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package org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.spi;

import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

import org.hibernate.service.Service;

Defines how we interact with various JTA services on the given platform/environment.
Author:Steve Ebersole
/** * Defines how we interact with various JTA services on the given platform/environment. * * @author Steve Ebersole */
public interface JtaPlatform extends Service {
Locate the TransactionManager
Returns:The TransactionManager
/** * Locate the {@link TransactionManager} * * @return The {@link TransactionManager} */
public TransactionManager retrieveTransactionManager();
Locate the UserTransaction
Returns:The UserTransaction
/** * Locate the {@link UserTransaction} * * @return The {@link UserTransaction} */
public UserTransaction retrieveUserTransaction();
Determine an identifier for the given transaction appropriate for use in caching/lookup usages.

Generally speaking the transaction itself will be returned here. This method was added specifically for use in WebSphere and other unfriendly JEE containers (although WebSphere is still the only known such brain-dead, sales-driven impl).
  • transaction – The transaction to be identified.
Returns:An appropriate identifier
/** * Determine an identifier for the given transaction appropriate for use in caching/lookup usages. * <p/> * Generally speaking the transaction itself will be returned here. This method was added specifically * for use in WebSphere and other unfriendly JEE containers (although WebSphere is still the only known * such brain-dead, sales-driven impl). * * @param transaction The transaction to be identified. * @return An appropriate identifier */
public Object getTransactionIdentifier(Transaction transaction);
Can we currently register a Synchronization?
Returns:True if registering a Synchronization is currently allowed; false otherwise.
/** * Can we currently register a {@link Synchronization}? * * @return True if registering a {@link Synchronization} is currently allowed; false otherwise. */
public boolean canRegisterSynchronization();
Register a JTA Synchronization in the means defined by the platform.
  • synchronization – The synchronization to register
/** * Register a JTA {@link Synchronization} in the means defined by the platform. * * @param synchronization The synchronization to register */
public void registerSynchronization(Synchronization synchronization);
Obtain the current transaction status using whatever means is preferred for this platform
Returns:The current status.
/** * Obtain the current transaction status using whatever means is preferred for this platform * * @return The current status. * * @throws SystemException Indicates a problem access the underlying status */
public int getCurrentStatus() throws SystemException; }