package org.jsoup.parser;

A Parse Error records an error in the input HTML that occurs in either the tokenisation or the tree building phase.
/** * A Parse Error records an error in the input HTML that occurs in either the tokenisation or the tree building phase. */
public class ParseError { private int pos; private String errorMsg; ParseError(int pos, String errorMsg) { this.pos = pos; this.errorMsg = errorMsg; } ParseError(int pos, String errorFormat, Object... args) { this.errorMsg = String.format(errorFormat, args); this.pos = pos; }
Retrieve the error message.
Returns:the error message.
/** * Retrieve the error message. * @return the error message. */
public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMsg; }
Retrieves the offset of the error.
Returns:error offset within input
/** * Retrieves the offset of the error. * @return error offset within input */
public int getPosition() { return pos; } @Override public String toString() { return pos + ": " + errorMsg; } }