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package org.glassfish.grizzly.memory;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.Cacheable;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.MonitoringConfig;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.monitoring.MonitoringUtils;

The simple Buffer manager implementation, which works as wrapper above ByteBuffers. It's possible to work either with direct or heap ByteBuffers.
Author:Jean-Francois Arcand, Alexey Stashok
See Also:
/** * The simple Buffer manager implementation, which works as wrapper above * {@link ByteBuffer}s. It's possible to work either with direct or heap * {@link ByteBuffer}s. * * @see MemoryManager * @see ByteBuffer * * @author Jean-Francois Arcand * @author Alexey Stashok */
public class ByteBufferManager extends AbstractMemoryManager<ByteBufferWrapper> implements WrapperAware, ByteBufferAware {
TODO: Document
/** * TODO: Document */
public static final int DEFAULT_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 32; private static final ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex<TrimAwareWrapper> CACHE_IDX = ThreadCache.obtainIndex(TrimAwareWrapper.class, Integer.getInteger(ByteBufferManager.class.getName() + ".taw-cache-size", 2)); private final ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex<SmallByteBufferWrapper> SMALL_BUFFER_CACHE_IDX = ThreadCache.obtainIndex(SmallByteBufferWrapper.class.getName() + '.' + System.identityHashCode(this), SmallByteBufferWrapper.class, Integer.getInteger(ByteBufferManager.class.getName() + ".sbbw-cache-size", 16));
Is direct ByteBuffer should be used?
/** * Is direct ByteBuffer should be used? */
protected boolean isDirect; protected final int maxSmallBufferSize; public ByteBufferManager() { this(false, DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, DEFAULT_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); } public ByteBufferManager(final boolean isDirect) { this(isDirect, DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, DEFAULT_SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE); } public ByteBufferManager(final boolean isDirect, final int maxBufferSize, final int maxSmallBufferSize) { super(maxBufferSize); this.maxSmallBufferSize = maxSmallBufferSize; this.isDirect = isDirect; } public int getMaxSmallBufferSize() { return maxSmallBufferSize; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper allocate(final int size) { if (size <= maxSmallBufferSize) { final SmallByteBufferWrapper buffer = createSmallBuffer(); buffer.limit(size); return buffer; } return wrap(allocateByteBuffer(size)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper allocateAtLeast(int size) { if (size <= maxSmallBufferSize) { final SmallByteBufferWrapper buffer = createSmallBuffer(); buffer.limit(size); return buffer; } return wrap(allocateByteBufferAtLeast(size)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper reallocate(ByteBufferWrapper oldBuffer, int newSize) { return wrap(reallocateByteBuffer(oldBuffer.underlying(), newSize)); }
Lets JVM Garbage collector to release buffer.
/** * Lets JVM Garbage collector to release buffer. */
@Override public void release(ByteBufferWrapper buffer) { releaseByteBuffer(buffer.underlying()); }
Returns true, if ByteBufferManager works with direct ByteBuffers, or false otherwise.
Returns:true, if ByteBufferManager works with direct ByteBuffers, or false otherwise.
/** * Returns <tt>true</tt>, if <tt>ByteBufferManager</tt> works with direct * {@link ByteBuffer}s, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @return <tt>true</tt>, if <tt>ByteBufferManager</tt> works with direct * {@link ByteBuffer}s, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
public boolean isDirect() { return isDirect; }
Set true, if ByteBufferManager works with direct ByteBuffers, or false otherwise.
  • isDirect – true, if ByteBufferManager works with direct ByteBuffers, or false otherwise.
/** * Set <tt>true</tt>, if <tt>ByteBufferManager</tt> works with direct * {@link ByteBuffer}s, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. * * @param isDirect <tt>true</tt>, if <tt>ByteBufferManager</tt> works with * direct {@link ByteBuffer}s, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
public void setDirect(boolean isDirect) { this.isDirect = isDirect; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean willAllocateDirect(int size) { return isDirect; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper wrap(byte[] data) { return wrap(data, 0, data.length); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper wrap(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { return wrap(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, offset, length)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper wrap(String s) { return wrap(s, Charset.defaultCharset()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper wrap(String s, Charset charset) { try { byte[] byteRepresentation = s.getBytes(charset.name()); return wrap(ByteBuffer.wrap(byteRepresentation)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public ThreadLocalPool createThreadLocalPool() { return new ByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public ByteBufferWrapper wrap(final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { return createTrimAwareBuffer(byteBuffer); }
Allocates ByteBuffer of required size.
Returns:allocated ByteBuffer.
