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package org.glassfish.jersey.internal.inject;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;

import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.LocalizationMessages;
import org.glassfish.jersey.internal.ServiceFinder;
import org.glassfish.jersey.model.internal.RankedComparator;
import org.glassfish.jersey.model.internal.RankedProvider;

Injection binding utility methods.
Author:Tom Beerbower, Marek Potociar
/** * Injection binding utility methods. * * @author Tom Beerbower * @author Marek Potociar */
public class Injections {
Creates a InjectionManager without parent and initial binder.
Returns:a injection manager with all the bindings.
/** * Creates a {@link InjectionManager} without parent and initial binder. * * @return a injection manager with all the bindings. */
public static InjectionManager createInjectionManager() { return lookupInjectionManagerFactory().create(); }
Creates a InjectionManager with initial binder that is immediately registered.
Returns:a injection manager with all the bindings.
/** * Creates a {@link InjectionManager} with initial binder that is immediately registered. * * @param binder custom the {@link Binder binder}. * @return a injection manager with all the bindings. */
public static InjectionManager createInjectionManager(Binder binder) { InjectionManagerFactory injectionManagerFactory = lookupInjectionManagerFactory(); InjectionManager injectionManager = injectionManagerFactory.create(); injectionManager.register(binder); return injectionManager; }
Creates an unnamed, parented InjectionManager. In case the parent injection manager is not specified, the locator will not be parented.
  • parent – The parent of this injection manager. Services can be found in the parent (and all grand-parents). May be null. An underlying DI provider checks whether the parent is in a proper type.
Returns:an injection manager with all the bindings.
/** * Creates an unnamed, parented {@link InjectionManager}. In case the {@code parent} injection manager is not specified, the * locator will not be parented. * * @param parent The parent of this injection manager. Services can be found in the parent (and all grand-parents). May be * {@code null}. An underlying DI provider checks whether the parent is in a proper type. * @return an injection manager with all the bindings. */
public static InjectionManager createInjectionManager(Object parent) { return lookupInjectionManagerFactory().create(parent); } private static InjectionManagerFactory lookupInjectionManagerFactory() { return lookupService(InjectionManagerFactory.class) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(LocalizationMessages.INJECTION_MANAGER_FACTORY_NOT_FOUND())); }
Look for a service of given type. If more then one service is found the method sorts them are returns the one with highest priority.
  • clazz – type of service to look for.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – type of service to look for.
See Also:
Returns:instance of service with highest priority or null if service of given type cannot be found.
/** * Look for a service of given type. If more then one service is found the method sorts them are returns the one with highest * priority. * * @param clazz type of service to look for. * @param <T> type of service to look for. * @return instance of service with highest priority or {@code null} if service of given type cannot be found. * @see javax.annotation.Priority */
private static <T> Optional<T> lookupService(final Class<T> clazz) { List<RankedProvider<T>> providers = new LinkedList<>(); for (T provider : ServiceFinder.find(clazz)) { providers.add(new RankedProvider<>(provider)); } providers.sort(new RankedComparator<>(RankedComparator.Order.DESCENDING)); return providers.isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.ofNullable(providers.get(0).getProvider()); }
Get the class by contract or create and inject a new instance.
  • injectionManager – DI injection manager.
  • clazz – class of the instance to be provider.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – instance type.
Returns:instance of the class either provided as a service or created and injected by HK2.
/** * Get the class by contract or create and inject a new instance. * * @param <T> instance type. * @param injectionManager DI injection manager. * @param clazz class of the instance to be provider. * @return instance of the class either provided as a service or created and injected by HK2. */
public static <T> T getOrCreate(InjectionManager injectionManager, final Class<T> clazz) { try { final T component = injectionManager.getInstance(clazz); return component == null ? injectionManager.createAndInitialize(clazz) : component; } catch (final RuntimeException e) { // Look for WebApplicationException and return it if found. MultiException is thrown when *Param field is // annotated and value cannot be provided (for example fromString(String) method can throw unchecked // exception. // // see InvalidParamTest // see JERSEY-1117 Throwable throwable = e.getCause(); if (throwable != null && WebApplicationException.class.isAssignableFrom(throwable.getClass())) { throw (WebApplicationException) throwable; } throw e; } } }