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package javafx.scene.control;

import javafx.css.PseudoClass;
import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.WeakInvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.event.Event;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAction;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleAttribute;
import javafx.scene.AccessibleRole;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView.TableViewFocusModel;

import javafx.scene.control.skin.TableCellSkin;
import javafx.collections.WeakListChangeListener;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.List;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;

import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellEditEvent;

Represents a single row/column intersection in a TableView. To represent this intersection, a TableCell contains an index property, as well as a tableColumn property. In addition, a TableCell instance knows what TableRow it exists in.

A note about selection: A TableCell visually shows it is selected when two conditions are met:

  1. The TableSelectionModel.isSelected(int, TableColumnBase) method returns true for the row / column that this cell represents, and
  2. The cell selection mode property is set to true (to represent that it is allowable to select individual cells (and not just rows of cells)).
Type parameters:
  • <S> – The type of the TableView generic type (i.e. S == TableView<S>). This should also match with the first generic type in TableColumn.
  • <T> – The type of the item contained within the Cell.
See Also:
Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * Represents a single row/column intersection in a {@link TableView}. To * represent this intersection, a TableCell contains an * {@link #indexProperty() index} property, as well as a * {@link #tableColumnProperty() tableColumn} property. In addition, a TableCell * instance knows what {@link TableRow} it exists in. * * <p><strong>A note about selection:</strong> A TableCell visually shows it is * selected when two conditions are met: * <ol> * <li>The {@link TableSelectionModel#isSelected(int, TableColumnBase)} method * returns true for the row / column that this cell represents, and</li> * <li>The {@link javafx.scene.control.TableSelectionModel#cellSelectionEnabledProperty() cell selection mode} * property is set to true (to represent that it is allowable to select * individual cells (and not just rows of cells)).</li> * </ol> * * @see TableView * @see TableColumn * @see Cell * @see IndexedCell * @see TableRow * @param <S> The type of the TableView generic type (i.e. S == TableView&lt;S&gt;). * This should also match with the first generic type in TableColumn. * @param <T> The type of the item contained within the Cell. * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public class TableCell<S,T> extends IndexedCell<T> { /*************************************************************************** * * * Constructors * * * **************************************************************************/
Constructs a default TableCell instance with a style class of 'table-cell'
/** * Constructs a default TableCell instance with a style class of 'table-cell' */
public TableCell() { getStyleClass().addAll(DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS); setAccessibleRole(AccessibleRole.TABLE_CELL); updateColumnIndex(); }
* Private fields * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Private fields * * * **************************************************************************/
// package for testing boolean lockItemOnEdit = false;
* Callbacks and Events * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Callbacks and Events * * * **************************************************************************/
private boolean itemDirty = false; /* * This is the list observer we use to keep an eye on the SelectedCells * ObservableList in the table view. Because it is possible that the table can * be mutated, we create this observer here, and add/remove it from the * storeTableView method. */ private ListChangeListener<TablePosition> selectedListener = c -> { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasAdded() || c.wasRemoved()) { updateSelection(); } } }; // same as above, but for focus private final InvalidationListener focusedListener = value -> { updateFocus(); }; // same as above, but for for changes to the properties on TableRow private final InvalidationListener tableRowUpdateObserver = value -> { itemDirty = true; requestLayout(); }; private final InvalidationListener editingListener = value -> { updateEditing(); }; private ListChangeListener<TableColumn<S,?>> visibleLeafColumnsListener = c -> { updateColumnIndex(); }; private ListChangeListener<String> columnStyleClassListener = c -> { while (c.next()) { if (c.wasRemoved()) { getStyleClass().removeAll(c.getRemoved()); } if (c.wasAdded()) { getStyleClass().addAll(c.getAddedSubList()); } } }; private final InvalidationListener columnStyleListener = value -> { if (getTableColumn() != null) { possiblySetStyle(getTableColumn().getStyle()); } }; private final InvalidationListener columnIdListener = value -> { if (getTableColumn() != null) { possiblySetId(getTableColumn().getId()); } }; private final WeakListChangeListener<TablePosition> weakSelectedListener = new WeakListChangeListener<>(selectedListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakFocusedListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(focusedListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weaktableRowUpdateObserver = new WeakInvalidationListener(tableRowUpdateObserver); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakEditingListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(editingListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakColumnStyleListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(columnStyleListener); private final WeakInvalidationListener weakColumnIdListener = new WeakInvalidationListener(columnIdListener); private final WeakListChangeListener<TableColumn<S,?>> weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener = new WeakListChangeListener<>(visibleLeafColumnsListener); private final WeakListChangeListener<String> weakColumnStyleClassListener = new WeakListChangeListener<String>(columnStyleClassListener);
* Properties * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Properties * * * **************************************************************************/
// --- TableColumn private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableColumn<S,T>> tableColumn = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableColumn<S,T>>() { @Override protected void invalidated() { updateColumnIndex(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return TableCell.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "tableColumn"; } };
The TableColumn instance that backs this TableCell.
