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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http2;

import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

N-ary tree node implementation to support HTTP/2 stream hierarchies.
/** * N-ary tree node implementation to support HTTP/2 stream hierarchies. */
public abstract class Node { private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); protected static final ReentrantReadWriteLock.ReadLock readLock = lock.readLock(); protected static final ReentrantReadWriteLock.WriteLock writeLock = lock.writeLock(); protected final int id; protected Node next; protected Node prev; protected Node parent; protected Node firstChild; protected boolean exclusive; // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors protected Node(final int id) { this.id = id; } // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods
Mark this Node as exclusive. Any siblings will be migrated to the children list.
/** * Mark this {@link Node} as exclusive. Any siblings will be migrated to the children list. */
protected void exclusive() { writeLock.lock(); try { final Node p = parent; p.detach(id); p.addChild(this, true); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Add a sibling to this Node.
/** * Add a sibling to this {@link Node}. */
protected void addSibling(final Node sibling) { writeLock.lock(); try { sibling.next = this; this.prev = sibling; sibling.parent = this.parent; parent.firstChild = sibling; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Add a child to this Node.
/** * Add a child to this {@link Node}. */
protected void addChild(final Node n) { addChild(n, false); }
Add a new child. If the child is marked as exclusive, any other children will be moved to become the children of this exclusive child.
/** * Add a new child. If the child is marked as exclusive, any other children will be moved to become the children of this * exclusive child. */
protected void addChild(final Node nodeBeingAddedAsChild, final boolean exclusive) { writeLock.lock(); try { if (exclusive) { nodeBeingAddedAsChild.exclusive = true; if (nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild != null && firstChild != null) { Node tail = firstChild; while (tail.next != null) { tail = tail.next; } tail.next = nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild; nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild.prev = tail; nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild = firstChild; } else if (nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild == null && firstChild != null) { nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild = firstChild; } firstChild = null; if (nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild != null) { Node t = nodeBeingAddedAsChild.firstChild; do { t.parent = nodeBeingAddedAsChild; } while ((t = t.next) != null); } } if (firstChild == null) { firstChild = nodeBeingAddedAsChild; firstChild.parent = this; } else { firstChild.addSibling(nodeBeingAddedAsChild); } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } }
Detail this Node from the tree maintaining any children.
/** * Detail this {@link Node} from the tree maintaining any children. */
protected Node detach(final int id) { return remove(id, true); }
Remove this Node from the tree. Any children will be moved up as a child of the remove Node's parent.
/** * Remove this {@link Node} from the tree. Any children will be moved up as a child of the remove {@link Node}'s parent. */
protected Node remove(final int id) { return remove(id, false); }
Top down search from this Node and any children (recursively) returning the node with a matching id.
/** * Top down search from this {@link Node} and any children (recursively) returning the node with a matching * <code>id</code>. */
protected Node find(final int id) { if (this.id == id) { return this; } readLock.lock(); try { if (firstChild != null) { Node n = firstChild; do { if (n.id == id) { return n; } Node result = n.find(id); if (result != null) { return result; } } while ((n = n.next) != null); } return null; } finally { readLock.unlock(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods private boolean isFirstSibling() { return next != null && prev == null; } private boolean isLastSibling() { return next == null && prev != null; } private boolean hasSiblings() { return next != null || prev != null; } private Node remove(final int id, final boolean retainChildren) { final Node n = find(id); if (n != null) { writeLock.lock(); try { // remove this node from sibling pointer chains if (n.hasSiblings()) { final Node left = n.prev; final Node right = n.next; if (n.isFirstSibling()) { right.parent.firstChild = right; right.prev = null; } else if (n.isLastSibling()) { left.next = null; } else { // Middle child! left.next = right; right.prev = left; } } // re-parent the children to this node's parent and // push these children to the front of the child new parent child list if (!retainChildren) { final Node np = n.parent; if (n.firstChild != null) { Node t = n.firstChild; Node last = null; do { t.parent = np; // quick look ahead to see if this node will be the last if (t.next == null) { last = t; } } while ((t = t.next) != null); // 'push' the current child to the 'end' of children of the removed node last.next = np.firstChild; np.firstChild.prev = last; // Set the new pointer to the new first child. np.firstChild = n.firstChild; } } // clear pointers and return n.parent = null; n.next = null; n.prev = null; if (!retainChildren) { n.firstChild = null; } return n; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } return null; } }