package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.FormatSchema;

Simple FormatSchema sub-type that defines properties of a CSV document to read or write. Properties supported currently are:
  • columns (List of ColumnDef) [default: empty List]: Ordered list of columns (which may be empty, see below). Each column has name (mandatory) as well as type (optional; if not defined, defaults to "String"). Note that
  • useHeader (boolean) [default: false]: whether the first line of physical document defines column names (true) or not (false): if enabled, parser will take first-line values to define column names; and generator will output column names as the first line
  • quoteChar (char) [default: double-quote ('")]: character used for quoting values that contain quote characters or linefeeds.
  • columnSeparator (char) [default: comma (',')]: character used to separate values. Other commonly used values include tab ('\t') and pipe ('|')
  • arrayElementSeparator (String) [default: semicolon (";")]: string used to separate array elements.
  • lineSeparator (String) [default: "\n"]: character used to separate data rows. Only used by generator; parser accepts three standard linefeeds ("\r", "\r\n", "\n").
  • escapeChar (int) [default: -1 meaning "none"]: character, if any, used to escape values. Most commonly defined as backslash ('\'). Only used by parser; generator only uses quoting, including doubling up of quotes to indicate quote char itself.
  • skipFirstDataRow (boolean) [default: false]: whether the first data line (either first line of the document, if useHeader=false, or second, if useHeader=true) should be completely ignored by parser. Needed to support CSV-like file formats that include additional non-data content before real data begins (specifically some database dumps do this)
  • nullValue (String) [default: "" (empty String)]: When asked to write Java `null`, this String value will be used instead.
    With 2.6, value will also be recognized during value reads.
  • strictHeaders (boolean) [default: false] (added in Jackson 2.7): whether names of columns defined in the schema MUST match with actual declaration from the header row (if header row handling enabled): if true, they must be and an exception if thrown if order differs: if false, no verification is performed.

Note that schemas without any columns are legal, but if no columns are added, behavior of parser/generator is usually different and content will be exposed as logical Arrays instead of Objects.

There are 4 ways to create CsvSchema instances:

  • Manually build one, using Builder
  • Modify existing schema (using withXxx methods or rebuild for creating Builder)
  • Create schema based on a POJO definition (Class), using CsvMapper methods like CsvMapper.schemaFor(Class<?>).
  • Request that CsvParser reads schema from the first line: enable "useHeader" property for the initial schema, and let parser read column names from the document itself.
/** * Simple {@link FormatSchema} sub-type that defines properties of * a CSV document to read or write. * Properties supported currently are: *<ul> * <li>columns (List of ColumnDef) [default: empty List]: Ordered list of columns (which may be empty, see below). * Each column has name (mandatory) as well as type (optional; if not * defined, defaults to "String"). * Note that * </li> * <li>useHeader (boolean) [default: false]: whether the first line of physical document defines * column names (true) or not (false): if enabled, parser will take * first-line values to define column names; and generator will output * column names as the first line * </li> * <li>quoteChar (char) [default: double-quote ('")]: character used for quoting values * that contain quote characters or linefeeds. * </li> * <li>columnSeparator (char) [default: comma (',')]: character used to separate values. * Other commonly used values include tab ('\t') and pipe ('|') * </li> * <li>arrayElementSeparator (String) [default: semicolon (";")]: string used to separate array elements. * </li> * <li>lineSeparator (String) [default: "\n"]: character used to separate data rows. * Only used by generator; parser accepts three standard linefeeds ("\r", "\r\n", "\n"). * </li> * <li>escapeChar (int) [default: -1 meaning "none"]: character, if any, used to * escape values. Most commonly defined as backslash ('\'). Only used by parser; * generator only uses quoting, including doubling up of quotes to indicate quote char * itself. * </li> * <li>skipFirstDataRow (boolean) [default: false]: whether the first data line (either * first line of the document, if useHeader=false, or second, if useHeader=true) * should be completely ignored by parser. Needed to support CSV-like file formats * that include additional non-data content before real data begins (specifically * some database dumps do this) * </li> * <li>nullValue (String) [default: "" (empty String)]: When asked to write Java `null`, * this String value will be used instead.<br> * With 2.6, value will also be recognized during value reads. * </li> * <li>strictHeaders (boolean) [default: false] (added in Jackson 2.7): whether names of * columns defined in the schema MUST match with actual declaration from * the header row (if header row handling enabled): if true, they must be and * an exception if thrown if order differs: if false, no verification is performed. * </li> * </ul> *<p> * Note that schemas without any columns are legal, but if no columns * are added, behavior of parser/generator is usually different and * content will be exposed as logical Arrays instead of Objects. *<p> * * There are 4 ways to create <code>CsvSchema</code> instances: *<ul> * <li>Manually build one, using {@link Builder} * </li> * <li>Modify existing schema (using <code>withXxx</code> methods * or {@link #rebuild} for creating {@link Builder}) * </li> * <li>Create schema based on a POJO definition (Class), using * {@link CsvMapper} methods like {@link CsvMapper#schemaFor(java.lang.Class)}. * </li> * <li>Request that {@link CsvParser} reads schema from the first line: * enable "useHeader" property for the initial schema, and let parser * read column names from the document itself. * </li> *</ul> */
public class CsvSchema implements FormatSchema, Iterable<CsvSchema.Column>, // since 2.5 { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // 2.5 /* /********************************************************************** /* Constants, feature flags /********************************************************************** */ protected final static int ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER = 0x0001; protected final static int ENCODING_FEATURE_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW = 0x0002; protected final static int ENCODING_FEATURE_ALLOW_COMMENTS = 0x0004; protected final static int ENCODING_FEATURE_REORDER_COLUMNS = 0x0008; protected final static int ENCODING_FEATURE_STRICT_HEADERS = 0x0010; protected final static int DEFAULT_ENCODING_FEATURES = 0; protected final static char[] NO_CHARS = new char[0]; /* /********************************************************************** /* Constants, default settings /********************************************************************** */
Default separator for column values is comma (hence "Comma-Separated Values")
/** * Default separator for column values is comma (hence "Comma-Separated Values") */
public final static char DEFAULT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR = ',';
Default separator for array elements within a column value is semicolon.
/** * Default separator for array elements within a column value is * semicolon. */
public final static String DEFAULT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR = ";";
Marker for the case where no array element separator is used
/** * Marker for the case where no array element separator is used */
public final static String NO_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR = "";
By default no "any properties" (properties for 'extra' columns; ones not specified in schema) are used, so null is used as marker.
/** * By default no "any properties" (properties for 'extra' columns; ones * not specified in schema) are used, so <code>null</code> is used as marker. * * @since 2.7 */
public final static String DEFAULT_ANY_PROPERTY_NAME = null; public final static char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR = '"';
By default, nulls are written as empty Strings (""); and no coercion is performed from any String (higher level databind may, however, coerce Strings into Java nulls). To use automatic coercion on reading, null value must be set explicitly to empty String ("").

