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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Ola Bini <> * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import jnr.posix.POSIX; import org.jcodings.Encoding; import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyEncoding; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.platform.Platform; import static org.jruby.util.ByteList.NULL_ARRAY; import static org.jruby.util.StringSupport.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
This class exists as a counterpart to the dir.c file in MRI source. It contains many methods useful for File matching and Globbing.
Author:Ola Bini
/** * This class exists as a counterpart to the dir.c file in * MRI source. It contains many methods useful for * File matching and Globbing. * * @author <a href="">Ola Bini</a> */
public class Dir { public final static boolean DOSISH = Platform.IS_WINDOWS; public final static boolean CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM = DOSISH; public final static int FNM_NOESCAPE = 0x01; public final static int FNM_PATHNAME = 0x02; public final static int FNM_DOTMATCH = 0x04; public final static int FNM_CASEFOLD = 0x08; public final static int FNM_SYSCASE = CASEFOLD_FILESYSTEM ? FNM_CASEFOLD : 0; public final static int FNM_NOMATCH = 1; public final static int FNM_ERROR = 2; public final static byte[] EMPTY = NULL_ARRAY; // new byte[0]; public final static byte[] SLASH = new byte[]{'/'}; public final static byte[] STAR = new byte[]{'*'}; public final static byte[] DOUBLE_STAR = new byte[]{'*','*'}; private static boolean isdirsep(char c) { return c == '/' || DOSISH && c == '\\'; } private static boolean isdirsep(byte c) { return isdirsep((char)(c & 0xFF)); } private static int rb_path_next(byte[] _s, int s, int send) { while(s < send && !isdirsep(_s[s])) { s++; } return s; } private static int fnmatch_helper(byte[] bytes, int pstart, int pend, byte[] string, int sstart, int send, int flags) { char test; int s = sstart; int pat = pstart; boolean escape = (flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) == 0; boolean pathname = (flags & FNM_PATHNAME) != 0; boolean period = (flags & FNM_DOTMATCH) == 0; boolean nocase = (flags & FNM_CASEFOLD) != 0; while(pat<pend) { char c = (char)(bytes[pat++] & 0xFF); switch(c) { case '?': if(s >= send || (pathname && isdirsep(string[s])) || (period && string[s] == '.' && (s == 0 || (pathname && isdirsep(string[s-1]))))) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } s++; break; case '*': while(pat < pend && (c = (char)(bytes[pat++] & 0xFF)) == '*') {} if(s < send && (period && string[s] == '.' && (s == 0 || (pathname && isdirsep(string[s-1]))))) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } if(pat > pend || (pat == pend && c == '*')) { if(pathname && rb_path_next(string, s, send) < send) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } else { return 0; } } else if((pathname && isdirsep(c))) { s = rb_path_next(string, s, send); if(s < send) { s++; break; } return FNM_NOMATCH; } test = (char)(escape && c == '\\' && pat < pend ? (bytes[pat] & 0xFF) : c); test = Character.toLowerCase(test); pat--; while(s < send) { if((c == '?' || c == '[' || Character.toLowerCase((char) string[s]) == test) && fnmatch(bytes, pat, pend, string, s, send, flags | FNM_DOTMATCH) == 0) { return 0; } else if((pathname && isdirsep(string[s]))) { break; } s++; } return FNM_NOMATCH; case '[': if(s >= send || (pathname && isdirsep(string[s]) || (period && string[s] == '.' && (s == 0 || (pathname && isdirsep(string[s-1])))))) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } pat = range(bytes, pat, pend, (char)(string[s]&0xFF), flags); if(pat == -1) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } s++; break; case '\\': if (escape) { if (pat >= pend) { c = '\\'; } else { c = (char)(bytes[pat++] & 0xFF); } } default: if(s >= send) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } if(DOSISH && (pathname && isdirsep(c) && isdirsep(string[s]))) { } else { if (nocase) { if(Character.toLowerCase((char)c) != Character.toLowerCase((char)string[s])) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } } else { if(c != (char)(string[s] & 0xFF)) { return FNM_NOMATCH; } } } s++; break; } } return s >= send ? 