 * All content copyright Terracotta, Inc., unless otherwise indicated.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.terracotta.statistics.derived.latency;

import org.terracotta.statistics.observer.ChainedEventObserver;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import static org.terracotta.statistics.Time.time;

Author:cdennis, Mathieu Carbou
/** * @author cdennis * @author Mathieu Carbou */
public class LatencySimpleMovingAverage implements ChainedEventObserver, LatencyStatistic { private static final int PARTITION_COUNT = 10; private final Queue<LatencyPeriodAccumulator> archive = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final AtomicReference<LatencyPeriodAccumulator> activePartition; private final long windowSize; private final long partitionSize; public LatencySimpleMovingAverage(long time, TimeUnit unit) { this(time, unit, PARTITION_COUNT); } public LatencySimpleMovingAverage(long time, TimeUnit unit, int partitionCount) { this.windowSize = unit.toNanos(time); this.partitionSize = windowSize / partitionCount; this.activePartition = new AtomicReference<>(new LatencyPeriodAccumulator(Long.MIN_VALUE, partitionSize)); } @Override public final double average() { long startTime = time() - windowSize; LatencyPeriodAccumulator current = activePartition.get(); if (current.isBefore(startTime)) { return Double.NaN; } else { long total = current.accumulator().total(); long count = current.accumulator().count(); for (Iterator<LatencyPeriodAccumulator> it = archive.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { LatencyPeriodAccumulator partition = it.next(); if (partition == current) { break; } else if (partition.isBefore(startTime)) { it.remove(); } else { total += partition.accumulator().total(); count += partition.accumulator().count(); } } return ((double) total) / count; } } @Override public final Long maximum() { long startTime = time() - windowSize; LatencyPeriodAccumulator current = activePartition.get(); if (current.isBefore(startTime)) { return null; } else { long maximum = current.maximum(); for (Iterator<LatencyPeriodAccumulator> it = archive.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { LatencyPeriodAccumulator partition = it.next(); if (partition == current) { break; } else if (partition.isBefore(startTime)) { it.remove(); } else { maximum = Math.max(maximum, partition.maximum()); } } return maximum; } } @Override public final Long minimum() { long startTime = time() - windowSize; LatencyPeriodAccumulator current = activePartition.get(); if (current.isBefore(startTime)) { return null; } else { long minimum = current.minimum(); for (Iterator<LatencyPeriodAccumulator> it = archive.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { LatencyPeriodAccumulator partition = it.next(); if (partition == current) { break; } else if (partition.isBefore(startTime)) { it.remove(); } else { minimum = Math.min(minimum, partition.minimum()); } } return minimum; } } @Override public void event(long timeNs, long latencyNs) { while (true) { LatencyPeriodAccumulator partition = activePartition.get(); if (partition.tryAccumulate(timeNs, latencyNs)) { return; } else { if (activePartition.compareAndSet(partition, new LatencyPeriodAccumulator(timeNs, partitionSize, latencyNs))) { archive(partition); return; } } } } private void archive(LatencyPeriodAccumulator partition) { archive.add(partition); long startTime = partition.end() - windowSize; for (LatencyPeriodAccumulator earliest = archive.peek(); earliest != null && earliest.isBefore(startTime); earliest = archive.peek()) { if (archive.remove(earliest)) { break; } } } }