package org.jsoup.parser;

import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;
import org.jsoup.internal.Normalizer;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

HTML Tag capabilities.
Author:Jonathan Hedley,
/** * HTML Tag capabilities. * * @author Jonathan Hedley, */
public class Tag implements Cloneable { private static final Map<String, Tag> tags = new HashMap<>(); // map of known tags private String tagName; private String normalName; // always the lower case version of this tag, regardless of case preservation mode private boolean isBlock = true; // block private boolean formatAsBlock = true; // should be formatted as a block private boolean empty = false; // can hold nothing; e.g. img private boolean selfClosing = false; // can self close (<foo />). used for unknown tags that self close, without forcing them as empty. private boolean preserveWhitespace = false; // for pre, textarea, script etc private boolean formList = false; // a control that appears in forms: input, textarea, output etc private boolean formSubmit = false; // a control that can be submitted in a form: input etc private Tag(String tagName) { this.tagName = tagName; normalName = Normalizer.lowerCase(tagName); }
Get this tag's name.
Returns:the tag's name
/** * Get this tag's name. * * @return the tag's name */
public String getName() { return tagName; }
Get this tag's normalized (lowercased) name.
Returns:the tag's normal name.
/** * Get this tag's normalized (lowercased) name. * @return the tag's normal name. */
public String normalName() { return normalName; }
Get a Tag by name. If not previously defined (unknown), returns a new generic tag, that can do anything.

Pre-defined tags (P, DIV etc) will be ==, but unknown tags are not registered and will only .equals().

  • tagName – Name of tag, e.g. "p". Case insensitive.
  • settings – used to control tag name sensitivity
Returns:The tag, either defined or new generic.
/** * Get a Tag by name. If not previously defined (unknown), returns a new generic tag, that can do anything. * <p> * Pre-defined tags (P, DIV etc) will be ==, but unknown tags are not registered and will only .equals(). * </p> * * @param tagName Name of tag, e.g. "p". Case insensitive. * @param settings used to control tag name sensitivity * @return The tag, either defined or new generic. */
public static Tag valueOf(String tagName, ParseSettings settings) { Validate.notNull(tagName); Tag tag = tags.get(tagName); if (tag == null) { tagName = settings.normalizeTag(tagName); // the name we'll use Validate.notEmpty(tagName); String normalName = Normalizer.lowerCase(tagName); // the lower-case name to get tag settings off tag = tags.get(normalName); if (tag == null) { // not defined: create default; go anywhere, do anything! (incl be inside a <p>) tag = new Tag(tagName); tag.isBlock = false; } else if (settings.preserveTagCase() && !tagName.equals(normalName)) { tag = tag.clone(); // get a new version vs the static one, so name update doesn't reset all tag.tagName = tagName; } } return tag; }
Get a Tag by name. If not previously defined (unknown), returns a new generic tag, that can do anything.

Pre-defined tags (P, DIV etc) will be ==, but unknown tags are not registered and will only .equals().