Returns:the TableColumn instance that backs this TableCell
/** * The TableColumn instance that backs this TableCell. * @return the TableColumn instance that backs this TableCell */
public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TableColumn<S,T>> tableColumnProperty() { return tableColumn.getReadOnlyProperty(); } private void setTableColumn(TableColumn<S,T> value) { tableColumn.set(value); } public final TableColumn<S,T> getTableColumn() { return tableColumn.get(); } // --- TableView private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableView<S>> tableView; private void setTableView(TableView<S> value) { tableViewPropertyImpl().set(value); } public final TableView<S> getTableView() { return tableView == null ? null : tableView.get(); }
The TableView associated with this TableCell.
Returns:the TableView associated with this TableCell
/** * The TableView associated with this TableCell. * @return the TableView associated with this TableCell */
public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TableView<S>> tableViewProperty() { return tableViewPropertyImpl().getReadOnlyProperty(); } private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableView<S>> tableViewPropertyImpl() { if (tableView == null) { tableView = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableView<S>>() { private WeakReference<TableView<S>> weakTableViewRef; @Override protected void invalidated() { TableView.TableViewSelectionModel<S> sm; TableViewFocusModel<S> fm; if (weakTableViewRef != null) { cleanUpTableViewListeners(weakTableViewRef.get()); } if (get() != null) { sm = get().getSelectionModel(); if (sm != null) { sm.getSelectedCells().addListener(weakSelectedListener); } fm = get().getFocusModel(); if (fm != null) { fm.focusedCellProperty().addListener(weakFocusedListener); } get().editingCellProperty().addListener(weakEditingListener); get().getVisibleLeafColumns().addListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); weakTableViewRef = new WeakReference<TableView<S>>(get()); } updateColumnIndex(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return TableCell.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "tableView"; } }; } return tableView; } // --- TableRow
The TableRow that this TableCell currently finds itself placed within. The TableRow may be null early in the TableCell lifecycle, in the period between the TableCell being instantiated and being set into an owner TableRow.
/** * The TableRow that this TableCell currently finds itself placed within. * The TableRow may be null early in the TableCell lifecycle, in the period * between the TableCell being instantiated and being set into an owner * TableRow. */
private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<TableRow<S>> tableRow = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(this, "tableRow"); private void setTableRow(TableRow<S> value) { tableRow.set(value); } public final TableRow<S> getTableRow() { return tableRow.get(); } public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TableRow<S>> tableRowProperty() { return tableRow; } /*************************************************************************** * * * Editing API * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void startEdit() { final TableView<S> table = getTableView(); final TableColumn<S,T> column = getTableColumn(); if (! isEditable() || (table != null && ! table.isEditable()) || (column != null && ! getTableColumn().isEditable())) { return; } // We check the boolean lockItemOnEdit field here, as whilst we want to // updateItem normally, when it comes to unit tests we can't have the // item change in all circumstances. if (! lockItemOnEdit) { updateItem(-1); } // it makes sense to get the cell into its editing state before firing // the event to listeners below, so that's what we're doing here // by calling super.startEdit(). super.startEdit(); if (column != null) { CellEditEvent<S,?> editEvent = new CellEditEvent<>( table, table.getEditingCell(), TableColumn.editStartEvent(), null ); Event.fireEvent(column, editEvent); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void commitEdit(T newValue) { if (! isEditing()) return; final TableView<S> table = getTableView(); if (table != null) { // Inform the TableView of the edit being ready to be committed. CellEditEvent editEvent = new CellEditEvent( table, table.getEditingCell(), TableColumn.editCommitEvent(), newValue ); Event.fireEvent(getTableColumn(), editEvent); } // inform parent classes of the commit, so that they can switch us // out of the editing state. // This MUST come before the updateItem call below, otherwise it will // call cancelEdit(), resulting in both commit and cancel events being // fired (as identified in RT-29650) super.commitEdit(newValue); // update the item within this cell, so that it represents the new value updateItem(newValue, false); if (table != null) { // reset the editing cell on the TableView table.edit(-1, null); // request focus back onto the table, only if the current focus // owner has the table as a parent (otherwise the user might have // clicked out of the table entirely and given focus to something else. // It would be rude of us to request it back again. ControlUtils.requestFocusOnControlOnlyIfCurrentFocusOwnerIsChild(table); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void cancelEdit() { if (! isEditing()) return; final TableView<S> table = getTableView(); super.cancelEdit(); // reset the editing index on the TableView if (table != null) { TablePosition<S,?