/** * Allocates {@link ByteBuffer} of required size. * * @param size {@link ByteBuffer} size. * @return allocated {@link ByteBuffer}. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ByteBuffer allocateByteBuffer(final int size) { if (size > maxBufferSize) { // Don't use pool return allocateByteBuffer0(size); } final ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> threadLocalCache = getByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); if (threadLocalCache != null) { final int remaining = threadLocalCache.remaining(); if (remaining == 0 || remaining < size) { reallocatePoolBuffer(); } return (ByteBuffer) allocateFromPool(threadLocalCache, size); } else { return allocateByteBuffer0(size); } }
Allocates ByteBuffer of required size.
Returns:allocated ByteBuffer.
/** * Allocates {@link ByteBuffer} of required size. * * @param size {@link ByteBuffer} size. * @return allocated {@link ByteBuffer}. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ByteBuffer allocateByteBufferAtLeast(final int size) { if (size > maxBufferSize) { // Don't use pool return allocateByteBuffer0(size); } final ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> threadLocalCache = getByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); if (threadLocalCache != null) { int remaining = threadLocalCache.remaining(); if (remaining == 0 || remaining < size) { reallocatePoolBuffer(); remaining = threadLocalCache.remaining(); } return (ByteBuffer) allocateFromPool(threadLocalCache, remaining); } else { return allocateByteBuffer0(size); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ByteBuffer reallocateByteBuffer(ByteBuffer oldByteBuffer, int newSize) { if (oldByteBuffer.capacity() >= newSize) return oldByteBuffer; final ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> memoryPool = getByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); if (memoryPool != null) { final ByteBuffer newBuffer = memoryPool.reallocate(oldByteBuffer, newSize); if (newBuffer != null) { ProbeNotifier.notifyBufferAllocatedFromPool(monitoringConfig, newSize - oldByteBuffer.capacity()); return newBuffer; } } ByteBuffer newByteBuffer = allocateByteBuffer(newSize); oldByteBuffer.flip(); return newByteBuffer.put(oldByteBuffer); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void releaseByteBuffer(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> memoryPool = getByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); if (memoryPool != null) { if (memoryPool.release((ByteBuffer) byteBuffer.clear())) { ProbeNotifier.notifyBufferReleasedToPool(monitoringConfig, byteBuffer.capacity()); } } } protected SmallByteBufferWrapper createSmallBuffer() { final SmallByteBufferWrapper buffer = ThreadCache.takeFromCache(SMALL_BUFFER_CACHE_IDX); if (buffer != null) { ProbeNotifier.notifyBufferAllocatedFromPool(monitoringConfig, maxSmallBufferSize); return buffer; } return new SmallByteBufferWrapper(allocateByteBuffer0(maxSmallBufferSize)); } // ------- Monitoring section ---------------------- @Override public MonitoringConfig<MemoryProbe> getMonitoringConfig() { return monitoringConfig; }
Create the Memory Manager JMX management object.
Returns:the Memory Manager JMX management object.
/** * Create the Memory Manager JMX management object. * * @return the Memory Manager JMX management object. */
@Override protected Object createJmxManagementObject() { return MonitoringUtils.loadJmxObject( "org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.jmx.ByteBufferManager", this, ByteBufferManager.class); } protected final ByteBuffer allocateByteBuffer0(final int size) { ProbeNotifier.notifyBufferAllocated(monitoringConfig, size); if (isDirect) { return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size); } else { return ByteBuffer.allocate(size); } } private TrimAwareWrapper createTrimAwareBuffer( final ByteBuffer underlyingByteBuffer) { final TrimAwareWrapper buffer = ThreadCache.takeFromCache(CACHE_IDX); if (buffer != null) { buffer.visible = underlyingByteBuffer; return buffer; } return new TrimAwareWrapper(underlyingByteBuffer); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private void reallocatePoolBuffer() { final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = allocateByteBuffer0(maxBufferSize); final ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> threadLocalCache = getByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); if (threadLocalCache != null) { threadLocalCache.reset(byteBuffer); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static ByteBufferThreadLocalPool getByteBufferThreadLocalPool() { final ThreadLocalPool pool = getThreadLocalPool(); return ((pool instanceof ByteBufferThreadLocalPool) ? (ByteBufferThreadLocalPool) pool : null); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- Nested Classes
Information about thread associated memory pool.
/** * Information about thread associated memory pool. */
private static final class ByteBufferThreadLocalPool implements ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> {
Memory pool
/** * Memory pool */
private ByteBuffer pool;
ByteBuffer allocation history.
