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package javafx.scene.control.skin;

import com.sun.javafx.scene.ParentHelper;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.Properties;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.BehaviorBase;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.traversal.ParentTraversalEngine;
import javafx.animation.Animation.Status;
import javafx.animation.KeyFrame;
import javafx.animation.KeyValue;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.DoublePropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.event.EventDispatcher;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.BoundingBox;
import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
import javafx.geometry.Orientation;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Control;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy;
import javafx.scene.control.SkinBase;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.TouchEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.util.Duration;
import com.sun.javafx.util.Utils;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.behavior.ScrollPaneBehavior;
import static com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.Utils.*;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;

import java.util.function.Consumer;

Default skin implementation for the ScrollPane control.
See Also:
/** * Default skin implementation for the {@link ScrollPane} control. * * @see ScrollPane * @since 9 */
public class ScrollPaneSkin extends SkinBase<ScrollPane> {
* Static fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Static fields * * * **************************************************************************/
private static final double DEFAULT_PREF_SIZE = 100.0; private static final double DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE = 36.0; private static final double DEFAULT_SB_BREADTH = 12.0; private static final double DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_SB_BREADTH = 8.0; private static final double PAN_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
* Private fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private fields * * * **************************************************************************/
// state from the control private Node scrollNode; private final BehaviorBase<ScrollPane> behavior; private double nodeWidth; private double nodeHeight; private boolean nodeSizeInvalid = true; private double posX; private double posY; // working state private boolean hsbvis; private boolean vsbvis; private double hsbHeight; private double vsbWidth; // substructure private StackPane viewRect; private StackPane viewContent; private double contentWidth; private double contentHeight; private StackPane corner; ScrollBar hsb; ScrollBar vsb; double pressX; double pressY; double ohvalue; double ovvalue; private Cursor saveCursor = null; private boolean dragDetected = false; private boolean touchDetected = false; private boolean mouseDown = false; Rectangle clipRect; Timeline sbTouchTimeline; KeyFrame sbTouchKF1; KeyFrame sbTouchKF2; Timeline contentsToViewTimeline; KeyFrame contentsToViewKF1; KeyFrame contentsToViewKF2; KeyFrame contentsToViewKF3; private boolean tempVisibility;
* Listeners * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Listeners * * * **************************************************************************/
private final InvalidationListener nodeListener = new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable valueModel) { if (!nodeSizeInvalid) { final Bounds scrollNodeBounds = scrollNode.getLayoutBounds(); final double scrollNodeWidth = scrollNodeBounds.getWidth(); final double scrollNodeHeight = scrollNodeBounds.getHeight(); /* ** if the new size causes scrollbar visibility to change, then need to relayout ** we also need to correct the thumb size when the scrollnode's size changes */ if (vsbvis != determineVerticalSBVisible() || hsbvis != determineHorizontalSBVisible() || (scrollNodeWidth != 0.0 && nodeWidth != scrollNodeWidth) || (scrollNodeHeight != 0.0 && nodeHeight != scrollNodeHeight)) { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } else { /** * we just need to update scrollbars based on new scrollNode size, * but we don't do this while dragging, there's no need, * and it jumps, as dragging updates the scrollbar too. */ if (!dragDetected) { updateVerticalSB(); updateHorizontalSB(); } } } } }; /* ** The content of the ScrollPane has just changed bounds, check scrollBar positions. */ private final ChangeListener<Bounds> boundsChangeListener = new ChangeListener<Bounds>() { @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Bounds> observable, Bounds oldBounds, Bounds newBounds) { /* ** For a height change then we want to reduce ** viewport vertical jumping as much as possible. ** We set a new vsb value to try to keep the same ** content position at the top of the viewport */ double oldHeight = oldBounds.getHeight(); double newHeight = newBounds.getHeight(); if (oldHeight > 0 && oldHeight != newHeight) { double oldPositionY = (snapPositionY(snappedTopInset() - posY / (vsb.getMax() - vsb.getMin()) * (oldHeight - contentHeight))); double newPositionY = (snapPositionY(snappedTopInset() - posY / (vsb.getMax() - vsb.getMin()) * (newHeight - contentHeight))); double newValueY = (oldPositionY/newPositionY)*vsb.getValue(); if (newValueY < 0.0) { vsb.setValue(0.0); } else if (newValueY < 1.0) { vsb.setValue(newValueY); } else if (newValueY > 1.0) { vsb.setValue(1.0); } } /* ** For a width change then we want to reduce ** viewport horizontal jumping as much as possible. ** We set a new hsb value to try to keep the same ** content position to the left of the viewport */ double oldWidth = oldBounds.getWidth(); double newWidth = newBounds.getWidth(); if (oldWidth > 0 && oldWidth != newWidth) { double oldPositionX = (snapPositionX(snappedLeftInset() - posX / (hsb.getMax() - hsb.getMin()) * (oldWidth - contentWidth))); double newPositionX = (snapPositionX(snappedLeftInset() - posX / (hsb.getMax() - hsb.getMin()) * (newWidth - contentWidth))); double newValueX = (oldPositionX/newPositionX)*hsb.getValue(); if (newValueX < 0.0) { hsb.setValue(0.0); } else if (newValueX < 1.0) { hsb.setValue(newValueX); } else if (newValueX > 1.0) { hsb.setValue(1.0); } } } }; /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
Creates a new ScrollPaneSkin instance, installing the necessary child nodes into the Control children list, as well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events.