> editingCell = table.getEditingCell(); if (updateEditingIndex) table.edit(-1, null); // request focus back onto the table, only if the current focus // owner has the table as a parent (otherwise the user might have // clicked out of the table entirely and given focus to something else. // It would be rude of us to request it back again. ControlUtils.requestFocusOnControlOnlyIfCurrentFocusOwnerIsChild(table); CellEditEvent<S,?> editEvent = new CellEditEvent<>( table, editingCell, TableColumn.editCancelEvent(), null ); Event.fireEvent(getTableColumn(), editEvent); } } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Overriding methods * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void updateSelected(boolean selected) { // copied from Cell, with the first conditional clause below commented // out, as it is valid for an empty TableCell to be selected, as long // as the parent TableRow is not empty (see RT-15529). /*if (selected && isEmpty()) return;*/ if (getTableRow() == null || getTableRow().isEmpty()) return; setSelected(selected); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected Skin<?> createDefaultSkin() { return new TableCellSkin<S,T>(this); } // @Override public void dispose() { // cleanUpTableViewListeners(getTableView()); // // if (currentObservableValue != null) { // currentObservableValue.removeListener(weaktableRowUpdateObserver); // } // // super.dispose(); // } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Private Implementation * * * **************************************************************************/ private void cleanUpTableViewListeners(TableView<S> tableView) { if (tableView != null) { TableView.TableViewSelectionModel<S> sm = tableView.getSelectionModel(); if (sm != null) { sm.getSelectedCells().removeListener(weakSelectedListener); } TableViewFocusModel<S> fm = tableView.getFocusModel(); if (fm != null) { fm.focusedCellProperty().removeListener(weakFocusedListener); } tableView.editingCellProperty().removeListener(weakEditingListener); tableView.getVisibleLeafColumns().removeListener(weakVisibleLeafColumnsListener); } } @Override void indexChanged(int oldIndex, int newIndex) { super.indexChanged(oldIndex, newIndex); // Ideally we would just use the following two lines of code, rather // than the updateItem() call beneath, but if we do this we end up with // RT-22428 where all the columns are collapsed. // itemDirty = true; // requestLayout(); updateItem(oldIndex); updateSelection(); updateFocus(); // Fix for JDK-8150525 updateEditing(); } private boolean isLastVisibleColumn = false; private int columnIndex = -1; private void updateColumnIndex() { TableView<S> tv = getTableView(); TableColumn<S,T> tc = getTableColumn(); columnIndex = tv == null || tc == null ? -1 : tv.getVisibleLeafIndex(tc); // update the pseudo class state regarding whether this is the last // visible cell (i.e. the right-most). isLastVisibleColumn = getTableColumn() != null && columnIndex != -1 && columnIndex == getTableView().getVisibleLeafColumns().size() - 1; pseudoClassStateChanged(PSEUDO_CLASS_LAST_VISIBLE, isLastVisibleColumn); } private void updateSelection() { /* * This cell should be selected if the selection mode of the table * is cell-based, and if the row and column that this cell represents * is selected. * * If the selection mode is not cell-based, then the listener in the * TableRow class might pick up the need to set an entire row to be * selected. */ if (isEmpty()) return; final boolean isSelected = isSelected(); if (! isInCellSelectionMode()) { if (isSelected) { updateSelected(false); } return; } final TableView<S> tableView = getTableView(); if (getIndex() == -1 || tableView == null) return; TableSelectionModel<S> sm = tableView.getSelectionModel(); if (sm == null) { updateSelected(false); return; } boolean isSelectedNow = sm.isSelected(getIndex(), getTableColumn()); if (isSelected == isSelectedNow) return; updateSelected(isSelectedNow); } private void updateFocus() { final boolean isFocused = isFocused(); if (! isInCellSelectionMode()) { if (isFocused) { setFocused(false); } return; } final TableView<S> tableView = getTableView(); final TableRow<S> tableRow = getTableRow(); final int index = getIndex(); if (index == -1 || tableView == null || tableRow == null) return; final TableViewFocusModel<S> fm = tableView.getFocusModel(); if (fm == null) { setFocused(false); return; } setFocused(fm.isFocused(index, getTableColumn())); } private void updateEditing() { if (getIndex() == -1 || getTableView() == null) return; TablePosition<S,?