package org.testng.internal.annotations;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Map;

import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.IAnnotation;
import org.testng.annotations.IConfigurationAnnotation;
import org.testng.annotations.IDataProviderAnnotation;
import org.testng.annotations.IFactoryAnnotation;
import org.testng.annotations.IParametersAnnotation;
import org.testng.annotations.ITestAnnotation;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.internal.ConstructorOrMethod;
import org.testng.internal.TestNGMethod;
import org.testng.internal.Utils;
import org.testng.internal.reflect.ReflectionHelper;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;

Helper methods to find @Test and @Configuration tags. They minimize the amount of casting we need to do. Created on Dec 20, 2005
/** * Helper methods to find @Test and @Configuration tags. They minimize * the amount of casting we need to do. * * Created on Dec 20, 2005 * @author cbeust */
public class AnnotationHelper { private static final Class[] ALL_ANNOTATIONS = new Class[] { ITestAnnotation.class, IBeforeClass.class, IAfterClass.class, IBeforeMethod.class, IAfterMethod.class, IDataProviderAnnotation.class, IFactoryAnnotation.class, IParametersAnnotation.class, IBeforeSuite.class, IAfterSuite.class, IBeforeTest.class, IAfterTest.class, IBeforeGroups.class, IAfterGroups.class }; private static final Class<? extends IAnnotation>[] CONFIGURATION_CLASSES = new Class[] { IBeforeSuite.class, IAfterSuite.class, IBeforeTest.class, IAfterTest.class, IBeforeGroups.class, IAfterGroups.class, IBeforeClass.class, IAfterClass.class, IBeforeMethod.class, IAfterMethod.class }; private AnnotationHelper() { //Utility class.defeat instantiation. } public static ITestAnnotation findTest(IAnnotationFinder finder, Class<?> cls) { return finder.findAnnotation(cls, ITestAnnotation.class); } public static ITestAnnotation findTest(IAnnotationFinder finder, Method m) { return finder.findAnnotation(m, ITestAnnotation.class); } public static ITestAnnotation findTest(IAnnotationFinder finder, ITestNGMethod m) { return finder.findAnnotation(m, ITestAnnotation.class); } public static IFactoryAnnotation findFactory(IAnnotationFinder finder, Method m) { return finder.findAnnotation(m, IFactoryAnnotation.class); } public static IFactoryAnnotation findFactory(IAnnotationFinder finder, Constructor c) { return finder.findAnnotation(c, IFactoryAnnotation.class); } public static ITestAnnotation findTest(IAnnotationFinder finder, Constructor ctor) { return finder.findAnnotation(ctor, ITestAnnotation.class); } public static IConfigurationAnnotation findConfiguration(IAnnotationFinder finder, ConstructorOrMethod m) { IConfigurationAnnotation result = null; IConfigurationAnnotation bs = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IBeforeSuite.class); IConfigurationAnnotation as = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IAfterSuite.class); IConfigurationAnnotation bt = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IBeforeTest.class); IConfigurationAnnotation at = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IAfterTest.class); IConfigurationAnnotation bg = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IBeforeGroups.class); IConfigurationAnnotation ag = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IAfterGroups.class); IConfigurationAnnotation bc = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IBeforeClass.class); IConfigurationAnnotation ac = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IAfterClass.class); IConfigurationAnnotation bm = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IBeforeMethod.class); IConfigurationAnnotation am = (IConfigurationAnnotation) finder.findAnnotation(m, IAfterMethod.class); if (bs != null || as != null || bt != null || at != null || bg != null || ag != null || bc != null || ac != null || bm != null || am != null) { result = createConfiguration(bs, as, bt, at, bg, ag, bc, ac, bm, am); } return result; } public static IConfigurationAnnotation findConfiguration(IAnnotationFinder finder, Constructor ctor) { return findConfiguration(finder, new ConstructorOrMethod(ctor)); } public static IConfigurationAnnotation findConfiguration(IAnnotationFinder finder, Method m) { return findConfiguration(finder, new ConstructorOrMethod(m)); } private static IConfigurationAnnotation createConfiguration(IConfigurationAnnotation bs, IConfigurationAnnotation as, IConfigurationAnnotation bt, IConfigurationAnnotation at, IConfigurationAnnotation bg, IConfigurationAnnotation ag, IConfigurationAnnotation bc, IConfigurationAnnotation ac, IConfigurationAnnotation bm, IConfigurationAnnotation am) { ConfigurationAnnotation result = new ConfigurationAnnotation(); if (bs != null) { result.setBeforeSuite(true); finishInitialize(result, bs); } if (as != null) { result.setAfterSuite(true); finishInitialize(result, as); } if (bt != null) { result.setBeforeTest(true); finishInitialize(result, bt); } if (at != null) { result.setAfterTest(true); finishInitialize(result, at); } if (bg != null) { result.setBeforeGroups(bg.getBeforeGroups()); finishInitialize(result, bg); } if (ag != null) { result.setAfterGroups(ag.getAfterGroups()); finishInitialize(result, ag); } if (bc != null) { result.setBeforeTestClass(true); finishInitialize(result, bc); } if (ac != null) { result.setAfterTestClass(true); finishInitialize(result, ac); } if (bm != null) { result.setBeforeTestMethod(true); finishInitialize(result, bm); } if (am != null) { result.setAfterTestMethod(true); finishInitialize(result, am); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"}) private static void finishInitialize(ConfigurationAnnotation result, IConfigurationAnnotation bs) { result.setFakeConfiguration(true); result.setAlwaysRun(bs.getAlwaysRun()); result.setDependsOnGroups(bs.getDependsOnGroups()); result.setDependsOnMethods(bs.getDependsOnMethods()); result.setDescription(bs.getDescription()); result.setEnabled(bs.getEnabled()); result.setGroups(bs.getGroups()); result.setInheritGroups(bs.getInheritGroups()); result.setParameters(bs.getParameters()); result.setTimeOut(bs.getTimeOut()); } public static Class[] getAllAnnotations() { return ALL_ANNOTATIONS; }
Delegation method for creating the list of ITestMethods to be analysed.