0 : FNM_NOMATCH; } public static int fnmatch( byte[] bytes, int pstart, int pend, byte[] string, int sstart, int send, int flags) { // This method handles '**/' patterns and delegates to // fnmatch_helper for the main work. boolean period = (flags & FNM_DOTMATCH) == 0; boolean pathname = (flags & FNM_PATHNAME) != 0; int pat_pos = pstart; int str_pos = sstart; int ptmp = -1; int stmp = -1; if (pathname) { while (true) { if (isDoubleStarAndSlash(bytes, pat_pos)) { do { pat_pos += 3; } while (isDoubleStarAndSlash(bytes, pat_pos)); ptmp = pat_pos; stmp = str_pos; } int patSlashIdx = nextSlashIndex(bytes, pat_pos, pend); int strSlashIdx = nextSlashIndex(string, str_pos, send); if (fnmatch_helper(bytes, pat_pos, patSlashIdx, string, str_pos, strSlashIdx, flags) == 0) { if (patSlashIdx < pend && strSlashIdx < send) { pat_pos = ++patSlashIdx; str_pos = ++strSlashIdx; continue; } if (patSlashIdx == pend && strSlashIdx == send) { return 0; } } /* failed : try next recursion */ if (ptmp != -1 && stmp != -1 && !(period && string[stmp] == '.')) { stmp = nextSlashIndex(string, stmp, send); if (stmp < send) { pat_pos = ptmp; stmp++; str_pos = stmp; continue; } } return FNM_NOMATCH; } } else { return fnmatch_helper(bytes, pstart, pend, string, sstart, send, flags); } } // are we at '**/' private static boolean isDoubleStarAndSlash(byte[] bytes, int pos) { if ((bytes.length - pos) <= 2) { return false; // not enough bytes } return bytes[pos] == '*' && bytes[pos + 1] == '*' && bytes[pos + 2] == '/'; } // Look for slash, starting from 'start' position, until 'end'. private static int nextSlashIndex(byte[] bytes, int start, int end) { int idx = start; while (idx < end && idx < bytes.length && bytes[idx] != '/') { idx++; } return idx; } public static int range(byte[] _pat, int pat, int pend, char test, int flags) { boolean not; boolean ok = false; boolean nocase = (flags & FNM_CASEFOLD) != 0; boolean escape = (flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) == 0; not = _pat[pat] == '!' || _pat[pat] == '^'; if(not) { pat++; } if (nocase) { test = Character.toLowerCase(test); } while(_pat[pat] != ']') { char cstart, cend; if(escape && _pat[pat] == '\\') { pat++; } if(pat >= pend) { return -1; } cstart = cend = (char)(_pat[pat++]&0xFF); if(_pat[pat] == '-' && _pat[pat+1] != ']') { pat++; if(escape && _pat[pat] == '\\') { pat++; } if(pat >= pend) { return -1; } cend = (char)(_pat[pat++] & 0xFF); } if (nocase) { if (Character.toLowerCase(cstart) <= test && test <= Character.toLowerCase(cend)) { ok = true; } } else { if (cstart <= test && test <= cend) { ok = true; } } } return ok == not ? -1 : pat + 1; } public static List<ByteList> push_glob(Ruby runtime, String cwd, ByteList globByteList, int flags) { if (globByteList.length() > 0) { final ArrayList<ByteList> result = new ArrayList<ByteList>(); push_braces(runtime, cwd, result, new GlobPattern(globByteList, flags)); return result; } return Collections.emptyList(); } private static class GlobPattern { final byte[] bytes; final int begin; final int end; final Encoding enc; private int index; private final int flags; GlobPattern(ByteList bytes, int flags) { this(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize(), bytes.getEncoding(), flags); } GlobPattern(byte[] bytes, int index, int end, Encoding enc, int flags) { this.bytes = bytes; this.index = index; this.begin = index; this.end = end; this.enc = enc; this.flags = flags; } public int findClosingIndexOf(int leftTokenIndex) { if (leftTokenIndex == -1 || leftTokenIndex > end) return -1; byte leftToken = bytes[leftTokenIndex]; byte rightToken; switch (leftToken) { case '{': rightToken = '}'; break; case '[': rightToken = ']'; break; default: return -1; } int nest = 1; // leftToken made us start as nest 1 index = leftTokenIndex + 1; while (hasNext()) { byte c = next(); if (c == leftToken) { nest++; } else if (c == rightToken && --nest == 0) { return index(); } } return -1; } public boolean hasNext() { return index < end; } public void reset() { index = begin; } public void setIndex(int value) { index = value; } // Get index of last read byte public int index() { return index - 1; } public int indexOf(byte c) { while (hasNext()) if (next() == c) return index(); return -1; } public byte next() { return