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/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: EPL 2.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public * License Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the EPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the EPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.util; import static org.jcodings.Encoding.CHAR_INVALID; import static org.jruby.RubyEnumerator.enumeratorize; import org.jcodings.Config; import org.jcodings.Encoding; import org.jcodings.IntHolder; import org.jcodings.ascii.AsciiTables; import org.jcodings.constants.CharacterType; import org.jcodings.exception.EncodingError; import org.jcodings.exception.EncodingException; import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding; import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding; import org.jcodings.util.IntHash; import org.joni.Matcher; import org.jruby.ObjectFlags; import org.jruby.Ruby; import org.jruby.RubyArray; import org.jruby.RubyEncoding; import org.jruby.RubyString; import org.jruby.RubySymbol; import org.jruby.ast.util.ArgsUtil; import org.jruby.runtime.Block; import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers; import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext; import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject; import org.jruby.util.collections.IntHashMap; import; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static org.jruby.RubyString.scanForCodeRange; public final class StringSupport { public static final int CR_7BIT_F = ObjectFlags.CR_7BIT_F; public static final int CR_VALID_F = ObjectFlags.CR_VALID_F; public static final int CR_UNKNOWN = 0; // We hardcode these so they can be used in a switch below. The assert verifies they match FlagRegistry's value. public static final int CR_7BIT = 16; public static final int CR_VALID = 32; static { assert CR_7BIT == CR_7BIT_F : "CR_7BIT = " + CR_7BIT + " but should be " + CR_7BIT_F; assert CR_VALID == CR_VALID_F : "CR_VALID = " + CR_VALID + " but should be " + CR_VALID_F; } public static final int CR_BROKEN = CR_7BIT | CR_VALID; public static final int CR_MASK = CR_7BIT | CR_VALID; static final int ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET; static { final Unsafe unsafe = org.jruby.util.unsafe.UnsafeHolder.U; ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET = unsafe != null ? unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class) : 0; } public static final int TRANS_SIZE = 256; public static final ByteList[] EMPTY_BYTELIST_ARRAY = new ByteList[0]; public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
Split string into sub-parts.
  • str – the string
  • sep – the separator
See Also:
@noteWe differ from the non-limited String.split(String) in handling consecutive separator chars at the end of string. While "1;;"split(";") returns `[ "1" ]` this version returns `[ "1", "" ]` which is consistent when consecutive separators occur elsewhere.
/** * Split string into sub-parts. * @param str the string * @param sep the separator * @see String#split(String) * * @note We differ from the non-limited {@link String#split(String)} in handling consecutive separator chars at the * end of string. While <code>"1;;"split(";")<code/> returns `[ "1" ]` this version returns `[ "1", "" ]` which is * consistent when consecutive separators occur elsewhere. */
public static List<String> split(final String str, final char sep) { return split(str, sep, 0); }
Split string into (limited) sub-parts.
/** * Split string into (limited) sub-parts. * @param str the string * @param sep the separator * @param lim has same effect as with {@link String#split(String, int)} */
public static List<String> split(final String str, final char sep, final int lim) { final int len = str.length(); if ( len == 0 ) return Collections.singletonList(str); final ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(lim <= 0 ? 8 : lim); int e; int s = 0; int count = 0; while ( (e = str.indexOf(sep, s)) != -1 ) { if ( lim == ++count ) { // limited (lim > 0) case result.add(str.substring(s)); return result; } result.add(str.substring(s, e)); s = e + 1; } if ( s < len || ( s == len && lim > 0 ) ) result.add(str.substring(s)); return result; } // String.startsWith for a CharSequence public static boolean startsWith(final CharSequence str, final String prefix) { int p = prefix.length(); if ( p > str.length() ) return false; int i = 0; while ( --p >= 0 ) { if (str.charAt(i) != prefix.charAt(i)) return false; i++; } return true; } public static boolean startsWith(final CharSequence str, final char c) { return str.length() >= 1 && str.charAt(0) == c; } public static boolean startsWith(final CharSequence str, final char c1, final char c2) { return str.length() >= 2 && str.charAt(0) == c1 && str.charAt(1) == c2; } // without any char[] array copying, also StringBuilder only has lastIndexOf(String) public static int lastIndexOf(final CharSequence str, final char c, int index) { while ( index >= 0 ) { if ( str.charAt(index) == c ) return index; index--; } return -1; } public static boolean contentEquals(final CharSequence str, final int chr) { return (str.length() == 1) && str.charAt(0) == chr; } public static boolean contentEquals(final CharSequence str, final int chr1, final int chr2) { return (str.length() == 2) && str.charAt(0) == chr1 && str.charAt(1) == chr2; } public static CharSequence concat(final CharSequence str1, final CharSequence str2) { return new StringBuilder(str1.length() + str2.length()).append(str1).append(str2); } public static String concat(final String str1, final String str2) { return new StringBuilder(str1.length() + str2.length()).append(str1).append(str2).toString(); } public static String delete(final String str, final char c) { // str.replaceAll(c.toString(), "") char[] ary = null; int end = 0, s = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == c) { if (ary == null) { ary = new char[str.length() - 1]; } end = copy(str, s, i - s, ary, end); s = i + 1; } } return ary == null ? str : new String(ary, 0, end); } public static CharSequence replaceFirst(final String str, final String sub, final String repl) { return replaceImpl(str, sub, repl, 1, false); } public static CharSequence replaceAll(final String str, final String sub, final String repl) { return replaceImpl(str, sub, repl, -1, false); } // borrowed from commons-lang StringUtils private static CharSequence replaceImpl(final String str, String sub, final String repl, int max, final boolean ignoreCase) { if (str.length() == 0 || sub.length() == 0) return str; String search = str; if (ignoreCase) { search = str.toLowerCase(); sub = sub.toLowerCase(); } int start = 0; int end = search.indexOf(sub, start); if (end == -1) return str; final int replLength = sub.length(); int increase = repl.length() - replLength; increase = increase < 0 ? 0 : increase; increase *= max < 0 ? 16 : max > 64 ? 64 : max; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(str.length() + increase); while (end != -1) { buf.append(str, start, end).append(repl); start = end + replLength; if (--max == 0) break; end = search.indexOf(sub, start); } buf.append(str, start, str.length()); return buf; } private static int copy(final String str, final int soff, final int slen, final char[] dest, int doff) { switch(slen) { case 0: break; case 1: dest[doff++] = str.charAt(soff); break; case 2: dest[doff++] = str.charAt(soff); dest[doff++] = str.charAt(soff + 1); break; case 3: dest[doff++] = str.charAt(soff); dest[doff++] = str.charAt(soff + 1); dest[doff++] = str.charAt(soff + 2); break; default: for (int s = soff; s < slen; s++) dest[doff++] = str.charAt(s); } return doff; } public static String codeRangeAsString(int codeRange) { switch (codeRange) { case CR_UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case CR_7BIT: return "7bit"; case CR_VALID: return "valid"; case CR_BROKEN: return "broken"; } return "???"; // Not reached unless something seriously boned } // rb_enc_fast_mbclen public static int encFastMBCLen(byte[] bytes, int p, int e, Encoding enc) { return enc.length(bytes, p, e); } // rb_enc_mbclen public static int length(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { int n = enc.length(bytes, p, end); if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(n) && MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n) <= end - p) return MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n); int min = enc.minLength(); return min <= end - p ? min : end - p; } // rb_enc_precise_mbclen public static int preciseLength(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { if (p >= end) return MBCLEN_NEEDMORE(1); int n = enc.length(bytes, p, end); if (n > end - p) return MBCLEN_NEEDMORE(n - (end - p)); return n; } // MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P, ONIGENC_MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P public static boolean MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P(int r) { return r < -1; } // MBCLEN_NEEDMORE, ONIGENC_MBCLEN_NEEDMORE public static int MBCLEN_NEEDMORE(int n) { return -1 - n; } // MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_LEN, ONIGENC_MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_LEN public static int MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_LEN(int r) { return -1 - r; } // MBCLEN_INVALID_P, ONIGENC_MBCLEN_INVALID_P public static boolean MBCLEN_INVALID_P(int r) { return r == -1; } // MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN, ONIGENC_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN public static int MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(int r) { return r; } // MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P, ONIGENC_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P public static boolean MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(int r) { return 0 < r; } // CONSTRUCT_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND, ONIGENC_CONSTRUCT_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND public static int CONSTRUCT_MBCLEN_CHARFOUND(int n) { return n; } // MRI: search_nonascii public static int searchNonAscii(byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { while (p < end) { if (!Encoding.isAscii(bytes[p])) return p; p++; } return -1; } public static int searchNonAscii(ByteList bytes) { return searchNonAscii(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize()); } public static int codeRangeScan(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { if (enc == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) { return searchNonAscii(bytes, p, p + len) != -1 ? CR_VALID : CR_7BIT; } if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { return codeRangeScanAsciiCompatible(enc, bytes, p, len); } return codeRangeScanNonAsciiCompatible(enc, bytes, p, len); } private static int codeRangeScanAsciiCompatible(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { int end = p + len; p = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end); if (p == -1) return CR_7BIT; while (p < end) { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl <= 0) return CR_BROKEN; p += cl; if (p < end) { p = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end); if (p == -1) return CR_VALID; } } return p > end ? CR_BROKEN : CR_VALID; } private static int codeRangeScanNonAsciiCompatible(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { int end = p + len; while (p < end) { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl <= 0) return CR_BROKEN; p += cl; } return p > end ? CR_BROKEN : CR_VALID; } public static int codeRangeScan(Encoding enc, ByteList bytes) { return codeRangeScan(enc, bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getRealSize()); } public static long codeRangeScanRestartable(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int s, int end, int cr) { if (cr == CR_BROKEN) return pack(end - s, cr); int p = s; if (enc == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) { return pack(end - s, searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end) == -1 && cr != CR_VALID ? CR_7BIT : CR_VALID); } else if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { p = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end); if (p == -1) return pack(end - s, cr != CR_VALID ? CR_7BIT : cr); while (p < end) { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl <= 0) return pack(p - s, cl == CHAR_INVALID ? CR_BROKEN : CR_UNKNOWN); p += cl; if (p < end) { p = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end); if (p == -1) return pack(end - s, CR_VALID); } } } else { while (p < end) { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl <= 0) return pack(p - s, cl == CHAR_INVALID ? CR_BROKEN: CR_UNKNOWN); p += cl; } } return pack(p - s, p > end ? CR_BROKEN : CR_VALID); } private static final long NONASCII_MASK = 0x8080808080808080L; private static int countUtf8LeadBytes(long d) { d |= ~(d >>> 1); d >>>= 6; d &= NONASCII_MASK >>> 7; d += (d >>> 8); d += (d >>> 16); d += (d >>> 32); return (int)(d & 0xf); } private static final int LONG_SIZE = 8; private static final int LOWBITS = LONG_SIZE - 1; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static int utf8Length(byte[] bytes, int p, int end) { int len = 0; if (ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET > 0) { // Unsafe if (end - p > LONG_SIZE * 2) { int ep = ~LOWBITS & (p + LOWBITS); while (p < ep) { if ((bytes[p++] & 0xc0 /*utf8 lead byte*/) != 0x80) len++; } final Unsafe unsafe = org.jruby.util.unsafe.UnsafeHolder.U; int eend = ~LOWBITS & end; while (p < eend) { len += countUtf8LeadBytes(unsafe.getLong(bytes, (long) (ARRAY_BYTE_BASE_OFFSET + p))); p += LONG_SIZE; } } } while (p < end) { if ((bytes[p++] & 0xc0 /*utf8 lead byte*/) != 0x80) len++; } return len; } public static int utf8Length(ByteList bytes) { return utf8Length(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize()); } // MRI: rb_enc_strlen public static int strLength(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { return strLength(enc, bytes, p, end, CR_UNKNOWN); } // MRI: enc_strlen public static int strLength(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int e, int cr) { int c; if (enc.isFixedWidth()) { return (e - p + enc.minLength() - 1) / enc.minLength(); } else if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { c = 0; if (cr == CR_7BIT || cr == CR_VALID) { while (p < e) { if (Encoding.isAscii(bytes[p])) { int q = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, e); if (q == -1) return c + (e - p); c += q - p; p = q; } p += encFastMBCLen(bytes, p, e, enc); c++; } } else { while (p < e) { if (Encoding.isAscii(bytes[p])) { int q = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, e); if (q == -1) return c + (e - p); c += q - p; p = q; } p += length(enc, bytes, p, e); c++; } } return c; } for (c = 0; p < e; c++) { p += length(enc, bytes, p, e); } return c; } public static int strLength(ByteList bytes) { return strLength(bytes.getEncoding(), bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize()); } public static long strLengthWithCodeRange(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { if (enc.isFixedWidth()) { return (end - p + enc.minLength() - 1) / enc.minLength(); } else if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { return strLengthWithCodeRangeAsciiCompatible(enc, bytes, p, end); } else { return strLengthWithCodeRangeNonAsciiCompatible(enc, bytes, p, end); } } public static long strLengthWithCodeRangeAsciiCompatible(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { int cr = 0, c = 0; while (p < end) { if (Encoding.isAscii(bytes[p])) { int q = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end); if (q == -1) return pack(c + (end - p), cr == 0 ? CR_7BIT : cr); c += q - p; p = q; } int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl > 0) { cr |= CR_VALID; p += cl; } else { cr = CR_BROKEN; p++; } c++; } return pack(c, cr == 0 ? CR_7BIT : cr); } public static long strLengthWithCodeRangeNonAsciiCompatible(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { int cr = 0, c; for (c = 0; p < end; c++) { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl > 0) { cr |= CR_VALID; p += cl; } else { cr = CR_BROKEN; p++; } } return pack(c, cr == 0 ? CR_7BIT : cr); } public static long strLengthWithCodeRange(ByteList bytes) { return strLengthWithCodeRange(bytes.getEncoding(), bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize()); } public static long strLengthWithCodeRange(ByteList bytes, Encoding enc) { return strLengthWithCodeRange(enc, bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), bytes.getBegin(), bytes.getBegin() + bytes.getRealSize()); } // arg cannot be negative public static long pack(int result, int arg) { return ((long)arg << 31) | result; } public static int unpackResult(long len) { return (int)len & 0x7fffffff; } public static int unpackArg(long cr) { return (int)(cr >>> 31); } public static int codePoint(Encoding enc, byte[] bytes, int p, int end) { if (p >= end) throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty string"); int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid byte sequence in " + enc); return enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end); } public static int codePoint(Ruby runtime, Encoding enc, byte[] bytes, int p, int end) { try { return codePoint(enc, bytes, p, end); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } public static int codePoint(final Ruby runtime, final ByteList value) { return codePoint(runtime, EncodingUtils.getEncoding(value), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize()); } public static int codeLength(Encoding enc, int c) { int i = enc.codeToMbcLength(c); return checkCodepointError(i); } public static int checkCodepointError(int i) { if (i < 0) { // for backward compat with code expecting exceptions throw new EncodingException(EncodingError.fromCode(i)); } return i; } public static long getAscii(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { return getAscii(enc, bytes, p, end, 0); } public static long getAscii(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int len) { if (p >= end) return pack(-1, len); if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { int c = bytes[p] & 0xff; if (!Encoding.isAscii(c)) return pack(-1, len); return pack(c, len == 0 ? 0 : 1); } else { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (cl <= 0) return pack(-1, len); int c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end); if (!Encoding.isAscii(c)) return pack(-1, len); return pack(c, len == 0 ? 0 : cl); } } public static int preciseCodePoint(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end) { int l = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); if (l > 0) return enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, end); return -1; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static int utf8Nth(byte[]bytes, int p, int e, int nth) { // FIXME: Missing our UNSAFE impl because it was doing the wrong thing: See GH #1986 while (p < e) { if ((bytes[p] & 0xc0 /*utf8 lead byte*/) != 0x80) { if (nth == 0) break; nth--; } p++; } return p; }
Return the byte offset of the nth character n in the given byte array between p and n using enc as the encoding. Note that the resulting offset will absolute, and therefore >= p. Subtract p to get a relative offset.
  • enc – the encoding of the characters in the byte array
  • bytes – the byte array
  • p – starting offset
  • end – limit offset
  • n – character offset to find
Returns:the byte offset of the requested character, or -1 if the requested character offset is outside the given byte offset range
/** * Return the byte offset of the nth character {@code n} in the given byte array between {@code p} and {@code n} using * {@code enc} as the encoding. * * Note that the resulting offset will absolute, and therefore >= {@code p}. Subtract {@code p} to get a relative * offset. * * @param enc the encoding of the characters in the byte array * @param bytes the byte array * @param p starting offset * @param end limit offset * @param n character offset to find * @return the byte offset of the requested character, or -1 if the requested character offset is outside * the given byte offset range */
public static int nth(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n) { return nth(enc, bytes, p, end, n, enc.isSingleByte()); }
Get the position of the nth character in the given byte array, using the given encoding and range.
  • enc – encoding to use
  • bytes – bytes to scan
  • p – starting byte offset
  • end – ending byte offset
  • n – index of character for which to find byte offset
  • singlebyte – whether the byte contents are in a single byte encoding
Returns:the offset of the nth character in the string, or -1 if nth is out of the string
/** * Get the position of the nth character in the given byte array, using the given encoding and range. * * @param enc encoding to use * @param bytes bytes to scan * @param p starting byte offset * @param end ending byte offset * @param n index of character for which to find byte offset * @param singlebyte whether the byte contents are in a single byte encoding * @return the offset of the nth character in the string, or -1 if nth is out of the string */
public static int nth(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n, boolean singlebyte) { if (singlebyte) { p += n; } else if (enc.isFixedWidth()) { p += n * enc.maxLength(); } else if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { p = nthAsciiCompatible(enc, bytes, p, end, n); } else { p = nthNonAsciiCompatible(enc, bytes, p, end, n); } if (p < 0) return -1; return p > end ? end : p; } private static int nthAsciiCompatible(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n) { while (p < end && n > 0) { int end2 = p + n; if (end < end2) return end; if (Encoding.isAscii(bytes[p])) { int p2 = searchNonAscii(bytes, p, end2); if (p2 == -1) return end2; n -= p2 - p; p = p2; } int cl = length(enc, bytes, p, end); p += cl; n--; } return n != 0 ? end : p; } private static int nthNonAsciiCompatible(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n) { while (p < end && n-- != 0) { p += length(enc, bytes, p, end); } return p; } public static int utf8Offset(byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n) { int pp = utf8Nth(bytes, p, end, n); return pp == -1 ? end - p : pp - p; } public static int offset(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n) { int pp = nth(enc, bytes, p, end, n); return pp == -1 ? end - p : pp - p; } public static int offset(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, int n, boolean singlebyte) { int pp = nth(enc, bytes, p, end, n, singlebyte); return pp == -1 ? end - p : pp - p; } public static int offset(RubyString str, int pos) { ByteList value = str.getByteList(); return offset(str.getEncoding(), value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin(), value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), pos); } @Deprecated public static int toLower(Encoding enc, int c) { return Encoding.isAscii(c) ? AsciiTables.ToLowerCaseTable[c] : c; } @Deprecated public static int toUpper(Encoding enc, int c) { return Encoding.isAscii(c) ? AsciiTables.ToUpperCaseTable[c] : c; } public static int caseCmp(byte[]bytes1, int p1, byte[]bytes2, int p2, int len) { int i = -1; for (; ++i < len && bytes1[p1 + i] == bytes2[p2 + i];) {} if (i < len) return (bytes1[p1 + i] & 0xff) > (bytes2[p2 + i] & 0xff) ? 1 : -1; return 0; } public static int scanHex(byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { return scanHex(bytes, p, len, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static int scanHex(byte[]bytes, int p, int len, Encoding enc) { int v = 0; int c; while (len-- > 0 && enc.isXDigit(c = bytes[p++] & 0xff)) { v = (v << 4) + enc.xdigitVal(c); } return v; } public static int hexLength(byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { return hexLength(bytes, p, len, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static int hexLength(byte[]bytes, int p, int len, Encoding enc) { int hlen = 0; while (len-- > 0 && enc.isXDigit(bytes[p++] & 0xff)) hlen++; return hlen; } public static int scanOct(byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { return scanOct(bytes, p, len, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static int scanOct(byte[]bytes, int p, int len, Encoding enc) { int v = 0; int c; while (len-- > 0 && enc.isDigit(c = bytes[p++] & 0xff) && c < '8') { v = (v << 3) + Encoding.digitVal(c); } return v; } public static int octLength(byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { return octLength(bytes, p, len, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE); } public static int octLength(byte[]bytes, int p, int len, Encoding enc) { int olen = 0; int c; while (len-- > 0 && enc.isDigit(c = bytes[p++] & 0xff) && c < '8') olen++; return olen; }
Check whether input object's string value contains a null byte, and if so throw SecurityError.