NOTE: before 2.6, this value default to empty char[]; changed to Java null in 2.6.

/** * By default, nulls are written as empty Strings (""); and no coercion * is performed from any String (higher level databind may, however, * coerce Strings into Java nulls). * To use automatic coercion on reading, null value must be set explicitly * to empty String (""). *<p> * NOTE: before 2.6, this value default to empty <code>char[]</code>; changed * to Java null in 2.6. */
public final static char[] DEFAULT_NULL_VALUE = null;
By default, no escape character is used -- this is denoted by int value that does not map to a valid character
/** * By default, no escape character is used -- this is denoted by * int value that does not map to a valid character */
public final static int DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHAR = -1; public final static char[] DEFAULT_LINEFEED = "\n".toCharArray(); /* /********************************************************************** /* Constants, other /********************************************************************** */ protected final static Column[] NO_COLUMNS = new Column[0]; /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************************** */
Enumeration that defines optional type indicators that can be passed with schema. If used type is used to determine type of JsonToken that column values are exposed as.
/** * Enumeration that defines optional type indicators that can be passed * with schema. If used type is used to determine type of * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken} * that column values are exposed as. */
public enum ColumnType {
Default type if not explicitly defined; value will be presented as VALUE_STRING by parser, that is, no type-inference is performed, and value is not trimmed.

Note that this type allows coercion into array, if higher level application calls JsonParser.isExpectedStartArrayToken, unlike more explicit types.

/** * Default type if not explicitly defined; value will * be presented as <code>VALUE_STRING</code> by parser, * that is, no type-inference is performed, and value is * not trimmed. *<p> * Note that this type allows coercion into array, if higher * level application calls * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser#isExpectedStartArrayToken}, * unlike more explicit types. */
Value is considered to be a String, except that tokens "null", "true" and "false" are recognized as matching tokens and reported as such; and values are trimmed (leading/trailing white space)
/** * Value is considered to be a String, except that tokens * "null", "true" and "false" are recognized as matching * tokens and reported as such; * and values are trimmed (leading/trailing white space) */
Value should be a number, but literals "null", "true" and "false" are also understood, and an empty String is considered null. Values are also trimmed (leading/trailing white space) Other non-numeric Strings may cause parsing exception.
/** * Value should be a number, but literals "null", "true" and "false" * are also understood, and an empty String is considered null. * Values are also trimmed (leading/trailing white space) * Other non-numeric Strings may cause parsing exception. */
Value is taken to be a number (if it matches valid JSON number formatting rules), literal (null, true or false) or String, depending on best match. Values are also trimmed (leading/trailing white space)
/** * Value is taken to be a number (if it matches valid JSON number * formatting rules), literal (null, true or false) or String, * depending on best match. * Values are also trimmed (leading/trailing white space) */
Value is expected to be a boolean ("true", "false") String, or "null", or empty String (equivalent to null). Values are trimmed (leading/trailing white space). Values other than indicated above may result in an exception.
/** * Value is expected to be a boolean ("true", "false") String, * or "null", or empty String (equivalent to null). * Values are trimmed (leading/trailing white space). * Values other than indicated above may result in an exception. * * @since 2.5 */
Value will be a multi-value sequence, separated by array element separator. Element type itself may be any scalar type (that is, number or String) and will not be optimized. Separator may be overridden on per-column basis.

Note that this type is used for generic concept of multiple values, and not specifically to match Java arrays: data-binding may match such columns to Collections as well, or even other types as necessary.

