
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


Created by enebo on 2/27/15.
/** * Created by enebo on 2/27/15. */
public class FullInterpreterContext extends InterpreterContext { private CFG cfg; // Creation of this field will happen in generateInstructionsForInterpretation or during IRScope.prepareForCompilation. // FIXME: At some point when we relinearize after running another phase of passes we should document that here to know how this field is changed private BasicBlock[] linearizedBBList = null;
Map of name -> dataflow problem
/** Map of name -> dataflow problem */
private Map<String, DataFlowProblem> dataFlowProblems;
What passes have been run on this scope?
/** What passes have been run on this scope? */
private List<CompilerPass> executedPasses = new ArrayList<>();
Local variables defined in this scope
/** Local variables defined in this scope */
private Set<LocalVariable> definedLocalVars;
Local variables used in this scope
/** Local variables used in this scope */
private Set<LocalVariable> usedLocalVars; // FIXME: When inlining these unboxed indexes and even defined/used can be cloned as starting point? public int floatVariableIndex = -1; public int fixnumVariableIndex = -1; public int booleanVariableIndex = -1; // For duplicate() public FullInterpreterContext(IRScope scope, CFG cfg, BasicBlock[] linearizedBBList) { super(scope, (List<Instr>) null); this.cfg = cfg; this.linearizedBBList = linearizedBBList; } // FIXME: Perhaps abstract IC into interface of base class so we do not have a null instructions field here public FullInterpreterContext(IRScope scope, Instr[] instructions) { super(scope, (List<Instr>)null); cfg = buildCFG(instructions); }
have this interpretercontext fully built? This is slightly more complicated than this simple check, but it should work. In -X-C full builds we linearize at the beginning of our generateInstructionsForInterpretation method. Last thing we do essentially is set instructions to be something. For JIT builds last thing we need to check is whether we have linearized the BB list.
/** * have this interpretercontext fully built? This is slightly more complicated than this simple check, but it * should work. In -X-C full builds we linearize at the beginning of our generateInstructionsForInterpretation * method. Last thing we do essentially is set instructions to be something. For JIT builds last thing we * need to check is whether we have linearized the BB list. */
@Override public boolean buildComplete() { return linearizedBBList != null; } public BasicBlock[] linearizeBasicBlocks() { linearizedBBList = CFGLinearizer.linearize(cfg); return linearizedBBList; } private CFG buildCFG(Instr[] instructions) { CFG newCFG = new CFG(getScope());; return newCFG; } @Override public boolean hasExplicitCallProtocol() { return getScope().getFlags().contains(IRFlags.HAS_EXPLICIT_CALL_PROTOCOL); } @Override public boolean pushNewDynScope() { return !getScope().getFlags().contains(IRFlags.DYNSCOPE_ELIMINATED) && !reuseParentDynScope(); } @Override public boolean popDynScope() { return pushNewDynScope() || reuseParentDynScope(); } @Override public boolean reuseParentDynScope() { return getScope().getFlags().contains(IRFlags.REUSE_PARENT_DYNSCOPE); }
We plan on running this in full interpreted mode. This will fixup ipc, rpc, and generate instr list
/** We plan on running this in full interpreted mode. This will fixup ipc, rpc, and generate instr list */
public void generateInstructionsForInterpretation() { linearizeBasicBlocks(); // Pass 1. Set up IPCs for labels and instructions and build linear instr list List<Instr> newInstrs = new ArrayList<>(); int ipc = 0; for (BasicBlock b: getLinearizedBBList()) { // All same-named labels must be same Java instance for this to work or we would need // to examine all Label operands and update this as well which would be expensive. b.getLabel().setTargetPC(ipc); List<Instr> bbInstrs = b.getInstrs(); int bbInstrsLength = bbInstrs.size(); // FIXME: Can be replaced with System.arrayCopy to avoid call newInstrs.add a zillion times for (int i = 0; i < bbInstrsLength; i++) { Instr instr = bbInstrs.get(i); if (!