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package org.jruby.util; public class ConvertDouble {
Converts supplied ByteList into a double. strict-mode will not like extra text non-numeric text or multiple sequention underscores.
/** * Converts supplied ByteList into a double. strict-mode will not like * extra text non-numeric text or multiple sequention underscores. */
public static double byteListToDouble19(ByteList bytes, boolean strict) { return new DoubleConverter().parse(bytes, strict, true); } public static class DoubleConverter { private byte[] bytes; private int index; private int endIndex; private boolean isStrict; private char[] chars; // result string we use to parse. private int charsIndex; private int significantDigitsProcessed; private int adjustExponent; private boolean wroteExponent; private double result; // To match MRI so that we end up rounding on values greater than being storable in a 64 // bit value in the same fashion we are using 30. Based on wikipedia a note recommends //17 + 3 (or 20), but I don't know why that is recommended and we would rather be compatible //behaviorally with MRI. private final static int SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_LIMIT = 30; // Maximal exponent is +308, minimal -308, -324 with subnormal float private final static int EXPONENT_DIGITS_LIMIT = 3; private final static int MAX_EXPONENT = (int) (Math.pow(10, EXPONENT_DIGITS_LIMIT)) - 1; // Max length is '-' + significant_digits + '.' + 'E' + '-' + exponent_digits // + 1 (first digit before point) + 1 (first decimal digit). private final static int MAX_LENGTH = SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_LIMIT + EXPONENT_DIGITS_LIMIT + 6; public DoubleConverter() {} public void init(ByteList list, boolean isStrict) { bytes = list.getUnsafeBytes(); index = list.begin(); endIndex = index + list.length(); this.isStrict = isStrict; // +2 for added exponent: E... // The algorithm trades digits for inc/dec exponent. // Worse case is adding E-1 when no exponent, // it trades one digit for 3 chars. chars = new char[Math.min(list.length()+2, MAX_LENGTH)]; charsIndex = 0; significantDigitsProcessed = 0; adjustExponent = 0; wroteExponent = false; result = -1.0; // -1.0 is "parse String" } private byte next() { return bytes[index++]; }
Shift back to previous character in the incoming bytes
Returns:false to indicate we are not in an EOS condition
/** * Shift back to previous character in the incoming bytes * @return false to indicate we are not in an EOS condition */
private boolean previous() { index--; return false; } private boolean isEOS() { return index >= endIndex; } private boolean stopParsing() { index = endIndex; return true; } private static boolean isDigit(byte b) { return b >= '0' && b <= '9'; } private static boolean isExponent(byte b) { return b == 'e' || b == 'E'; } private static boolean isWhitespace(byte b) { return b == ' ' || (b <= 13 && b >= 9 && b != 11); } private void addToResult(byte b) { chars[charsIndex++] = (char) b; } private void addExponentToResult(int exponent) { String exp = Integer.toString(exponent); for (int i = 0; i < exp.length(); i++) { addToResult((byte) exp.charAt(i)); } } private boolean eatUnderscores() { while (!isEOS()) { byte value = next(); if (value != '_') { previous(); return isEOS(); } else if (isStrict) { strictError(); } } return true; } private double completeCalculation() { if (charsIndex == 0 || (charsIndex == 1 && chars[0] == '-')) { // "" or "-" strictError(); // Strict requires at least one digit. return 0.0; // Treated as 0.0 (not -0.0) in non-strict. } else if (isExponent((byte) chars[charsIndex - 1])) { // Covers 12.0efrog strictError(); addExponentToResult(adjustExponent); } else if (isStrict && !isEOS()) { strictError(); // We know it is not whitespace at this point } else if (!wroteExponent && adjustExponent != 0) { addToResult((byte) 'E'); addExponentToResult(adjustExponent); } return SafeDoubleParser.parseDouble(new String(chars, 0, charsIndex)); } static class LightweightNumberFormatException extends NumberFormatException { public LightweightNumberFormatException(String message) { super(message); } @Override public Throwable fillInStackTrace() { return this; } } private boolean strictError() { if (isStrict) { throw new LightweightNumberFormatException("does not meet strict criteria"); } else { return true; // means EOS for non-strict } }
Everything runs in 1.9+ mode now, so the `is19` parameter is vestigial. However, in order to maintain binary compatibility with extensions we can't just change the signature either.