/** * Value will be a multi-value sequence, separated by array element * separator. Element type itself may be any scalar type (that is, number * or String) and will not be optimized. * Separator may be overridden on per-column basis. *<p> * Note that this type is used for generic concept of multiple values, and * not specifically to match Java arrays: data-binding may match such columns * to {@link java.util.Collection}s as well, or even other types as necessary. * * @since 2.5 */
ARRAY, ; }
Representation of info for a single column
/** * Representation of info for a single column */
public static class Column implements // since 2.4.3 { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public final static Column PLACEHOLDER = new Column(0, ""); private final String _name; private final int _index; private final ColumnType _type;
NOTE: type changed from `char` to `java.lang.String` in 2.7
/** * NOTE: type changed from `char` to `java.lang.String` in 2.7 * * @since 2.5 */
private final String _arrayElementSeparator;
Link to the next column within schema, if one exists; null for the last column.
/** * Link to the next column within schema, if one exists; * null for the last column. * * @since 2.6 */
private final Column _next; public Column(int index, String name) { this(index, name, ColumnType.STRING, ""); } public Column(int index, String name, ColumnType type) { this(index, name, type, ""); }
Deprecated:use variant where `arrayElementSep` is String
/** * @deprecated use variant where `arrayElementSep` is <code>String</code> */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public Column(int index, String name, ColumnType type, int arrayElementSep) { this(index, name, type, (arrayElementSep < 0) ? NO_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR : Character.toString((char) arrayElementSep)); } public Column(int index, String name, ColumnType type, String arrayElementSep) { _index = index; _name = name; _type = type; _arrayElementSeparator = _validArrayElementSeparator(arrayElementSep); _next = null; } public Column(Column src, Column next) { this(src, src._index, next); } protected Column(Column src, int index, Column next) { _index = index; _name = src._name; _type = src._type; _arrayElementSeparator = src._arrayElementSeparator; _next = next; } public Column withName(String newName) { if (_name == newName) { return this; } return new Column(_index, newName, _type, _arrayElementSeparator); } public Column withType(ColumnType newType) { if (newType == _type) { return this; } return new Column(_index, _name, newType, _arrayElementSeparator); }
Deprecated:use withArrayElementSeparator(String) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #withArrayElementSeparator(String)} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public Column withElementSeparator(int separator) { return withArrayElementSeparator((separator < 0) ? NO_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR : Character.toString((char) separator)); } public Column withArrayElementSeparator(String separator) { String sep = _validArrayElementSeparator(separator); if (_arrayElementSeparator.equals(sep)) { return this; } return new Column(_index, _name, _type, sep); } public Column withNext(Column next) { if (_next == next) { return this; } return new Column(this, next); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public Column withNext(int index, Column next) { if ((_index == index) && (_next == next)) { return this; } return new Column(this, index, next); } public int getIndex() { return _index; } public String getName() { return _name; } public ColumnType getType() { return _type; } public Column getNext() { return _next; }
Access that returns same as getNext iff name of that column is same as given name
/** * Access that returns same as {@link #getNext} iff name of that * column is same as given name */
public Column getNextWithName(String name) { if (_next != null && name.equals(_next._name)) { return _next; } return null; } public boolean hasName(String n) { return (_name == n) || _name.equals(n); }
/** * @since 2.5 */
public String getArrayElementSeparator() { return _arrayElementSeparator; } public boolean isArray() { return (_type == ColumnType.ARRAY); } }
Class used for building CsvSchema instances.
/** * Class used for building {@link CsvSchema} instances. */
public static class Builder { protected final ArrayList<Column> _columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
Bit-flag for general-purpose on/off features.
/** * Bit-flag for general-purpose on/off features. * * @since 2.5 */
protected int _encodingFeatures = DEFAULT_ENCODING_FEATURES; protected char _columnSeparator = DEFAULT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR; protected String _arrayElementSeparator = DEFAULT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR;
If "any properties" (properties for 'extra' columns; ones not specified in schema) are enabled, they are mapped to this name: leaving it as null disables use of "any properties" (and they are either ignored, or an exception is thrown, depending on other settings); setting it to a non-null String value will expose all extra properties under one specified name.
/** * If "any properties" (properties for 'extra' columns; ones * not specified in schema) are enabled, they are mapped to * this name: leaving it as <code>null</code> disables use of * "any properties" (and they are either ignored, or an exception * is thrown, depending on other settings); setting it to a non-null * String value will expose all extra properties under one specified * name. * * @since 2.7 */
protected String _anyPropertyName = DEFAULT_ANY_PROPERTY_NAME; // note: need to use int to allow -1 for 'none' protected int _quoteChar = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR; // note: need to use int to allow -1 for 'none' protected int _escapeChar = DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHAR; protected char[] _lineSeparator = DEFAULT_LINEFEED;
