package org.jsoup.parser;

import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import org.jsoup.internal.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Entities;

import java.util.Arrays;

Readers the input stream into tokens.
/** * Readers the input stream into tokens. */
final class Tokeniser { static final char replacementChar = '\uFFFD'; // replaces null character private static final char[] notCharRefCharsSorted = new char[]{'\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', ' ', '<', '&'}; // Some illegal character escapes are parsed by browsers as windows-1252 instead. See issue #1034 // static final int win1252ExtensionsStart = 0x80; static final int[] win1252Extensions = new int[] { // we could build this manually, but Windows-1252 is not a standard java charset so that could break on // some platforms - this table is verified with a test 0x20AC, 0x0081, 0x201A, 0x0192, 0x201E, 0x2026, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x02C6, 0x2030, 0x0160, 0x2039, 0x0152, 0x008D, 0x017D, 0x008F, 0x0090, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2022, 0x2013, 0x2014, 0x02DC, 0x2122, 0x0161, 0x203A, 0x0153, 0x009D, 0x017E, 0x0178, }; static { Arrays.sort(notCharRefCharsSorted); } private final CharacterReader reader; // html input private final ParseErrorList errors; // errors found while tokenising private TokeniserState state = TokeniserState.Data; // current tokenisation state private Token emitPending; // the token we are about to emit on next read private boolean isEmitPending = false; private String charsString = null; // characters pending an emit. Will fall to charsBuilder if more than one private StringBuilder charsBuilder = new StringBuilder(1024); // buffers characters to output as one token, if more than one emit per read StringBuilder dataBuffer = new StringBuilder(1024); // buffers data looking for </script> Token.Tag tagPending; // tag we are building up Token.StartTag startPending = new Token.StartTag(); Token.EndTag endPending = new Token.EndTag(); Token.Character charPending = new Token.Character(); Token.Doctype doctypePending = new Token.Doctype(); // doctype building up Token.Comment commentPending = new Token.Comment(); // comment building up private String lastStartTag; // the last start tag emitted, to test appropriate end tag Tokeniser(CharacterReader reader, ParseErrorList errors) { this.reader = reader; this.errors = errors; } Token read() { while (!isEmitPending) {, reader); } // if emit is pending, a non-character token was found: return any chars in buffer, and leave token for next read: final StringBuilder cb = this.charsBuilder; if (cb.length() != 0) { String str = cb.toString(); cb.delete(0, cb.length()); charsString = null; return; } else if (charsString != null) { Token token =; charsString = null; return token; } else { isEmitPending = false; return emitPending; } } void emit(Token token) { Validate.isFalse(isEmitPending); emitPending = token; isEmitPending = true; if (token.type == Token.TokenType.StartTag) { Token.StartTag startTag = (Token.StartTag) token; lastStartTag = startTag.tagName; } else if (token.type == Token.TokenType.EndTag) { Token.EndTag endTag = (Token.EndTag) token; if (endTag.attributes != null) error("Attributes incorrectly present on end tag"); } } void emit(final String str) { // buffer strings up until last string token found, to emit only one token for a run of character refs etc. // does not set isEmitPending; read checks that if (charsString == null) { charsString = str; } else { if (charsBuilder.length() == 0) { // switching to string builder as more than one emit before read charsBuilder.append(charsString); } charsBuilder.append(str); } } void emit(char[] chars) { emit(String.valueOf(chars)); } void emit(int[] codepoints) { emit(new String(codepoints, 0, codepoints.length)); } void emit(char c) { emit(String.valueOf(c)); } TokeniserState getState() { return state; } void transition(TokeniserState state) { this.state = state; } void advanceTransition(TokeniserState state) { reader.advance(); this.state = state; } final private int[] codepointHolder = new int[1]; // holder to not have to keep creating arrays final private int[] multipointHolder = new int[2]; int[] consumeCharacterReference(Character additionalAllowedCharacter, boolean inAttribute) { if (reader.isEmpty()) return null; if (additionalAllowedCharacter != null && additionalAllowedCharacter == reader.current()) return null; if (reader.matchesAnySorted(notCharRefCharsSorted)) return null; final int[] codeRef = codepointHolder; reader.mark(); if (reader.matchConsume("#")) { // numbered boolean isHexMode = reader.matchConsumeIgnoreCase("X"); String numRef = isHexMode ? reader.consumeHexSequence() : reader.consumeDigitSequence(); if (numRef.length() == 0) { // didn't match anything characterReferenceError("numeric reference with no numerals"); reader.rewindToMark(); return null; } reader.unmark(); if (!reader.matchConsume(";")) characterReferenceError("missing semicolon"); // missing semi int charval = -1; try { int base = isHexMode ? 