  • tagName – Name of tag, e.g. "p". Case sensitive.
Returns:The tag, either defined or new generic.
/** * Get a Tag by name. If not previously defined (unknown), returns a new generic tag, that can do anything. * <p> * Pre-defined tags (P, DIV etc) will be ==, but unknown tags are not registered and will only .equals(). * </p> * * @param tagName Name of tag, e.g. "p". <b>Case sensitive</b>. * @return The tag, either defined or new generic. */
public static Tag valueOf(String tagName) { return valueOf(tagName, ParseSettings.preserveCase); }
Gets if this is a block tag.
Returns:if block tag
/** * Gets if this is a block tag. * * @return if block tag */
public boolean isBlock() { return isBlock; }
Gets if this tag should be formatted as a block (or as inline)
Returns:if should be formatted as block or inline
/** * Gets if this tag should be formatted as a block (or as inline) * * @return if should be formatted as block or inline */
public boolean formatAsBlock() { return formatAsBlock; }
Gets if this tag is an inline tag.
Returns:if this tag is an inline tag.
/** * Gets if this tag is an inline tag. * * @return if this tag is an inline tag. */
public boolean isInline() { return !isBlock; }
Get if this is an empty tag
Returns:if this is an empty tag
/** * Get if this is an empty tag * * @return if this is an empty tag */
public boolean isEmpty() { return empty; }
Get if this tag is self closing.
Returns:if this tag should be output as self closing.
/** * Get if this tag is self closing. * * @return if this tag should be output as self closing. */
public boolean isSelfClosing() { return empty || selfClosing; }
Get if this is a pre-defined tag, or was auto created on parsing.
Returns:if a known tag
/** * Get if this is a pre-defined tag, or was auto created on parsing. * * @return if a known tag */
public boolean isKnownTag() { return tags.containsKey(tagName); }
Check if this tagname is a known tag.
  • tagName – name of tag
Returns:if known HTML tag
/** * Check if this tagname is a known tag. * * @param tagName name of tag * @return if known HTML tag */
public static boolean isKnownTag(String tagName) { return tags.containsKey(tagName); }
Get if this tag should preserve whitespace within child text nodes.
Returns:if preserve whitespace
/** * Get if this tag should preserve whitespace within child text nodes. * * @return if preserve whitespace */
public boolean preserveWhitespace() { return preserveWhitespace; }
Get if this tag represents a control associated with a form. E.g. input, textarea, output
Returns:if associated with a form
/** * Get if this tag represents a control associated with a form. E.g. input, textarea, output * @return if associated with a form */
public boolean isFormListed() { return formList; }
Get if this tag represents an element that should be submitted with a form. E.g. input, option
Returns:if submittable with a form
/** * Get if this tag represents an element that should be submitted with a form. E.g. input, option * @return if submittable with a form */
public boolean isFormSubmittable() { return formSubmit; } Tag setSelfClosing() { selfClosing = true; return this; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Tag)) return false; Tag tag = (Tag) o; if (!tagName.equals(tag.tagName)) return false; if (empty != tag.empty) return false; if (formatAsBlock != tag.formatAsBlock) return false; if (isBlock != tag.isBlock) return false; if (preserveWhitespace != tag.preserveWhitespace) return false; if (selfClosing != tag.selfClosing) return false; if (formList != tag.formList) return false; return formSubmit == tag.formSubmit; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = tagName.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (isBlock ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (formatAsBlock ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (empty ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (selfClosing ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (preserveWhitespace ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (formList ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (formSubmit ? 1 : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return tagName; } @Override protected Tag clone() { try { return (Tag) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // internal static initialisers: // prepped from and other sources private static final String[] blockTags = { "html", "head", "body", "frameset", "script", "noscript", "style", "meta", "link", "title", "frame", "noframes", "section", "nav", "aside", "hgroup", "header", "footer", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "ul", "ol", "pre", "div", "blockquote", "hr", "address", "figure", "figcaption", "form", "fieldset", "ins", "del", "dl", "dt", "dd", "li", "table", "caption", "thead", "tfoot", "tbody", "colgroup", "col", "tr", "th", "td", "video", "audio", "canvas", "details", "menu", "plaintext", "template", "article", "main", "svg", "math", "center" }; private static final String[] inlineTags = { "object", "base", "font", "tt", "i", "b", "u", "big", "small", "em", "strong", "dfn", "code", "samp", "kbd", "var", "cite", "abbr", "time", "acronym", "mark", "ruby", "rt", "rp", "a", "img", "br", "wbr", "map", "q", "sub", "sup", "bdo", "iframe", "embed", "span", "input", "select", "textarea", "label", "button", "optgroup", "option", "legend", "datalist", "keygen", "output", "progress", "meter", "area", "param", "source", "track", "summary", "command", "device", "area", "basefont", "bgsound", "menuitem", "param", "source", "track", "data", "bdi", "s" }; private static final String[] emptyTags = { "meta", "link", "base", "frame", "img", "br", "wbr", "embed", "hr", "input", "keygen", "col", "command", "device", "area", "basefont", "bgsound", "menuitem", "param", "source", "track" }; // todo - rework this to format contents as inline; and update html emitter in Element. Same output, just neater. private static final String[] formatAsInlineTags = { "title", "a", "p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "pre", "address", "li", "th", "td", "script", "style", "ins", "del", "s" }; private static final String[] preserveWhitespaceTags = { "pre", "plaintext", "title", "textarea" // script is not here as it is a data node, which always preserve whitespace }; // todo: I think we just need submit tags, and can scrub listed private static final String[] formListedTags = { "button", "fieldset", "input", "keygen", "object", "output", "select", "textarea" }; private static final String[] formSubmitTags = { "input", "keygen", "object", "select", "textarea" }; static { // creates for (String tagName : blockTags) { Tag tag = new Tag(tagName); register(tag); } for (String tagName : inlineTags) { Tag tag = new Tag(tagName); tag.isBlock = false; tag.formatAsBlock = false; register(tag); } // mods: for (String tagName : emptyTags) { Tag tag = tags.get(tagName); Validate.notNull(tag); tag.empty = true; } for (String tagName : formatAsInlineTags) { Tag tag = tags.get(tagName); Validate.notNull(tag); tag.formatAsBlock = false; } for (String tagName : preserveWhitespaceTags) { Tag tag = tags.get(tagName); Validate.notNull(tag); tag.preserveWhitespace = true; } for (String tagName : formListedTags) { Tag tag = tags.get(tagName); Validate.notNull(tag); tag.formList = true; } for (String tagName : formSubmitTags) { Tag tag = tags.get(tagName); Validate.notNull(tag); tag.formSubmit = true; } } private static void register(Tag tag) { tags.put(tag.tagName, tag); } }