/** * @since 2.5 */
protected char[] _nullValue = DEFAULT_NULL_VALUE; public Builder() { }
"Copy" constructor which creates builder that has settings of given source schema
/** * "Copy" constructor which creates builder that has settings of * given source schema */
public Builder(CsvSchema src) { for (Column col : src._columns) { _columns.add(col); } _encodingFeatures = src._features; _columnSeparator = src._columnSeparator; _arrayElementSeparator = src._arrayElementSeparator; _quoteChar = src._quoteChar; _escapeChar = src._escapeChar; _lineSeparator = src._lineSeparator; _nullValue = src._nullValue; _anyPropertyName = src._anyPropertyName; }
NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to accidentally add duplicates.
/** * NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to * accidentally add duplicates. */
public Builder addColumn(String name) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name)); }
NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to accidentally add duplicates.
/** * NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to * accidentally add duplicates. */
public Builder addColumn(String name, ColumnType type) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name, type)); }
NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to accidentally add duplicates.
/** * NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to * accidentally add duplicates. */
public Builder addColumn(Column c) { _columns.add(c); return this; }
NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to accidentally add duplicates.
/** * NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to * accidentally add duplicates. * * @since 2.9 */
public Builder addColumns(Iterable<Column> cs) { for (Column c : cs) { _columns.add(c); } return this; }
NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to accidentally add duplicates.
/** * NOTE: does NOT check for duplicate column names so it is possibly to * accidentally add duplicates. * * @since 2.9 */
public Builder addColumns(Iterable<String> names, ColumnType type) { Builder result = this; for (String name : names) { result = addColumn(name, type); } return result; }
NOTE: unlike many other add methods, this method DOES check for, and discard, possible duplicate columns: that is, if this builder already has a column with same name as column to be added, existing column is retained and new column ignored.
/** * NOTE: unlike many other add methods, this method DOES check for, and * discard, possible duplicate columns: that is, if this builder already * has a column with same name as column to be added, existing column * is retained and new column ignored. * * @since 2.9 */
public Builder addColumnsFrom(CsvSchema schema) { Builder result = this; for (Column col : schema) { if (!hasColumn(col.getName())) { result = result.addColumn(col); } } return result; } public Builder addArrayColumn(String name) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name, ColumnType.ARRAY, "")); }
Deprecated:use addArrayColumn(String, String) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #addArrayColumn(String, String)} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public Builder addArrayColumn(String name, int elementSeparator) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name, ColumnType.ARRAY, elementSeparator)); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public Builder addArrayColumn(String name, String elementSeparator) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name, ColumnType.ARRAY, elementSeparator)); } public Builder addNumberColumn(String name) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name, ColumnType.NUMBER)); } public Builder addBooleanColumn(String name) { int index = _columns.size(); return addColumn(new Column(index, name, ColumnType.BOOLEAN)); } public Builder replaceColumn(int index, Column c) { _checkIndex(index); _columns.set(index, c); return this; } public Builder renameColumn(int index, String newName) { _checkIndex(index); _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withName(newName)); return this; }
Helper method called to drop the last collected column name if it is empty: called if {link CsvParser.Feature#ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA} enabled to remove the last entry after being added initially.
/** * Helper method called to drop the last collected column name if * it is empty: called if {link CsvParser.Feature#ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA} * enabled to remove the last entry after being added initially. * * @since 2.11.2 */
public void dropLastColumnIfEmpty() { final int ix = _columns.size() - 1; if (ix >= 0) { if (_columns.get(ix).getName().isEmpty()) { _columns.remove(ix); } } } public Builder setColumnType(int index, ColumnType type) { _checkIndex(index); _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withType(type)); return this; } public Builder removeArrayElementSeparator(int index) { _checkIndex(index); _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withArrayElementSeparator("")); return this; }
Deprecated:use setArrayElementSeparator(String) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #setArrayElementSeparator(String)} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public void setArrayElementSeparator(int index, char sep) { _checkIndex(index); _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withElementSeparator(sep)); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public Builder setArrayElementSeparator(int index, String sep) { _checkIndex(index); _columns.set(index, _columns.get(index).withArrayElementSeparator(sep)); return this; } public Builder setAnyPropertyName(String name) { _anyPropertyName = name; return this; } public Builder clearColumns() { _columns.clear(); return this; } public int size() { return _columns.size(); } public Iterator<Column> getColumns() { return _columns.iterator(); }