  • control – The control that this skin should be installed onto.
/** * Creates a new ScrollPaneSkin instance, installing the necessary child * nodes into the Control {@link Control#getChildren() children} list, as * well as the necessary input mappings for handling key, mouse, etc events. * * @param control The control that this skin should be installed onto. */
public ScrollPaneSkin(final ScrollPane control) { super(control); // install default input map for the ScrollPane control behavior = new ScrollPaneBehavior(control); // control.setInputMap(behavior.getInputMap()); initialize(); // Register listeners Consumer<ObservableValue<?>> viewportSizeHintConsumer = e -> { // change affects pref size, so requestLayout on control getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }; registerChangeListener(control.contentProperty(), e -> { if (scrollNode != getSkinnable().getContent()) { if (scrollNode != null) { scrollNode.layoutBoundsProperty().removeListener(nodeListener); scrollNode.layoutBoundsProperty().removeListener(boundsChangeListener); viewContent.getChildren().remove(scrollNode); } scrollNode = getSkinnable().getContent(); if (scrollNode != null) { nodeWidth = snapSizeX(scrollNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth()); nodeHeight = snapSizeY(scrollNode.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()); viewContent.getChildren().setAll(scrollNode); scrollNode.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener(nodeListener); scrollNode.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener(boundsChangeListener); } } getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(control.fitToWidthProperty(), e -> { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); viewRect.requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(control.fitToHeightProperty(), e -> { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); viewRect.requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(control.hbarPolicyProperty(), e -> { // change might affect pref size, so requestLayout on control getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(control.vbarPolicyProperty(), e -> { // change might affect pref size, so requestLayout on control getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); registerChangeListener(control.hvalueProperty(), e -> hsb.setValue(getSkinnable().getHvalue())); registerChangeListener(control.hmaxProperty(), e -> hsb.setMax(getSkinnable().getHmax())); registerChangeListener(control.hminProperty(), e -> hsb.setMin(getSkinnable().getHmin())); registerChangeListener(control.vvalueProperty(), e -> vsb.setValue(getSkinnable().getVvalue())); registerChangeListener(control.vmaxProperty(), e -> vsb.setMax(getSkinnable().getVmax())); registerChangeListener(control.vminProperty(), e -> vsb.setMin(getSkinnable().getVmin())); registerChangeListener(control.prefViewportWidthProperty(), viewportSizeHintConsumer); registerChangeListener(control.prefViewportHeightProperty(), viewportSizeHintConsumer); registerChangeListener(control.minViewportWidthProperty(), viewportSizeHintConsumer); registerChangeListener(control.minViewportHeightProperty(), viewportSizeHintConsumer); }
* Properties * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Properties * * * **************************************************************************/
private DoubleProperty contentPosX; private final void setContentPosX(double value) { contentPosXProperty().set(value); } private final double getContentPosX() { return contentPosX == null ? 0.0 : contentPosX.get(); } private final DoubleProperty contentPosXProperty() { if (contentPosX == null) { contentPosX = new DoublePropertyBase() { @Override protected void invalidated() { hsb.setValue(getContentPosX()); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return ScrollPaneSkin.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "contentPosX"; } }; } return contentPosX; } private DoubleProperty contentPosY; private final void setContentPosY(double value) { contentPosYProperty().set(value); } private final double getContentPosY() { return contentPosY == null ? 0.0 : contentPosY.get(); } private final DoubleProperty contentPosYProperty() { if (contentPosY == null) { contentPosY = new DoublePropertyBase() { @Override protected void invalidated() { vsb.setValue(getContentPosY()); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return ScrollPaneSkin.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "contentPosY"; } }; } return contentPosY; } /*************************************************************************** * * * Public API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); if (behavior != null) { behavior.dispose(); } }
Returns the horizontal ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance.
