package org.jruby.util;

import org.jcodings.Encoding;

Helpers for working with bytelists.
/** * Helpers for working with bytelists. */
public class ByteListHelper { public interface CodePoint {
call a command pattern caller with index of and actual codepoint. If false is returned it will let users of this interface to stop walking the codepoints.
  • index – the index of which codepoint we are visiting.
  • codepoint – we are visiting.
Returns:true to continue walking and false to stop.
/** * call a command pattern caller with index of and actual codepoint. If false is * returned it will let users of this interface to stop walking the codepoints. * @param index the index of which codepoint we are visiting. * @param codepoint we are visiting. * @return true to continue walking and false to stop. */
boolean call(int index, int codepoint, Encoding encoding); } // Note: perhaps there is some great way of doing this with streams but I did not want to box index // with value or make someone try and deal with that outside of the closure. public interface Visit<T, U> { U call(int index, T value, U module); }
This method assumes the ByteList will be a valid string for the encoding which it is marked as. It also assumes slow path mbc walking. If you know you have an ASCII ByteList you should do something else.
  • bytelist – of the mbc-laden bytes
  • each – the closure which walks the codepoints
Returns:true if it walks the whole bytelist or false if it stops.
/** * This method assumes the ByteList will be a valid string for the encoding which it is marked as. * It also assumes slow path mbc walking. If you know you have an ASCII ByteList you should do something * else. * @param bytelist of the mbc-laden bytes * @param each the closure which walks the codepoints * @return true if it walks the whole bytelist or false if it stops. */
public static boolean eachCodePoint(ByteList bytelist, CodePoint each) { byte[] bytes = bytelist.unsafeBytes(); int len = bytelist.getRealSize(); Encoding encoding = bytelist.getEncoding(); int begin = bytelist.begin(); int end = begin + len; int n; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += n) { int realIndex = begin + i; n = StringSupport.encFastMBCLen(bytes, realIndex, end, encoding); if (!, encoding.mbcToCode(bytes, realIndex, end), encoding)) return false; } return true; }
This method will split a string and call a visitor for each segment between the split pattern.
  • value – to be split
  • pattern – the pattern to split value with
  • bodyVisitor – visitor for all but last segment
  • headVisitor – visitor for the last segment (if null if will use bodyVisitor).
Type parameters:
  • <T> – Return type of visitor
Returns:last T from headVisitor
/** * This method will split a string and call a visitor for each segment between the split pattern. * * @param value to be split * @param pattern the pattern to split value with * @param bodyVisitor visitor for all but last segment * @param headVisitor visitor for the last segment (if null if will use bodyVisitor). * @param <T> Return type of visitor * @return last T from headVisitor */
public static <T> T split(ByteList value, ByteList pattern, Visit<ByteList, T> bodyVisitor, Visit<ByteList, T> headVisitor) { if (headVisitor == null) headVisitor = bodyVisitor; Encoding enc = pattern.getEncoding(); byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int begin = value.getBegin(); int realSize = value.getRealSize(); int end = begin + realSize; int currentOffset = 0; int patternIndex; int i = 0; T current = null; for (; currentOffset < realSize && (patternIndex = value.indexOf(pattern, currentOffset)) >= 0; i++) { int t = enc.rightAdjustCharHead(bytes, currentOffset + begin, patternIndex + begin, end) - begin; if (t != patternIndex) { currentOffset = t; continue; } current =, value.makeShared(currentOffset, patternIndex - currentOffset), current); if (current == null) return null; currentOffset = patternIndex + pattern.getRealSize(); } return, value.makeShared(currentOffset, realSize - currentOffset), current); } }