NOTE: this method requires linear scan over existing columns so it may be more efficient to use other types of lookups if available (for example, CsvSchema.column(String) has a hash lookup to use).

/** *<p> * NOTE: this method requires linear scan over existing columns * so it may be more efficient to use other types of lookups if * available (for example, {@link CsvSchema#column(String)} has a * hash lookup to use). * * @since 2.9 */
public boolean hasColumn(String name) { for (int i = 0, end = _columns.size(); i < end; ++i) { if (_columns.get(i).getName().equals(name)) { return true; } } return false; }
Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that a header line (first row that contains column names) is to be used for reading and writing or not.
/** * Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that * a header line (first row that contains column names) is to be * used for reading and writing or not. */
public Builder setUseHeader(boolean b) { _feature(ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER, b); return this; }
Use in combination with setUseHeader. When use header flag is is set, this setting will reorder the columns defined in this schema to match the order set by the header.
  • b – Enable / Disable this setting
Returns: This Builder instance
/** * Use in combination with setUseHeader. When use header flag is * is set, this setting will reorder the columns defined in this * schema to match the order set by the header. * * @param b Enable / Disable this setting * @return This Builder instance * * @since 2.7 */
public Builder setReorderColumns(boolean b) { _feature(ENCODING_FEATURE_REORDER_COLUMNS, b); return this; }
Use in combination with setUseHeader. When `strict-headers` is set, encoder will ensure the headers are in the order of the schema; if order differs, an exception is thrown.
  • b – Enable / Disable this setting
Returns:This Builder instance
/** * Use in combination with {@link #setUseHeader}. When `strict-headers` * is set, encoder will ensure the headers are in the order * of the schema; if order differs, an exception is thrown. * * @param b Enable / Disable this setting * @return This Builder instance * * @since 2.7 */
public Builder setStrictHeaders(boolean b) { _feature(ENCODING_FEATURE_STRICT_HEADERS, b); return this; }
Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that the first line that is not a header (if header handling enabled) should be skipped in its entirety.
/** * Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that * the first line that is not a header (if header handling enabled) * should be skipped in its entirety. */
public Builder setSkipFirstDataRow(boolean b) { _feature(ENCODING_FEATURE_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW, b); return this; }
Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that "hash comments" (lines where the first non-whitespace character is '#') are allowed; if so, they will be skipped without processing.
/** * Method for specifying whether Schema should indicate that * "hash comments" (lines where the first non-whitespace character * is '#') are allowed; if so, they will be skipped without processing. * * @since 2.5 */
public Builder setAllowComments(boolean b) { _feature(ENCODING_FEATURE_ALLOW_COMMENTS, b); return this; } protected final void _feature(int feature, boolean state) { _encodingFeatures = state ? (_encodingFeatures | feature) : (_encodingFeatures & ~feature); }
Method for specifying character used to separate column values. Default is comma (',').
/** * Method for specifying character used to separate column * values. * Default is comma (','). */
public Builder setColumnSeparator(char c) { _columnSeparator = c; return this; }
Deprecated:use setArrayElementSeparator(String) instead
/** * @since 2.5 * @deprecated use {@link #setArrayElementSeparator(String)} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public Builder setArrayElementSeparator(char c) { _arrayElementSeparator = Character.toString(c); return this; }
Method for specifying character used to separate array element values. Default value is semicolon (";")
/** * Method for specifying character used to separate array element * values. * Default value is semicolon (";") * * @since 2.7 */
public Builder setArrayElementSeparator(String separator) { _arrayElementSeparator = _validArrayElementSeparator(separator); return this; }
Deprecated:use disableArrayElementSeparator() instead
/** * @since 2.5 * @deprecated use {@link #disableArrayElementSeparator()} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public Builder disableElementSeparator(char c) { return disableArrayElementSeparator(); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public Builder disableArrayElementSeparator() { _arrayElementSeparator = NO_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR; return this; }
Method for specifying character used for optional quoting of values. Default is double-quote ('"').
/** * Method for specifying character used for optional quoting * of values. * Default is double-quote ('"'). */
public Builder setQuoteChar(char c) { _quoteChar = c; return this; }
/** * @since 2.4 */
public Builder disableQuoteChar() { _quoteChar = -1; return this; }
Method for specifying character used for optional escaping of characters in quoted String values. Default is "not used", meaning that no escaping used.
/** * Method for specifying character used for optional escaping * of characters in quoted String values. * Default is "not used", meaning that no escaping used. */
public Builder setEscapeChar(char c) { _escapeChar = c; return this; }
Method for specifying that no escape character is to be used with CSV documents this schema defines.
/** * Method for specifying that no escape character is to be used * with CSV documents this schema defines. */
public Builder disableEscapeChar() { _escapeChar = -1; return this; } public Builder setLineSeparator(String lf) { _lineSeparator = lf.toCharArray(); return this; } public Builder setLineSeparator(char lf) { _lineSeparator = new char[] { lf }; return this; } public Builder setNullValue(String nvl) { return setNullValue((nvl == null) ? null : nvl.toCharArray()); } public Builder setNullValue(char[] nvl) { _nullValue = nvl; return this; } public CsvSchema build() { Column[] cols = _columns.toArray(new Column[_columns.size()]); return new CsvSchema(cols, _encodingFeatures, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _anyPropertyName); } protected void _checkIndex(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= _columns.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal index "+index+"; only got "+_columns.size()+" columns"); } } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration, construction /********************************************************************** */
