package org.jruby.runtime;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;

A description of a single argument in a Ruby argument list.
/** * A description of a single argument in a Ruby argument list. */
public class ArgumentDescriptor {
The type of the argument
/** The type of the argument */
public final ArgumentType type;
The name of the argument
/** The name of the argument */
public final RubySymbol name; public static final ArgumentDescriptor[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new ArgumentDescriptor[0]; public static final ArgumentDescriptor[] ANON_REST = {new ArgumentDescriptor(ArgumentType.anonrest)}; public ArgumentDescriptor(ArgumentType type, RubySymbol name) { if (name == null && !type.anonymous) { throw new RuntimeException("null argument name given for non-anonymous argument type"); } this.type = type; = name; } public ArgumentDescriptor(ArgumentType type) { this(type, null); } public final RubyArray toArrayForm(Ruby runtime, boolean isLambda) { ArgumentType argType = type == ArgumentType.req && !isLambda ? ArgumentType.opt : type; return argType.toArrayForm(runtime, name); } }