 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2017 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright 1994-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.ByteChunk;

Constants. Inspired from class com.glassfish.grizzly.tcp.http11.Constants TODO: A lot of this is duplicated in com.glassfish.grizzly.Constants - clean up
Author:Jean-Francois Arcand
/** * Constants. Inspired from class com.glassfish.grizzly.tcp.http11.Constants * TODO: A lot of this is duplicated in com.glassfish.grizzly.Constants - clean up * * @author Jean-Francois Arcand */
public final class Constants {
Package name.
/** * Package name. */
public static final String Package = "org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.res"; public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LINGER = -1; public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT = 300000; public static final int DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 0; public static final boolean DEFAULT_TCP_NO_DELAY = true;
The default response-type
/** * The default response-type */
public final static String DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TYPE = "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1";
The forced request-type
/** * The forced request-type */
public final static String FORCED_REQUEST_TYPE = "text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1";
Default transaction time out.
/** * Default transaction time out. */
public final static int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 300000;
Default request buffer size
/** * Default request buffer size */
public final static int DEFAULT_REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192;
Default request header size
/** * Default request header size */
public final static int DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
Default recycle value.
/** * Default recycle value. */
public final static boolean DEFAULT_RECYCLE = true;
Default queue in bytes size.
/** * Default queue in bytes size. */
public final static int DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE = 4096; // -------------------------------------------------------------- Constants
/** * CRLF. */
public static final String CRLF = "\r\n";
/** * CR. */
public static final byte CR = (byte) '\r';
/** * LF. */
public static final byte LF = (byte) '\n';
/** * SP. */
public static final byte SP = (byte) ' ';
/** * HT. */
public static final byte HT = (byte) '\t';
/** * COLON. */
public static final byte COLON = (byte) ':';
/** * 'A'. */
public static final byte A = (byte) 'A';
/** * 'a'. */
public static final byte a = (byte) 'a';
/** * 'Z'. */
public static final byte Z = (byte) 'Z';
/** * '?'. */
public static final byte QUESTION = (byte) '?';
Lower case offset.
/** * Lower case offset. */
public static final byte LC_OFFSET = A - a;
Default HTTP header buffer size.
/** * Default HTTP header buffer size. */
public static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE = 48 * 1024; /* Various constant "strings" */ public static final byte[] CRLF_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes(CRLF); public static final byte[] COLON_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes(": "); public static final String CONNECTION = "Connection"; public static final String CLOSE = "close"; public static final byte[] CLOSE_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes(CLOSE); public static final String KEEPALIVE = "keep-alive"; public static final byte[] KEEPALIVE_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes(KEEPALIVE); public static final String CHUNKED = "chunked"; public static final byte[] ACK_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue" + CRLF + CRLF); public static final String TRANSFERENCODING = "Transfer-Encoding"; public static final byte[] _200_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes("200"); public static final byte[] _400_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes("400"); public static final byte[] _404_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes("404");
Identity filters (input and output).
/** * Identity filters (input and output). */
public static final int IDENTITY_FILTER = 0;
Chunked filters (input and output).
/** * Chunked filters (input and output). */
public static final int CHUNKED_FILTER = 1;
Void filters (input and output).
/** * Void filters (input and output). */
public static final int VOID_FILTER = 2;
GZIP filter (output).
/** * GZIP filter (output). */
public static final int GZIP_FILTER = 3;
Buffered filter (input)
/** * Buffered filter (input) */
public static final int BUFFERED_FILTER = 3;
/** * HTTP/1.0. */
public static final String HTTP_10 = "HTTP/1.0";
/** * HTTP/1.1. */
public static final String HTTP_11 = "HTTP/1.1"; public static final byte[] HTTP_11_BYTES = ByteChunk.convertToBytes(HTTP_11);
/** * GET. */
public static final String GET = "GET";
/** * HEAD. */
public static final String HEAD = "HEAD";
/** * POST. */
public static final String POST = "POST"; public static final int MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 1024; public static final long MAX_LARGE_FILE_CACHE_SIZE = 10485760; public static final int MAX_AGE_IN_SECONDS = 30; // S1AS 4703023 public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DISPATCH_DEPTH = 20;
Default header names.
/** * Default header names. */
public static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = "authorization"; // START SJSAS 6346226 public final static String JROUTE_COOKIE = "JROUTE"; // END SJSAS 6346226 // START SJSAS 6337561 public final static String PROXY_JROUTE = "proxy-jroute"; // END SJSAS 6337561 }