 * Copyright 2008-present MongoDB, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mongodb.async.client;

import com.mongodb.MongoNamespace;
import com.mongodb.ReadConcern;
import com.mongodb.ReadPreference;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import com.mongodb.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback;
import com.mongodb.bulk.BulkWriteResult;
import com.mongodb.client.model.BulkWriteOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.CreateIndexOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.DeleteOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.DropIndexOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndReplaceOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexModel;
import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.InsertManyOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.InsertOneOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.WriteModel;
import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;

import java.util.List;

The MongoCollection interface.

Note: Additions to this interface will not be considered to break binary compatibility.

MongoCollection is generic allowing for different types to represent documents. Any custom classes must have a Codec registered in the CodecRegistry. The default CodecRegistry includes built-in support for: BsonDocument and Document.

Type parameters:
  • <TDocument> – The type that this collection will encode documents from and decode documents to.
Deprecated:Prefer the Reactive Streams-based asynchronous driver (mongodb-driver-reactivestreams artifactId)
/** * The MongoCollection interface. * * <p>Note: Additions to this interface will not be considered to break binary compatibility.</p> * * <p>MongoCollection is generic allowing for different types to represent documents. Any custom classes must have a * {@link org.bson.codecs.Codec} registered in the {@link CodecRegistry}. The default {@code CodecRegistry} includes built-in support for: * {@link org.bson.BsonDocument} and {@link Document}. * </p> * * @param <TDocument> The type that this collection will encode documents from and decode documents to. * @since 3.0 * @deprecated Prefer the Reactive Streams-based asynchronous driver (mongodb-driver-reactivestreams artifactId) */
@ThreadSafe @Deprecated public interface MongoCollection<TDocument> {
Gets the namespace of this collection.
Returns:the namespace
/** * Gets the namespace of this collection. * * @return the namespace */
MongoNamespace getNamespace();
Get the class of documents stored in this collection.
Returns:the class
/** * Get the class of documents stored in this collection. * * @return the class */
Class<TDocument> getDocumentClass();
Get the codec registry for the MongoCollection.
Returns:the CodecRegistry
/** * Get the codec registry for the MongoCollection. * * @return the {@link org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry} */
CodecRegistry getCodecRegistry();
Get the read preference for the MongoCollection.
Returns:the ReadPreference
/** * Get the read preference for the MongoCollection. * * @return the {@link com.mongodb.ReadPreference} */
ReadPreference getReadPreference();
Get the write concern for the MongoCollection.
Returns:the WriteConcern
/** * Get the write concern for the MongoCollection. * * @return the {@link com.mongodb.WriteConcern} */
WriteConcern getWriteConcern();
Get the read concern for the MongoCollection.
Returns:the ReadConcern
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/readConcern/ Read Concern
/** * Get the read concern for the MongoCollection. * * @return the {@link com.mongodb.ReadConcern} * @since 3.2 * @mongodb.server.release 3.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/readConcern/ Read Concern */
ReadConcern getReadConcern();
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different default class to cast any documents returned from the database into..
  • newDocumentClass – the default class to cast any documents returned from the database into.
Type parameters:
  • <NewTDocument> – the type that the new collection will encode documents from and decode documents to
Returns:a new MongoCollection instance with the different default class
/** * Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different default class to cast any documents returned from the database into.. * * @param newDocumentClass the default class to cast any documents returned from the database into. * @param <NewTDocument> the type that the new collection will encode documents from and decode documents to * @return a new MongoCollection instance with the different default class */
<NewTDocument> MongoCollection<NewTDocument> withDocumentClass(Class<NewTDocument> newDocumentClass);
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different codec registry.
Returns:a new MongoCollection instance with the different codec registry
/** * Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different codec registry. * * @param codecRegistry the new {@link org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry} for the collection * @return a new MongoCollection instance with the different codec registry */
MongoCollection<TDocument> withCodecRegistry(CodecRegistry codecRegistry);
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read preference.
Returns:a new MongoCollection instance with the different readPreference
/** * Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read preference. * * @param readPreference the new {@link com.mongodb.ReadPreference} for the collection * @return a new MongoCollection instance with the different readPreference */
MongoCollection<TDocument> withReadPreference(ReadPreference readPreference);
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different write concern.
Returns:a new MongoCollection instance with the different writeConcern
/** * Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different write concern. * * @param writeConcern the new {@link com.mongodb.WriteConcern} for the collection * @return a new MongoCollection instance with the different writeConcern */
MongoCollection<TDocument> withWriteConcern(WriteConcern writeConcern);
Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read concern.
Returns:a new MongoCollection instance with the different ReadConcern
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/readConcern/ Read Concern
/** * Create a new MongoCollection instance with a different read concern. * * @param readConcern the new {@link ReadConcern} for the collection * @return a new MongoCollection instance with the different ReadConcern * @since 3.2 * @mongodb.server.release 3.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/readConcern/ Read Concern */
MongoCollection<TDocument> withReadConcern(ReadConcern readConcern);
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
Deprecated:use estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback) or countDocuments(SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection. * * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @deprecated use {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)} or {@link #countDocuments(SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void count(SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
  • filter – the query filter
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
Deprecated:use countDocuments(Bson, SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * @param filter the query filter * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @deprecated use {@link #countDocuments(Bson, SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void count(Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
  • filter – the query filter
  • options – the options describing the count
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
Deprecated:use countDocuments(Bson, CountOptions, SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * @param filter the query filter * @param options the options describing the count * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @deprecated use {@link #countDocuments(Bson, CountOptions, SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void count(Bson filter, CountOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
Deprecated:use estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback) or countDocuments(ClientSession, SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @deprecated use {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)} or * {@link #countDocuments(ClientSession, SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void count(ClientSession clientSession, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
Deprecated:use countDocuments(ClientSession, Bson, SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @deprecated use {@link #countDocuments(ClientSession, Bson, SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void count(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter
  • options – the options describing the count
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
Deprecated:use countDocuments(ClientSession, Bson, CountOptions, SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter * @param options the options describing the count * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @deprecated use {@link #countDocuments(ClientSession, Bson, CountOptions, SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void count(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, CountOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback). When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

