 * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.pfl.tf.tools.enhancer;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimingInfoProcessor;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.TimerFactoryBuilder;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.TimingPointType;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.func.UnaryFunction;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.EnhancedClassData;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.EnhancedClassDataASMImpl;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.TraceEnhancementException;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.Util;

import org.glassfish.pfl.objectweb.asm.ClassAdapter;
import org.glassfish.pfl.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.glassfish.pfl.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.glassfish.pfl.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.glassfish.pfl.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode;

ClassFile enhancer for the tracing facility. This modifies the bytecode for an applicable class, then returns the updated bytecode. Makes extensive use of the ASM library. This is split into two parts. The first part modifies the schema of the class as follows:
  • Adds static fields as required for the SynchronizedHolder instances.
  • Modifies the static initializer to set up the new fields, and register the class with the MethodMonitorRegistry. This also constructs the list of method names, which is needed by the second part.
  • Re-writes all @InfoMethod methods to take two extra parameters at the end of their argument lists.
  • Re-writes all calls to @InfoMethod methods to supply the two extra parameters to all calls.
  • Checks that @InfoMethod methods (which must be private) are only called from MM annotated methods.

The second part modifies the MM annotated methods as follows:

  • Adds a preamble to set up some local variables, and to call the MethodMonitor.enter method when active.
  • Adds a finally block at the end of the method that handles calling MethodMonitor.exit whenever an exception is thrown or propagated from the body of the method.
  • Modifies all exit point in the method as follows:
    • If the exit point is a return, call MethodMonitor.exit before the return.
    • If the exit point is a throw, call MethodMonitor.exception before the throw.

    Note that the second part could be run in a ClassFileTransformer or ClassLoader if desired, since this design enhances the class files in place for the first part.

  • Author:ken
    /** ClassFile enhancer for the tracing facility. This modifies the bytecode * for an applicable class, then returns the updated bytecode. * Makes extensive use of the ASM library. * * This is split into two parts. The first part modifies the schema * of the class as follows: * <ul> * <li>Adds static fields as required for the SynchronizedHolder<MethodMonitor> * instances. * <li>Modifies the static initializer to set up the new fields, and register * the class with the MethodMonitorRegistry. This also constructs the list * of method names, which is needed by the second part. * <li>Re-writes all @InfoMethod methods to take two extra parameters at the * end of their argument lists. * <li>Re-writes all calls to @InfoMethod methods to supply the two extra * parameters to all calls. * <li>Checks that @InfoMethod methods (which must be private) are only called * from MM annotated methods. * </ul> * <p> * The second part modifies the MM annotated methods as follows: * <li>Adds a preamble to set up some local variables, and to call * the MethodMonitor.enter method when active. * <li>Adds a finally block at the end of the method that handles calling * MethodMonitor.exit whenever an exception is thrown or propagated from the * body of the method. * <li>Modifies all exit point in the method as follows: * <ul> * <li>If the exit point is a return, call MethodMonitor.exit before the return. * <li>If the exit point is a throw, call MethodMonitor.exception before the throw. * </ul> * </ul> * <p> * Note that the second part could be run in a ClassFileTransformer or ClassLoader * if desired, since this design enhances the class files in place for the first * part. * * @author ken */
    public class Transformer implements UnaryFunction<byte[],byte[]> { private final Util util ; private final EnhanceTool.ProcessingMode mode ; private final TimingInfoProcessor tip ; private final Set<String> annotationNames ; // Initialized in the evaluate method. private EnhancedClassData ecd = null ; Transformer(Util util, EnhanceTool.ProcessingMode mode, TimingInfoProcessor tip, Set<String> anames ) { this.util = util ; this.mode = mode ; this.tip = tip ; this.annotationNames = anames ; } private boolean hasAccess( int access, int flag ) { return (access & flag) == flag ; } private String getSuffix( String str ) { String result = str ; final int index = str.lastIndexOf('/') ; if (index >=0) { result = result.substring(index + 1); } return result ; } private void processTimers() { final Iterator<String> descriptions = ecd.getDescriptions().iterator() ; final Iterator<String> names = ecd.getTimingPointNames().iterator() ; final Iterator<TimingPointType> tpts = ecd.getTimingPointTypes().iterator() ; final Iterator<String> groups = ecd.getMethodMMAnnotationName().iterator() ; final Set<String> classAnnoNames = ecd.getAnnotationToHolderName().keySet() ; while (descriptions.hasNext()) { final String desc = descriptions.next() ; final String name = names.next() ; final TimingPointType tpt = tpts.next() ; final String group = groups.next() ; if (tpt != TimingPointType.NONE) { final String cname = getSuffix( ecd.getClassName() ) ; final String timerName = TimerFactoryBuilder.getTimerName( cname, name) ; tip.addTimer( timerName, desc ) ; if (group == null) { for (String str : classAnnoNames) { tip.containedIn( timerName, getSuffix( str ) ) ; } } else { tip.containedIn( timerName, getSuffix( group ) ) ; } } } } public byte[] evaluate( final byte[] arg) { final ClassNode cn = new ClassNode() ; final ClassReader cr = new ClassReader( arg ) ; cr.accept( cn, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES ) ; // Ignore annotations and interfaces. if (util.hasAccess(cn.access, Opcodes.ACC_ANNOTATION) || util.hasAccess(cn.access, Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE)) { return null ; } try { ecd = new EnhancedClassDataASMImpl( util, annotationNames, cn ) ; // If this class is not annotated as a traced class, ignore it. if (!ecd.isTracedClass()) { return null ; } processTimers() ; byte[] phase1 = null ; if ((mode == EnhanceTool.ProcessingMode.UpdateSchemas) || (mode == EnhanceTool.ProcessingMode.TraceEnhance)) { phase1 = util.transform( false, arg, new UnaryFunction<ClassVisitor, ClassAdapter>() { public ClassAdapter evaluate(ClassVisitor arg) { return new ClassEnhancer( util, ecd, arg ) ; } } ) ; } // Only communication from part 1 to part2 is a byte[] and // the EnhancedClassData. A runtime version can be regenerated // as above from the byte[] from the class file as it is presented // to a ClassFileTransformer. // Implementation note: runtime would keep byte[] stored of // original version whenever tracing is enabled, so that // disabling tracing simply means using a ClassFileTransformer // to get back to the original code. // // Then add tracing code (part 2). // This is a pure visitor using the AdviceAdapter. // It must NOT modify its input visitor (or you get an // infinite series of calls to onMethodExit...) if (mode == EnhanceTool.ProcessingMode.TraceEnhance) { final byte[] phase2 = util.transform( util.getDebug(), phase1, new UnaryFunction<ClassVisitor, ClassAdapter>() { public ClassAdapter evaluate(ClassVisitor arg) { return new ClassTracer( util, ecd, arg ) ; } }) ; return phase2 ; } else { return phase1 ; } } catch (TraceEnhancementException exc) { if (util.getDebug()) { util.info( 1, "Could not enhance file: " + exc ) ; } return null ; } } }