/** * Delegation method for creating the list of <CODE>ITestMethod</CODE>s to be * analysed. */
public static ITestNGMethod[] findMethodsWithAnnotation(Class<?> rootClass, Class<? extends IAnnotation> annotationClass, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, XmlTest xmlTest) { // Keep a map of the methods we saw so that we ignore a method in a superclass if it's // already been seen in a child class Map<String, ITestNGMethod> vResult = Maps.newHashMap(); try { vResult = Maps.newHashMap(); // Class[] classes = rootClass.getTestClasses(); Class<?> cls = rootClass; // // If the annotation is on the class or superclass, it applies to all public methods // except methods marked with @Configuration // // // Otherwise walk through all the methods and keep those // that have the annotation // // for (Class<?> cls : classes) { while (null != cls) { boolean hasClassAnnotation = isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, cls, annotationClass); Method[] methods = ReflectionHelper.getLocalMethods(cls); for (Method m : methods) { boolean hasMethodAnnotation = isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, m, annotationClass); boolean hasTestNGAnnotation = isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, m, IFactoryAnnotation.class) || isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, m, ITestAnnotation.class) || isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, m, CONFIGURATION_CLASSES); boolean isPublic = Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()); boolean isSynthetic = m.isSynthetic(); if ((isPublic && hasClassAnnotation && !isSynthetic && (! hasTestNGAnnotation)) || hasMethodAnnotation) { // Small hack to allow users to specify @Configuration classes even though // a class-level @Test annotation is present. In this case, don't count // that method as a @Test if (isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, m, IConfigurationAnnotation.class) && isAnnotationPresent(annotationFinder, cls, ITestAnnotation.class)) { Utils.log("", 3, "Method " + m + " has a configuration annotation" + " and a class-level @Test. This method will only be kept as a" + " configuration method."); continue; } // Skip the method if it has a return type if (m.getReturnType() != void.class && ! xmlTest.getAllowReturnValues()) { Utils.log("", 2, "Method " + m + " has a @Test annotation" + " but also a return value:" + " ignoring it. Use <suite allow-return-values=\"true\"> to fix this"); continue; } String key = createMethodKey(m); if (null == vResult.get(key)) { ITestNGMethod tm = new TestNGMethod(/* m.getDeclaringClass(), */ m, annotationFinder, xmlTest, null); /* @@@ */ vResult.put(key,tm); } } } // for // Now explore the superclass cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } // while } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return vResult.values().toArray(new ITestNGMethod[vResult.size()]); } public static <A extends Annotation> A findAnnotationSuperClasses(Class<A> annotationClass, Class parameterClass) { Class c = parameterClass; while (c != null) { Annotation result = c.getAnnotation(annotationClass); if (result != null) { return (A) result; } else { c = c.getSuperclass(); } } return null; } private static boolean isAnnotationPresent(IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, Method m, Class[] annotationClasses) { for (Class a : annotationClasses) { if (annotationFinder.findAnnotation(m, a) != null) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isAnnotationPresent(IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, Method m, Class<? extends IAnnotation> annotationClass) { if (!annotationClass.equals(IConfigurationAnnotation.class)) { return annotationFinder.findAnnotation(m, annotationClass) != null; } boolean found = false; for (Class clazz : CONFIGURATION_CLASSES) { if (annotationFinder.findAnnotation(m, clazz) != null) { found = true; break; } } return found; } private static boolean isAnnotationPresent(IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, Class<?> cls, Class<? extends IAnnotation> annotationClass) { return annotationFinder.findAnnotation(cls, annotationClass) != null; }
Returns:A hashcode representing the name of this method and its parameters, but without its class
/** * @return A hashcode representing the name of this method and its parameters, * but without its class */
private static String createMethodKey(Method m) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(m.getName()); for (Class paramClass : m.getParameterTypes()) { result.append(' ').append(paramClass.toString()); } return result.toString(); } }