Returns:the horizontal ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance
/** * Returns the horizontal {@link ScrollBar} used in this ScrollPaneSkin * instance. * @return the horizontal ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance */
public final ScrollBar getHorizontalScrollBar() { return hsb; }
Returns the vertical ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance.
Returns:the vertical ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance
/** * Returns the vertical {@link ScrollBar} used in this ScrollPaneSkin * instance. * @return the vertical ScrollBar used in this ScrollPaneSkin instance */
public final ScrollBar getVerticalScrollBar() { return vsb; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); double vsbWidth = computeVsbSizeHint(sp); double minWidth = vsbWidth + snappedLeftInset() + snappedRightInset(); if (sp.getPrefViewportWidth() > 0) { return (sp.getPrefViewportWidth() + minWidth); } else if (sp.getContent() != null) { return (sp.getContent().prefWidth(height) + minWidth); } else { return Math.max(minWidth, DEFAULT_PREF_SIZE); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); double hsbHeight = computeHsbSizeHint(sp); double minHeight = hsbHeight + snappedTopInset() + snappedBottomInset(); if (sp.getPrefViewportHeight() > 0) { return (sp.getPrefViewportHeight() + minHeight); } else if (sp.getContent() != null) { return (sp.getContent().prefHeight(width) + minHeight); } else { return Math.max(minHeight, DEFAULT_PREF_SIZE); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMinWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); double vsbWidth = computeVsbSizeHint(sp); double minWidth = vsbWidth + snappedLeftInset() + snappedRightInset(); if (sp.getMinViewportWidth() > 0) { return (sp.getMinViewportWidth() + minWidth); } else { double w = corner.minWidth(-1); return (w > 0) ? (3 * w) : (DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected double computeMinHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset) { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); double hsbHeight = computeHsbSizeHint(sp); double minHeight = hsbHeight + snappedTopInset() + snappedBottomInset(); if (sp.getMinViewportHeight() > 0) { return (sp.getMinViewportHeight() + minHeight); } else { double h = corner.minHeight(-1); return (h > 0) ? (3 * h) : (DEFAULT_MIN_SIZE); } } @Override protected void layoutChildren(final double x, final double y, final double w, final double h) { final ScrollPane control = getSkinnable(); final Insets padding = control.getPadding(); final double rightPadding = snapSizeX(padding.getRight()); final double leftPadding = snapSizeX(padding.getLeft()); final double topPadding = snapSizeY(padding.getTop()); final double bottomPadding = snapSizeY(padding.getBottom()); vsb.setMin(control.getVmin()); vsb.setMax(control.getVmax()); //should only do this on css setup hsb.setMin(control.getHmin()); hsb.setMax(control.getHmax()); contentWidth = w; contentHeight = h; /* ** we want the scrollbars to go right to the border */ double hsbWidth = 0; double vsbHeight = 0; computeScrollNodeSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); computeScrollBarSize(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { vsbvis = determineVerticalSBVisible(); hsbvis = determineHorizontalSBVisible(); if (vsbvis && !Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { contentWidth = w - vsbWidth; } hsbWidth = w + leftPadding + rightPadding - (vsbvis ? vsbWidth : 0); if (hsbvis && !Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { contentHeight = h - hsbHeight; } vsbHeight = h + topPadding + bottomPadding - (hsbvis ? hsbHeight : 0); } if (scrollNode != null && scrollNode.isResizable()) { // maybe adjust size now that scrollbars may take up space if (vsbvis && hsbvis) { // adjust just once to accommodate computeScrollNodeSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); } else if (hsbvis && !vsbvis) { computeScrollNodeSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); vsbvis = determineVerticalSBVisible(); if (vsbvis) { // now both are visible contentWidth -= vsbWidth; hsbWidth -= vsbWidth; computeScrollNodeSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); } } else if (vsbvis && !hsbvis) { computeScrollNodeSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); hsbvis = determineHorizontalSBVisible(); if (hsbvis) { // now both are visible contentHeight -= hsbHeight; vsbHeight -= hsbHeight; computeScrollNodeSize(contentWidth, contentHeight); } } } // figure out the content area that is to be filled double cx = snappedLeftInset() - leftPadding; double cy = snappedTopInset() - topPadding; vsb.setVisible(vsbvis); if (vsbvis) { /* ** round up position of ScrollBar, round down it's size. ** ** Positioning the ScrollBar ** The Padding should go between the content and the edge, ** otherwise changes in padding move the ScrollBar, and could ** in extreme cases size the ScrollBar to become unusable. ** The -1, +1 plus one bit : ** If padding in => 1 then we allow one pixel to appear as the ** outside border of the Scrollbar, and the rest on the inside. ** If padding is < 1 then we just stick to the edge. */ vsb.resizeRelocate(snappedLeftInset() + w - vsbWidth + (rightPadding < 1 ? 