  • runtime –
  • value –
/** * Check whether input object's string value contains a null byte, and if so * throw SecurityError. * @param runtime * @param value */
public static final void checkStringSafety(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) { RubyString s = value.asString(); ByteList bl = s.getByteList(); final byte[] array = bl.getUnsafeBytes(); final int end = bl.length(); for (int i = bl.begin(); i < end; ++i) { if (array[i] == (byte) 0) { throw runtime.newSecurityError("string contains null byte"); } } } public static String escapedCharFormat(int c, boolean isUnicode) { String format; // c comparisons must be unsigned 32-bit if (isUnicode) { if ((c & 0xFFFFFFFFL) < 0x7F && Encoding.isAscii(c) && ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE.isPrint(c)) { format = "%c"; } else if (c < 0x10000) { format = "\\u%04X"; } else { format = "\\u{%X}"; } } else { if ((c & 0xFFFFFFFFL) < 0x100) { format = "\\x%02X"; } else { format = "\\x{%X}"; } } return format; } // mri: ONIGENC_MBCLEN_NEEDMORE_P - onigurama.h public static boolean isIncompleteChar(int b) { return b < -1; } public static int bytesToFixBrokenTrailingCharacter(ByteList val, int usingLength) { return bytesToFixBrokenTrailingCharacter(val.getUnsafeBytes(), val.getBegin(), val.getRealSize(), val.getEncoding(), usingLength); } public static int bytesToFixBrokenTrailingCharacter(byte[] bytes, int begin, int byteSize, Encoding encoding, int usingLength) { // read additional bytes to fix broken char if (byteSize > 0) { // get head offset of broken character int charHead = encoding.leftAdjustCharHead( bytes, // string bytes begin, // start of string begin + usingLength - 1, // last byte begin + usingLength); // end of using // external offset charHead -= begin; // byte at char head byte byteHead = (byte)(bytes[begin + charHead] & 0xFF); // total bytes we would need to complete character int extra = encoding.length(byteHead); // what we already have extra -= usingLength - charHead; return extra; } return 0; } public static int memchr(byte[] ptr, int start, final int find, int len) { for (int i = start; i < start + len; i++) { if ( ptr[i] == find ) return i; } return -1; } // StringValueCStr, rb_string_value_cstr without trailing null addition public static RubyString checkEmbeddedNulls(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr) { final RubyString s = ptr.convertToString(); ByteList sByteList = s.getByteList(); byte[] sBytes = sByteList.unsafeBytes(); int beg = sByteList.begin(); int len = sByteList.length(); final Encoding enc = s.getEncoding(); final int minlen = enc.minLength(); if (minlen > 1) { if (strNullChar(sBytes, beg, len, minlen, enc) != -1) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("string contains null char"); } return strFillTerm(s, sBytes, beg, len, minlen); } if (memchr(sBytes, beg, '\0', len) != -1) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("string contains null byte"); } //if (s[len]) { // s = str_fill_term(str, s, len, minlen); //} return s; } // MRI: str_null_char private static int strNullChar(byte[] sBytes, int s, int len, final int minlen, Encoding enc) { int e = s + len; for (; s + minlen <= e; s += enc.length(sBytes, s, e)) { if (zeroFilled(sBytes, s, minlen)) return s; } return -1; } // MRI: zero_filled private static boolean zeroFilled(byte[] sBytes, int s, int n) { for (; n > 0; --n) { if (sBytes[s++] != 0) return false; } return true; } // MRI: str_fill_term private static RubyString strFillTerm(RubyString str, byte[] sBytes, int beg, int len, int termlen) { int capa = sBytes.length - beg; if (capa < len + termlen) { // rb_check_lockedtmp(str); str = str.makeIndependent(len + termlen); sBytes = str.getByteList().unsafeBytes(); beg = str.getByteList().begin(); } else if ( ! str.independent() ) { if ( ! zeroFilled(sBytes, beg + len, termlen) ) { str = str.makeIndependent(len + termlen); sBytes = str.getByteList().unsafeBytes(); beg = str.getByteList().begin(); } } TERM_FILL(sBytes, beg, len, termlen); return str; } private static void TERM_FILL(byte[] ptr, final int beg, final int len, final int termlen) { final int p = beg + len; Arrays.fill(ptr, p, p + termlen, (byte) '\0'); }
/** * rb_str_scan */
public static int positionEndForScan(ByteList value, Matcher matcher, Encoding enc, int begin, int range) { int end = matcher.getEnd(); if (matcher.getBegin() == end) { if (value.getRealSize() > end) { return end + enc.length(value.getUnsafeBytes(), begin + end, range); } else { return end + 1; } } else { return end; } }
/** * rb_str_dump */
public static ByteList dumpCommon(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytelist) { return dumpCommon(runtime, bytelist, false); } public static ByteList dumpCommon(Ruby runtime, ByteList byteList, boolean quoteOnlyIfNeeded) { Encoding enc = byteList.getEncoding(); boolean includingsNonprintable = false; int p = byteList.getBegin(); int end = p + byteList.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = byteList.getUnsafeBytes(); int len = 2; while (p < end) { int c = bytes[p++] & 0xff; switch (c) { case '"':case '\\':case '\n':case '\r':case '\t':case '\f': case '\013': case '\010': case '\007': case '\033': len += 2; break; case '#': len += isEVStr(bytes, p, end) ? 2 : 1; break; default: if (ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE.isPrint(c)) { len++; } else { includingsNonprintable = true; if (enc.isUTF8() && c > 0x7F) { int n = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p - 1, end) - 1; if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n) > 0) { int cc = codePoint(runtime, enc, bytes, p - 1, end); if (cc <= 0xFFFF) { len += 6; } else if (cc <= 0xFFFFF) { len += 9; } else { len += 10; } p += MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n) - 1; break; } } len += 4; } break; } } if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { len += ".force_encoding(\"".length() + enc.getName().length + "\")".length(); } ByteList outBytes = new ByteList(len); byte out[] = outBytes.getUnsafeBytes(); int q = 0; p = byteList.getBegin(); end = p + byteList.getRealSize(); if ((quoteOnlyIfNeeded && includingsNonprintable) || !quoteOnlyIfNeeded) out[q++] = '"'; while (p < end) { int c = bytes[p++] & 0xff; switch (c) { case '"': case '\\': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = (byte)c; break; case '#': if (isEVStr(bytes, p, end)) out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = '#'; break; case '\n': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'n'; break; case '\r': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'r'; break; case '\t': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 't'; break; case '\f': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'f'; break; case '\013': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'v'; break; case '\010': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'b'; break; case '\007': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'a'; break; case '\033': out[q++] = '\\'; out[q++] = 'e'; break; default: if (ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE.isPrint(c)) { out[q++] = (byte)c; } else { out[q++] = '\\'; outBytes.setRealSize(q); if (enc.isUTF8()) { int n = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p - 1, end) - 1; if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(n) > 0) { int cc = codePoint(runtime, enc, bytes, p - 1, end); outBytes.setRealSize(q); p += n; if (cc <= 0xFFFF) { Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, outBytes, "u%04X", cc); } else { Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, outBytes, "u{%X}", cc); } q = outBytes.getRealSize(); continue; } } Sprintf.sprintf(runtime, outBytes, "x%02X", c); q = outBytes.getRealSize(); } } } if ((quoteOnlyIfNeeded && includingsNonprintable) || !quoteOnlyIfNeeded) out[q++] = '"'; outBytes.setRealSize(q); assert out == outBytes.getUnsafeBytes(); // must not reallocate return outBytes; } public static boolean isEVStr(byte[] bytes, int p, int end) { return p < end ? isEVStr(bytes[p] & 0xff) : false; } public static boolean isEVStr(int c) { return c == '$' || c == '@' || c == '{'; }
/** * rb_str_count */
public static int strCount(ByteList str, boolean[] table, TrTables tables, Encoding enc) { final byte[] bytes = str.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = str.getBegin(); final int end = p + str.getRealSize(); final boolean asciiCompat = enc.isAsciiCompatible(); int count = 0; while (p < end) { int c; if (asciiCompat && (c = bytes[p] & 0xff) < 0x80) { if (table[c]) count++; p++; } else { c = codePoint(enc, bytes, p, end); int cl = codeLength(enc, c); if (trFind(c, table, tables)) count++; p += cl; } } return count; } public static int strCount(ByteList str, Ruby runtime, boolean[] table, TrTables tables, Encoding enc) { try { return strCount(str, table, tables, enc); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } }
Deprecated:renamed to strCount(ByteList, Ruby, boolean[], TrTables, Encoding)
