buf[_outputTail++] = q; } private final void _writeLongQuotedAndEscaped(String text, char esc) throws IOException { final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; final int len = text.length(); // NOTE: caller should guarantee quote char is valid (not -1) at this point: final char q = (char) _cfgQuoteCharacter; // 23-Sep-2020, tatu: Why was this defined but not used? Commented out in 2.11.3 // final char quoteEscape = _cfgEscapeQuoteCharWithEscapeChar ? esc : q; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } char c = text.charAt(i); if (c < escLen) { int escCode = escCodes[c]; if (escCode != 0) { // for escape control and double quotes, c will be 0 _appendCharacterEscape(c, escCode); continue; // for } } if (c == q) { // double up _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar; if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } } else if (c == esc) { // double up _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgControlCharEscapeChar; if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = c; } if (_outputTail >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = q; } /* /********************************************************** /* Writer API, state changes /********************************************************** */ public void flush(boolean flushStream) throws IOException { _flushBuffer(); if (flushStream) { _out.flush(); } } public void close(boolean autoClose, boolean flushStream) throws IOException { _flushBuffer(); if (autoClose) { _out.close(); } else if (flushStream) { // If we can't close it, we should at least flush _out.flush(); } // Internal buffer(s) generator has can now be released as well _releaseBuffers(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods /********************************************************** */
Helper method that determines whether given String is likely to require quoting; check tries to optimize for speed.
/** * Helper method that determines whether given String is likely * to require quoting; check tries to optimize for speed. */
protected boolean _mayNeedQuotes(String value, int length) { // 21-Mar-2014, tatu: If quoting disabled, don't quote if (_cfgQuoteCharacter < 0) { return false; } // may skip checks unless we want exact checking if (_cfgOptimalQuoting) { if (_cfgEscapeCharacter > 0) { return _needsQuotingStrict(value, _cfgEscapeCharacter); } return _needsQuotingStrict(value); } if (length > _cfgMaxQuoteCheckChars) { return true; } if (_cfgEscapeCharacter > 0) { return _needsQuotingLoose(value, _cfgEscapeCharacter); } if (_cfgAlwaysQuoteEmptyStrings && length == 0) { return true; } return _needsQuotingLoose(value); }

NOTE: final since checking is not expected to be changed here; override calling method (_mayNeedQuotes) instead, if necessary.

/** *<p> * NOTE: final since checking is not expected to be changed here; override * calling method (<code>_mayNeedQuotes</code>) instead, if necessary. * * @since 2.4 */
protected final boolean _needsQuotingLoose(String value) { char esc1 = _cfgQuoteCharEscapeChar; char esc2 = _cfgControlCharEscapeChar; for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; ++i) { char c = value.charAt(i); if ((c < _cfgMinSafeChar) || (c == esc1) || (c == esc2)) { return true; } } return false; } protected final boolean _needsQuotingLoose(String value, int esc) { for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; ++i) { int ch = value.charAt(i); if ((ch < _cfgMinSafeChar) || (ch == esc)) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * @since 2.4 */
protected boolean _needsQuotingStrict(String value) { final int minSafe = _cfgMinSafeChar; final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; // 23-Sep-2020, tatu: [dataformats-text#217] Must also ensure line separator // leads to quoting final int lfFirst = (_cfgLineSeparatorLength == 0) ? 0 : _cfgLineSeparator[0]; for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; ++i) { int c = value.charAt(i); if (c < minSafe) { if (c == _cfgColumnSeparator || c == _cfgQuoteCharacter || (c < escLen && escCodes[c] != 0) || (c == lfFirst) // 31-Dec-2014, tatu: Comment lines start with # so quote if starts with # || (c == '#' && i == 0)) { return true; } } } return false; }
/** * @since 2.7 */
protected boolean _needsQuotingStrict(String value, int esc) { final int minSafe = _cfgMinSafeChar; final int[] escCodes = _outputEscapes; final int escLen = escCodes.length; // 23-Sep-2020, tatu: [dataformats-text#217] Must also ensure line separator // leads to quoting final int lfFirst = (_cfgLineSeparatorLength == 0) ? 0 : _cfgLineSeparator[0]; for (int i = 0, len = value.length(); i < len; ++i) { int c = value.charAt(i); if (c < minSafe) { if (c == _cfgColumnSeparator || c == _cfgQuoteCharacter || (c < escLen && escCodes[c] != 0) || (c == lfFirst) // 31-Dec-2014, tatu: Comment lines start with # so quote if starts with # || (c == '#' && i == 0)) { return true; } } else if (c == esc) { return true; } } return false; } protected void _buffer(int index, BufferedValue v) { _lastBuffered = Math.max(_lastBuffered, index); if (index >= _buffered.length) { _buffered = Arrays.copyOf(_buffered, Math.max(index+1, _columnCount)); } _buffered[index] = v; } protected void _flushBuffer() throws IOException { if (_outputTail > 0) { _charsWritten += _outputTail; _out.write(_outputBuffer, 0, _outputTail); _outputTail = 0; } } public void _releaseBuffers() { char[] buf = _outputBuffer; if (buf != null && _bufferRecyclable) { _outputBuffer = null; _ioContext.releaseConcatBuffer(buf); } }
Method called to append escape sequence for given character, at the end of standard output buffer; or if not possible, write out directly.
/** * Method called to append escape sequence for given character, at the * end of standard output buffer; or if not possible, write out directly. */
private void _appendCharacterEscape(char ch, int escCode) throws IOException { if (escCode >= 0) { // \\N (2 char) if ((_outputTail + 2) > _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = _cfgControlCharEscapeChar; _outputBuffer[_outputTail++] = (char) escCode; return; } if ((_outputTail + 5) >= _outputEnd) { _flushBuffer(); } int ptr = _outputTail; char[] buf = _outputBuffer; buf[ptr++] = '\\'; buf[ptr++] = 'u'; // We know it's a control char, so only the last 2 chars are non-0 if (ch > 0xFF) { // beyond 8 bytes int hi = (ch >> 8) & 0xFF; buf[ptr++] = HEX_CHARS[hi >> 4]; buf[ptr++] = HEX_CHARS[hi & 0xF]; ch &= 0xFF; } else { buf[ptr++] = '0'; buf[ptr++] = '0'; } buf[ptr++] = HEX_CHARS[ch >> 4]; buf[ptr++] = HEX_CHARS[ch & 0xF]; _outputTail = ptr; return; } }