 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
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package org.hibernate.persister.collection;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Joinable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.PropertyMapping;

A collection role that may be queried or loaded by outer join.
Author:Gavin King
/** * A collection role that may be queried or loaded by outer join. * @author Gavin King */
public interface QueryableCollection extends PropertyMapping, Joinable, CollectionPersister {
Generate a list of collection index and element columns
/** * Generate a list of collection index and element columns */
public abstract String selectFragment(String alias, String columnSuffix);
Get the names of the collection index columns if this is an indexed collection (optional operation)
/** * Get the names of the collection index columns if * this is an indexed collection (optional operation) */
public abstract String[] getIndexColumnNames();
Get the index formulas if this is an indexed collection (optional operation)
/** * Get the index formulas if this is an indexed collection * (optional operation) */
public abstract String[] getIndexFormulas();
Get the names of the collection index columns if this is an indexed collection (optional operation), aliased by the given table alias
/** * Get the names of the collection index columns if * this is an indexed collection (optional operation), * aliased by the given table alias */
public abstract String[] getIndexColumnNames(String alias);
Get the names of the collection element columns (or the primary key columns in the case of a one-to-many association), aliased by the given table alias
/** * Get the names of the collection element columns (or the primary * key columns in the case of a one-to-many association), * aliased by the given table alias */
public abstract String[] getElementColumnNames(String alias);
Get the names of the collection element columns (or the primary key columns in the case of a one-to-many association)
/** * Get the names of the collection element columns (or the primary * key columns in the case of a one-to-many association) */
public abstract String[] getElementColumnNames();
Get the order by SQL
/** * Get the order by SQL */
public abstract String getSQLOrderByString(String alias);
Get the order-by to be applied at the target table of a many to many
  • alias – The alias for the many-to-many target table
Returns:appropriate order-by fragment or empty string.
/** * Get the order-by to be applied at the target table of a many to many * * @param alias The alias for the many-to-many target table * @return appropriate order-by fragment or empty string. */
public abstract String getManyToManyOrderByString(String alias);
Does this collection role have a where clause filter?
/** * Does this collection role have a where clause filter? */
public abstract boolean hasWhere();
Get the persister of the element class, if this is a collection of entities (optional operation). Note that for a one-to-many association, the returned persister must be OuterJoinLoadable.
/** * Get the persister of the element class, if this is a * collection of entities (optional operation). Note that * for a one-to-many association, the returned persister * must be <tt>OuterJoinLoadable</tt>. */
public abstract EntityPersister getElementPersister();
Should we load this collection role by outerjoining?
/** * Should we load this collection role by outerjoining? */
public abstract FetchMode getFetchMode(); }