 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Original Work: MIT License, Copyright (c) [2015-2018] all contributors
 * https://github.com/marianobarrios/tls-channel

package com.mongodb.internal.connection.tlschannel.async;

import com.mongodb.internal.connection.ExtendedAsynchronousByteChannel;
import com.mongodb.internal.connection.tlschannel.TlsChannel;
import com.mongodb.internal.connection.tlschannel.impl.ByteBufferSet;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.CompletionHandler;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;

An AsynchronousByteChannel that works using TlsChannels.
/** * An {@link AsynchronousByteChannel} that works using {@link TlsChannel}s. */
public class AsynchronousTlsChannel implements ExtendedAsynchronousByteChannel { private class FutureReadResult extends CompletableFuture<Integer> { AsynchronousTlsChannelGroup.ReadOperation op; @Override public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { super.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); return group.doCancelRead(registeredSocket, op); } } private class FutureWriteResult extends CompletableFuture<Integer> { AsynchronousTlsChannelGroup.WriteOperation op; @Override public boolean cancel(final boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { super.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); return group.doCancelWrite(registeredSocket, op); } } private final AsynchronousTlsChannelGroup group; private final TlsChannel tlsChannel; private final AsynchronousTlsChannelGroup.RegisteredSocket registeredSocket;
Initializes a new instance of this class.
  • channelGroup – group to associate new new channel to
  • tlsChannel – existing TLS channel to be used asynchronously
  • socketChannel – underlying socket
/** * Initializes a new instance of this class. * * @param channelGroup group to associate new new channel to * @param tlsChannel existing TLS channel to be used asynchronously * @param socketChannel underlying socket * @throws ClosedChannelException if any of the underlying channels are closed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException is the socket is in blocking mode */
public AsynchronousTlsChannel( final AsynchronousTlsChannelGroup channelGroup, final TlsChannel tlsChannel, final SocketChannel socketChannel) throws ClosedChannelException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!socketChannel.isOpen()) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (!tlsChannel.isOpen()) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (socketChannel.isBlocking()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("socket channel must be in non-blocking mode"); } this.group = channelGroup; this.tlsChannel = tlsChannel; this.registeredSocket = channelGroup.registerSocket(tlsChannel, socketChannel); } @Override public <A> void read( final ByteBuffer dst, final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Integer, ? super A> handler) { checkReadOnly(dst); if (!dst.hasRemaining()) { completeWithZeroInt(attach, handler); return; } group.startRead( registeredSocket, new ByteBufferSet(dst), 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed((int) c, attach); } }); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable e) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.failed(e, attach); } }); } }); } @Override public <A> void read( final ByteBuffer dst, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit, final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Integer, ? super A> handler) { checkReadOnly(dst); if (!dst.hasRemaining()) { completeWithZeroInt(attach, handler); return; } group.startRead( registeredSocket, new ByteBufferSet(dst), timeout, unit, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed((int) c, attach); } }); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable e) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.failed(e, attach); } }); } }); } @Override public <A> void read( final ByteBuffer[] dsts, final int offset, final int length, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit, final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Long, ? super A> handler) { ByteBufferSet bufferSet = new ByteBufferSet(dsts, offset, length); if (bufferSet.isReadOnly()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer is read-only"); } if (!bufferSet.hasRemaining()) { completeWithZeroLong(attach, handler); return; } group.startRead( registeredSocket, bufferSet, timeout, unit, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed(c, attach); } }); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable e) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.failed(e, attach); } }); } }); } @Override public Future<Integer> read(final ByteBuffer dst) { checkReadOnly(dst); if (!dst.hasRemaining()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(0); } final FutureReadResult future = new FutureReadResult(); future.op = group.startRead( registeredSocket, new ByteBufferSet(dst), 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { future.complete((int) c); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable ex) { future.completeExceptionally(ex); } }); return future; } private void checkReadOnly(final ByteBuffer dst) { if (dst.isReadOnly()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer is read-only"); } } @Override public <A> void write(final ByteBuffer src, final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Integer, ? super A> handler) { if (!src.hasRemaining()) { completeWithZeroInt(attach, handler); return; } group.startWrite( registeredSocket, new ByteBufferSet(src), 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed((int) c, attach); } }); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable e) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.failed(e, attach); } }); } }); } @Override public <A> void write( final ByteBuffer src, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit, final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Integer, ? super A> handler) { if (!src.hasRemaining()) { completeWithZeroInt(attach, handler); return; } group.startWrite( registeredSocket, new ByteBufferSet(src), timeout, unit, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed((int) c, attach); } }); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable e) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.failed(e, attach); } }); } }); } @Override public <A> void write( final ByteBuffer[] srcs, final int offset, final int length, final long timeout, final TimeUnit unit, final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Long, ? super A> handler) { ByteBufferSet bufferSet = new ByteBufferSet(srcs, offset, length); if (!bufferSet.hasRemaining()) { completeWithZeroLong(attach, handler); return; } group.startWrite( registeredSocket, bufferSet, timeout, unit, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed(c, attach); } }); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable e) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.failed(e, attach); } }); } }); } @Override public Future<Integer> write(final ByteBuffer src) { if (!src.hasRemaining()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(0); } final FutureWriteResult future = new FutureWriteResult(); future.op = group.startWrite( registeredSocket, new ByteBufferSet(src), 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LongConsumer() { @Override public void accept(final long c) { future.complete((int) c); } }, new Consumer<Throwable>() { @Override public void accept(final Throwable ex) { future.completeExceptionally(ex); } }); return future; } private <A> void completeWithZeroInt(final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Integer, ? super A> handler) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed(0, attach); } }); } private <A> void completeWithZeroLong(final A attach, final CompletionHandler<Long, ? super A> handler) { group.executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { handler.completed(0L, attach); } }); }
Tells whether or not this channel is open.
Returns:true if, and only if, this channel is open
/** * Tells whether or not this channel is open. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if, and only if, this channel is open */
@Override public boolean isOpen() { return tlsChannel.isOpen(); }
Closes this channel.

This method will close the underlying TlsChannel and also deregister it from its group.

/** * Closes this channel. * * <p>This method will close the underlying {@link TlsChannel} and also deregister it from its group.</p> * * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs */
@Override public void close() throws IOException { tlsChannel.close(); registeredSocket.close(); } }