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 * $Id: ElemExtensionDecl.java 468643 2006-10-28 06:56:03Z minchau $
package org.apache.xalan.templates;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

import org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExtensionNamespaceSupport;
import org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExtensionNamespacesManager;
import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLMessages;
import org.apache.xalan.res.XSLTErrorResources;
import org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl;
import org.apache.xml.utils.StringVector;

Implement the declaration of an extension element
/** * Implement the declaration of an extension element * @xsl.usage internal */
public class ElemExtensionDecl extends ElemTemplateElement { static final long serialVersionUID = -4692738885172766789L;
Constructor ElemExtensionDecl
/** * Constructor ElemExtensionDecl * */
public ElemExtensionDecl() { // System.out.println("ElemExtensionDecl ctor"); }
Prefix string for this extension element. @serial
/** Prefix string for this extension element. * @serial */
private String m_prefix = null;
Set the prefix for this extension element
  • v – Prefix to set for this extension element
/** * Set the prefix for this extension element * * * @param v Prefix to set for this extension element */
public void setPrefix(String v) { m_prefix = v; }
Get the prefix for this extension element
Returns:Prefix for this extension element
/** * Get the prefix for this extension element * * * @return Prefix for this extension element */
public String getPrefix() { return m_prefix; }
StringVector holding the names of functions defined in this extension. @serial
/** StringVector holding the names of functions defined in this extension. * @serial */
private StringVector m_functions = new StringVector();
Set the names of functions defined in this extension
  • v – StringVector holding the names of functions defined in this extension
/** * Set the names of functions defined in this extension * * * @param v StringVector holding the names of functions defined in this extension */
public void setFunctions(StringVector v) { m_functions = v; }
Get the names of functions defined in this extension
Returns:StringVector holding the names of functions defined in this extension
/** * Get the names of functions defined in this extension * * * @return StringVector holding the names of functions defined in this extension */
public StringVector getFunctions() { return m_functions; }
Get a function at a given index in this extension element
  • i – Index of function to get
Returns:Name of Function at given index
/** * Get a function at a given index in this extension element * * * @param i Index of function to get * * @return Name of Function at given index * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException */
public String getFunction(int i) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { if (null == m_functions) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (String) m_functions.elementAt(i); }
Get count of functions defined in this extension element
Returns:count of functions defined in this extension element
/** * Get count of functions defined in this extension element * * * @return count of functions defined in this extension element */
public int getFunctionCount() { return (null != m_functions) ? m_functions.size() : 0; }
StringVector of elements defined in this extension. @serial
/** StringVector of elements defined in this extension. * @serial */
private StringVector m_elements = null;
Set StringVector of elements for this extension
  • v – StringVector of elements to set
/** * Set StringVector of elements for this extension * * * @param v StringVector of elements to set */
public void setElements(StringVector v) { m_elements = v; }
Get StringVector of elements defined for this extension
Returns:StringVector of elements defined for this extension
/** * Get StringVector of elements defined for this extension * * * @return StringVector of elements defined for this extension */
public StringVector getElements() { return m_elements; }
Get the element at the given index
  • i – Index of element to get
Returns:The element at the given index
/** * Get the element at the given index * * * @param i Index of element to get * * @return The element at the given index * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException */
public String getElement(int i) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { if (null == m_elements) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); return (String) m_elements.elementAt(i); }
Return the count of elements defined for this extension element
Returns:the count of elements defined for this extension element
/** * Return the count of elements defined for this extension element * * * @return the count of elements defined for this extension element */
public int getElementCount() { return (null != m_elements) ? m_elements.size() : 0; }
Get an int constant identifying the type of element.