0 : rightPadding - 1) , cy, vsbWidth, vsbHeight); } updateVerticalSB(); hsb.setVisible(hsbvis); if (hsbvis) { /* ** round up position of ScrollBar, round down it's size. ** ** Positioning the ScrollBar ** The Padding should go between the content and the edge, ** otherwise changes in padding move the ScrollBar, and could ** in extreme cases size the ScrollBar to become unusable. ** The -1, +1 plus one bit : ** If padding in => 1 then we allow one pixel to appear as the ** outside border of the Scrollbar, and the rest on the inside. ** If padding is < 1 then we just stick to the edge. */ hsb.resizeRelocate(cx, snappedTopInset() + h - hsbHeight + (bottomPadding < 1 ? 0 : bottomPadding - 1), hsbWidth, hsbHeight); } updateHorizontalSB(); viewRect.resizeRelocate(snappedLeftInset(), snappedTopInset(), snapSizeX(contentWidth), snapSizeY(contentHeight)); resetClip(); if (vsbvis && hsbvis) { corner.setVisible(true); double cornerWidth = vsbWidth; double cornerHeight = hsbHeight; corner.resizeRelocate(snapPositionX(vsb.getLayoutX()), snapPositionY(hsb.getLayoutY()), snapSizeX(cornerWidth), snapSizeY(cornerHeight)); } else { corner.setVisible(false); } control.setViewportBounds(new BoundingBox(snapPositionX(viewContent.getLayoutX()), snapPositionY(viewContent.getLayoutY()), snapSizeX(contentWidth), snapSizeY(contentHeight))); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR: return vsb; case HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR: return hsb; default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
* Private implementation * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private implementation * * * **************************************************************************/
private void initialize() { // requestLayout calls below should not trigger requestLayout above ScrollPane // setManaged(false); ScrollPane control = getSkinnable(); scrollNode = control.getContent(); ParentTraversalEngine traversalEngine = new ParentTraversalEngine(getSkinnable()); traversalEngine.addTraverseListener((node, bounds) -> { // auto-scroll so node is within (0,0),(contentWidth,contentHeight) scrollBoundsIntoView(bounds); }); ParentHelper.setTraversalEngine(getSkinnable(), traversalEngine); if (scrollNode != null) { scrollNode.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener(nodeListener); scrollNode.layoutBoundsProperty().addListener(boundsChangeListener); } viewRect = new StackPane() { @Override protected void layoutChildren() { viewContent.resize(getWidth(), getHeight()); } }; // prevent requestLayout requests from within scrollNode from percolating up viewRect.setManaged(false); viewRect.setCache(true); viewRect.getStyleClass().add("viewport"); clipRect = new Rectangle(); viewRect.setClip(clipRect); hsb = new ScrollBar(); vsb = new ScrollBar(); vsb.setOrientation(Orientation.VERTICAL); EventHandler<MouseEvent> barHandler = ev -> { if (getSkinnable().isFocusTraversable()) { getSkinnable().requestFocus(); } }; hsb.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, barHandler); vsb.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, barHandler); corner = new StackPane(); corner.getStyleClass().setAll("corner"); viewContent = new StackPane() { @Override public void requestLayout() { // if scrollNode requested layout, will want to recompute nodeSizeInvalid = true; super.requestLayout(); // add as layout root for next layout pass // Need to layout the ScrollPane as well in case scrollbars // appeared or disappeared. ScrollPaneSkin.this.getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } @Override protected void layoutChildren() { if (nodeSizeInvalid) { computeScrollNodeSize(getWidth(),getHeight()); } if (scrollNode != null && scrollNode.isResizable()) { scrollNode.resize(snapSize(nodeWidth), snapSize(nodeHeight)); if (vsbvis != determineVerticalSBVisible() || hsbvis != determineHorizontalSBVisible()) { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } } if (scrollNode != null) { scrollNode.relocate(0,0); } } }; viewRect.getChildren().add(viewContent); if (scrollNode != null) { viewContent.getChildren().add(scrollNode); viewRect.nodeOrientationProperty().bind(scrollNode.nodeOrientationProperty()); } getChildren().clear(); getChildren().addAll(viewRect, vsb, hsb, corner); /* ** listeners, and assorted housekeeping */ InvalidationListener vsbListener = valueModel -> { if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { posY = Utils.clamp(getSkinnable().getVmin(), vsb.getValue(), getSkinnable().getVmax()); } else { posY = vsb.getValue(); } updatePosY(); }; vsb.valueProperty().addListener(vsbListener); InvalidationListener hsbListener = valueModel -> { if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { posX = Utils.clamp(getSkinnable().getHmin(), hsb.getValue(), getSkinnable().getHmax()); } else { posX = hsb.getValue(); } updatePosX(); }; hsb.valueProperty().addListener(hsbListener); viewRect.setOnMousePressed(e -> { mouseDown = true; if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { startSBReleasedAnimation(); } pressX = e.getX(); pressY = e.getY(); ohvalue = hsb.getValue(); ovvalue = vsb.getValue(); }); viewRect.setOnDragDetected(e -> { if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { startSBReleasedAnimation(); } if (getSkinnable().isPannable()) { dragDetected = true; if (saveCursor == null) { saveCursor = getSkinnable().getCursor(); if (saveCursor == null) { saveCursor = Cursor.DEFAULT; } getSkinnable().setCursor(Cursor.MOVE); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } } }); viewRect.addEventFilter(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, e -> { mouseDown = false; if (dragDetected == true) { if (saveCursor != null) { getSkinnable().setCursor(saveCursor); saveCursor = null; getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } dragDetected = false; } /* ** if the contents need repositioning, and there's is no ** touch event in progress, then start the repositioning. */ if ((posY > getSkinnable().getVmax() || posY < getSkinnable().getVmin() || posX > getSkinnable().getHmax() || posX < getSkinnable().getHmin()) && !touchDetected) { startContentsToViewport(); } }); viewRect.setOnMouseDragged(e -> { if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { startSBReleasedAnimation(); } /* ** for mobile-touch we allow drag, even if not pannagle */ if (getSkinnable().isPannable() || Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { double deltaX = pressX - e.getX(); double deltaY = pressY - e.getY(); /* ** we only drag if not all of the content is visible. */ if (hsb.getVisibleAmount() > 0.0 && hsb.getVisibleAmount() < hsb.getMax()) { if (Math.abs(deltaX) > PAN_THRESHOLD) { if (isReverseNodeOrientation()) { deltaX = -deltaX; } double newHVal = (ohvalue + deltaX / (nodeWidth - viewRect.getWidth()) * (hsb.getMax() - hsb.getMin())); if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { if (newHVal > hsb.getMax()) { newHVal = hsb.getMax(); } else if (newHVal < hsb.getMin()) { newHVal = hsb.getMin(); } hsb.setValue(newHVal); } else { hsb.setValue(newHVal); } } } /* ** we only drag if not all of the content is visible. */ if (vsb.getVisibleAmount() > 0.0 && vsb.getVisibleAmount() < vsb.getMax()) { if (Math.abs(deltaY) > PAN_THRESHOLD) { double newVVal = (ovvalue + deltaY / (nodeHeight - viewRect.getHeight()) * (vsb.getMax() - vsb.getMin())); if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { if (newVVal > vsb.getMax()) { newVVal = vsb.getMax(); } else if (newVVal < vsb.getMin()) { newVVal = vsb.getMin(); } vsb.setValue(newVVal); } else { vsb.setValue(newVVal); } } } } /* ** we need to consume drag events, as we don't want ** the scrollpane itself to be dragged on every mouse click */ e.consume(); }); /* ** don't allow the ScrollBar to handle the ScrollEvent, ** In a ScrollPane a vertical scroll should scroll on the vertical only, ** whereas in a horizontal ScrollBar it can scroll horizontally. */ // block the event from being passed down to children final EventDispatcher blockEventDispatcher = (event, tail) -> event; // block ScrollEvent from being passed down to scrollbar's skin final EventDispatcher oldHsbEventDispatcher = hsb.getEventDispatcher(); hsb.setEventDispatcher((event, tail) -> { if (event.getEventType() == ScrollEvent.SCROLL && !