/** * {@link ByteBuffer} allocation history. */
private Object[] allocationHistory; private int lastAllocatedIndex; public ByteBufferThreadLocalPool() { allocationHistory = new Object[8]; } @Override public void reset(ByteBuffer pool) { Arrays.fill(allocationHistory, 0, lastAllocatedIndex, null); lastAllocatedIndex = 0; this.pool = pool; } @Override public ByteBuffer allocate(int size) { final ByteBuffer allocated = Buffers.slice(pool, size); return addHistory(allocated); } @Override public ByteBuffer reallocate(ByteBuffer oldByteBuffer, int newSize) { if (isLastAllocated(oldByteBuffer) && remaining() + oldByteBuffer.capacity() >= newSize) { lastAllocatedIndex--; pool.position(pool.position() - oldByteBuffer.capacity()); final ByteBuffer newByteBuffer = Buffers.slice(pool, newSize); newByteBuffer.position(oldByteBuffer.position()); return addHistory(newByteBuffer); } return null; } @Override public boolean release(ByteBuffer underlyingBuffer) { if (isLastAllocated(underlyingBuffer)) { pool.position(pool.position() - underlyingBuffer.capacity()); allocationHistory[--lastAllocatedIndex] = null; return true; } else if (wantReset(underlyingBuffer.capacity())) { reset(underlyingBuffer); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean wantReset(int size) { return !hasRemaining() || (lastAllocatedIndex == 0 && pool.remaining() < size); } @Override public boolean isLastAllocated(ByteBuffer oldByteBuffer) { return lastAllocatedIndex > 0 && allocationHistory[lastAllocatedIndex - 1] == oldByteBuffer; } @Override public ByteBuffer reduceLastAllocated(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { final ByteBuffer oldLastAllocated = (ByteBuffer) allocationHistory[lastAllocatedIndex - 1]; pool.position(pool.position() - (oldLastAllocated.capacity() - byteBuffer.capacity())); allocationHistory[lastAllocatedIndex - 1] = byteBuffer; return oldLastAllocated; } @Override public int remaining() { return pool != null ? pool.remaining() : 0; } @Override public boolean hasRemaining() { return remaining() > 0; } private ByteBuffer addHistory(ByteBuffer allocated) { if (lastAllocatedIndex >= allocationHistory.length) { allocationHistory = Arrays.copyOf(allocationHistory, (allocationHistory.length * 3) / 2 + 1); } allocationHistory[lastAllocatedIndex++] = allocated; return allocated; } @Override public String toString() { return "(pool=" + pool + " last-allocated-index=" + (lastAllocatedIndex - 1) + " allocation-history=" + Arrays.toString(allocationHistory) + ')'; } } // END ByteBufferThreadLocalPool
ByteBufferWrapper implementation, which supports trimming. In other words it's possible to return unused Buffer space to pool.
/** * {@link ByteBufferWrapper} implementation, which supports trimming. In * other words it's possible to return unused {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer} space to * pool. */
private final class TrimAwareWrapper extends ByteBufferWrapper implements TrimAware { private TrimAwareWrapper(ByteBuffer underlyingByteBuffer) { super(underlyingByteBuffer); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void trim() { final int sizeToReturn = visible.capacity() - visible.position(); if (sizeToReturn > 0) { final ThreadLocalPool<ByteBuffer> threadLocalCache = getByteBufferThreadLocalPool(); if (threadLocalCache != null) { if (threadLocalCache.isLastAllocated(visible)) { visible.flip(); visible = visible.slice(); threadLocalCache.reduceLastAllocated(visible); return; } else if (threadLocalCache.wantReset(sizeToReturn)) { visible.flip(); final ByteBuffer originalByteBuffer = visible; visible = visible.slice(); originalByteBuffer.position(originalByteBuffer.limit()); originalByteBuffer.limit(originalByteBuffer.capacity()); threadLocalCache.reset(originalByteBuffer); return; } } } super.trim(); } @Override public void recycle() { allowBufferDispose = false; ThreadCache.putToCache(CACHE_IDX, this); } @Override public void dispose() { prepareDispose(); ByteBufferManager.this.release(this); visible = null; recycle(); } @Override protected ByteBufferWrapper wrapByteBuffer(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { return ByteBufferManager.this.wrap(byteBuffer); } } // END TrimAwareWrapper
ByteBufferWrapper implementation, which supports trimming. In other words it's possible to return unused Buffer space to pool.
/** * {@link ByteBufferWrapper} implementation, which supports trimming. In * other words it's possible to return unused {@link org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer} space to * pool. */
protected final class SmallByteBufferWrapper extends ByteBufferWrapper implements Cacheable { private SmallByteBufferWrapper(ByteBuffer underlyingByteBuffer) { super(underlyingByteBuffer); } @Override public void dispose() { super.prepareDispose(); visible.clear(); recycle(); } @Override public void recycle() { if (visible.remaining() == maxSmallBufferSize) { allowBufferDispose = false; disposeStackTrace = null; if (ThreadCache.putToCache(SMALL_BUFFER_CACHE_IDX, this)) { ProbeNotifier.notifyBufferReleasedToPool(monitoringConfig, maxSmallBufferSize); } } } @Override protected ByteBufferWrapper wrapByteBuffer(final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { return ByteBufferManager.this.wrap(byteBuffer); } } // END SmallByteBufferWrapper }