 * Hibernate Validator, declare and validate application constraints
 * License: Apache License, Version 2.0
 * See the license.txt file in the root directory or <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
package org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.logging;

import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;

Author:Hardy Ferentschik
/** * @author Hardy Ferentschik */
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "HV") public interface Messages {
The messages.
/** * The messages. */
Messages MESSAGES = org.jboss.logging.Messages.getBundle( Messages.class ); @Message(value = "must not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String mustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "%s must not be null.") String mustNotBeNull(String parameterName); @Message(value = "The parameter \"%s\" must not be null.") String parameterMustNotBeNull(String parameterName); @Message(value = "The parameter \"%s\" must not be empty.") String parameterMustNotBeEmpty(String parameterName); @Message(value = "The bean type cannot be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String beanTypeCannotBeNull(); @Message(value = "null is not allowed as property path.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String propertyPathCannotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The property name must not be empty.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String propertyNameMustNotBeEmpty(); @Message(value = "null passed as group name.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String groupMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The bean type must not be null when creating a constraint mapping.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String beanTypeMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The method name must not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String methodNameMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The object to be validated must not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String validatedObjectMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The method to be validated must not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String validatedMethodMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The class cannot be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String classCannotBeNull(); @Message(value = "Class is null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String classIsNull(); @Message(value = "The constructor to be validated must not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String validatedConstructorMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The method parameter array cannot not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String validatedParameterArrayMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The created instance must not be null.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String validatedConstructorCreatedInstanceMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The input stream for #addMapping() cannot be null.") String inputStreamCannotBeNull(); @Message(value = "Constraints on the parameters of constructors of non-static inner classes " + "are not supported if those parameters have a generic type due to JDK bug JDK-5087240.") String constraintOnConstructorOfNonStaticInnerClass(); @Message(value = "Custom parameterized types with more than one type argument are not supported and " + "will not be checked for type use constraints.") String parameterizedTypesWithMoreThanOneTypeArgument(); @Message(value = "Hibernate Validator cannot instantiate AggregateResourceBundle.CONTROL. " + "This can happen most notably in a Google App Engine environment or when running Hibernate Validator as Java 9 named module. " + "A PlatformResourceBundleLocator without bundle aggregation was created. " + "This only affects you in case you are using multiple ConstraintDefinitionContributor JARs. " + "ConstraintDefinitionContributors are a Hibernate Validator specific feature. All Bean Validation " + "features work as expected. See also https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HV-1023.") String unableToUseResourceBundleAggregation(); @Message(value = "The annotation type must not be null when creating a constraint definition.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String annotationTypeMustNotBeNull(); @Message(value = "The annotation type must be annotated with @javax.validation.Constraint when creating a constraint definition.", format = Message.Format.NO_FORMAT) String annotationTypeMustBeAnnotatedWithConstraint(); }