Column definitions, needed for optional header and/or mapping of field names to column positions.
/** * Column definitions, needed for optional header and/or mapping * of field names to column positions. */
protected final Column[] _columns; protected final Map<String,Column> _columnsByName;
Bitflag for general-purpose on/off features.
/** * Bitflag for general-purpose on/off features. * * @since 2.5 */
protected int _features = DEFAULT_ENCODING_FEATURES; protected final char _columnSeparator; protected final String _arrayElementSeparator; protected final int _quoteChar; protected final int _escapeChar; protected final char[] _lineSeparator;
/** * @since 2.5 */
protected final char[] _nullValue; protected transient String _nullValueAsString;
If "any properties" (properties for 'extra' columns; ones not specified in schema) are enabled, they are mapped to this name: leaving it as null disables use of "any properties" (and they are either ignored, or an exception is thrown, depending on other settings); setting it to a non-null String value will expose all extra properties under one specified name.
/** * If "any properties" (properties for 'extra' columns; ones * not specified in schema) are enabled, they are mapped to * this name: leaving it as <code>null</code> disables use of * "any properties" (and they are either ignored, or an exception * is thrown, depending on other settings); setting it to a non-null * String value will expose all extra properties under one specified * name. * * @since 2.7 */
protected final String _anyPropertyName;
Deprecated:use CsvSchema(Column[], int, char, int, int, char[], String, char[], String) instead
/** * @deprecated use {@link #CsvSchema(Column[], int, char, int, int, char[], String, char[], String)} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove from 2.8 public CsvSchema(Column[] columns, int features, char columnSeparator, int quoteChar, int escapeChar, char[] lineSeparator, int arrayElementSeparator, char[] nullValue) { this(columns, features, columnSeparator, quoteChar, escapeChar, lineSeparator, arrayElementSeparator == -1 ? "" : Character.toString((char) arrayElementSeparator), nullValue, DEFAULT_ANY_PROPERTY_NAME); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public CsvSchema(Column[] columns, int features, char columnSeparator, int quoteChar, int escapeChar, char[] lineSeparator, String arrayElementSeparator, char[] nullValue, String anyPropertyName) { if (columns == null) { columns = NO_COLUMNS; } else { columns = _link(columns); } _columns = columns; _features = features; _columnSeparator = columnSeparator; _arrayElementSeparator = arrayElementSeparator; _quoteChar = quoteChar; _escapeChar = escapeChar; _lineSeparator = lineSeparator; _nullValue = nullValue; _anyPropertyName = anyPropertyName; // and then we may need to create a mapping if (_columns.length == 0) { _columnsByName = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { _columnsByName = new HashMap<String,Column>(4 + _columns.length); for (Column c : _columns) { _columnsByName.put(c.getName(), c); } } }
Copy constructor used for creating variants using withXxx() methods.
/** * Copy constructor used for creating variants using * <code>withXxx()</code> methods. */
protected CsvSchema(Column[] columns, int features, char columnSeparator, int quoteChar, int escapeChar, char[] lineSeparator, String arrayElementSeparator, char[] nullValue, Map<String,Column> columnsByName, String anyPropertyName) { _columns = columns; _features = features; _columnSeparator = columnSeparator; _quoteChar = quoteChar; _escapeChar = escapeChar; _lineSeparator = lineSeparator; _arrayElementSeparator = arrayElementSeparator; _nullValue = nullValue; _columnsByName = columnsByName; _anyPropertyName = anyPropertyName; }
Copy constructor used for creating variants using sortedBy() methods.
/** * Copy constructor used for creating variants using * <code>sortedBy()</code> methods. */
protected CsvSchema(CsvSchema base, Column[] columns) { _columns = _link(columns); _features = base._features; _columnSeparator = base._columnSeparator; _quoteChar = base._quoteChar; _escapeChar = base._escapeChar; _lineSeparator = base._lineSeparator; _arrayElementSeparator = base._arrayElementSeparator; _nullValue = base._nullValue; _anyPropertyName = base._anyPropertyName; // and then we may need to create a mapping if (_columns.length == 0) { _columnsByName = Collections.emptyMap(); } else { _columnsByName = new HashMap<String,Column>(4 + _columns.length); for (Column c : _columns) { _columnsByName.put(c.getName(), c); } } }
Copy constructor used for creating variants for on/off features
/** * Copy constructor used for creating variants for on/off features * * @since 2.5 */
protected CsvSchema(CsvSchema base, int features) { _columns = base._columns; _features = features; _columnSeparator = base._columnSeparator; _quoteChar = base._quoteChar; _escapeChar = base._escapeChar; _lineSeparator = base._lineSeparator; _arrayElementSeparator = base._arrayElementSeparator; _nullValue = base._nullValue; _anyPropertyName = base._anyPropertyName; _columnsByName = base._columnsByName; }
Helper method used for chaining columns together using next-linkage, as well as ensuring that indexes are correct.
/** * Helper method used for chaining columns together using next-linkage, * as well as ensuring that indexes are correct. */
private static Column[] _link(Column[] orig) { int i = orig.length; Column[] result = new Column[i]; Column prev = null; for (; --i >= 0; ) { Column curr = orig[i].withNext(i, prev); result[i] = curr; prev = curr; } return result; } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); }
Accessor for creating a "default" CSV schema instance, with following settings:
  • Does NOT use header line
  • Uses double quotes ('"') for quoting of field values (if necessary)
  • Uses comma (',') as the field separator
  • Uses Unix linefeed ('\n') as row separator
  • Does NOT use any escape characters
  • Does NOT have any columns defined
/** * Accessor for creating a "default" CSV schema instance, with following * settings: *<ul> * <li>Does NOT use header line * </li> * <li>Uses double quotes ('"') for quoting of field values (if necessary) * </li> * <li>Uses comma (',') as the field separator * </li> * <li>Uses Unix linefeed ('\n') as row separator * </li> * <li>Does NOT use any escape characters * </li> * <li>Does NOT have any columns defined * </li> * </ul> */