 | Operator    | Replacement                    |
 | $where      |  $expr                         |
 | $near       |  $geoWithin with $center       |
 | $nearSphere |  $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection. * * <p> * Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)}. * When migrating from {@code count()} to {@code countDocuments()} the following query operators must be replaced: * </p> * <pre> * * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | Operator | Replacement | * +=============+================================+ * | $where | $expr | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $near | $geoWithin with $center | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * </pre> * * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 */
void countDocuments(SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback). When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

 | Operator    | Replacement                    |
 | $where      |  $expr                         |
 | $near       |  $geoWithin with $center       |
 | $nearSphere |  $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
  • filter – the query filter
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * <p> * Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)}. * When migrating from {@code count()} to {@code countDocuments()} the following query operators must be replaced: * </p> * <pre> * * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | Operator | Replacement | * +=============+================================+ * | $where | $expr | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $near | $geoWithin with $center | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * </pre> * * @param filter the query filter * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 */
void countDocuments(Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback). When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

 | Operator    | Replacement                    |
 | $where      |  $expr                         |
 | $near       |  $geoWithin with $center       |
 | $nearSphere |  $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
  • filter – the query filter
  • options – the options describing the count
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * <p> * Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)}. * When migrating from {@code count()} to {@code countDocuments()} the following query operators must be replaced: * </p> * <pre> * * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | Operator | Replacement | * +=============+================================+ * | $where | $expr | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $near | $geoWithin with $center | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * </pre> * * @param filter the query filter * @param options the options describing the count * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 */
void countDocuments(Bson filter, CountOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback). When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

 | Operator    | Replacement                    |
 | $where      |  $expr                         |
 | $near       |  $geoWithin with $center       |
 | $nearSphere |  $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection. * * <p> * Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)}. * When migrating from {@code count()} to {@code countDocuments()} the following query operators must be replaced: * </p> * <pre> * * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | Operator | Replacement | * +=============+================================+ * | $where | $expr | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $near | $geoWithin with $center | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * </pre> * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void countDocuments(ClientSession clientSession, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback). When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

 | Operator    | Replacement                    |
 | $where      |  $expr                         |
 | $near       |  $geoWithin with $center       |
 | $nearSphere |  $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * <p> * Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)}. * When migrating from {@code count()} to {@code countDocuments()} the following query operators must be replaced: * </p> * <pre> * * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | Operator | Replacement | * +=============+================================+ * | $where | $expr | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $near | $geoWithin with $center | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * </pre> * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void countDocuments(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options.

Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback). When migrating from count() to countDocuments() the following query operators must be replaced:

 | Operator    | Replacement                    |
 | $where      |  $expr                         |
 | $near       |  $geoWithin with $center       |
 | $nearSphere |  $geoWithin with $centerSphere |
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter
  • options – the options describing the count
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Counts the number of documents in the collection according to the given options. * * <p> * Note: For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link #estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback)}. * When migrating from {@code count()} to {@code countDocuments()} the following query operators must be replaced: * </p> * <pre> * * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | Operator | Replacement | * +=============+================================+ * | $where | $expr | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $near | $geoWithin with $center | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * | $nearSphere | $geoWithin with $centerSphere | * +-------------+--------------------------------+ * </pre> * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter * @param options the options describing the count * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void countDocuments(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, CountOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata. * * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 */
void estimatedDocumentCount(SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
  • options – the options describing the count
  • callback – the callback passed the number of documents in the collection
/** * Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata. * * @param options the options describing the count * @param callback the callback passed the number of documents in the collection * @since 3.8 */
void estimatedDocumentCount(EstimatedDocumentCountOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Long> callback);
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
  • fieldName – the field name
  • resultClass – the default class to cast any distinct items into.
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable of distinct values
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/distinct/ Distinct
/** * Gets the distinct values of the specified field name. * * @param fieldName the field name * @param resultClass the default class to cast any distinct items into. * @param <TResult> the target type of the iterable. * @return an iterable of distinct values * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/distinct/ Distinct */
<TResult> DistinctIterable<TResult> distinct(String fieldName, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
  • fieldName – the field name
  • filter – the query filter
  • resultClass – the default class to cast any distinct items into.
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable of distinct values
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/distinct/ Distinct
/** * Gets the distinct values of the specified field name. * * @param fieldName the field name * @param filter the query filter * @param resultClass the default class to cast any distinct items into. * @param <TResult> the target type of the iterable. * @return an iterable of distinct values * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/distinct/ Distinct */
<TResult> DistinctIterable<TResult> distinct(String fieldName, Bson filter, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • fieldName – the field name
  • resultClass – the default class to cast any distinct items into.
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable of distinct values
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/distinct/ Distinct
/** * Gets the distinct values of the specified field name. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param fieldName the field name * @param resultClass the default class to cast any distinct items into. * @param <TResult> the target type of the iterable. * @return an iterable of distinct values * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/distinct/ Distinct * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> DistinctIterable<TResult> distinct(ClientSession clientSession, String fieldName, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Gets the distinct values of the specified field name.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • fieldName – the field name
  • filter – the query filter
  • resultClass – the default class to cast any distinct items into.
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable of distinct values
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/distinct/ Distinct
/** * Gets the distinct values of the specified field name. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param fieldName the field name * @param filter the query filter * @param resultClass the default class to cast any distinct items into. * @param <TResult> the target type of the iterable. * @return an iterable of distinct values * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/distinct/ Distinct * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> DistinctIterable<TResult> distinct(ClientSession clientSession, String fieldName, Bson filter, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Finds all documents in the collection.
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find */
FindIterable<TDocument> find();
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find */
<TResult> FindIterable<TResult> find(Class<TResult> resultClass);
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • filter – the query filter
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param filter the query filter * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find */
FindIterable<TDocument> find(Bson filter);
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • filter – the query filter
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param filter the query filter * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find */
<TResult> FindIterable<TResult> find(Bson filter, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
FindIterable<TDocument> find(ClientSession clientSession);
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> FindIterable<TResult> find(ClientSession clientSession, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
FindIterable<TDocument> find(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter);
Finds all documents in the collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the find iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/query-documents/ Find
/** * Finds all documents in the collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the find iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/query-documents/ Find * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> FindIterable<TResult> find(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be executed even if the iterable is never iterated.
  • pipeline – the aggregate pipeline
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation
@mongodb.driver.manualaggregation/ Aggregation
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned * iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be * executed even if the iterable is never iterated. * * @param pipeline the aggregate pipeline * @return an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation * @mongodb.driver.manual aggregation/ Aggregation */
AggregateIterable<TDocument> aggregate(List<? extends Bson> pipeline);
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be executed even if the iterable is never iterated.
  • pipeline – the aggregate pipeline
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation
@mongodb.driver.manualaggregation/ Aggregation