> editCell = getTableView().getEditingCell(); boolean match = match(editCell); if (match && ! isEditing()) { startEdit(); } else if (! match && isEditing()) { // If my index is not the one being edited then I need to cancel // the edit. The tricky thing here is that as part of this call // I cannot end up calling list.edit(-1) the way that the standard // cancelEdit method would do. Yet, I need to call cancelEdit // so that subclasses which override cancelEdit can execute. So, // I have to use a kind of hacky flag workaround. updateEditingIndex = false; cancelEdit(); updateEditingIndex = true; } } private boolean updateEditingIndex = true; private boolean match(TablePosition<S,?> pos) { return pos != null && pos.getRow() == getIndex() && pos.getTableColumn() == getTableColumn(); } private boolean isInCellSelectionMode() { TableView<S> tableView = getTableView(); if (tableView == null) return false; TableSelectionModel<S> sm = tableView.getSelectionModel(); return sm != null && sm.isCellSelectionEnabled(); } /* * This was brought in to fix the issue in RT-22077, namely that the * ObservableValue was being GC'd, meaning that changes to the value were * no longer being delivered. By extracting this value out of the method, * it is now referred to from TableCell and will therefore no longer be * GC'd. */ private ObservableValue<T> currentObservableValue = null; private boolean isFirstRun = true; private WeakReference<S> oldRowItemRef; /* * This is called when we think that the data within this TableCell may have * changed. You'll note that this is a private function - it is only called * when one of the triggers above call it. */ private void updateItem(int oldIndex) { if (currentObservableValue != null) { currentObservableValue.removeListener(weaktableRowUpdateObserver); } // get the total number of items in the data model final TableView<S> tableView = getTableView(); final List<S> items = tableView == null ? FXCollections.<S>emptyObservableList() : tableView.getItems(); final TableColumn<S,T> tableColumn = getTableColumn(); final int itemCount = items == null ? -1 : items.size(); final int index = getIndex(); final boolean isEmpty = isEmpty(); final T oldValue = getItem(); final TableRow<S> tableRow = getTableRow(); final S rowItem = tableRow == null ? null : tableRow.getItem(); final boolean indexExceedsItemCount = index >= itemCount; // there is a whole heap of reasons why we should just punt... outer: if (indexExceedsItemCount || index < 0 || columnIndex < 0 || !isVisible() || tableColumn == null || !tableColumn.isVisible()) { // RT-30484 We need to allow a first run to be special-cased to allow // for the updateItem method to be called at least once to allow for // the correct visual state to be set up. In particular, in RT-30484 // refer to Ensemble8PopUpTree.png - in this case the arrows are being // shown as the new cells are instantiated with the arrows in the // children list, and are only hidden in updateItem. // RT-32621: There are circumstances where we need to updateItem, // even when the index is greater than the itemCount. For example, // RT-32621 identifies issues where a TreeTableView collapses a // TreeItem but the custom cells remain visible. This is now // resolved with the check for indexExceedsItemCount. if ((!isEmpty && oldValue != null) || isFirstRun || indexExceedsItemCount) { updateItem(null, true); isFirstRun = false; } return; } else { currentObservableValue = tableColumn.getCellObservableValue(index); final T newValue = currentObservableValue == null ? null : currentObservableValue.getValue(); // RT-35864 - if the index didn't change, then avoid calling updateItem // unless the item has changed. if (oldIndex == index) { if (!isItemChanged(oldValue, newValue)) { // RT-36670: we need to check the row item here to prevent // the issue where the cell value and index doesn't change, // but the backing row object does. S oldRowItem = oldRowItemRef != null ? oldRowItemRef.get() : null; if (oldRowItem != null && oldRowItem.equals(rowItem)) { // RT-37054: we break out of the if/else code here and // proceed with the code following this, so that we may // still update references, listeners, etc as required//. break outer; } } } updateItem(newValue, false); } oldRowItemRef = new WeakReference<>(rowItem); if (currentObservableValue == null) { return; } // add property change listeners to this item currentObservableValue.addListener(weaktableRowUpdateObserver); } @Override protected void layoutChildren() { if (itemDirty) { updateItem(-1); itemDirty = false; } super.layoutChildren(); } /*************************************************************************** * * * Expert API * * * **************************************************************************/
Updates the TableView associated with this TableCell. This is typically only done once when the TableCell is first added to the TableView. Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily by those implementing new Skins. It is not common for developers or designers to access this function directly.