/** * @deprecated renamed to {@link #strCount(ByteList, Ruby, boolean[], TrTables, Encoding)} */
public static int countCommon19(ByteList str, Ruby runtime, boolean[] table, TrTables tables, Encoding enc) { return strCount(str, runtime, table, tables, enc); } // MRI: rb_str_rindex public static int rindex(ByteList source, int sourceChars, int subChars, int pos, CodeRangeable subStringCodeRangeable, Encoding enc) { if (subStringCodeRangeable.scanForCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN) return -1; final ByteList subString = subStringCodeRangeable.getByteList(); final int srcLen = source.getRealSize(); final int subLen = subString.getRealSize(); if (sourceChars < subChars || srcLen < subLen) return -1; if (sourceChars - pos < subChars) pos = sourceChars - subChars; if (sourceChars == 0) return pos; byte[] srcBytes = source.getUnsafeBytes(); final int srcBeg = source.getBegin(); if (pos == 0) { if (ByteList.memcmp(srcBytes, srcBeg, subString.getUnsafeBytes(), subString.getBegin(), subLen) == 0) { return 0; } return -1; } int s = nth(enc, srcBytes, srcBeg, srcBeg + srcLen, pos); return strRindex(srcBytes, srcBeg, srcLen, subString.getUnsafeBytes(), subString.getBegin(), subLen, s, pos, enc); } private static int strRindex(final byte[] strBytes, final int strBeg, final int strLen, final byte[] subBytes, final int subBeg, final int subLen, int s, int pos, final Encoding enc) { final int e = strBeg + strLen; while (s >= strBeg) { if (s + subLen <= e && ByteList.memcmp(strBytes, s, subBytes, subBeg, subLen) == 0) { return pos; } if (pos == 0) break; pos--; s = enc.prevCharHead(strBytes, strBeg, s, e); } return -1; } public static int strLengthFromRubyString(CodeRangeable string, Encoding enc) { final ByteList bytes = string.getByteList(); if (isSingleByteOptimizable(string, enc)) return bytes.getRealSize(); return strLengthFromRubyStringFull(string, bytes, enc); } public static int strLengthFromRubyString(CodeRangeable string) { final ByteList bytes = string.getByteList(); if (isSingleByteOptimizable(string, bytes.getEncoding())) return bytes.getRealSize(); return strLengthFromRubyStringFull(string, bytes, bytes.getEncoding()); } public static int strLengthFromRubyString(CodeRangeable string, final ByteList bytes, final Encoding enc) { if (isSingleByteOptimizable(string, enc)) return bytes.getRealSize(); // NOTE: strLengthFromRubyStringFull but without string.setCodeRange(..) if (string.isCodeRangeValid() && enc.isUTF8()) return utf8Length(bytes); long lencr = strLengthWithCodeRange(bytes, enc); return unpackResult(lencr); } private static int strLengthFromRubyStringFull(CodeRangeable string, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc) { if (string.isCodeRangeValid() && enc.isUTF8()) return utf8Length(bytes); long lencr = strLengthWithCodeRange(bytes, enc); int cr = unpackArg(lencr); if (cr != 0) string.setCodeRange(cr); return unpackResult(lencr); }
rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang
/** * rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang */
public static final class TR { public TR(ByteList bytes) { p = bytes.getBegin(); pend = bytes.getRealSize() + p; buf = bytes.getUnsafeBytes(); now = max = 0; gen = false; } final byte[] buf; int p, pend, now, max; boolean gen; }
/** * tr_setup_table */
public static final class TrTables { IntHashMap<Object> del, noDel; // used as ~ Set } private static final Object DUMMY_VALUE = ""; public static TrTables trSetupTable(final ByteList str, final boolean[] stable, TrTables tables, final boolean first, final Encoding enc) { int i, l[] = {0}; final boolean cflag; final TR tr = new TR(str); if (str.realSize() > 1 && EncodingUtils.encAscget(tr.buf, tr.p, tr.pend, l, enc) == '^') { cflag = true; tr.p += l[0]; } else { cflag = false; } if (first) { for ( i = 0; i < TRANS_SIZE; i++) stable[i] = true; stable[TRANS_SIZE] = cflag; } else if (stable[TRANS_SIZE] && !cflag) { stable[TRANS_SIZE] = false; } if (tables == null) tables = new TrTables(); byte[] buf = null; // lazy initialized IntHashMap<Object> table = null, ptable = null; int c; while ((c = trNext(tr, enc)) != -1) { if (c < TRANS_SIZE) { if ( buf == null ) { // initialize buf buf = new byte[TRANS_SIZE]; for ( i = 0; i < TRANS_SIZE; i++ ) { buf[i] = (byte) (cflag ? 1 : 0); } } // update the buff at [c] : buf[c & 0xff] = (byte) (cflag ? 0 : 1); } else { if ( table == null && (first || tables.del != null || stable[TRANS_SIZE]) ) { if ( cflag ) { ptable = tables.noDel; table = ptable != null ? ptable : new IntHashMap<>(8); tables.noDel = table; } else { table = new IntHashMap<>(8); ptable = tables.del; tables.del = table; } } if ( table != null ) { final int key = c; if ( ptable == null ) table.put(key, DUMMY_VALUE); else { if ( cflag ) table.put(key, DUMMY_VALUE); else { final boolean val = ptable.get(key) != null; table.put(key, val ? DUMMY_VALUE : null); } } } } } if ( buf != null ) { for ( i = 0; i < TRANS_SIZE; i++ ) { stable[i] = stable[i] && buf[i] != 0; } } else { for ( i = 0; i < TRANS_SIZE; i++ ) { stable[i] = stable[i] && cflag; } } if ( table == null && ! cflag ) tables.del = null; return tables; } public static TrTables trSetupTable(final ByteList str, final Ruby runtime, final boolean[] stable, TrTables tables, final boolean first, final Encoding enc) { try { return trSetupTable(str, stable, tables, first, enc); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } public static boolean trFind(final int c, final boolean[] table, final TrTables tables) { if (c < TRANS_SIZE) return table[c]; final IntHashMap<Object> del = tables.del, noDel = tables.noDel; if (del != null) { if (del.get(c) != null && (noDel == null || noDel.get(c) == null)) { return true; } } else if (noDel != null && noDel.get(c) != null) { return false; } return table[TRANS_SIZE]; } public static int trNext(final TR tr, Encoding enc) { for (;;) { if ( ! tr.gen ) { return trNext_nextpart(tr, enc); } while (enc.codeToMbcLength( ) <= 0) { if ( == tr.max) { tr.gen = false; return trNext_nextpart(tr, enc); } } if ( < tr.max) { return; } else { tr.gen = false; return tr.max; } } } public static int trNext(final TR tr, Ruby runtime, Encoding enc) { try { return trNext(tr, enc); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } private static int trNext_nextpart(final TR tr, Encoding enc) { final int[] n = {0}; if (tr.p == tr.pend) return -1; if (EncodingUtils.encAscget(tr.buf, tr.p, tr.pend, n, enc) == '\\' && tr.p + n[0] < tr.pend) { tr.p += n[0]; } = EncodingUtils.encCodepointLength(tr.buf, tr.p, tr.pend, n, enc); tr.p += n[0]; if (EncodingUtils.encAscget(tr.buf, tr.p, tr.pend, n, enc) == '-' && tr.p + n[0] < tr.pend) { tr.p += n[0]; if (tr.p < tr.pend) { int c = EncodingUtils.encCodepointLength(tr.buf, tr.p, tr.pend, n, enc); tr.p += n[0]; if ( > c) { if ( < 0x80 && c < 0x80) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid range \"" + (char) + '-' + (char) c + "\" in string transliteration"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid range in string transliteration"); } tr.gen = true; tr.max = c; } } return; } public static enum NeighborChar {NOT_CHAR, FOUND, WRAPPED} // MRI: str_succ public static ByteList succCommon(ByteList original) { byte carry[] = new byte[org.jcodings.Config.ENC_CODE_TO_MBC_MAXLEN]; int carryP = 0; carry[0] = 1; int carryLen = 1; ByteList valueCopy = new ByteList(original); valueCopy.setEncoding(original.getEncoding()); Encoding enc = original.getEncoding(); int p = valueCopy.getBegin(); int end = p + valueCopy.getRealSize(); int s = end; byte[]bytes = valueCopy.getUnsafeBytes(); NeighborChar neighbor = NeighborChar.FOUND; int lastAlnum = -1; boolean alnumSeen = false; while ((s = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, p, s, end)) != -1) { if (neighbor == NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR && lastAlnum != -1) { ASCIIEncoding ascii = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE; if (ascii.isAlpha(bytes[lastAlnum] & 0xff) ? ascii.isDigit(bytes[s] & 0xff) : ascii.isDigit(bytes[lastAlnum] & 0xff) ? ascii.isAlpha(bytes[s] & 0xff) : false) { s = lastAlnum; break; } } int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, s, end); if (cl <= 0) continue; switch (neighbor = succAlnumChar(enc, bytes, s, cl, carry, 0)) { case NOT_CHAR: continue; case FOUND: return valueCopy; case WRAPPED: lastAlnum = s; } alnumSeen = true; carryP = s - p; carryLen = cl; } if (!alnumSeen) { s = end; while ((s = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, p, s, end)) != -1) { int cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, s, end); if (cl <= 0) continue; neighbor = succChar(enc, bytes, s, cl); if (neighbor == NeighborChar.FOUND) return valueCopy; if (preciseLength(enc, bytes, s, s + 1) != cl) succChar(enc, bytes, s, cl); /* wrapped to \0...