bytes[index++]; } } private interface GlobFunc<T> { int call(byte[] ptr, int p, int len, Encoding enc, T ary); } private static class GlobArgs { final GlobFunc<List<ByteList>> func; final List<ByteList> arg; private int c = -1; GlobArgs(GlobFunc<List<ByteList>> func, List<ByteList> arg) { this.func = func; this.arg = arg; } } private final static GlobFunc<List<ByteList>> push_pattern = new GlobFunc<List<ByteList>>() { public int call(byte[] ptr, int p, int len, Encoding enc, List<ByteList> ary) { ary.add(new ByteList(ptr, p, len, enc, true)); return 0; } }; private final static GlobFunc<GlobArgs> glob_caller = new GlobFunc<GlobArgs>() { public int call(byte[] ptr, int p, int len, Encoding enc, GlobArgs args) { args.c = p; return, args.c, len, enc, args.arg); } }; /* * Process {}'s (example: Dir.glob("{jruby,jython}/README*") */ private static int push_braces(Ruby runtime, String cwd, List<ByteList> result, GlobPattern pattern) { pattern.reset(); int lbrace = pattern.indexOf((byte) '{'); // index of left-most brace int rbrace = pattern.findClosingIndexOf(lbrace);// index of right-most brace // No, mismatched or escaped braces..Move along..nothing to see here if (lbrace == -1 || rbrace == -1 || lbrace > 0 && pattern.bytes[lbrace-1] == '\\' || rbrace > 0 && pattern.bytes[rbrace-1] == '\\') { ByteList unescaped = new ByteList(pattern.bytes.length - 1); unescaped.setEncoding(pattern.enc); for (int i = pattern.begin; i < pattern.end; i++) { byte b = pattern.bytes[i]; if (b == '\\' && i < pattern.bytes.length - 1) { byte next_b = pattern.bytes[i + 1]; if (next_b != '{' && next_b != '}') { unescaped.append(b); } } else { unescaped.append(b); } } return push_globs(runtime, cwd, result, unescaped, pattern.flags); } // Peel onion...make subpatterns out of outer layer of glob and recall with each subpattern // Example: foo{a{c},b}bar -> fooa{c}bar, foobbar final ByteList bytes = new ByteList(20); bytes.setEncoding(pattern.enc); int middleRegionIndex; int i = lbrace; while (pattern.bytes[i] != '}') { middleRegionIndex = i + 1; for (i = middleRegionIndex; i < pattern.end && pattern.bytes[i] != '}'; i++) { if (pattern.bytes[i] == ',') { if (i > pattern.begin && pattern.bytes[i-1] == '\\') continue; break; } if (pattern.bytes[i] == '{') i = pattern.findClosingIndexOf(i); // skip inner braces } bytes.length(0); bytes.append(pattern.bytes, pattern.begin, lbrace - pattern.begin); bytes.append(pattern.bytes, middleRegionIndex, i - middleRegionIndex); bytes.append(pattern.bytes, rbrace + 1, pattern.end - (rbrace + 1)); int status = push_braces(runtime, cwd, result, new GlobPattern(bytes, pattern.flags)); if (status != 0) return status; } return 0; // All braces pushed.. } private static int push_globs(Ruby runtime, String cwd, List<ByteList> ary, ByteList pattern, int flags) { flags |= FNM_SYSCASE; return glob_helper(runtime, cwd, pattern, -1, flags, glob_caller, new GlobArgs(push_pattern, ary)); } public static ArrayList<String> braces(String pattern, int flags, ArrayList<String> patterns) { boolean escape = (flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) == 0; int rbrace = -1; int lbrace = -1; // Do a quick search for a { to start the search better int i = pattern.indexOf('{'); if(i >= 0) { int nest = 0; while(i < pattern.length()) { char c = pattern.charAt(i); if(c == '{') { if(nest == 0) { lbrace = i; } nest += 1; } if(c == '}') { nest -= 1; } if(nest == 0) { rbrace = i; break; } if(c == '\\' && escape) { i += 1; } i += 1; } } // There was a full {} expression detected, expand each part of it // recursively. if(lbrace >= 0 && rbrace >= 0) { int pos = lbrace; String front = pattern.substring(0, lbrace); String back = pattern.substring(rbrace + 1, pattern.length()); while(pos < rbrace) { int nest = 0; pos += 1; int last = pos; while(pos < rbrace && !