
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.Localizable;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.LocalizableMessageFactory.ResourceBundleSupplier;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.l10n.Localizer;

Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
/** * Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file * */
public final class LocalizationMessages { private final static String BUNDLE_NAME = ""; private final static LocalizableMessageFactory MESSAGE_FACTORY = new LocalizableMessageFactory(BUNDLE_NAME, new LocalizationMessages.BundleSupplier()); private final static Localizer LOCALIZER = new Localizer(); public static Localizable localizablePARSING_ERROR() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("parsing.error"); }
Exception occurred during parsing MultiPart message. Performing cleanup.
/** * Exception occurred during parsing MultiPart message. Performing cleanup. * */
public static String PARSING_ERROR() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizablePARSING_ERROR()); } public static Localizable localizableENTITY_IS_EMPTY() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Entity is empty.
/** * Entity is empty. * */
public static String ENTITY_IS_EMPTY() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableENTITY_IS_EMPTY()); } public static Localizable localizableENTITY_HAS_WRONG_TYPE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("entity.has.wrong.type"); }
Entity instance does not contain the unconverted content.
/** * Entity instance does not contain the unconverted content. * */
public static String ENTITY_HAS_WRONG_TYPE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableENTITY_HAS_WRONG_TYPE()); } public static Localizable localizableFORM_DATA_MULTIPART_CANNOT_CHANGE_MEDIATYPE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Cannot change media type of a FormDataMultiPart instance.
/** * Cannot change media type of a FormDataMultiPart instance. * */
public static String FORM_DATA_MULTIPART_CANNOT_CHANGE_MEDIATYPE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableFORM_DATA_MULTIPART_CANNOT_CHANGE_MEDIATYPE()); } public static Localizable localizableTEMP_FILE_CANNOT_BE_CREATED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("", arg0); }
Cannot create temporary files. Multipart attachments will be limited to "{0}" bytes.
/** * Cannot create temporary files. Multipart attachments will be limited to "{0}" bytes. * */
public static String TEMP_FILE_CANNOT_BE_CREATED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableTEMP_FILE_CANNOT_BE_CREATED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableNO_AVAILABLE_MBW(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("no.available.mbw", arg0, arg1); }
No available MessageBodyWriter for class "{0}" and media type "{1}".
/** * No available MessageBodyWriter for class "{0}" and media type "{1}". * */
public static String NO_AVAILABLE_MBW(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNO_AVAILABLE_MBW(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_PARSING_CONTENT_DISPOSITION(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.parsing.content.disposition", arg0); }
Error parsing content disposition: {0}
/** * Error parsing content disposition: {0} * */
public static String ERROR_PARSING_CONTENT_DISPOSITION(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_PARSING_CONTENT_DISPOSITION(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCONTROL_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Controls name can not be null.
/** * Controls name can not be null. * */
public static String CONTROL_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCONTROL_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL()); } public static Localizable localizableTEMP_FILE_NOT_DELETED(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("temp.file.not.deleted", arg0); }
Temporary file {0} was not deleted.
/** * Temporary file {0} was not deleted. * */
public static String TEMP_FILE_NOT_DELETED(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableTEMP_FILE_NOT_DELETED(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableMISSING_ENTITY_OF_BODY_PART(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("missing.entity.of.body.part", arg0); }
Missing body part entity of type "{0}".
/** * Missing body part entity of type "{0}". * */
public static String MISSING_ENTITY_OF_BODY_PART(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMISSING_ENTITY_OF_BODY_PART(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableCANNOT_INJECT_FILE() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("cannot.inject.file"); }
Cannot provide file for an entity body part.
/** * Cannot provide file for an entity body part. * */
public static String CANNOT_INJECT_FILE() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableCANNOT_INJECT_FILE()); } public static Localizable localizableNO_AVAILABLE_MBR(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("no.available.mbr", arg0, arg1); }
No available MessageBodyReader for class "{0}" and media type "{1}".
/** * No available MessageBodyReader for class "{0}" and media type "{1}". * */
public static String NO_AVAILABLE_MBR(Object arg0, Object arg1) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableNO_AVAILABLE_MBR(arg0, arg1)); } public static Localizable localizableERROR_READING_ENTITY(Object arg0) { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("error.reading.entity", arg0); }
Error reading entity as {0}.
/** * Error reading entity as {0}. * */
public static String ERROR_READING_ENTITY(Object arg0) { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableERROR_READING_ENTITY(arg0)); } public static Localizable localizableMUST_SPECIFY_BODY_PART() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("must.specify.body.part"); }
Must specify at least one body part.
/** * Must specify at least one body part. * */
public static String MUST_SPECIFY_BODY_PART() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMUST_SPECIFY_BODY_PART()); } public static Localizable localizableMISSING_MEDIA_TYPE_OF_BODY_PART() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage(""); }
Missing media type of body part.
/** * Missing media type of body part. * */
public static String MISSING_MEDIA_TYPE_OF_BODY_PART() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMISSING_MEDIA_TYPE_OF_BODY_PART()); } public static Localizable localizableMEDIA_TYPE_NOT_TEXT_PLAIN() { return MESSAGE_FACTORY.getMessage("media.type.not.text.plain"); }
Media type is not text/plain.
/** * Media type is not text/plain. * */
public static String MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_TEXT_PLAIN() { return LOCALIZER.localize(localizableMEDIA_TYPE_NOT_TEXT_PLAIN()); } private static class BundleSupplier implements ResourceBundleSupplier { public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(Locale locale) { return ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, locale); } } }