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned * iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be * executed even if the iterable is never iterated. * * @param pipeline the aggregate pipeline * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation * @mongodb.driver.manual aggregation/ Aggregation */
<TResult> AggregateIterable<TResult> aggregate(List<? extends Bson> pipeline, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be executed even if the iterable is never iterated.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • pipeline – the aggregate pipeline
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation
@mongodb.driver.manualaggregation/ Aggregation
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned * iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be * executed even if the iterable is never iterated. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param pipeline the aggregate pipeline * @return an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation * @mongodb.driver.manual aggregation/ Aggregation * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
AggregateIterable<TDocument> aggregate(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends Bson> pipeline);
Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be executed even if the iterable is never iterated.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • pipeline – the aggregate pipeline
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation
@mongodb.driver.manualaggregation/ Aggregation
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified aggregation pipeline. If the pipeline ends with a $out or $merge stage, the returned * iterable will be a query of the collection that the aggregation was written to. Note that in this case the pipeline will be * executed even if the iterable is never iterated. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param pipeline the aggregate pipeline * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return an iterable containing the result of the aggregation operation * @mongodb.driver.manual aggregation/ Aggregation * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> AggregateIterable<TResult> aggregate(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends Bson> pipeline, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.dochubcore/changestreams Change Streams
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.dochub core/changestreams Change Streams * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
ChangeStreamIterable<TDocument> watch();
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.dochubcore/changestreams Change Streams
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.dochub core/changestreams Change Streams * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> ChangeStreamIterable<TResult> watch(Class<TResult> resultClass);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • pipeline – the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.dochubcore/changestreams Change Streams
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.dochub core/changestreams Change Streams * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
ChangeStreamIterable<TDocument> watch(List<? extends Bson> pipeline);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • pipeline – the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.dochubcore/changestreams Change Streams
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.dochub core/changestreams Change Streams * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> ChangeStreamIterable<TResult> watch(List<? extends Bson> pipeline, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
ChangeStreamIterable<TDocument> watch(ClientSession clientSession);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> ChangeStreamIterable<TResult> watch(ClientSession clientSession, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • pipeline – the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
ChangeStreamIterable<TDocument> watch(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends Bson> pipeline);
Creates a change stream for this collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • pipeline – the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the change stream iterable
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream
/** * Creates a change stream for this collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param pipeline the aggregation pipeline to apply to the change stream * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the change stream iterable * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/aggregation/changeStream $changeStream * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> ChangeStreamIterable<TResult> watch(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends Bson> pipeline, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
  • mapFunction – A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair.
  • reduceFunction – A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key.
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function. * * @param mapFunction A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair. * @param reduceFunction A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key. * @return an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce */
MapReduceIterable<TDocument> mapReduce(String mapFunction, String reduceFunction);
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
  • mapFunction – A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair.
  • reduceFunction – A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key.
  • resultClass – the class to decode each resulting document into.
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function. * * @param mapFunction A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair. * @param reduceFunction A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key. * @param resultClass the class to decode each resulting document into. * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce */
<TResult> MapReduceIterable<TResult> mapReduce(String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • mapFunction – A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair.
  • reduceFunction – A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key.
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param mapFunction A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair. * @param reduceFunction A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key. * @return an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
MapReduceIterable<TDocument> mapReduce(ClientSession clientSession, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction);
Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • mapFunction – A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair.
  • reduceFunction – A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key.
  • resultClass – the class to decode each resulting document into.
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce
/** * Aggregates documents according to the specified map-reduce function. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param mapFunction A JavaScript function that associates or "maps" a value with a key and emits the key and value pair. * @param reduceFunction A JavaScript function that "reduces" to a single object all the values associated with a particular key. * @param resultClass the class to decode each resulting document into. * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return an iterable containing the result of the map-reduce operation * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/mapReduce/ map-reduce * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> MapReduceIterable<TResult> mapReduce(ClientSession clientSession, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the requests contain any UpdateManyModels or DeleteManyModels then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.