\0. search next valid char. */ if (!enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { System.arraycopy(bytes, s, carry, 0, cl); carryLen = cl; } carryP = s - p; } } valueCopy.ensure(valueCopy.getBegin() + valueCopy.getRealSize() + carryLen); s = valueCopy.getBegin() + carryP; System.arraycopy(valueCopy.getUnsafeBytes(), s, valueCopy.getUnsafeBytes(), s + carryLen, valueCopy.getRealSize() - carryP); System.arraycopy(carry, 0, valueCopy.getUnsafeBytes(), s, carryLen); valueCopy.setRealSize(valueCopy.getRealSize() + carryLen); return valueCopy; } public static ByteList succCommon(Ruby runtime, ByteList original) { try { return succCommon(original); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } // MRI: enc_succ_char public static NeighborChar succChar(Encoding enc, byte[] bytes, int p, int len) { int l; if (enc.minLength() > 1) { /* wchar, trivial case */ int r = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len), c; if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r)) { return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; } c = codePoint(enc, bytes, p, p + len) + 1; l = codeLength(enc, c); if (l == 0) return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; if (l != len) return NeighborChar.WRAPPED; EncodingUtils.encMbcput(c, bytes, p, enc); r = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len); if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r)) { return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; } return NeighborChar.FOUND; } while (true) { int i = len - 1; for (; i >= 0 && bytes[p + i] == (byte)0xff; i--) bytes[p + i] = 0; if (i < 0) return NeighborChar.WRAPPED; bytes[p + i] = (byte)((bytes[p + i] & 0xff) + 1); l = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len); if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(l)) { l = MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(l); if (l == len) { return NeighborChar.FOUND; } else { int start = p + l; int end = start + (len - l); Arrays.fill(bytes, start, end, (byte) 0xff); } } if (MBCLEN_INVALID_P(l) && i < len - 1) { int len2; int l2; for (len2 = len-1; 0 < len2; len2--) { l2 = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len2); if (!MBCLEN_INVALID_P(l2)) break; } int start = p+len2+1; int end = start + len-(len2+1); Arrays.fill(bytes, start, end, (byte)0xff); } } } public static NeighborChar succChar(Ruby runtime, Encoding enc, byte[] bytes, int p, int len) { try { return succChar(enc, bytes, p, len); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } // MRI: enc_succ_alnum_char private static NeighborChar succAlnumChar(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int len, byte[]carry, int carryP) { byte save[] = new byte[org.jcodings.Config.ENC_CODE_TO_MBC_MAXLEN]; int c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, p + len); final int cType; if (enc.isDigit(c)) { cType = CharacterType.DIGIT; } else if (enc.isAlpha(c)) { cType = CharacterType.ALPHA; } else { return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; } System.arraycopy(bytes, p, save, 0, len); NeighborChar ret = succChar(enc, bytes, p, len); if (ret == NeighborChar.FOUND) { c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, p + len); if (enc.isCodeCType(c, cType)) return NeighborChar.FOUND; } System.arraycopy(save, 0, bytes, p, len); int range = 1; while (true) { System.arraycopy(bytes, p, save, 0, len); ret = predChar(enc, bytes, p, len); if (ret == NeighborChar.FOUND) { c = enc.mbcToCode(bytes, p, p + len); if (!enc.isCodeCType(c, cType)) { System.arraycopy(save, 0, bytes, p, len); break; } } else { System.arraycopy(save, 0, bytes, p, len); break; } range++; } if (range == 1) return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; if (cType != CharacterType.DIGIT) { System.arraycopy(bytes, p, carry, carryP, len); return NeighborChar.WRAPPED; } System.arraycopy(bytes, p, carry, carryP, len); succChar(enc, carry, carryP, len); return NeighborChar.WRAPPED; } private static NeighborChar predChar(Encoding enc, byte[]bytes, int p, int len) { int l; if (enc.minLength() > 1) { /* wchar, trivial case */ int r = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len), c; if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r)) { return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; } c = codePoint(enc, bytes, p, p + len); if (c == 0) return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; --c; l = codeLength(enc, c); if (l == 0) return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; if (l != len) return NeighborChar.WRAPPED; EncodingUtils.encMbcput(c, bytes, p, enc); r = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len); if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(r)) { return NeighborChar.NOT_CHAR; } return NeighborChar.FOUND; } while (true) { int i = len - 1; for (; i >= 0 && bytes[p + i] == 0; i--) bytes[p + i] = (byte)0xff; if (i < 0) return NeighborChar.WRAPPED; bytes[p + i] = (byte)((bytes[p + i] & 0xff) - 1); l = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len); if (MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(l)) { l = MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_LEN(l); if (l == len) { return NeighborChar.FOUND; } else { int start = p + l; int end = start + (len - l); Arrays.fill(bytes, start, end, (byte) 0x0); } } if (!MBCLEN_CHARFOUND_P(l) && i < len-1) { int len2; int l2; for (len2 = len-1; 0 < len2; len2--) { l2 = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, p + len2); if (!MBCLEN_INVALID_P(l2)) break; } int start = p + len2 + 1; int end = start + (len - (len2 + 1)); Arrays.fill(bytes, start, end, (byte) 0); } } } public static boolean isSingleByteOptimizable(CodeRangeable string, Encoding encoding) { return string.getCodeRange() == CR_7BIT || encoding.maxLength() == 1; }
  • source – string to find index within
  • other – string to match in source
  • offset – in bytes to start looking
  • enc – encoding to use to walk the source string.
/** * * @param source string to find index within * @param other string to match in source * @param offset in bytes to start looking * @param enc encoding to use to walk the source string. * @return */
public static int index(ByteList source, ByteList other, int offset, Encoding enc) { int sourceLen = source.realSize(); int sourceBegin = source.begin(); int otherLen = other.realSize(); if (otherLen == 0) return offset; if (sourceLen - offset < otherLen) return -1; byte[] sourceBytes = source.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = sourceBegin + offset; int end = p + sourceLen; while (true) { int pos = source.indexOf(other, p - sourceBegin); if (pos < 0) return pos; pos -= (p - sourceBegin); int t = enc.rightAdjustCharHead(sourceBytes, p, p + pos, end); if (t == p + pos) return pos + offset; if ((sourceLen -= t - p) <= 0) return -1; offset += t - p; p = t; } } public static int index(CodeRangeable sourceString, CodeRangeable otherString, int offset, Encoding enc) { if (otherString.scanForCodeRange() == CR_BROKEN) return -1; int sourceLen = strLengthFromRubyString(sourceString); int otherLen = strLengthFromRubyString(otherString); if (offset < 0) { offset += sourceLen; if (offset < 0) return -1; } final ByteList source = sourceString.getByteList(); final ByteList other = otherString.getByteList(); if (sourceLen - offset < otherLen) return -1; byte[] bytes = source.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = source.getBegin(); int end = p + source.getRealSize(); if (offset != 0) { offset = isSingleByteOptimizable(sourceString, enc) ? offset : offset(enc, bytes, p, end, offset); p += offset; } if (otherLen == 0) return offset; while (true) { int pos = source.indexOf(other, p - source.getBegin()); if (pos < 0) return pos; pos -= (p - source.getBegin()); int t = enc.rightAdjustCharHead(bytes, p, p + pos, end); if (t == p + pos) return pos + offset; if ((sourceLen -= t - p) <= 0) return -1; offset += t - p; p = t; } } public static void associateEncoding(CodeRangeable string, Encoding enc) { final ByteList value = string.getByteList(); if (value.getEncoding() != enc) { if (!CodeRangeSupport.isCodeRangeAsciiOnly(string) || !enc.isAsciiCompatible()) string.clearCodeRange(); value.setEncoding(enc); } } public static ByteList replaceInternal(int beg, int len, ByteListHolder source, CodeRangeable repl) { int oldLength = source.getByteList().getRealSize(); if (beg + len >= oldLength) len = oldLength - beg; ByteList replBytes = repl.getByteList(); int replLength = replBytes.getRealSize(); int newLength = oldLength + replLength - len; byte[] oldBytes = source.getByteList().getUnsafeBytes(); int oldBegin = source.getByteList().getBegin(); source.modify(newLength); if (replLength != len) { System.arraycopy(oldBytes, oldBegin + beg + len, source.getByteList().getUnsafeBytes(), beg + replLength, oldLength - (beg + len)); } if (replLength > 0) System.arraycopy(replBytes.getUnsafeBytes(), replBytes.getBegin(), source.getByteList().getUnsafeBytes(), beg, replLength); source.getByteList().setRealSize(newLength); return source.getByteList(); } // MRI: rb_str_update, second half public static void replaceInternal19(int beg, int len, CodeRangeable source, CodeRangeable repl) { Encoding enc = source.checkEncoding(repl); source.modify(); source.keepCodeRange(); ByteList sourceBL = source.getByteList(); byte[] sourceBytes = sourceBL.unsafeBytes(); int sourceBeg = sourceBL.begin(); int sourceEnd = sourceBeg + sourceBL.realSize(); boolean singlebyte = isSingleByteOptimizable(source, source.getByteList().getEncoding()); int p = nth(enc, sourceBytes, sourceBeg, sourceEnd, beg, singlebyte); if (p == -1) p = sourceEnd; int e = nth(enc, sourceBytes, p, sourceEnd, len, singlebyte); if (e == -1) e = sourceEnd; /* error check */ beg = p - sourceBeg; /* physical position */ len = e - p; /* physical length */ replaceInternal(beg, len, source, repl); associateEncoding(source, enc); int cr = CodeRangeSupport.codeRangeAnd(source.getCodeRange(), repl.getCodeRange()); if (cr != CR_BROKEN) source.setCodeRange(cr); } // MRI: rb_str_update, first half public static void replaceInternal19(Ruby runtime, int beg, int len, RubyString source, RubyString repl) { if (len < 0) throw runtime.newIndexError("negative length " + len); int slen = strLengthFromRubyString(source, source.checkEncoding(repl)); if (slen < beg) { throw runtime.newIndexError("index " + beg + " out of string"); } if (beg < 0) { if (-beg > slen) { throw runtime.newIndexError("index " + beg + " out of string"); } beg += slen; } if (slen < len || slen < beg + len) { len = slen - beg; } replaceInternal19(beg, len, source, repl); if (repl.isTaint()) source.setTaint(true); } public static boolean isAsciiOnly(CodeRangeable string) { return isAsciiOnly(string.getByteList().getEncoding(), string.scanForCodeRange()); } private static boolean isAsciiOnly(Encoding encoding, final int codeRange) { return encoding.isAsciiCompatible() && codeRange == CR_7BIT; }
/** * rb_str_delete_bang */
static CodeRangeable strDeleteBang(CodeRangeable rubyString, boolean[] squeeze, TrTables tables, Encoding enc) { rubyString.modify(); rubyString.keepCodeRange(); final ByteList value = rubyString.getByteList(); int s = value.getBegin(); int t = s; int send = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); boolean modify = false; boolean asciiCompatible = enc.isAsciiCompatible(); int cr = asciiCompatible ? CR_7BIT : CR_VALID; while (s < send) { int c; if (asciiCompatible && Encoding.isAscii(c = bytes[s] & 0xff)) { if (squeeze[c]) { modify = true; } else { if (t != s) bytes[t] = (byte)c; t++; } s++; } else { c = codePoint(enc, bytes, s, send); int cl = codeLength(enc, c); if (trFind(c, squeeze, tables)) { modify = true; } else { if (t != s) enc.codeToMbc(c, bytes, t); t += cl; if (cr == CR_7BIT) cr = CR_VALID; } s += cl; } } value.setRealSize(t - value.getBegin()); rubyString.setCodeRange(cr); return modify ? rubyString : null; } public static CodeRangeable strDeleteBang(CodeRangeable rubyString, Ruby runtime, boolean[] squeeze, TrTables tables, Encoding enc) { try { return strDeleteBang(rubyString, squeeze, tables, enc); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } }
MRI: chopped_length
/** * MRI: chopped_length */
public static int choppedLength(CodeRangeable str) { ByteList bl = str.getByteList(); Encoding enc = bl.getEncoding(); int p, p2, beg, end; beg = bl.begin(); end = beg + bl.realSize(); if (beg > end) return 0; p = enc.prevCharHead(bl.unsafeBytes(), beg, end, end); if (p == 0) return 0; if (p > beg && EncodingUtils.encAscget(bl.unsafeBytes(), p, end, null, enc) == '\n') { p2 = enc.prevCharHead(bl.unsafeBytes(), beg, p, end); if (p2 != -1 && EncodingUtils.encAscget(bl.unsafeBytes(), p2, end, null, enc) == '\r') p = p2; } return p - beg; } @Deprecated public static int choppedLength19(CodeRangeable str, Ruby runtime) { return choppedLength(str); }
/** * rb_enc_compatible */
public static Encoding areCompatible(CodeRangeable str1, CodeRangeable str2) { Encoding enc1 = str1.getByteList().getEncoding(); Encoding enc2 = str2.getByteList().getEncoding(); if (enc1 == enc2) return enc1; if (str2.getByteList().getRealSize() == 0) return enc1; if (str1.getByteList().getRealSize() == 0) { return (enc1.isAsciiCompatible() && isAsciiOnly(str2)) ? enc1 : enc2; } if (!enc1.isAsciiCompatible() || !enc2.isAsciiCompatible()) return null; return RubyEncoding.areCompatible(enc1, str1.scanForCodeRange(), enc2, str2.scanForCodeRange()); } public static Encoding areCompatible(ByteList str1, ByteList str2) { Encoding enc1 = str1.getEncoding(); Encoding enc2 = str2.getEncoding(); if (enc1 == enc2) return enc1; if (str2.getRealSize() == 0) return enc1; if (str1.getRealSize() == 0) { return (enc1.isAsciiCompatible() && isAsciiOnly(enc2, scanForCodeRange(str2))) ? enc1 : enc2; } if (!enc1.isAsciiCompatible() || !enc2.isAsciiCompatible()) return null; return RubyEncoding.areCompatible(enc1, scanForCodeRange(str1), enc2, scanForCodeRange(str2)); } public static ByteList addByteLists(ByteList value1, ByteList value2) { ByteList result = new ByteList(value1.getRealSize() + value2.getRealSize()); result.setRealSize(value1.getRealSize() + value2.getRealSize()); System.arraycopy(value1.getUnsafeBytes(), value1.getBegin(), result.getUnsafeBytes(), 0, value1.getRealSize()); System.arraycopy(value2.getUnsafeBytes(), value2.getBegin(), result.getUnsafeBytes(), value1.getRealSize(), value2.getRealSize()); return result; } public static boolean areComparable(CodeRangeable string, CodeRangeable other) { ByteList otherValue = other.getByteList(); if (string.getByteList().getEncoding() == otherValue.getEncoding() || string.getByteList().getRealSize() == 0 || otherValue.getRealSize() == 0) return true; return areComparableViaCodeRange(string, other); } public static boolean areComparableViaCodeRange(CodeRangeable string, CodeRangeable other) { int cr1 = string.scanForCodeRange(); int cr2 = other.scanForCodeRange(); if (cr1 == CR_7BIT && (cr2 == CR_7BIT || other.getByteList().getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible())) return true; if (cr2 == CR_7BIT && string.getByteList().getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible()) return true; return false; } public static IRubyObject rbStrEnumerateLines(RubyString str, ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject arg, Block block, boolean wantarray) { IRubyObject opts = ArgsUtil.getOptionsArg(context.runtime, arg); if (opts == context.nil) { return rbStrEnumerateLines(str, context, name, arg, context.nil, block, wantarray); } return rbStrEnumerateLines(str, context, name, context.runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$/"), opts, block, wantarray); } private static final int NULL_POINTER = -1; public static IRubyObject rbStrEnumerateLines(RubyString str, ThreadContext context, String name, IRubyObject arg, IRubyObject opts, Block block, boolean wantarray) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; Encoding enc; IRubyObject line, orig = str; int ptr, pend, subptr, subend, hit, adjusted; boolean rsnewline = false; boolean chomp = false; if (opts != context.nil) { IRubyObject _chomp = ArgsUtil.extractKeywordArg(context, "chomp", opts); chomp = _chomp != null || _chomp.isTrue(); } if (block.isGiven()) { if (wantarray) { // this code should be live in 3.0 if (false) { // #if STRING_ENUMERATORS_WANTARRAY runtime.getWarnings().warn("given block not used"); } else { runtime.getWarnings().warning("passing a block to String#lines is deprecated"); wantarray = false; } } } else if (!wantarray) { return enumeratorize(runtime, str, name, Helpers.arrayOf(arg, opts)); } if (arg == context.nil) { // rs if (wantarray) return RubyArray.newArray(runtime, str); else { block.yieldSpecific(context, str); return orig; } } final RubyArray ary = wantarray ? RubyArray.newArray(runtime) : null; final IRubyObject defaultSep = runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$/"); RubyString rs = arg.convertToString(); str = str.newFrozen(); byte[] strBytes = str.getByteList().unsafeBytes(); ptr = subptr = str.getByteList().begin(); final int len = str.size(); pend = ptr + len; int rslen = rs.size(); enc = (rs == defaultSep) ? str.getEncoding() : str.checkEncoding(rs); if (rslen == 0) { rbStrEnumerateLinesEmptySep(str, context, chomp, block, ary, strBytes, ptr, len, pend, enc, subptr); return wantarray ? ary : orig; // end } ByteList rsByteList = rs.getByteList(); byte[] rsbytes = rsByteList.unsafeBytes(); int rsptr = rsByteList.begin(); if (rsByteList.length() == enc.minLength() && enc.isNewLine(rsbytes, rsptr, rsByteList.length())) { rsnewline = true; } if (rs == defaultSep && !enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { rs = RubyString.newString(runtime, rsbytes, rsptr, rslen); rs = (RubyString) EncodingUtils.rbStrEncode(context, rs, runtime.getEncodingService().convertEncodingToRubyEncoding(enc), 0, context.nil); rsByteList = rs.getByteList(); rsbytes = rsByteList.unsafeBytes(); rsptr = rsByteList.begin(); rslen = rsByteList.realSize(); } while (subptr < pend) { int pos = memsearch(rsbytes, rsptr, rslen, strBytes, subptr, pend - subptr, enc); if (pos < 0) break; hit = subptr + pos; adjusted = enc.rightAdjustCharHead(strBytes, subptr, hit, pend); if (hit != adjusted) { subptr = adjusted; continue; } subend = hit += rslen; if (chomp) { if (rsnewline) { subend = chomp_newline(strBytes, subptr, subend, enc); } else { subend -= rslen; } } line = str.substr(runtime, subptr - ptr, subend - subptr); if (wantarray) ary.append(line); else { block.yieldSpecific(context, line); str.modifyCheck(strBytes, len); } subptr = hit; } if (subptr != pend) { if (chomp) { if (rsnewline) { pend = chomp_newline(strBytes, subptr, pend, enc); } else if (pend - subptr >= rslen && ByteList.memcmp(strBytes, pend - rslen, rsbytes, rsptr, rslen) == 0) { pend -= rslen; } } line = str.substr(runtime, subptr - ptr, pend - subptr); if (wantarray) ary.append(line); else block.yieldSpecific(context, line); } return wantarray ? ary : orig; } private static void rbStrEnumerateLinesEmptySep(RubyString str, ThreadContext context, final boolean chomp, Block block, RubyArray ary, final byte[] strBytes, final int ptr, final int len, final int pend, final Encoding enc, int subptr) { /* paragraph mode */ int[] n = {0}; int eol = NULL_POINTER; int subend = subptr; while (subend < pend) { int rslen; do { if (EncodingUtils.encAscget(strBytes, subend, pend, n, enc) != '\r') n[0] = 0; rslen = n[0] + length(enc, strBytes, subend + n[0], pend); if (enc.isNewLine(strBytes, subend + n[0], pend)) { if (eol == subend) break; subend += rslen; if (subptr != NULL_POINTER) eol = subend; } else { if (subptr == NULL_POINTER) subptr = subend; subend += rslen; } rslen = 0; } while (subend < pend); if (subptr == NULL_POINTER) break; RubyString line = str.makeSharedString(context.runtime, subptr - ptr, subend - subptr + (chomp ? 0 : rslen)); if (ary != null) ary.append(line); // wantarray else { block.yield(context, line); str.modifyCheck(strBytes, len); } subptr = eol = NULL_POINTER; } } private static int chomp_newline(byte[] bytes, int p, int e, Encoding enc) { int prev = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, p, e, e); if (enc.isNewLine(bytes, prev, e)) { e = prev; prev = enc.prevCharHead(bytes, p, e, e); if (prev != -1 && EncodingUtils.encAscget(bytes, prev, e, null, enc) == '\r') e = prev; } return e; } public static int memsearch(byte[] xBytes, int x0, int m, byte[] yBytes, int y0, int n, Encoding enc) { int x = x0, y = y0; if (m > n) return -1; else if (m == n) { return ByteList.memcmp(xBytes, x0, yBytes, y0, m) == 0 ? 0 : -1; } else if (m < 1) { return 0; } else if (m == 1) { int ys = memchr(yBytes, y, xBytes[x], n); if (ys != -1) return ys - y; else return -1; } else if (m <= 8) { // SIZEOF_VALUE...meaningless here, but this logic catches short strings return rb_memsearch_ss(xBytes, x0, m, yBytes, y0, n); } else if (enc == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE){ return rb_memsearch_qs_utf8(xBytes, x0, m, yBytes, y0, n); } else { return rb_memsearch_qs(xBytes, x0, m, yBytes, y0, n); } }
rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang
/** * rb_str_tr / rb_str_tr_bang */
public static CodeRangeable trTransHelper(CodeRangeable self, CodeRangeable srcStr, CodeRangeable replStr, boolean sflag) { // This method does not handle the cases where either srcStr or replStr are empty. It is the responsibility // of the caller to take the appropriate action in those cases. final ByteList srcList = srcStr.getByteList(); final ByteList replList = replStr.getByteList(); int cr = self.getCodeRange(); Encoding e1 = self.checkEncoding(srcStr); Encoding e2 = self.checkEncoding(replStr); Encoding enc = e1 == e2 ? e1 : srcStr.checkEncoding(replStr); final StringSupport.TR trSrc = new StringSupport.TR(srcList); boolean cflag = false; int[] l = {0}; if (srcStr.getByteList().getRealSize() > 1 && EncodingUtils.encAscget(trSrc.buf, trSrc.p, trSrc.pend, l, enc) == '^' && trSrc.p + 1 < trSrc.pend){ cflag = true; trSrc.p++; } int c, c0, last = 0; final int[]trans = new int[StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE]; final StringSupport.TR trRepl = new StringSupport.TR(replList); boolean modify = false; IntHash<Integer> hash = null; boolean singlebyte = StringSupport.isSingleByteOptimizable(self, EncodingUtils.STR_ENC_GET(self)); if (cflag) { for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) { trans[i] = 1; } while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trSrc, enc)) != -1) { if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) { trans[c] = -1; } else { if (hash == null) hash = new IntHash<Integer>(); hash.put(c, 1); // QTRUE } } while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trRepl, enc)) != -1) {} /* retrieve last replacer */ last =; for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) { if (trans[i] != -1) { trans[i] = last; } } } else { for (int i=0; i< StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE; i++) { trans[i] = -1; } while ((c = StringSupport.trNext(trSrc, enc)) != -1) { int r = StringSupport.trNext(trRepl, enc); if (r == -1) r =; if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) { trans[c] = r; if (codeLength(enc, r) != 1) singlebyte = false; } else { if (hash == null) hash = new IntHash<Integer>(); hash.put(c, r); } } } if (cr == CR_VALID && enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { cr = CR_7BIT; } self.modifyAndKeepCodeRange(); int s = self.getByteList().getBegin(); int send = s + self.getByteList().getRealSize(); byte sbytes[] = self.getByteList().getUnsafeBytes(); if (sflag) { int clen, tlen; int max = self.getByteList().getRealSize(); int save = -1; byte[] buf = new byte[max]; int t = 0; while (s < send) { boolean mayModify = false; c0 = c = codePoint(e1, sbytes, s, send); clen = codeLength(e1, c); tlen = enc == e1 ? clen : codeLength(enc, c); s += clen; if (c < TRANS_SIZE) { c = trCode(c, trans, hash, cflag, last, false); } else if (hash != null) { Integer tmp = hash.get(c); if (tmp == null) { if (cflag) { c = last; } else { c = -1; } } else if (cflag) { c = -1; } else { c = tmp; } } else { c = -1; } if (c != -1) { if (save == c) { if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID; continue; } save = c; tlen = codeLength(enc, c); modify = true; } else { save = -1; c = c0; if (enc != e1) mayModify = true; } while (t + tlen >= max) { max *= 2; buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, max); } enc.codeToMbc(c, buf, t); // MRI does not check s < send again because their null terminator can still be compared if (mayModify && (s >= send || ByteList.memcmp(sbytes, s, buf, t, tlen) != 0)) modify = true; if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID; t += tlen; } self.getByteList().setUnsafeBytes(buf); self.getByteList().setRealSize(t); } else if (enc.isSingleByte() || (singlebyte && hash == null)) { while (s < send) { c = sbytes[s] & 0xff; if (trans[c] != -1) { if (!cflag) { c = trans[c]; sbytes[s] = (byte)c; } else { sbytes[s] = (byte)last; } modify = true; } if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID; s++; } } else { int clen, tlen, max = (int)(self.getByteList().realSize() * 1.2); byte[] buf = new byte[max]; int t = 0; while (s < send) { boolean mayModify = false; c0 = c = codePoint(e1, sbytes, s, send); clen = codeLength(e1, c); tlen = enc == e1 ? clen : codeLength(enc, c); if (c < TRANS_SIZE) { c = trans[c]; } else if (hash != null) { Integer tmp = hash.get(c); if (tmp == null) { if (cflag) { c = last; } else { c = -1; } } else if (cflag) { c = -1; } else { c = tmp; } } else { c = cflag ? last : -1; } if (c != -1) { tlen = codeLength(enc, c); modify = true; } else { c = c0; if (enc != e1) mayModify = true; } while (t + tlen >= max) { max <<= 1; buf = Arrays.copyOf(buf, max); } // headius: I don't see how s and t could ever be the same, since they refer to different buffers // if (s != t) { enc.codeToMbc(c, buf, t); if (mayModify && ByteList.memcmp(sbytes, s, buf, t, tlen) != 0) { modify = true; } // } if (cr == CR_7BIT && !Encoding.isAscii(c)) cr = CR_VALID; s += clen; t += tlen; } self.getByteList().setUnsafeBytes(buf); self.getByteList().setRealSize(t); } if (modify) { if (cr != CR_BROKEN) self.setCodeRange(cr); StringSupport.associateEncoding(self, enc); return self; } return null; } public static CodeRangeable trTransHelper(Ruby runtime, CodeRangeable self, CodeRangeable srcStr, CodeRangeable replStr, boolean sflag) { try { return trTransHelper(self, srcStr, replStr, sflag); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } private static int trCode(int c, int[]trans, IntHash<Integer> hash, boolean cflag, int last, boolean set) { if (c < StringSupport.TRANS_SIZE) { return trans[c]; } else if (hash != null) { Integer tmp = hash.get(c); if (tmp == null) { return cflag ? last : -1; } else { return cflag ? -1 : tmp; } } else { return cflag && set ? last : -1; } } public static int multiByteCasecmp(Encoding enc, ByteList value, ByteList otherValue) { byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int p = value.getBegin(); int end = p + value.getRealSize(); byte[]obytes = otherValue.getUnsafeBytes(); int op = otherValue.getBegin(); int oend = op + otherValue.getRealSize(); while (p < end && op < oend) { final int c, oc; if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { c = bytes[p] & 0xff; oc = obytes[op] & 0xff; } else { c = preciseCodePoint(enc, bytes, p, end); oc = preciseCodePoint(enc, obytes, op, oend); } final int cl, ocl; if (Encoding.isAscii(c) && Encoding.isAscii(oc)) { int dc = AsciiTables.ToUpperCaseTable[c]; int odc = AsciiTables.ToUpperCaseTable[oc]; if (dc != odc) return dc < odc ? -1 : 1; if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) { cl = ocl = 1; } else { cl = preciseLength(enc, bytes, p, end); ocl = preciseLength(enc, obytes, op, oend); } } else { cl = length(enc, bytes, p, end); ocl = length(enc, obytes, op, oend); int ret = caseCmp(bytes, p, obytes, op, cl < ocl ? cl : ocl); if (ret != 0) return ret < 0 ? -1 : 1; if (cl != ocl) return cl < ocl ? -1 : 1; } p += cl; op += ocl; } if (end - p == oend - op) return 0; return end - p > oend - op ? 