(instr instanceof ReceiveSelfInstr)) { if (instr instanceof LabelInstr) ((LabelInstr) instr).getLabel().setTargetPC(ipc); newInstrs.add(instr); ipc++; } } } cfg.getExitBB().getLabel().setTargetPC(ipc + 1); // Exit BB ipc Instr[] linearizedInstrArray = newInstrs.toArray(new Instr[newInstrs.size()]); BasicBlock[] basicBlocks = getLinearizedBBList(); rescueIPCs = new int[2 * basicBlocks.length]; // Pass 2: Use ipc info from previous to mark all linearized instrs rpc ipc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < basicBlocks.length; i++) { BasicBlock bb = basicBlocks[i]; BasicBlock rescuerBB = cfg.getRescuerBBFor(bb); int rescuerPC = rescuerBB == null ? -1 : rescuerBB.getLabel().getTargetPC(); rescueIPCs[i * 2] = ipc + bb.getInstrs().size(); rescueIPCs[i * 2 + 1] = rescuerPC; for (Instr instr : bb.getInstrs()) { // FIXME: If we did not omit instrs from previous pass, we could end up just doing // a size and for loop this n times instead of walking an examining each instr if (!(instr instanceof ReceiveSelfInstr)) { ipc++; } else { rescueIPCs[i * 2]--; } } } instructions = linearizedInstrArray; temporaryVariableCount = getScope().getTemporaryVariablesCount(); // System.out.println("SCOPE: " + getScope().getId()); // System.out.println("INSTRS: " + cfg.toStringInstrs()); } @Override public CFG getCFG() { return cfg; } @Override public void computeScopeFlagsFromInstructions() { for (BasicBlock b: cfg.getBasicBlocks()) { for (Instr i: b.getInstrs()) { i.computeScopeFlags(getScope()); } } } public Map<String, DataFlowProblem> getDataFlowProblems() { if (dataFlowProblems == null) dataFlowProblems = new HashMap<>(); return dataFlowProblems; } public List<CompilerPass> getExecutedPasses() { return executedPasses; } // FIXME: Potentially remove public BasicBlock[] getLinearizedBBList() { return linearizedBBList; } @Override public String toStringInstrs() { return "\nCFG:\n" + cfg.toStringGraph() + "\nInstructions:\n" + cfg.toStringInstrs(); } public String toStringLinearized() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (BasicBlock bb: getLinearizedBBList()) { buf.append(bb + bb.toStringInstrs()); } return buf.toString(); } public FullInterpreterContext duplicate() { try { CFG newCFG = cfg.clone(new SimpleCloneInfo(getScope(), false, true), getScope()); BasicBlock[] newLinearizedBBList = new BasicBlock[linearizedBBList.length]; for (int i = 0; i < linearizedBBList.length; i++) { newLinearizedBBList[i] = newCFG.getBBForLabel(linearizedBBList[i].getLabel()); } return new FullInterpreterContext(getScope(), newCFG, newLinearizedBBList); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public int determineRPC(int ipc) { int length = rescueIPCs.length; for (int i = 0; i + 1 < length; i += 2) { if (ipc <= rescueIPCs[i]) return rescueIPCs[i + 1]; } throw new RuntimeException("BUG: no RPC found for " + getFileName() + ":" + getName() + ":" + ipc); } public BasicBlock findBasicBlockOf(long callsiteId) { for (BasicBlock basicBlock: linearizeBasicBlocks()) { for (Instr instr: basicBlock.getInstrs()) { if (instr instanceof Site) { Site site = (Site) instr; if (site.getCallSiteId() == callsiteId) return basicBlock; } } } throw new RuntimeException("Bug: Looking for callsiteId: " + callsiteId + " in " + this); }
Get all variables referenced by this scope.
/** * Get all variables referenced by this scope. */
public Set<LocalVariable> getUsedLocalVariables() { return usedLocalVars; } public void setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps() { definedLocalVars = new HashSet<>(1); usedLocalVars = new HashSet<>(1); for (BasicBlock bb : getCFG().getBasicBlocks()) { for (Instr i : bb.getInstrs()) { for (Variable v : i.getUsedVariables()) { if (v instanceof LocalVariable) usedLocalVars.add((LocalVariable) v); } if (i instanceof ResultInstr) { Variable v = ((ResultInstr) i).getResult(); if (v instanceof LocalVariable && !((LocalVariable)v).isOuterScopeVar()) { definedLocalVars.add((LocalVariable) v); } } } } for (IRClosure cl : getScope().getClosures()) { cl.getFullInterpreterContext().setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps(); } } public boolean usesLocalVariable(Variable v) { if (usedLocalVars == null) setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps(); if (usedLocalVars.contains(v)) return true; for (IRClosure cl : getScope().getClosures()) { if (cl.getFullInterpreterContext().usesLocalVariable(v)) return true; } return false; } public boolean definesLocalVariable(Variable v) { if (definedLocalVars == null) setUpUseDefLocalVarMaps(); if (definedLocalVars.contains(v)) return true; for (IRClosure cl : getScope().getClosures()) { if (cl.getFullInterpreterContext().definesLocalVariable(v)) return true; } return false; } }