  • requests – the writes to execute
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the bulk write
/** * Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. * The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the {@code requests} * contain any {@code UpdateManyModels} or {@code DeleteManyModels} then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.</p> * @param requests the writes to execute * @param callback the callback passed the result of the bulk write * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>> requests, SingleResultCallback<BulkWriteResult> callback);
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the requests contain any UpdateManyModels or DeleteManyModels then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.

  • requests – the writes to execute
  • options – the options to apply to the bulk write operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the bulk write
/** * Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. * The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the {@code requests} * contain any {@code UpdateManyModels} or {@code DeleteManyModels} then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.</p> * @param requests the writes to execute * @param options the options to apply to the bulk write operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the bulk write * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void bulkWrite(List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>> requests, BulkWriteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<BulkWriteResult> callback);
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the requests contain any UpdateManyModels or DeleteManyModels then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • requests – the writes to execute
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the bulk write
/** * Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. * The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the {@code requests} * contain any {@code UpdateManyModels} or {@code DeleteManyModels} then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param requests the writes to execute * @param callback the callback passed the result of the bulk write * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void bulkWrite(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>> requests, SingleResultCallback<BulkWriteResult> callback);
Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the requests contain any UpdateManyModels or DeleteManyModels then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • requests – the writes to execute
  • options – the options to apply to the bulk write operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the bulk write
/** * Executes a mix of inserts, updates, replaces, and deletes. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled. * The eligibility for retryable write support for bulk operations is determined on the whole bulk write. If the {@code requests} * contain any {@code UpdateManyModels} or {@code DeleteManyModels} then the bulk operation will not support retryable writes.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param requests the writes to execute * @param options the options to apply to the bulk write operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the bulk write * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void bulkWrite(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends WriteModel<? extends TDocument>> requests, BulkWriteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<BulkWriteResult> callback);
Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • document – the document to insert
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
/** * Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param document the document to insert * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void insertOne(TDocument document, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • document – the document to insert
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
/** * Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param document the document to insert * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.2 */
void insertOne(TDocument document, InsertOneOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • document – the document to insert
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
/** * Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param document the document to insert * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void insertOne(ClientSession clientSession, TDocument document, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • document – the document to insert
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
/** * Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the driver should generate one. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param document the document to insert * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void insertOne(ClientSession clientSession, TDocument document, InsertOneOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the bulkWrite method

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • documents – the documents to insert
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
See Also:
/** * Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the {@code bulkWrite} method * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param documents the documents to insert * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException if there's an exception in the bulk write operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#bulkWrite */
void insertMany(List<? extends TDocument> documents, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the bulkWrite method

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • documents – the documents to insert
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
See Also:
/** * Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the {@code bulkWrite} method * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param documents the documents to insert * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException if there's an exception in the bulk write operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#bulkWrite */
void insertMany(List<? extends TDocument> documents, InsertManyOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the bulkWrite method

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • documents – the documents to insert
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
See Also:
/** * Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the {@code bulkWrite} method * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param documents the documents to insert * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException if there's an exception in the bulk write operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#bulkWrite * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void insertMany(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends TDocument> documents, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the bulkWrite method