  • tv – the TableView associated with this TableCell
/** * Updates the TableView associated with this TableCell. This is typically * only done once when the TableCell is first added to the TableView. * * Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily * by those implementing new Skins. It is not common * for developers or designers to access this function directly. * @param tv the TableView associated with this TableCell */
public final void updateTableView(TableView tv) { setTableView(tv); }
Updates the TableRow associated with this TableCell. Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily by those implementing new Skins. It is not common for developers or designers to access this function directly.
  • tableRow – the TableRow associated with this TableCell
/** * Updates the TableRow associated with this TableCell. * * Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily * by those implementing new Skins. It is not common * for developers or designers to access this function directly. * @param tableRow the TableRow associated with this TableCell */
public final void updateTableRow(TableRow tableRow) { this.setTableRow(tableRow); }
Updates the TableColumn associated with this TableCell. Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily by those implementing new Skins. It is not common for developers or designers to access this function directly.
  • col – the TableColumn associated with this TableCell
/** * Updates the TableColumn associated with this TableCell. * * Note: This function is intended to be used by experts, primarily * by those implementing new Skins. It is not common * for developers or designers to access this function directly. * @param col the TableColumn associated with this TableCell */
public final void updateTableColumn(TableColumn col) { // remove style class of existing table column, if it is non-null TableColumn<S,T> oldCol = getTableColumn(); if (oldCol != null) { oldCol.getStyleClass().removeListener(weakColumnStyleClassListener); getStyleClass().removeAll(oldCol.getStyleClass()); oldCol.idProperty().removeListener(weakColumnIdListener); oldCol.styleProperty().removeListener(weakColumnStyleListener); String id = getId(); String style = getStyle(); if (id != null && id.equals(oldCol.getId())) { setId(null); } if (style != null && style.equals(oldCol.getStyle())) { setStyle(""); } } setTableColumn(col); if (col != null) { getStyleClass().addAll(col.getStyleClass()); col.getStyleClass().addListener(weakColumnStyleClassListener); col.idProperty().addListener(weakColumnIdListener); col.styleProperty().addListener(weakColumnStyleListener); possiblySetId(col.getId()); possiblySetStyle(col.getStyle()); } }
* Stylesheet Handling * *
/*************************************************************************** * * * Stylesheet Handling * * * **************************************************************************/
private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "table-cell"; private static final PseudoClass PSEUDO_CLASS_LAST_VISIBLE = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("last-visible"); private void possiblySetId(String idCandidate) { if (getId() == null || getId().isEmpty()) { setId(idCandidate); } } private void possiblySetStyle(String styleCandidate) { if (getStyle() == null || getStyle().isEmpty()) { setStyle(styleCandidate); } } /*************************************************************************** * * * Accessibility handling * * * **************************************************************************/
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Object queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute attribute, Object... parameters) { switch (attribute) { case ROW_INDEX: return getIndex(); case COLUMN_INDEX: return columnIndex; case SELECTED: return isInCellSelectionMode() ? isSelected() : getTableRow().isSelected(); default: return super.queryAccessibleAttribute(attribute, parameters); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public void executeAccessibleAction(AccessibleAction action, Object... parameters) { switch (action) { case REQUEST_FOCUS: { TableView<S> tableView = getTableView(); if (tableView != null) { TableViewFocusModel<S> fm = tableView.getFocusModel(); if (fm != null) { fm.focus(getIndex(), getTableColumn()); } } break; } default: super.executeAccessibleAction(action, parameters); } } }