(pattern.charAt(pos) == ',' && nest == 0)) { if(pattern.charAt(pos) == '{') { nest += 1; } if(pattern.charAt(pos) == '}') { nest -= 1; } if(pattern.charAt(pos) == '\\' && escape) { pos += 1; if(pos == rbrace) { break; } } pos += 1; } String brace_pattern = front + pattern.substring(last, pos) + back; patterns.add(brace_pattern); braces(brace_pattern, flags, patterns); } } return patterns; } private static boolean has_magic(byte[] bytes, int begin, int end, int flags) { boolean escape = (flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) == 0; boolean nocase = (flags & FNM_CASEFOLD) != 0; int open = 0; for (int i = begin; i < end; i++) { switch (bytes[i]) { case '?': case '*': return true; case '[': /* Only accept an open brace if there is a close */ open++; /* brace to match it. Bracket expressions must be */ continue; /* complete, according to Posix.2 */ case ']': if (open > 0) return true; continue; case '\\': // We treat backslash as a magic character, since otherwise logic in glob_helper does not unescape. // See jruby/jruby#5333 for more details. // if (escape && i == end) return false; // break; if (escape) return true; // force magic logic whenever there's escaped chars continue; default: if (FNM_SYSCASE == 0 && nocase && Character.isLetter((char)(bytes[i] & 0xFF))) return true; } } return false; } private static int remove_backslashes(byte[] bytes, int index, int end) { int i = index; for ( ; index < end; index++, i++ ) { if (bytes[index] == '\\' && ++index == end) break; bytes[i] = bytes[index]; } return i; } private static int indexOf(byte[] bytes, int begin, int end, final byte ch) { for ( int i = begin; i < end; i++ ) { if ( bytes[i] == ch ) return i; } return -1; } private static byte[] extract_path(byte[] bytes, int begin, int end) { int len = end - begin; if (len > 1 && bytes[end-1] == '/' && (!DOSISH || (len < 2 || bytes[end-2] != ':'))) len--; byte[] alloc = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(bytes,begin,alloc,0,len); return alloc; } private static byte[] extract_elem(byte[] bytes, int begin, int end) { int elementEnd = indexOf(bytes, begin, end, (byte)'/'); if (elementEnd == -1) elementEnd = end; return extract_path(bytes, begin, elementEnd); } // Win drive letter X:/ private static boolean beginsWithDriveLetter(byte[] path, int begin, int end) { return DOSISH && begin + 2 < end && path[begin + 1] == ':' && isdirsep(path[begin + 2]); } // Is this nothing or literally root directory for the OS. private static boolean isRoot(byte[] base) { int length = base.length; return length == 0 || // empty length == 1 && isdirsep(base[0]) || // Just '/' length == 3 && beginsWithDriveLetter(base, 0, length); // Just X:/ } private static boolean isAbsolutePath(byte[] path, int begin, int length) { return isdirsep(path[begin]) || beginsWithDriveLetter(path, begin, length); } private static String[] files(final FileResource directory) { final String[] files = directory.list(); return files == null ? EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY : files; } private static final class DirGlobber { public final ByteList link; DirGlobber(ByteList link) { = link; } } private static boolean isSpecialFile(String name) { int length = name.length(); if (length < 1 || length > 3 || name.charAt(0) != '.') return false; if (length == 1) return true; char c = name.charAt(1); if (length == 2 && (c == '.' || c == '/')) return true; return c == '.' && name.charAt(2) == '/'; } private static int addToResultIfExists(Ruby runtime, String cwd, byte[] bytes, int begin, int end, Encoding enc, int flags, GlobFunc<GlobArgs> func, GlobArgs arg) { final String fileName = new String(bytes, begin, end - begin, enc.getCharset()); // FIXME: Ultimately JRubyFile.createResource should do this but all 1.7.x is only selectively honoring raw // paths and using system drive make it absolute. MRI does this on many methods we don't. if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS && cwd == null && !fileName.isEmpty() && fileName.charAt(0) == '/') { cwd = System.getenv("SYSTEMDRIVE"); if (cwd == null) cwd = "C:"; cwd = cwd + "/"; } FileResource file = JRubyFile.createResource(runtime, cwd, fileName); if (file.exists()) { return, begin, end - begin, enc, arg); } return 0; } private static int glob_helper(Ruby runtime, String cwd, ByteList path, int sub, int flags, GlobFunc<GlobArgs> func, GlobArgs arg) { final int begin = path.getBegin(); final int end = begin + path.getRealSize(); final Encoding enc = path.getEncoding(); return glob_helper(runtime, cwd, path.getUnsafeBytes(), begin, end, enc, sub, flags, func, arg); } private static int glob_helper(Ruby runtime, String cwd, byte[] path, int begin, int end, Encoding enc, int sub, final int