public static CsvSchema emptySchema() { return builder().build(); }
Helper method for constructing Builder that can be used to create modified schema.
/** * Helper method for constructing Builder that can be used to create modified * schema. */
public Builder rebuild() { return new Builder(this); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Mutant factories /********************************************************************** */ public CsvSchema withUseHeader(boolean state) { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER, state); }
Returns a clone of this instance by changing or setting the column reordering flag
  • state – New value for setting
Returns: A copy of itself, ensuring the setting for the column reordering feature.
/** * Returns a clone of this instance by changing or setting the * column reordering flag * * @param state New value for setting * @return A copy of itself, ensuring the setting for * the column reordering feature. * @since 2.7 */
public CsvSchema withColumnReordering(boolean state) { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_REORDER_COLUMNS, state); }
Returns a clone of this instance by changing or setting the strict headers flag
  • state – New value for setting
Returns: A copy of itself, ensuring the setting for the strict headers feature.
/** * Returns a clone of this instance by changing or setting the * strict headers flag * * @param state New value for setting * @return A copy of itself, ensuring the setting for * the strict headers feature. * @since 2.7 */
public CsvSchema withStrictHeaders(boolean state) { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_STRICT_HEADERS, state); }
Helper method for constructing and returning schema instance that is similar to this one, except that it will be using header line.
/** * Helper method for constructing and returning schema instance that * is similar to this one, except that it will be using header line. */
public CsvSchema withHeader() { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER, true); }
Helper method for construcing and returning schema instance that is similar to this one, except that it will not be using header line.
/** * Helper method for construcing and returning schema instance that * is similar to this one, except that it will not be using header line. */
public CsvSchema withoutHeader() { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER, false); } public CsvSchema withSkipFirstDataRow(boolean state) { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW, state); }
Method to indicate whether "hash comments" are allowed for document described by this schema.
/** * Method to indicate whether "hash comments" are allowed * for document described by this schema. * * @since 2.5 */
public CsvSchema withAllowComments(boolean state) { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_ALLOW_COMMENTS, state); }
Method to indicate that "hash comments" ARE allowed for document described by this schema.
/** * Method to indicate that "hash comments" ARE allowed * for document described by this schema. * * @since 2.5 */
public CsvSchema withComments() { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_ALLOW_COMMENTS, true); }
Method to indicate that "hash comments" are NOT allowed for document described by this schema.
/** * Method to indicate that "hash comments" are NOT allowed for document * described by this schema. * * @since 2.5 */
public CsvSchema withoutComments() { return _withFeature(ENCODING_FEATURE_ALLOW_COMMENTS, false); } protected CsvSchema _withFeature(int feature, boolean state) { int newFeatures = state ? (_features | feature) : (_features & ~feature); return (newFeatures == _features) ? this : new CsvSchema(this, newFeatures); } public CsvSchema withColumnSeparator(char sep) { return (_columnSeparator == sep) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, sep, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); } public CsvSchema withQuoteChar(char c) { return (_quoteChar == c) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, c, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator,_arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); } public CsvSchema withoutQuoteChar() { return (_quoteChar == -1) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, -1, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); } public CsvSchema withEscapeChar(char c) { return (_escapeChar == c) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, c, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); } public CsvSchema withoutEscapeChar() { return (_escapeChar == -1) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, -1, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); }
Deprecated:use withArrayElementSeparator(String) instead
/** * @since 2.5 * @deprecated use {@link #withArrayElementSeparator(String)} instead */
@Deprecated // in 2.7; remove in 2.8 public CsvSchema withArrayElementSeparator(char c) { return withArrayElementSeparator( Character.toString(c)); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public CsvSchema withArrayElementSeparator(String separator) { String sep = separator == null ? "" : separator; return (_arrayElementSeparator.equals(sep)) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, separator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); }
/** * @since 2.5 */
public CsvSchema withoutArrayElementSeparator() { return (_arrayElementSeparator.isEmpty()) ? this : new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, "", _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); } public CsvSchema withLineSeparator(String sep) { return new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, sep.toCharArray(), _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); }
/** * @since 2.5 */
public CsvSchema withNullValue(String nvl) { return new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, (nvl == null) ? null : nvl.toCharArray(), _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); } public CsvSchema withoutColumns() { return new CsvSchema(NO_COLUMNS, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, _anyPropertyName); }
Mutant factory method that will try to combine columns of this schema with those from `toAppend`, starting with columns of this instance, and ignoring duplicates (if any) from argument `toAppend`. All settings aside from column sets are copied from `this` instance.

