package org.jsoup.nodes;

import org.jsoup.SerializationException;
import org.jsoup.internal.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;


An XML Declaration.
/** * An XML Declaration. */
public class XmlDeclaration extends LeafNode { // todo this impl isn't really right, the data shouldn't be attributes, just a run of text after the name private final boolean isProcessingInstruction; // <! if true, <? if false, declaration (and last data char should be ?)
Create a new XML declaration
  • name – of declaration
  • isProcessingInstruction – is processing instruction
/** * Create a new XML declaration * @param name of declaration * @param isProcessingInstruction is processing instruction */
public XmlDeclaration(String name, boolean isProcessingInstruction) { Validate.notNull(name); value = name; this.isProcessingInstruction = isProcessingInstruction; } public String nodeName() { return "#declaration"; }
Get the name of this declaration.
Returns:name of this declaration.
/** * Get the name of this declaration. * @return name of this declaration. */
public String name() { return coreValue(); }
Get the unencoded XML declaration.
Returns:XML declaration
/** * Get the unencoded XML declaration. * @return XML declaration */
public String getWholeDeclaration() { StringBuilder sb = StringUtil.borrowBuilder(); try { getWholeDeclaration(sb, new Document.OutputSettings()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SerializationException(e); } return StringUtil.releaseBuilder(sb).trim(); } private void getWholeDeclaration(Appendable accum, Document.OutputSettings out) throws IOException { for (Attribute attribute : attributes()) { if (!attribute.getKey().equals(nodeName())) { // skips coreValue (name) accum.append(' '); attribute.html(accum, out); } } } void outerHtmlHead(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) throws IOException { accum .append("<") .append(isProcessingInstruction ? "!" : "?") .append(coreValue()); getWholeDeclaration(accum, out); accum .append(isProcessingInstruction ? "!" : "?") .append(">"); } void outerHtmlTail(Appendable accum, int depth, Document.OutputSettings out) { } @Override public String toString() { return outerHtml(); } @Override public XmlDeclaration clone() { return (XmlDeclaration) super.clone(); } }