((ScrollEvent)event).isDirect()) { tail = tail.prepend(blockEventDispatcher); tail = tail.prepend(oldHsbEventDispatcher); return tail.dispatchEvent(event); } return oldHsbEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, tail); }); // block ScrollEvent from being passed down to scrollbar's skin final EventDispatcher oldVsbEventDispatcher = vsb.getEventDispatcher(); vsb.setEventDispatcher((event, tail) -> { if (event.getEventType() == ScrollEvent.SCROLL && !((ScrollEvent)event).isDirect()) { tail = tail.prepend(blockEventDispatcher); tail = tail.prepend(oldVsbEventDispatcher); return tail.dispatchEvent(event); } return oldVsbEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, tail); }); /* * listen for ScrollEvents over the whole of the ScrollPane * area, the above dispatcher having removed the ScrollBars * scroll event handling. * * Note that we use viewRect here, rather than setting the eventHandler * on the ScrollPane itself. This is for RT-31582, and effectively * allows for us to prioritise handling (and consuming) the event * internally, before it is made available to users listening to events * on the control. This is consistent with the VirtualFlow-based controls. */ viewRect.addEventHandler(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, event -> { if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { startSBReleasedAnimation(); } /* ** if we're completely visible then do nothing.... ** we only consume an event that we've used. */ if (vsb.getVisibleAmount() < vsb.getMax()) { double vRange = getSkinnable().getVmax()-getSkinnable().getVmin(); double vPixelValue; if (nodeHeight > 0.0) { vPixelValue = vRange / nodeHeight; } else { vPixelValue = 0.0; } double newValue = vsb.getValue()+(-event.getDeltaY())*vPixelValue; if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { if ((event.getDeltaY() > 0.0 && vsb.getValue() > vsb.getMin()) || (event.getDeltaY() < 0.0 && vsb.getValue() < vsb.getMax())) { vsb.setValue(newValue); event.consume(); } } else { /* ** if there is a repositioning in progress then we only ** set the value for 'real' events */ if (!(((ScrollEvent)event).isInertia()) || (((ScrollEvent)event).isInertia()) && (contentsToViewTimeline == null || contentsToViewTimeline.getStatus() == Status.STOPPED)) { vsb.setValue(newValue); if ((newValue > vsb.getMax() || newValue < vsb.getMin()) && (!mouseDown && !touchDetected)) { startContentsToViewport(); } event.consume(); } } } if (hsb.getVisibleAmount() < hsb.getMax()) { double hRange = getSkinnable().getHmax()-getSkinnable().getHmin(); double hPixelValue; if (nodeWidth > 0.0) { hPixelValue = hRange / nodeWidth; } else { hPixelValue = 0.0; } double newValue = hsb.getValue()+(-event.getDeltaX())*hPixelValue; if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { if ((event.getDeltaX() > 0.0 && hsb.getValue() > hsb.getMin()) || (event.getDeltaX() < 0.0 && hsb.getValue() < hsb.getMax())) { hsb.setValue(newValue); event.consume(); } } else { /* ** if there is a repositioning in progress then we only ** set the value for 'real' events */ if (!(((ScrollEvent)event).isInertia()) || (((ScrollEvent)event).isInertia()) && (contentsToViewTimeline == null || contentsToViewTimeline.getStatus() == Status.STOPPED)) { hsb.setValue(newValue); if ((newValue > hsb.getMax() || newValue < hsb.getMin()) && (!mouseDown && !touchDetected)) { startContentsToViewport(); } event.consume(); } } } }); /* ** there are certain animations that need to know if the touch is ** happening..... */ getSkinnable().addEventHandler(TouchEvent.TOUCH_PRESSED, e -> { touchDetected = true; startSBReleasedAnimation(); e.consume(); }); getSkinnable().addEventHandler(TouchEvent.TOUCH_RELEASED, e -> { touchDetected = false; e.consume(); }); // ScrollPanes do not block all MouseEvents by default, unlike most other UI Controls. consumeMouseEvents(false); // update skin initial state to match control (see RT-35554) hsb.setValue(control.getHvalue()); vsb.setValue(control.getVvalue()); } void scrollBoundsIntoView(Bounds b) { double dx = 0.0; double dy = 0.0; if (b.getMaxX() > contentWidth) { dx = b.getMinX() - snappedLeftInset(); } if (b.getMinX() < snappedLeftInset()) { dx = b.getMaxX() - contentWidth - snappedLeftInset(); } if (b.getMaxY() > snappedTopInset() + contentHeight) { dy = b.getMinY() - snappedTopInset(); } if (b.getMinY() < snappedTopInset()) { dy = b.getMaxY() - contentHeight - snappedTopInset(); } // We want to move contentPanel's layoutX,Y by (dx,dy). // But to do this we have to set the scrollbars' values appropriately. if (dx != 0) { double sdx = dx * (hsb.getMax() - hsb.getMin()) / (nodeWidth - contentWidth); // Adjust back for some amount so that the Node border is not too close to view border sdx += -1 * Math.signum(sdx) * hsb.getUnitIncrement() / 5; // This accounts to 2% of view width hsb.setValue(hsb.getValue() + sdx); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } if (dy != 0) { double sdy = dy * (vsb.getMax() - vsb.getMin()) / (nodeHeight - contentHeight); // Adjust back for some amount so that the Node border is not too close to view border sdy += -1 * Math.signum(sdy) * vsb.getUnitIncrement() / 5; // This accounts to 2% of view height vsb.setValue(vsb.getValue() + sdy); getSkinnable().requestLayout(); } }