/** * Everything runs in 1.9+ mode now, so the `is19` parameter is vestigial. * However, in order to maintain binary compatibility with extensions we can't * just change the signature either. */
public double parse(ByteList list, boolean strict, boolean is19) { init(list, strict); if (skipWhitespace()) return completeCalculation(); if (parseOptionalSign()) return completeCalculation(); parseDigits(); if (result != -1.0) { // abnormal result return result; } return completeCalculation(); }
Consume initial whitespace and underscores so that next character examined is not whitespace. 1.9 and strict do not allow leading underscores. Returns whether next position is at the end of the string or not. Trivia: " _ _ _ _ 1".to_f == 1.0 in Ruby 1.8
/** * Consume initial whitespace and underscores so that next character * examined is not whitespace. 1.9 and strict do not allow leading * underscores. Returns whether next position is at the end of the * string or not. * * Trivia: " _ _ _ _ 1".to_f == 1.0 in Ruby 1.8 */
private boolean skipWhitespace() { while (!isEOS()) { byte value = next(); if (isWhitespace(value)) continue; return previous(); } return true; } private boolean parseOptionalSign() { byte sign = next(); if (sign == '-') { addToResult(sign); } else if (sign != '+') { previous(); // backup...not a sign-char } return isEOS(); } private boolean parseDigits() { if (!isEOS()) { byte value = next(); if (isDigit(value)) { // Always add the first digit, in case it is the only digit if (value != '0') { significantDigitsProcessed++; } addToResult(value); } else if (value == '.') { addToResult(value); return parseDecimalDigits(); } else { return isEOS(); } } else { strictError(); } while (!isEOS()) { byte value = next(); if (isDigit(value)) { if (significantDigitsProcessed < SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_LIMIT) { // Ignore leading 0s if (value != '0' || significantDigitsProcessed > 0) { significantDigitsProcessed++; addToResult(value); } } else { adjustExponent++; } } else if (value == '.') { addToResult(value); return parseDecimalDigits(); } else if (value == '_') { verifyNumberAfterUnderscore(); } else if (isExponent(value)) { addToResult(value); return parseExponent(); } else if (isWhitespace(value)) { return skipWhitespace(); } else { return strictError(); } } return true; } private boolean parseDecimalDigits() { if (isEOS()) return strictError(); byte value = next(); // Wonky, but 12._2e2 is 1200.0 and 12.__e2 is 12.0 if (value == '_') { strictError(); if (isEOS()) return strictError(); value = next(); } if (isDigit(value)) { if (significantDigitsProcessed < SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_LIMIT) { if (!(value == '0' && significantDigitsProcessed == 0)) { // not a leading 0 significantDigitsProcessed++; } } else { value = '0'; } // Always add a digit after the . addToResult(value); } else { return strictError(); } while (!isEOS()) { value = next(); if (isDigit(value)) { if (significantDigitsProcessed < SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_LIMIT) { if (value == '0' && significantDigitsProcessed == 0) { // leading 0 adjustExponent--; } else { significantDigitsProcessed++; addToResult(value); } } // otherwise ignore it } else if (isExponent(value)) { addToResult(value); return parseExponent(); } else if (value == '_') { verifyNumberAfterUnderscore(); } else if (isWhitespace(value)) { return skipWhitespace(); } else { return strictError(); } } return true; } private boolean parseExponent() { if (eatUnderscores()) return isEOS(); byte value = next(); int exponent = 0; int digits = 0; boolean negative = false; if (value == '-') { negative = true; } else if (value != '+') { previous(); // backup...not a sign-char } while (!isEOS()) { value = next(); if (isDigit(value)) { if (digits < EXPONENT_DIGITS_LIMIT) { // Ignore leading 0s if (value != '0' || digits > 0) { digits++; exponent = 10 * exponent + (value - '0'); } } else { return tooLargeExponent(chars[0] == '-', negative); } } else if (isWhitespace(value)) { skipWhitespace(); break; } else if (value == '_') { verifyNumberAfterUnderscore(); } else { strictError(); stopParsing(); break; } } if (negative) { exponent = -exponent; } exponent += adjustExponent; if (-MAX_EXPONENT <= exponent && exponent <= MAX_EXPONENT) { addExponentToResult(exponent); wroteExponent = true; return isEOS(); // Exponent end of double...let's finish. } else { return tooLargeExponent(chars[0] == '-', negative); } } private boolean tooLargeExponent(boolean negativeFloat, boolean negativeExponent) { if (negativeExponent) { if (negativeFloat) { result = -0.0; } else { result = 0.0; } } else { if (negativeFloat) { result = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } else { result = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } return stopParsing(); } private void verifyNumberAfterUnderscore() { if (isStrict && (isEOS() || !isDigit(bytes[index]))) { strictError(); } } } }