See Also:
  • Constants
Returns:The token ID for this element
/** * Get an int constant identifying the type of element. * @see org.apache.xalan.templates.Constants * * @return The token ID for this element */
public int getXSLToken() { return Constants.ELEMNAME_EXTENSIONDECL; } public void compose(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws TransformerException { super.compose(sroot); String prefix = getPrefix(); String declNamespace = getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); String lang = null; String srcURL = null; String scriptSrc = null; if (null == declNamespace) throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL, new Object[]{prefix})); //"Prefix " + prefix does not have a corresponding namespace declaration"); for (ElemTemplateElement child = getFirstChildElem(); child != null; child = child.getNextSiblingElem()) { if (Constants.ELEMNAME_EXTENSIONSCRIPT == child.getXSLToken()) { ElemExtensionScript sdecl = (ElemExtensionScript) child; lang = sdecl.getLang(); srcURL = sdecl.getSrc(); ElemTemplateElement childOfSDecl = sdecl.getFirstChildElem(); if (null != childOfSDecl) { if (Constants.ELEMNAME_TEXTLITERALRESULT == childOfSDecl.getXSLToken()) { ElemTextLiteral tl = (ElemTextLiteral) childOfSDecl; char[] chars = tl.getChars(); scriptSrc = new String(chars); if (scriptSrc.trim().length() == 0) scriptSrc = null; } } } } if (null == lang) lang = "javaclass"; if (lang.equals("javaclass") && (scriptSrc != null)) throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED, new Object[]{scriptSrc})); //"Element content not allowed for lang=javaclass " + scriptSrc); // Register the extension namespace if it has not already been registered. ExtensionNamespaceSupport extNsSpt = null; ExtensionNamespacesManager extNsMgr = sroot.getExtensionNamespacesManager(); if (extNsMgr.namespaceIndex(declNamespace, extNsMgr.getExtensions()) == -1) { if (lang.equals("javaclass")) { if (null == srcURL) { extNsSpt = extNsMgr.defineJavaNamespace(declNamespace); } else if (extNsMgr.namespaceIndex(srcURL, extNsMgr.getExtensions()) == -1) { extNsSpt = extNsMgr.defineJavaNamespace(declNamespace, srcURL); } } else // not java { String handler = "org.apache.xalan.extensions.ExtensionHandlerGeneral"; Object [] args = {declNamespace, this.m_elements, this.m_functions, lang, srcURL, scriptSrc, getSystemId()}; extNsSpt = new ExtensionNamespaceSupport(declNamespace, handler, args); } } if (extNsSpt != null) extNsMgr.registerExtension(extNsSpt); }
This function will be called on top-level elements only, just before the transform begins.
  • transformer – The XSLT TransformerFactory.
/** * This function will be called on top-level elements * only, just before the transform begins. * * @param transformer The XSLT TransformerFactory. * * @throws TransformerException */
public void runtimeInit(TransformerImpl transformer) throws TransformerException { /* //System.out.println("ElemExtensionDecl.runtimeInit()"); String lang = null; String srcURL = null; String scriptSrc = null; String prefix = getPrefix(); String declNamespace = getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); if (null == declNamespace) throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_NO_NAMESPACE_DECL, new Object[]{prefix})); //"Prefix " + prefix does not have a corresponding namespace declaration"); for (ElemTemplateElement child = getFirstChildElem(); child != null; child = child.getNextSiblingElem()) { if (Constants.ELEMNAME_EXTENSIONSCRIPT == child.getXSLToken()) { ElemExtensionScript sdecl = (ElemExtensionScript) child; lang = sdecl.getLang(); srcURL = sdecl.getSrc(); ElemTemplateElement childOfSDecl = sdecl.getFirstChildElem(); if (null != childOfSDecl) { if (Constants.ELEMNAME_TEXTLITERALRESULT == childOfSDecl.getXSLToken()) { ElemTextLiteral tl = (ElemTextLiteral) childOfSDecl; char[] chars = tl.getChars(); scriptSrc = new String(chars); if (scriptSrc.trim().length() == 0) scriptSrc = null; } } } } if (null == lang) lang = "javaclass"; if (lang.equals("javaclass") && (scriptSrc != null)) throw new TransformerException(XSLMessages.createMessage(XSLTErrorResources.ER_ELEM_CONTENT_NOT_ALLOWED, new Object[]{scriptSrc})); //"Element content not allowed for lang=javaclass " + scriptSrc); // Instantiate a handler for this extension namespace. ExtensionsTable etable = transformer.getExtensionsTable(); ExtensionHandler nsh = etable.get(declNamespace); // If we have no prior ExtensionHandler for this namespace, we need to // create one. // If the script element is for javaclass, this is our special compiled java. // Element content is not supported for this so we throw an exception if // it is provided. Otherwise, we look up the srcURL to see if we already have // an ExtensionHandler. if (null == nsh) { if (lang.equals("javaclass")) { if (null == srcURL) { nsh = etable.makeJavaNamespace(declNamespace); } else { nsh = etable.get(srcURL); if (null == nsh) { nsh = etable.makeJavaNamespace(srcURL); } } } else // not java { nsh = new ExtensionHandlerGeneral(declNamespace, this.m_elements, this.m_functions, lang, srcURL, scriptSrc, getSystemId()); // System.out.println("Adding NS Handler: declNamespace = "+ // declNamespace+", lang = "+lang+", srcURL = "+ // srcURL+", scriptSrc="+scriptSrc); } etable.addExtensionNamespace(declNamespace, nsh); }*/ } }