package org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.guice.i18n;

import java.util.Locale;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import java.lang.String;

Warning this class consists of generated code.
/** * Warning this class consists of generated code. */
@Generated(value = "org.jboss.logging.processor.generator.model.MessageBundleImplementor", date = "2021-01-13T17:05:31-0500") public class Messages_$bundle implements Messages, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected Messages_$bundle() {} public static final Messages_$bundle INSTANCE = new Messages_$bundle(); protected Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; } private static final Locale LOCALE = Locale.ROOT; protected Locale getLoggingLocale() { return LOCALE; } protected String cannotExecute$str() { return "RESTEASY011000: Cannot execute expected module {0}''s @{1} method {2} because it has unexpected parameters: skipping."; } @Override public final String cannotExecute(final String className, final String annotation, final String methodName) { return _formatMessage(cannotExecute$str(), className, annotation, methodName); } private String _formatMessage(final String format, final Object... args) { final java.text.MessageFormat formatter = new java.text.MessageFormat(format, getLoggingLocale()); return formatter.format(args, new StringBuffer(), new java.text.FieldPosition(0)).toString(); } protected String foundModule$str() { return "RESTEASY011005: found module: %s"; } @Override public final String foundModule(final String module) { return String.format(getLoggingLocale(), foundModule$str(), module); } protected String injectorStageNotProperlyDefined$str() { return "RESTEASY011010: Injector stage is not defined properly. %s is wrong value. Possible values are PRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENT, TOOL."; } @Override public final String injectorStageNotProperlyDefined(final String stage) { return String.format(getLoggingLocale(), injectorStageNotProperlyDefined$str(), stage); } protected String problemRunningAnnotationMethod$str() { return "RESTEASY011015: Problem running annotation method @%s"; } @Override public final String problemRunningAnnotationMethod(final String annotation) { return String.format(getLoggingLocale(), problemRunningAnnotationMethod$str(), annotation); } protected String registeringFactory$str() { return "RESTEASY011020: registering factory for %s"; } @Override public final String registeringFactory(final String className) { return String.format(getLoggingLocale(), registeringFactory$str(), className); } protected String registeringProviderInstance$str() { return "RESTEASY011025: registering provider instance for %s"; } @Override public final String registeringProviderInstance(final String className) { return String.format(getLoggingLocale(), registeringProviderInstance$str(), className); } }