1 : -1; } public static boolean singleByteSqueeze(ByteList value, boolean squeeze[]) { int s = value.getBegin(); int t = s; int send = s + value.getRealSize(); final byte[] bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int save = -1; while (s < send) { int c = bytes[s++] & 0xff; if (c != save || !squeeze[c]) bytes[t++] = (byte)(save = c); } if (t - value.getBegin() != value.getRealSize()) { // modified value.setRealSize(t - value.getBegin()); return true; } return false; } public static boolean multiByteSqueeze(ByteList value, boolean squeeze[], TrTables tables, Encoding enc, boolean isArg) { int s = value.getBegin(); int t = s; int send = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); int save = -1; int c; while (s < send) { if (enc.isAsciiCompatible() && (c = bytes[s] & 0xff) < 0x80) { if (c != save || (isArg && !squeeze[c])) bytes[t++] = (byte)(save = c); s++; } else { c = codePoint(enc, bytes, s, send); int cl = codeLength(enc, c); if (c != save || (isArg && !trFind(c, squeeze, tables))) { if (t != s) enc.codeToMbc(c, bytes, t); save = c; t += cl; } s += cl; } } if (t - value.getBegin() != value.getRealSize()) { // modified value.setRealSize(t - value.getBegin()); return true; } return false; } public static boolean multiByteSqueeze(Ruby runtime, ByteList value, boolean squeeze[], TrTables tables, Encoding enc, boolean isArg) { try { return multiByteSqueeze(value, squeeze, tables, enc, isArg); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(e.getMessage()); } } private static int rb_memsearch_ss(byte[] xsBytes, int xs, int m, byte[] ysBytes, int ys, int n) { int y; if ((y = memmem(ysBytes, ys, n, xsBytes, xs, m)) != -1) return y - ys; else return -1; } // Knuth-Morris-Pratt pattern match public static int memmem(byte[] aBytes, int aStart, int aLen, byte[] p, int pStart, int pLen) { int[] f = failure(p, pStart, pLen); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < aLen; i++) { while (j > 0 && p[pStart + j] != aBytes[aStart + i]) j = f[j - 1]; if (p[pStart + j] == aBytes[aStart + i]) j++; if (j == pLen) return aStart + i - pLen + 1; } return -1; } private static int[] failure(byte[] p, int pStart, int pLen) { int[] f = new int[pLen]; int j = 0; for (int i = 1; i < pLen; i++) { while (j>0 && p[pStart + j] != p[pStart + i]) j = f[j - 1]; if (p[pStart + j] == p[pStart + i]) j++; f[i] = j; } return f; } private static int rb_memsearch_qs(byte[] xsBytes, int xs, int m, byte[] ysBytes, int ys, int n) { int x = xs, xe = xs + m; int y = ys; int qstable[] = new int[256]; /* Preprocessing */ Arrays.fill(qstable, m + 1); for (; x < xe; ++x) qstable[xsBytes[x] & 0xFF] = xe - x; /* Searching */ for (; y + m <= ys + n; y += qstable[ysBytes[y + m] & 0xFF]) { if (xsBytes[xs] == ysBytes[y] && ByteList.memcmp(xsBytes, xs, ysBytes, y, m) == 0) return y - ys; } return -1; } private static int rb_memsearch_qs_utf8_hash(byte[] xBytes, final int x) { final int mix = 8353; int h; if (x != xBytes.length) { h = xBytes[x] & 0xFF; } else { h = '\0'; // (C) ary end - due y+m at rb_memsearch_qs_utf8 } if (h < 0xC0) { return h + 256; } else if (h < 0xE0) { h *= mix; h += xBytes[x + 1] & 0xff; } else if (h < 0xF0) { h *= mix; h += xBytes[x + 1] & 0xff; h *= mix; h += xBytes[x + 2] & 0xff; } else if (h < 0xF5) { h *= mix; h += xBytes[x + 1] & 0xff; h *= mix; h += xBytes[x + 2] & 0xff; h *= mix; h += xBytes[x + 3] & 0xff; } else { return h + 256; } return ((byte)h) & 0xff; } private static int rb_memsearch_qs_utf8(byte[] xsBytes, int xs, int m, byte[] ysBytes, int ys, int n) { int x = xs, xe = xs + m; int y = ys; int qstable[] = new int[512]; /* Preprocessing */ Arrays.fill(qstable, m + 1); for (; x < xe; ++x) { qstable[rb_memsearch_qs_utf8_hash(xsBytes, x)] = xe - x; } /* Searching */ // due y+m <= ... (y+m) might == ary.length for (; y + m <= ys + n; y += qstable[rb_memsearch_qs_utf8_hash(ysBytes, y+m)]) { if (xsBytes[xs] == ysBytes[y] && ByteList.memcmp(xsBytes, xs, ysBytes, y, m) == 0) return y - ys; } return -1; } public static int checkCaseMapOptions(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, int flags) { RubySymbol turkic = runtime.newSymbol("turkic"); RubySymbol lithuanian = runtime.newSymbol("lithuanian"); if (arg0.equals(turkic)) { flags |= Config.CASE_FOLD_TURKISH_AZERI; if (arg1.equals(lithuanian)) { flags |= Config.CASE_FOLD_LITHUANIAN; } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid second option"); } } else if (arg0.equals(lithuanian)) { flags |= Config.CASE_FOLD_LITHUANIAN; if (arg1.equals(turkic)) { flags |= Config.CASE_FOLD_TURKISH_AZERI; } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid second option"); } } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid option"); } return flags; } public static int checkCaseMapOptions(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg0, int flags) { if (arg0.equals(runtime.newSymbol("ascii"))) { flags |= Config.CASE_ASCII_ONLY; } else if (arg0.equals(runtime.newSymbol("fold"))) { if ((flags & (Config.CASE_UPCASE | Config.CASE_DOWNCASE)) == Config.CASE_DOWNCASE) { flags ^= Config.CASE_FOLD | Config.CASE_DOWNCASE; } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("option :fold only allowed for downcasing"); } } else if (arg0.equals(runtime.newSymbol("turkic"))) { flags |= Config.CASE_FOLD_TURKISH_AZERI; } else if (arg0.equals(runtime.newSymbol("lithuanian"))) { flags |= Config.CASE_FOLD_LITHUANIAN; } else { throw runtime.newArgumentError("invalid option"); } return flags; } private static final class MappingBuffer { MappingBuffer next; final byte[] bytes; int used; MappingBuffer() { bytes = null; } MappingBuffer(int size) { bytes = new byte[size]; } } private static final int CASE_MAPPING_ADDITIONAL_LENGTH = 20; public static ByteList caseMap(Ruby runtime, ByteList src, IntHolder flags, Encoding enc) { IntHolder pp = new IntHolder(); pp.value = src.getBegin(); int end = src.getRealSize() + pp.value; byte[]bytes = src.getUnsafeBytes(); int tgtLen = 0; int buffers = 0; MappingBuffer root = new MappingBuffer(); MappingBuffer buffer = root; while (pp.value < end) { = new MappingBuffer((end - pp.value) * ++buffers + CASE_MAPPING_ADDITIONAL_LENGTH); buffer =; int len = enc.caseMap(flags, bytes, pp, end, buffer.bytes, 0, buffer.bytes.length); if (len < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("input string invalid"); buffer.used = len; tgtLen += len; } final ByteList tgt; if (buffers == 1) { tgt = new ByteList(buffer.bytes, 0, buffer.used, enc, false); } else { tgt = new ByteList(tgtLen); tgt.setEncoding(enc); buffer =; int tgtPos = 0; while (buffer != null) { System.arraycopy(buffer.bytes, 0, tgt.getUnsafeBytes(), tgtPos, buffer.used); tgtPos += buffer.used; buffer =; } } return tgt; } public static void asciiOnlyCaseMap(Ruby runtime, ByteList value, IntHolder flags, Encoding enc) { if (value.getRealSize() == 0) return; int s = value.getBegin(); int end = s + value.getRealSize(); byte[]bytes = value.getUnsafeBytes(); IntHolder pp = new IntHolder(); pp.value = s; int len = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE.caseMap(flags, bytes, pp, end, bytes, s, end); if (len < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("input string invalid"); } public static int encCoderangeClean(int cr) { return (cr ^ (cr >> 1)) & CR_7BIT; } public static String byteListAsString(ByteList bytes) { try { Charset charset = bytes.getEncoding().getCharset(); if (charset != null) return new String(bytes.unsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), bytes.realSize(), charset); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {} return new String(bytes.unsafeBytes(), bytes.begin(), bytes.realSize()); } @Deprecated public static boolean isUnicode(Encoding enc) { return enc.isUnicode(); } }