16 : 10; charval = Integer.valueOf(numRef, base); } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } // skip if (charval == -1 || (charval >= 0xD800 && charval <= 0xDFFF) || charval > 0x10FFFF) { characterReferenceError("character outside of valid range"); codeRef[0] = replacementChar; return codeRef; } else { // fix illegal unicode characters to match browser behavior if (charval >= win1252ExtensionsStart && charval < win1252ExtensionsStart + win1252Extensions.length) { characterReferenceError("character is not a valid unicode code point"); charval = win1252Extensions[charval - win1252ExtensionsStart]; } // todo: implement number replacement table // todo: check for extra illegal unicode points as parse errors codeRef[0] = charval; return codeRef; } } else { // named // get as many letters as possible, and look for matching entities. String nameRef = reader.consumeLetterThenDigitSequence(); boolean looksLegit = reader.matches(';'); // found if a base named entity without a ;, or an extended entity with the ;. boolean found = (Entities.isBaseNamedEntity(nameRef) || (Entities.isNamedEntity(nameRef) && looksLegit)); if (!found) { reader.rewindToMark(); if (looksLegit) // named with semicolon characterReferenceError("invalid named reference"); return null; } if (inAttribute && (reader.matchesLetter() || reader.matchesDigit() || reader.matchesAny('=', '-', '_'))) { // don't want that to match reader.rewindToMark(); return null; } reader.unmark(); if (!reader.matchConsume(";")) characterReferenceError("missing semicolon"); // missing semi int numChars = Entities.codepointsForName(nameRef, multipointHolder); if (numChars == 1) { codeRef[0] = multipointHolder[0]; return codeRef; } else if (numChars ==2) { return multipointHolder; } else {"Unexpected characters returned for " + nameRef); return multipointHolder; } } } Token.Tag createTagPending(boolean start) { tagPending = start ? startPending.reset() : endPending.reset(); return tagPending; } void emitTagPending() { tagPending.finaliseTag(); emit(tagPending); } void createCommentPending() { commentPending.reset(); } void emitCommentPending() { emit(commentPending); } void createBogusCommentPending() { commentPending.reset(); commentPending.bogus = true; } void createDoctypePending() { doctypePending.reset(); } void emitDoctypePending() { emit(doctypePending); } void createTempBuffer() { Token.reset(dataBuffer); } boolean isAppropriateEndTagToken() { return lastStartTag != null &&; } String appropriateEndTagName() { return lastStartTag; // could be null } void error(TokeniserState state) { if (errors.canAddError()) errors.add(new ParseError(reader.pos(), "Unexpected character '%s' in input state [%s]", reader.current(), state)); } void eofError(TokeniserState state) { if (errors.canAddError()) errors.add(new ParseError(reader.pos(), "Unexpectedly reached end of file (EOF) in input state [%s]", state)); } private void characterReferenceError(String message) { if (errors.canAddError()) errors.add(new ParseError(reader.pos(), "Invalid character reference: %s", message)); } void error(String errorMsg) { if (errors.canAddError()) errors.add(new ParseError(reader.pos(), errorMsg)); } boolean currentNodeInHtmlNS() { // todo: implement namespaces correctly return true; // Element currentNode = currentNode(); // return currentNode != null && currentNode.namespace().equals("HTML"); }
Utility method to consume reader and unescape entities found within.
  • inAttribute – if the text to be unescaped is in an attribute
Returns:unescaped string from reader
/** * Utility method to consume reader and unescape entities found within. * @param inAttribute if the text to be unescaped is in an attribute * @return unescaped string from reader */
String unescapeEntities(boolean inAttribute) { StringBuilder builder = StringUtil.borrowBuilder(); while (!reader.isEmpty()) { builder.append(reader.consumeTo('&')); if (reader.matches('&')) { reader.consume(); int[] c = consumeCharacterReference(null, inAttribute); if (c == null || c.length==0) builder.append('&'); else { builder.appendCodePoint(c[0]); if (c.length == 2) builder.appendCodePoint(c[1]); } } } return StringUtil.releaseBuilder(builder); } }