 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.skife.jdbi.v2;

import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.Token;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.UnableToCreateStatementException;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.StatementLocator;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

looks for [name], then [name].sql on the classpath
/** * looks for [name], then [name].sql on the classpath */
public class ClasspathStatementLocator implements StatementLocator { private static class CacheKey { final String name; final Class<?> sqlObjectType; final Method sqlObjectMethod; CacheKey(String name, Class<?> sqlObjectType, Method sqlObjectMethod) { this.name = name; this.sqlObjectType = sqlObjectType; this.sqlObjectMethod = sqlObjectMethod; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } CacheKey that = (CacheKey) o; return eq(this.name, that.name) && eq(this.sqlObjectType, that.sqlObjectType) && eq(this.sqlObjectMethod, that.sqlObjectMethod); } private boolean eq(Object left, Object right) { return left == null ? right == null : left.equals(right); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = name == null ? 0 : name.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (sqlObjectType != null ? sqlObjectType.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (sqlObjectMethod != null ? sqlObjectMethod.hashCode() : 0); return result; } } private final Map<CacheKey, String> found = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<CacheKey, String>());
Very basic sanity test to see if a string looks like it might be sql
/** * Very basic sanity test to see if a string looks like it might be sql */
public static boolean looksLikeSql(String sql) { final String local = left(stripStart(sql), 8).toLowerCase(); return local.startsWith("insert ") || local.startsWith("update ") || local.startsWith("select ") || local.startsWith("call ") || local.startsWith("delete ") || local.startsWith("create ") || local.startsWith("alter ") || local.startsWith("merge ") || local.startsWith("replace ") || local.startsWith("drop "); }
If the passed in name doesn't look like SQL it will search the classpath for a file which looks like the provided name.

The "looks like" algorithm is not very sophisticated, it basically looks for the string to begin with insert, update, select, call, delete, create, alter, or drop followed by a space.

If no resource is found using the passed in string, the string s returned as-is
  • name – Name or statement literal
Returns:SQL to execute (which will go to a StatementRRewrter first)
/** * If the passed in name doesn't look like SQL it will search the classpath for a file * which looks like the provided name. * <p/> * The "looks like" algorithm is not very sophisticated, it basically looks for the string * to begin with insert, update, select, call, delete, create, alter, or drop followed * by a space. * <p/> * If no resource is found using the passed in string, the string s returned as-is * * @param name Name or statement literal * * @return SQL to execute (which will go to a StatementRRewrter first) * * @throws UnableToCreateStatementException * if an IOException occurs reading a found resource */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("PMD.EmptyCatchBlock") @SuppressFBWarnings("DM_STRING_CTOR") public String locate(String name, StatementContext ctx) { final CacheKey cache_key = new CacheKey(name, ctx.getSqlObjectType(), ctx.getSqlObjectMethod()); boolean isSqlObjectMethod = ctx.getSqlObjectType() != null && ctx.getSqlObjectMethod() != null; String cached = found.get(cache_key); if (cached != null) { return cached; } if (looksLikeSql(name)) { // No need to cache individual SQL statements that don't cause us to search the classpath // But for static SQL object methods caching decreases GC pressure and not threatens memory leaks. if (isSqlObjectMethod) { found.put(cache_key, name); } return name; } final ClassLoader loader = selectClassLoader(); InputStream in_stream = null; try { in_stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(name); if (in_stream == null) { in_stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(name + ".sql"); } if (in_stream == null && ctx.getSqlObjectType() != null) { String filename = '/' + mungify(ctx.getSqlObjectType().getName() + '.' + name) + ".sql"; in_stream = loader.getResourceAsStream(filename); if (in_stream == null) { in_stream = ctx.getSqlObjectType().getResourceAsStream(filename); } } if (in_stream == null) { // Ensure we don't store an identity map entry which has a hard reference // to the key (through the value) by copying the value, avoids potential memory leak. found.put(cache_key, isSqlObjectMethod ? name : new String(name)); return name; } String sql; try { sql = SQL_SCRIPT_PARSER.parse(new ANTLRInputStream(in_stream)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnableToCreateStatementException(e.getMessage(), e, ctx); } found.put(cache_key, sql); return sql; } finally { try { if (in_stream != null) { in_stream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { // nothing we can do here :-( e.printStackTrace(); } } }
There *must* be a better place to put this without creating a helpers class just for it
/** * There *must* be a better place to put this without creating a helpers class just for it */
private static ClassLoader selectClassLoader() { ClassLoader loader; if (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() != null) { loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } else { loader = ClasspathStatementLocator.class.getClassLoader(); } return loader; } private static boolean isComment(final String line) { return line.startsWith("#") || line.startsWith("--") || line.startsWith("//"); } private static final String SEP = "/"; // *Not* System.getProperty("file.separator"), which breaks in jars private static String mungify(String path) { return path.replaceAll("\\.", Matcher.quoteReplacement(SEP)); } // (scs) Logic copied from commons-lang3 3.1 with minor edits, per discussion on commit 023a14ade2d33bf8ccfa0f68294180455233ad52 private static String stripStart(String str) { int strLen; if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) { return ""; } int start = 0; while (start != strLen && Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(start))) { start++; } return str.substring(start); } private static String left(String str, int len) { if (str == null || len < 0) { return ""; } if (str.length() <= len) { return str; } return str.substring(0, len); } private static final SqlScriptParser SQL_SCRIPT_PARSER = new SqlScriptParser(new SqlScriptParser.TokenHandler() { @Override public void handle(Token t, StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(t.getText()); } }); }