flags, GlobFunc<GlobArgs> func, GlobArgs arg) { int status = 0; int ptr = sub != -1 ? sub : begin; if ( ! has_magic(path, ptr, end, flags) ) { if ( DOSISH || (flags & FNM_NOESCAPE) == 0 ) { if ( sub != -1 ) { // can modify path (our internal buf[]) end = remove_backslashes(path, sub, end); } else { final int len = end - begin; final byte[] newPath = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(path, begin, newPath, 0, len); begin = 0; end = remove_backslashes(newPath, 0, len); path = newPath; } } if (end > begin) { if ( isAbsolutePath(path, begin, end) ) { status = addToResultIfExists(runtime, null, path, begin, end, enc, flags, func, arg); } else { status = addToResultIfExists(runtime, cwd, path, begin, end, enc, flags, func, arg); } } return status; } final ArrayList<DirGlobber> links = new ArrayList<DirGlobber>(); ByteList buf = new ByteList(20); buf.setEncoding(enc); FileResource resource; mainLoop: while(ptr != -1 && status == 0) { if ( path[ptr] == '/' ) ptr++; final int SLASH_INDEX = indexOf(path, ptr, end, (byte) '/'); if (has_magic(path, ptr, SLASH_INDEX == -1 ? end : SLASH_INDEX, flags) ) { finalize: do { byte[] base = extract_path(path, begin, ptr); byte[] dir = begin == ptr ? new byte[] { '.' } : base; byte[] magic = extract_elem(path, ptr, end); boolean recursive = false; resource = JRubyFile.createResource(runtime, cwd, new String(dir, 0, dir.length, enc.getCharset())); if ( resource.isDirectory() ) { if ( SLASH_INDEX != -1 && Arrays.equals(magic, DOUBLE_STAR) ) { final int lengthOfBase = base.length; recursive = true; buf.length(0); buf.append(base); int nextStartIndex; int indexOfSlash = SLASH_INDEX; do { nextStartIndex = indexOfSlash + 1; indexOfSlash = indexOf(path, nextStartIndex, end, (byte) '/'); magic = extract_elem(path, nextStartIndex, end); } while(Arrays.equals(magic, DOUBLE_STAR) && indexOfSlash != -1); int remainingPathStartIndex; if(Arrays.equals(magic, DOUBLE_STAR)) { remainingPathStartIndex = nextStartIndex; } else { remainingPathStartIndex = nextStartIndex - 1; } remainingPathStartIndex = lengthOfBase > 0 ? remainingPathStartIndex : remainingPathStartIndex + 1; buf.append(path, remainingPathStartIndex, end - remainingPathStartIndex); status = glob_helper(runtime, cwd, buf, lengthOfBase, flags, func, arg); if ( status != 0 ) break finalize; } } else { break mainLoop; } final String[] files = files(resource); for ( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ) { final String file = files[i]; final byte[] fileBytes = getBytesInUTF8(file); if (recursive) { if ( fnmatch(STAR, 0, 1, fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.length, flags) != 0) { continue; } buf.length(0); buf.append(base); buf.append( isRoot(base) ? EMPTY : SLASH ); buf.append( getBytesInUTF8(file) ); resource = JRubyFile.createResource(runtime, cwd, new String(buf.unsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length(), enc.getCharset())); if ( !resource.isSymLink() && resource.isDirectory() && !".".equals(file) && !"..".equals(file) ) { final int len = buf.getRealSize(); buf.append(SLASH); buf.append(DOUBLE_STAR); buf.append(path, SLASH_INDEX, end - SLASH_INDEX); status = glob_helper(runtime, cwd, buf, buf.getBegin() + len, flags, func, arg); if ( status != 0 ) break; } continue; } if ( fnmatch(magic, 0, magic.length, fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.length, flags) == 0 ) { buf.length(0); buf.append(base); buf.append( isRoot(base) ? EMPTY : SLASH ); buf.append( getBytesInUTF8(file) ); if ( SLASH_INDEX == -1 ) { status =, 0, buf.getRealSize(), enc, arg); if ( status != 0 ) break; continue; } links.add(new DirGlobber(buf)); buf = new ByteList(20); buf.setEncoding(enc); } } } while(false); if ( links.size() > 0 ) { for ( DirGlobber globber : links ) { final ByteList link =; if ( status == 0 ) { resource = JRubyFile.createResource(runtime, cwd, RubyString.byteListToString(link)); if ( resource.isDirectory() ) { final int len = link.getRealSize(); buf.length(0); buf.append(link); buf.append(path, SLASH_INDEX, end - SLASH_INDEX); status = glob_helper(runtime, cwd, buf, buf.getBegin() + len, flags, func, arg); } } } break mainLoop; } } ptr = SLASH_INDEX; } return status; } private static byte[] getBytesInUTF8(final String str) { return RubyEncoding.encodeUTF8(str); } }