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • documents – the documents to insert
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the insert has completed
See Also:
/** * Inserts one or more documents. A call to this method is equivalent to a call to the {@code bulkWrite} method * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param documents the documents to insert * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback that is completed once the insert has completed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoBulkWriteException if there's an exception in the bulk write operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#bulkWrite * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void insertMany(ClientSession clientSession, List<? extends TDocument> documents, InsertManyOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove one operation
/** * Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not * modified. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void deleteOne(Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • options – the options to apply to the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove one operation
/** * Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not * modified. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param options the options to apply to the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void deleteOne(Bson filter, DeleteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove one operation
/** * Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not * modified. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void deleteOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • options – the options to apply to the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove one operation
/** * Removes at most one document from the collection that matches the given filter. If no documents match, the collection is not * modified. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param options the options to apply to the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void deleteOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, DeleteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove many operation
/** * Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified. * * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void deleteMany(Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • options – the options to apply to the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove many operation
/** * Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified. * * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param options the options to apply to the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure */
void deleteMany(Bson filter, DeleteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove many operation
/** * Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void deleteMany(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the delete operation
  • options – the options to apply to the delete operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the remove many operation
/** * Removes all documents from the collection that match the given query filter. If no documents match, the collection is not modified. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the delete operation * @param options the options to apply to the delete operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the remove many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void deleteMany(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, DeleteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<DeleteResult> callback);
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding updateOne(Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the replace one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #updateOne(Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param callback the callback passed the result of the replace one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors */
void replaceOne(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding updateOne(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • options – the options to apply to the replace operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the replace one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
Deprecated:use replaceOne(Bson, Object, ReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback) instead
/** * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #updateOne(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the replace one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @deprecated use {@link #replaceOne(Bson, Object, ReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback)} instead */
@Deprecated void replaceOne(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, UpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding updateOne(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • options – the options to apply to the replace operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the replace one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #updateOne(Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the replace one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.7 */
void replaceOne(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, ReplaceOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the replace one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param callback the callback passed the result of the replace one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • options – the options to apply to the replace operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the replace one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
Deprecated:use replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, ReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback)
/** * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the replace one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @deprecated use {@link #replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, ReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback)} */
@Deprecated void replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, UpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • options – the options to apply to the replace operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the replace one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #updateOne(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the replace one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @since 3.7 */
void replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, ReplaceOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding replaceOne(Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #replaceOne(Bson, Object, * SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#replaceOne(Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) */
void updateOne(Bson filter, Bson update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding replaceOne(Bson, Object, ReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • options – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #replaceOne(Bson, Object, ReplaceOptions, * SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param options the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#replaceOne(Bson, Object, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) */
void updateOne(Bson filter, Bson update, UpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, * SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) */
void updateOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • options – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, * UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param options the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#replaceOne(ClientSession, Bson, Object, UpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) */
void updateOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, UpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateOne(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • updateOptions – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param updateOptions the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateOne(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, UpdateOptions updateOptions, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • updateOptions – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update one operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update a single document in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param updateOptions the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update one operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, UpdateOptions updateOptions, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators. T
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators. T * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateMany(Bson filter, Bson update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators.
  • options – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators. * @param options the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateMany(Bson filter, Bson update, UpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators. T
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators. T * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void updateMany(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators.
  • options – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include only update operators. * @param options the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException via the callback if the write failed due to some specific write exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException via the callback if the write failed due to being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoCommandException via the callback if the write failed due to a specific command exception * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException via the callback if the write failed due some other failure * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void updateMany(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, UpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateMany(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • updateOptions – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param updateOptions the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateMany(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, UpdateOptions updateOptions, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateMany(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • updateOptions – the options to apply to the update operation
  • callback – the callback passed the result of the update many operation
@mongodb.driver.manualtutorial/modify-documents/ Updates
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/operator/update/ Update Operators
/** * Update all documents in the collection according to the specified arguments. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param updateOptions the options to apply to the update operation * @param callback the callback passed the result of the update many operation * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteException if the write failed due some other failure specific to the update command * @throws com.mongodb.MongoWriteConcernException if the write failed due being unable to fulfil the write concern * @throws com.mongodb.MongoException if the write failed due some other failure * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/ Updates * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/operator/update/ Update Operators */
void updateMany(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, UpdateOptions updateOptions, SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback);
Atomically find a document and remove it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to find the document with
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and remove it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to find the document with * @param callback the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be * returned */
void findOneAndDelete(Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and remove it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to find the document with
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and remove it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to find the document with * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be * returned */
void findOneAndDelete(Bson filter, FindOneAndDeleteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and remove it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to find the document with
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and remove it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to find the document with * @param callback the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be * returned * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void findOneAndDelete(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and remove it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to find the document with
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and remove it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to find the document with * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was removed. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be * returned * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void findOneAndDelete(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, FindOneAndDeleteOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and replace it.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and replace it. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param callback the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no * documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors */
void findOneAndReplace(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and replace it.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and replace it. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #findOneAndUpdate(Bson, Bson, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no * documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors */
void findOneAndReplace(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, FindOneAndReplaceOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and replace it.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and replace it. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param callback the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no * documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void findOneAndReplace(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and replace it.

Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use the corresponding findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – the query filter to apply the the replace operation
  • replacement – the replacement document
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and replace it. * * <p>Use this method to replace a document using the specified replacement argument. To update the document with update operators, use * the corresponding {@link #findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession, Bson, Bson, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation * @param replacement the replacement document * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was replaced. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} * property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no * documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void findOneAndReplace(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, FindOneAndReplaceOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding findOneAndReplace(Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #findOneAndReplace(Bson, Object, * SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query * filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#findOneAndReplace(Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) */
void findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, Bson update, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding findOneAndReplace(Bson, Object, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #findOneAndReplace(Bson, Object, * FindOneAndReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} property, * this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched * the query filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#findOneAndReplace(Bson, Object, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback) */
void findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, * Object, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query * filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, Object, SingleResultCallback) */
void findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, Object, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback) method.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update operator.
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
See Also:
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/update Update Command Behaviors
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Use this method to only update the corresponding fields in the document according to the update operators used in the update * document. To replace the entire document with a new document, use the corresponding {@link #findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, * Object, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, SingleResultCallback)} method.</p> * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a document describing the update, which may not be null. The update to apply must include at least one update * operator. * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} property, * this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched * the query filter, then null will be returned * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/update Update Command Behaviors * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 * @see com.mongodb.async.client.MongoCollection#findOneAndReplace(ClientSession, Bson, Object, FindOneAndReplaceOptions, * SingleResultCallback) */
void findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, Bson update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query * filter, then null will be returned * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 */
void findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} property, * this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched * the query filter, then null will be returned * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 */
void findOneAndUpdate(Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated before the update was applied. If no documents matched the query * filter, then null will be returned * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 */
void findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Atomically find a document and update it.

Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.