Computes the size that should be reserved for horizontal scrollbar in size hints (min/pref height)
/** * Computes the size that should be reserved for horizontal scrollbar in size hints (min/pref height) */
private double computeHsbSizeHint(ScrollPane sp) { return ((sp.getHbarPolicy() == ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS) || (sp.getHbarPolicy() == ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED && (sp.getPrefViewportHeight() > 0 || sp.getMinViewportHeight() > 0))) ? hsb.prefHeight(ScrollBar.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) : 0; }
Computes the size that should be reserved for vertical scrollbar in size hints (min/pref width)
/** * Computes the size that should be reserved for vertical scrollbar in size hints (min/pref width) */
private double computeVsbSizeHint(ScrollPane sp) { return ((sp.getVbarPolicy() == ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS) || (sp.getVbarPolicy() == ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED && (sp.getPrefViewportWidth() > 0 || sp.getMinViewportWidth() > 0))) ? vsb.prefWidth(ScrollBar.USE_COMPUTED_SIZE) : 0; } private void computeScrollNodeSize(double contentWidth, double contentHeight) { if (scrollNode != null) { if (scrollNode.isResizable()) { ScrollPane control = getSkinnable(); Orientation bias = scrollNode.getContentBias(); if (bias == null) { nodeWidth = snapSizeX(boundedSize(control.isFitToWidth()? contentWidth : scrollNode.prefWidth(-1), scrollNode.minWidth(-1),scrollNode.maxWidth(-1))); nodeHeight = snapSizeY(boundedSize(control.isFitToHeight()? contentHeight : scrollNode.prefHeight(-1), scrollNode.minHeight(-1), scrollNode.maxHeight(-1))); } else if (bias == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) { nodeWidth = snapSizeX(boundedSize(control.isFitToWidth()? contentWidth : scrollNode.prefWidth(-1), scrollNode.minWidth(-1),scrollNode.maxWidth(-1))); nodeHeight = snapSizeY(boundedSize(control.isFitToHeight()? contentHeight : scrollNode.prefHeight(nodeWidth), scrollNode.minHeight(nodeWidth),scrollNode.maxHeight(nodeWidth))); } else { // bias == VERTICAL nodeHeight = snapSizeY(boundedSize(control.isFitToHeight()? contentHeight : scrollNode.prefHeight(-1), scrollNode.minHeight(-1), scrollNode.maxHeight(-1))); nodeWidth = snapSizeX(boundedSize(control.isFitToWidth()? contentWidth : scrollNode.prefWidth(nodeHeight), scrollNode.minWidth(nodeHeight),scrollNode.maxWidth(nodeHeight))); } } else { nodeWidth = snapSizeX(scrollNode.getLayoutBounds().getWidth()); nodeHeight = snapSizeY(scrollNode.getLayoutBounds().getHeight()); } nodeSizeInvalid = false; } } private boolean isReverseNodeOrientation() { return (scrollNode != null && getSkinnable().getEffectiveNodeOrientation() != scrollNode.getEffectiveNodeOrientation()); } private boolean determineHorizontalSBVisible() { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { return (tempVisibility && (nodeWidth > contentWidth)); } else { // RT-17395: ScrollBarPolicy might be null. If so, treat it as "AS_NEEDED", which is the default ScrollBarPolicy hbarPolicy = sp.getHbarPolicy(); return (ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER == hbarPolicy) ? false : ((ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS == hbarPolicy) ? true : ((sp.isFitToWidth() && scrollNode != null ? scrollNode.isResizable() : false) ? (nodeWidth > contentWidth && scrollNode.minWidth(-1) > contentWidth) : (nodeWidth > contentWidth))); } } private boolean determineVerticalSBVisible() { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { return (tempVisibility && (nodeHeight > contentHeight)); } else { // RT-17395: ScrollBarPolicy might be null. If so, treat it as "AS_NEEDED", which is the default ScrollBarPolicy vbarPolicy = sp.getVbarPolicy(); return (ScrollBarPolicy.NEVER == vbarPolicy) ? false : ((ScrollBarPolicy.ALWAYS == vbarPolicy) ? true : ((sp.isFitToHeight() && scrollNode != null ? scrollNode.isResizable() : false) ? (nodeHeight > contentHeight && scrollNode.minHeight(-1) > contentHeight) : (nodeHeight > contentHeight))); } } private void computeScrollBarSize() { vsbWidth = snapSizeX(vsb.prefWidth(-1)); if (vsbWidth == 0) { // println("*** WARNING ScrollPaneSkin: can't get scroll bar width, using {DEFAULT_SB_BREADTH}"); if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { vsbWidth = DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_SB_BREADTH; } else { vsbWidth = DEFAULT_SB_BREADTH; } } hsbHeight = snapSizeY(hsb.prefHeight(-1)); if (hsbHeight == 0) { // println("*** WARNING ScrollPaneSkin: can't get scroll bar height, using {DEFAULT_SB_BREADTH}"); if (Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { hsbHeight = DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_SB_BREADTH; } else { hsbHeight = DEFAULT_SB_BREADTH; } } } private void updateHorizontalSB() { double contentRatio = nodeWidth * (hsb.getMax() - hsb.getMin()); if (contentRatio > 0.0) { hsb.setVisibleAmount(contentWidth / contentRatio); hsb.setBlockIncrement(0.9 * hsb.getVisibleAmount()); hsb.setUnitIncrement(0.1 * hsb.getVisibleAmount()); } else { hsb.setVisibleAmount(0.0); hsb.setBlockIncrement(0.0); hsb.setUnitIncrement(0.0); } if (hsb.isVisible()) { updatePosX(); } else { if (nodeWidth > contentWidth) { updatePosX(); } else { viewContent.setLayoutX(0); } } } private void updateVerticalSB() { double contentRatio = nodeHeight * (vsb.getMax() - vsb.getMin()); if (contentRatio > 0.0) { vsb.setVisibleAmount(contentHeight / contentRatio); vsb.setBlockIncrement(0.9 * vsb.getVisibleAmount()); vsb.setUnitIncrement(0.1 * vsb.getVisibleAmount()); } else { vsb.setVisibleAmount(0.0); vsb.setBlockIncrement(0.0); vsb.setUnitIncrement(0.0); } if (vsb.isVisible()) { updatePosY(); } else { if (nodeHeight > contentHeight) { updatePosY(); } else { viewContent.setLayoutY(0); } } } private double updatePosX() { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); double x = isReverseNodeOrientation() ? (hsb.getMax() - (posX - hsb.getMin())) : posX; double minX = Math.min((- x / (hsb.getMax() - hsb.getMin()) * (nodeWidth - contentWidth)), 0); viewContent.setLayoutX(snapPositionX(minX)); if (!sp.hvalueProperty().isBound()) sp.setHvalue(Utils.clamp(sp.getHmin(), posX, sp.getHmax())); return posX; } private double updatePosY() { final ScrollPane sp = getSkinnable(); double minY = Math.min((- posY / (vsb.getMax() - vsb.getMin()) * (nodeHeight - contentHeight)), 0); viewContent.setLayoutY(snapPositionY(minY)); if (!sp.vvalueProperty().isBound()) sp.setVvalue(Utils.clamp(sp.getVmin(), posY, sp.getVmax())); return posY; } private void resetClip() { clipRect.setWidth(snapSizeX(contentWidth)); clipRect.setHeight(snapSizeY(contentHeight)); } private void startSBReleasedAnimation() { if (sbTouchTimeline == null) { /* ** timeline to leave the scrollbars visible for a short ** while after a scroll/drag */ sbTouchTimeline = new Timeline(); sbTouchKF1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(0), event -> { tempVisibility = true; if (touchDetected == true || mouseDown == true) { sbTouchTimeline.playFromStart(); } }); sbTouchKF2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1000), event -> { tempVisibility = false; getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }); sbTouchTimeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(sbTouchKF1, sbTouchKF2); } sbTouchTimeline.playFromStart(); } private void startContentsToViewport() { double newPosX = posX; double newPosY = posY; setContentPosX(posX); setContentPosY(posY); if (posY > getSkinnable().getVmax()) { newPosY = getSkinnable().getVmax(); } else if (posY < getSkinnable().getVmin()) { newPosY = getSkinnable().getVmin(); } if (posX > getSkinnable().getHmax()) { newPosX = getSkinnable().getHmax(); } else if (posX < getSkinnable().getHmin()) { newPosX = getSkinnable().getHmin(); } if (!Properties.IS_TOUCH_SUPPORTED) { startSBReleasedAnimation(); } /* ** timeline to return the contents of the scrollpane to the viewport */ if (contentsToViewTimeline != null) { contentsToViewTimeline.stop(); } contentsToViewTimeline = new Timeline(); /* ** short pause before animation starts */ contentsToViewKF1 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(50)); /* ** reposition */ contentsToViewKF2 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(150), event -> { getSkinnable().requestLayout(); }, new KeyValue(contentPosX, newPosX), new KeyValue(contentPosY, newPosY) ); /* ** block out 'aftershocks', but real events will ** still reactivate */ contentsToViewKF3 = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(1500)); contentsToViewTimeline.getKeyFrames().addAll(contentsToViewKF1, contentsToViewKF2, contentsToViewKF3); contentsToViewTimeline.playFromStart(); } }