As with all `withXxx()` methods this method never modifies `this` but either returns it unmodified (if no new columns found from `toAppend`), or constructs a new instance and returns that.

/** * Mutant factory method that will try to combine columns of this schema with those * from `toAppend`, starting with columns of this instance, and ignoring * duplicates (if any) from argument `toAppend`. * All settings aside from column sets are copied from `this` instance. *<p> * As with all `withXxx()` methods this method never modifies `this` but either * returns it unmodified (if no new columns found from `toAppend`), or constructs * a new instance and returns that. * * @since 2.9 */
public CsvSchema withColumnsFrom(CsvSchema toAppend) { int addCount = toAppend.size(); if (addCount == 0) { return this; } Builder b = rebuild(); for (int i = 0; i < addCount; ++i) { Column col = toAppend.column(i); if (column(col.getName()) == null) { b.addColumn(col); } } return; }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public CsvSchema withAnyPropertyName(String name) { return new CsvSchema(_columns, _features, _columnSeparator, _quoteChar, _escapeChar, _lineSeparator, _arrayElementSeparator, _nullValue, _columnsByName, name); }
Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance in which columns are sorted based on names given as argument. Columns not listed in argument will be sorted after those within list, using existing ordering.

For example, schema that has columns:

"a", "d", "c", "b"
ordered with schema.sortedBy("a", "b"); would result instance that columns in order:
"a", "b", "d", "c"
/** * Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance in which columns * are sorted based on names given as argument. Columns not listed in argument * will be sorted after those within list, using existing ordering. *<p> * For example, schema that has columns: *<pre>"a", "d", "c", "b" *</pre> * ordered with <code>schema.sortedBy("a", "b");</code> * would result instance that columns in order: *<pre>"a", "b", "d", "c" *</pre> * * @since 2.4 */
public CsvSchema sortedBy(String... columnNames) { LinkedHashMap<String,Column> map = new LinkedHashMap<String,Column>(); for (String colName : columnNames) { Column col = _columnsByName.get(colName); if (col != null) { map.put(col.getName(), col); } } for (Column col : _columns) { map.put(col.getName(), col); } return new CsvSchema(this, map.values().toArray(new Column[map.size()])); }
Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance in which columns are sorted using given Comparator over column names.
/** * Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance in which columns * are sorted using given {@link Comparator} over column names. * * @since 2.4 */
public CsvSchema sortedBy(Comparator<String> cmp) { TreeMap<String,Column> map = new TreeMap<String,Column>(cmp); for (Column col : _columns) { map.put(col.getName(), col); } return new CsvSchema(this, map.values().toArray(new Column[map.size()])); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Public API, FormatSchema /********************************************************************** */ @Override public String getSchemaType() { return "CSV"; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Public API, extended, properties /********************************************************************** */ public boolean usesHeader() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER) != 0; } public boolean reordersColumns() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_REORDER_COLUMNS) != 0; } public boolean skipsFirstDataRow() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW) != 0; } public boolean allowsComments() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_ALLOW_COMMENTS) != 0; } public boolean strictHeaders() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_STRICT_HEADERS) != 0; }
Deprecated:Use usesHeader() instead
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #usesHeader()} instead */
@Deprecated // since 2.5 public boolean useHeader() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_USE_HEADER) != 0; }
Deprecated:Use skipsFirstDataRow() instead
/** * @deprecated Use {@link #skipsFirstDataRow()} instead */
@Deprecated // since 2.5 public boolean skipFirstDataRow() { return (_features & ENCODING_FEATURE_SKIP_FIRST_DATA_ROW) != 0; } public char getColumnSeparator() { return _columnSeparator; } public String getArrayElementSeparator() { return _arrayElementSeparator; } public int getQuoteChar() { return _quoteChar; } public int getEscapeChar() { return _escapeChar; } public char[] getLineSeparator() { return _lineSeparator; }
Returns:Null value defined, as char array, if one is defined to be recognized; Java null if not.
/** * @return Null value defined, as char array, if one is defined to be recognized; Java null * if not. * * @since 2.5 */
public char[] getNullValue() { return _nullValue; }
Same as getNullValue() except that undefined null value (one that remains as null, or explicitly set as such) will be returned as empty char[]
/** * Same as {@link #getNullValue()} except that undefined null value (one that remains as <code>null</code>, * or explicitly set as such) will be returned as empty <code>char[]</code> * * @since 2.6 */
public char[] getNullValueOrEmpty() { if (_nullValue == null) { return NO_CHARS; } return _nullValue; }
/** * @since 2.6 */
public String getNullValueString() { String str = _nullValueAsString; if (str == null) { if (_nullValue == null) { return null; } str = (_nullValue.length == 0) ? "" : new String(_nullValue); _nullValueAsString = str; } return str; } public boolean usesQuoteChar() { return _quoteChar >= 0; } public boolean usesEscapeChar() { return _escapeChar >= 0; }
/** * @since 2.5 */
public boolean hasArrayElementSeparator() { return !_arrayElementSeparator.isEmpty(); }
/** * @since 2.7 */
public String getAnyPropertyName() { return _anyPropertyName; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Public API, extended; column access /********************************************************************** */ @Override public Iterator<Column> iterator() { return Arrays.asList(_columns).iterator(); }
Accessor for finding out how many columns this schema defines.
Returns:Number of columns this schema defines
/** * Accessor for finding out how many columns this schema defines. * * @return Number of columns this schema defines */
public int size() { return _columns.length; }
Accessor for column at specified index (0-based); index having to be within
   0 <= index < size()
/** * Accessor for column at specified index (0-based); index having to be within *<pre> * 0 &lt;= index &lt; size() *</pre> */
public Column column(int index) { return _columns[index]; }
/** * @since 2.6 */
public String columnName(int index) { return _columns[index].getName(); } public Column column(String name) { return _columnsByName.get(name); }
Optimized variant where a hint is given as to likely index of the column name.
/** * Optimized variant where a hint is given as to likely index of the column * name. * * @since 2.6 */
public Column column(String name, int probableIndex) { if (probableIndex < _columns.length) { Column col = _columns[probableIndex]; if (col.hasName(name)) { return col; } } return _columnsByName.get(name); }
Method for getting description of column definitions in developer-readable form
/** * Method for getting description of column definitions in * developer-readable form */
public String getColumnDesc() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); for (Column col : _columns) { if (sb.length() == 0) { sb.append('['); } else { sb.append(','); } sb.append('"'); sb.append(col.getName()); sb.append('"'); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Other overrides /********************************************************************** */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(150); sb.append("[CsvSchema: ") .append("columns=["); boolean first = true; for (Column col : _columns) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(','); } sb.append('"'); sb.append(col.getName()); sb.append("\"/"); sb.append(col.getType()); } sb.append(']'); sb.append(", header? ").append(usesHeader()); sb.append(", skipFirst? ").append(skipsFirstDataRow()); sb.append(", comments? ").append(allowsComments()); sb.append(", any-properties? "); String anyProp = getAnyPropertyName(); if (anyProp == null) { sb.append("N/A"); } else { sb.append("as '").append(anyProp).append("'"); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************************** */ protected static String _validArrayElementSeparator(String sep) { if (sep == null || sep.isEmpty()) { return NO_ARRAY_ELEMENT_SEPARATOR; } return sep; } }