  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • filter – a document describing the query filter, which may not be null.
  • update – a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null.
  • options – the options to apply to the operation
  • callback – the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the returnOriginal property, this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched the query filter, then null will be returned
/** * Atomically find a document and update it. * * <p>Note: Supports retryable writes on MongoDB server versions 3.6 or higher when the retryWrites setting is enabled.</p> * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param filter a document describing the query filter, which may not be null. * @param update a pipeline describing the update, which may not be null. * @param options the options to apply to the operation * @param callback the callback passed the document that was updated. Depending on the value of the {@code returnOriginal} property, * this will either be the document as it was before the update or as it is after the update. If no documents matched * the query filter, then null will be returned * @since 3.11 * @mongodb.server.release 4.2 */
void findOneAndUpdate(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, List<? extends Bson> update, FindOneAndUpdateOptions options, SingleResultCallback<TDocument> callback);
Drops this collection from the Database.
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the collection has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/drop/ Drop Collection
/** * Drops this collection from the Database. * * @param callback the callback that is completed once the collection has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/drop/ Drop Collection */
void drop(SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops this collection from the Database.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the collection has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/drop/ Drop Collection
/** * Drops this collection from the Database. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param callback the callback that is completed once the collection has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/drop/ Drop Collection * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void drop(ClientSession clientSession, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result.
  • key – an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes
/** * Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result. * * @param key an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null. * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes */
void createIndex(Bson key, SingleResultCallback<String> callback);
Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result.
  • key – an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null.
  • options – the options for the index
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes
/** * Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result. * * @param key an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null. * @param options the options for the index * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes */
void createIndex(Bson key, IndexOptions options, SingleResultCallback<String> callback);
Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • key – an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null.
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes
/** * Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param key an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null. * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void createIndex(ClientSession clientSession, Bson key, SingleResultCallback<String> callback);
Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • key – an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null.
  • options – the options for the index
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes
/** * Creates an index. If successful, the callback will be executed with the name of the created index as the result. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param key an object describing the index key(s), which may not be null. * @param options the options for the index * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes/ Create indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void createIndex(ClientSession clientSession, Bson key, IndexOptions options, SingleResultCallback<String> callback);
Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result.
  • indexes – the list of indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes Create indexes
/** * Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result. * * @param indexes the list of indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes Create indexes * @mongodb.server.release 2.6 */
void createIndexes(List<IndexModel> indexes, SingleResultCallback<List<String>> callback);
Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result.
  • indexes – the list of indexes
  • createIndexOptions – options to use when creating indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes Create indexes
/** * Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result. * * @param indexes the list of indexes * @param createIndexOptions options to use when creating indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes Create indexes * @since 3.6 */
void createIndexes(List<IndexModel> indexes, CreateIndexOptions createIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<List<String>> callback);
Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • indexes – the list of indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes Create indexes
/** * Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param indexes the list of indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes Create indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void createIndexes(ClientSession clientSession, List<IndexModel> indexes, SingleResultCallback<List<String>> callback);
Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • indexes – the list of indexes
  • createIndexOptions – options to use when creating indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/createIndexes Create indexes
/** * Create multiple indexes. If successful, the callback will be executed with a list of the names of the created indexes as the result. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param indexes the list of indexes * @param createIndexOptions options to use when creating indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the indexes has been created * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/createIndexes Create indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void createIndexes(ClientSession clientSession, List<IndexModel> indexes, CreateIndexOptions createIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<List<String>> callback);
Get all the indexes in this collection.
Returns:the list indexes iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes
/** * Get all the indexes in this collection. * * @return the list indexes iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes */
ListIndexesIterable<Document> listIndexes();
Get all the indexes in this collection.
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the list indexes iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes
/** * Get all the indexes in this collection. * * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the list indexes iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes */
<TResult> ListIndexesIterable<TResult> listIndexes(Class<TResult> resultClass);
Get all the indexes in this collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
Returns:the list indexes iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes
/** * Get all the indexes in this collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @return the list indexes iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
ListIndexesIterable<Document> listIndexes(ClientSession clientSession);
Get all the indexes in this collection.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • resultClass – the class to decode each document into
Type parameters:
  • <TResult> – the target document type of the iterable.
Returns:the list indexes iterable interface
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes
/** * Get all the indexes in this collection. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param resultClass the class to decode each document into * @param <TResult> the target document type of the iterable. * @return the list indexes iterable interface * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/listIndexes/ List indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
<TResult> ListIndexesIterable<TResult> listIndexes(ClientSession clientSession, Class<TResult> resultClass);
Drops the index given its name.
  • indexName – the name of the index to remove
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given its name. * * @param indexName the name of the index to remove * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes */
void dropIndex(String indexName, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given its name.
  • indexName – the name of the index to remove
  • dropIndexOptions – options to use when dropping indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given its name. * * @param indexName the name of the index to remove * @param dropIndexOptions options to use when dropping indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 */
void dropIndex(String indexName, DropIndexOptions dropIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
  • keys – the keys of the index to remove
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given the keys used to create it. * * @param keys the keys of the index to remove * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes */
void dropIndex(Bson keys, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
  • keys – the keys of the index to remove
  • dropIndexOptions – options to use when dropping indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given the keys used to create it. * * @param keys the keys of the index to remove * @param dropIndexOptions options to use when dropping indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 */
void dropIndex(Bson keys, DropIndexOptions dropIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given its name.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • indexName – the name of the index to remove
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given its name. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param indexName the name of the index to remove * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void dropIndex(ClientSession clientSession, String indexName, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given its name.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • indexName – the name of the index to remove
  • dropIndexOptions – options to use when dropping indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given its name. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param indexName the name of the index to remove * @param dropIndexOptions options to use when dropping indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void dropIndex(ClientSession clientSession, String indexName, DropIndexOptions dropIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • keys – the keys of the index to remove
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given the keys used to create it. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param keys the keys of the index to remove * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void dropIndex(ClientSession clientSession, Bson keys, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drops the index given the keys used to create it.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • keys – the keys of the index to remove
  • dropIndexOptions – options to use when dropping indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drops the index given the keys used to create it. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param keys the keys of the index to remove * @param dropIndexOptions options to use when dropping indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once the index has been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void dropIndex(ClientSession clientSession, Bson keys, DropIndexOptions dropIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
  • callback – the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id. * * @param callback the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes */
void dropIndexes(SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
  • dropIndexOptions – options to use when dropping indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id. * * @param dropIndexOptions options to use when dropping indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 */
void dropIndexes(DropIndexOptions dropIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • callback – the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param callback the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void dropIndexes(ClientSession clientSession, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • dropIndexOptions – options to use when dropping indexes
  • callback – the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes
/** * Drop all the indexes on this collection, except for the default on _id. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param dropIndexOptions options to use when dropping indexes * @param callback the callback that is completed once all the indexes have been dropped * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/dropIndexes/ Drop indexes * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void dropIndexes(ClientSession clientSession, DropIndexOptions dropIndexOptions, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
  • newCollectionNamespace – the namespace the collection will be renamed to
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed
  • MongoServerException – if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection, or if the oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/renameCollection Rename collection
/** * Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName. * * @param newCollectionNamespace the namespace the collection will be renamed to * @param callback the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoServerException if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection, or if the * oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/renameCollection Rename collection */
void renameCollection(MongoNamespace newCollectionNamespace, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
  • newCollectionNamespace – the name the collection will be renamed to
  • options – the options for renaming a collection
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed
  • MongoServerException – if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection and dropTarget is false, or if the oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/renameCollection Rename collection
/** * Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName. * * @param newCollectionNamespace the name the collection will be renamed to * @param options the options for renaming a collection * @param callback the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoServerException if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection and dropTarget * is false, or if the oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/renameCollection Rename collection */
void renameCollection(MongoNamespace newCollectionNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • newCollectionNamespace – the namespace the collection will be renamed to
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed
  • MongoServerException – if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection, or if the oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/renameCollection Rename collection
/** * Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param newCollectionNamespace the namespace the collection will be renamed to * @param callback the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoServerException if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection, or if the * oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/renameCollection Rename collection * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void renameCollection(ClientSession clientSession, MongoNamespace newCollectionNamespace, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback);
Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName.
  • clientSession – the client session with which to associate this operation
  • newCollectionNamespace – the name the collection will be renamed to
  • options – the options for renaming a collection
  • callback – the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed
  • MongoServerException – if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection and dropTarget is false, or if the oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist
@mongodb.driver.manualreference/command/renameCollection Rename collection
/** * Rename the collection with oldCollectionName to the newCollectionName. * * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation * @param newCollectionNamespace the name the collection will be renamed to * @param options the options for renaming a collection * @param callback the callback that is completed once the collection has been renamed * @throws com.mongodb.MongoServerException if you provide a newCollectionName that is the name of an existing collection and dropTarget * is false, or if the oldCollectionName is the name of a collection that doesn't exist * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/renameCollection Rename collection * @since 3.6 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6 */
void renameCollection(ClientSession clientSession, MongoNamespace newCollectionNamespace, RenameCollectionOptions options, SingleResultCallback<Void> callback); }