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package org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.WriteHandler;

Class represents common implementation of asynchronous processing queue.
Author:Alexey Stashok
Type parameters:
/** * Class represents common implementation of asynchronous processing queue. * * @param <E> {@link AsyncQueueRecord} type * * @author Alexey Stashok */
public final class TaskQueue<E extends AsyncQueueRecord> { private volatile boolean isClosed;
The queue of tasks, which will be processed asynchronously
/** * The queue of tasks, which will be processed asynchronously */
private final Queue<E> queue; private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater<TaskQueue, AsyncQueueRecord> currentElementUpdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TaskQueue.class, AsyncQueueRecord.class, "currentElement"); private volatile E currentElement; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<TaskQueue> spaceInBytesUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TaskQueue.class, "spaceInBytes"); private volatile int spaceInBytes; private final MutableMaxQueueSize maxQueueSizeHolder; private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<TaskQueue> writeHandlersCounterUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(TaskQueue.class, "writeHandlersCounter"); private volatile int writeHandlersCounter; protected final Queue<WriteHandler> writeHandlersQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<WriteHandler>(); // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors protected TaskQueue(final MutableMaxQueueSize maxQueueSizeHolder) { this.maxQueueSizeHolder = maxQueueSizeHolder; queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E>(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods public static <E extends AsyncQueueRecord> TaskQueue<E> createTaskQueue( final MutableMaxQueueSize maxQueueSizeHolder) { return new TaskQueue<E>(maxQueueSizeHolder); }
Returns the number of queued bytes.
Returns:the number of queued bytes.
/** * Returns the number of queued bytes. * * @return the number of queued bytes. */
public int size() { return spaceInBytes; }
Pools the current processing task. Note: after this operation call, any element could be put at the head of the queue using setCurrentElement(AsyncQueueRecord) without overwriting any existing queue element.
Returns:the current processing task
/** * Pools the current processing task. * Note: after this operation call, any element could be put at the head of the queue * using {@link #setCurrentElement(org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.AsyncQueueRecord)} * without overwriting any existing queue element. * * @return the current processing task */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E poll() { E current = (E) currentElementUpdater.getAndSet(this, null); return current != null ? current : queue.poll(); }
Get the current processing task, if the current in not set, take the task from the queue. Note: after this operation call, the current element could be removed from the queue using setCurrentElement(AsyncQueueRecord) and passing null as a parameter, this is a little bit more optimal alternative to poll().
Returns:the current processing task
/** * Get the current processing task, if the current in not set, take the * task from the queue. * Note: after this operation call, the current element could be removed * from the queue using {@link #setCurrentElement(org.glassfish.grizzly.asyncqueue.AsyncQueueRecord)} * and passing <tt>null</tt> as a parameter, this is a little bit more optimal * alternative to {@link #poll()}. * * @return the current processing task */
public E peek() { E current = currentElement; if (current == null) { current = queue.poll(); if (current != null) { currentElement = current; } } if (current != null && isClosed && currentElementUpdater.compareAndSet(this, current, null)) { current.notifyFailure(new IOException("Connection closed")); return null; } return current; }
Reserves memory space in the queue.
  • amount –
Returns:the new memory (in bytes) consumed by the queue.
/** * Reserves memory space in the queue. * * @param amount * @return the new memory (in bytes) consumed by the queue. */
public int reserveSpace(final int amount) { return spaceInBytesUpdater.addAndGet(this, amount); }
Releases memory space in the queue.
  • amount –
Returns:the new memory (in bytes) consumed by the queue.
/** * Releases memory space in the queue. * * @param amount * @return the new memory (in bytes) consumed by the queue. */
public int releaseSpace(final int amount) { return spaceInBytesUpdater.addAndGet(this, -amount); }
Releases memory space in the queue and notifies registered QueueMonitors about the update.
  • amount –
Returns:the new memory (in bytes) consumed by the queue.
/** * Releases memory space in the queue and notifies registered * {@link QueueMonitor}s about the update. * * @param amount * @return the new memory (in bytes) consumed by the queue. */
public int releaseSpaceAndNotify(final int amount) { final int space = releaseSpace(amount); doNotify(); return space; }
Returns the number of queued bytes.
Returns:the number of queued bytes.
/** * Returns the number of queued bytes. * * @return the number of queued bytes. */
public int spaceInBytes() { return spaceInBytes; }
Get the queue of tasks, which will be processed asynchronously
Returns:the queue of tasks, which will be processed asynchronously
/** * Get the queue of tasks, which will be processed asynchronously * @return the queue of tasks, which will be processed asynchronously */
public Queue<E> getQueue() { return queue; } public void notifyWritePossible(final WriteHandler writeHandler) { notifyWritePossible(writeHandler, maxQueueSizeHolder.getMaxQueueSize()); } public void notifyWritePossible(final WriteHandler writeHandler, final int maxQueueSize) { if (writeHandler == null) { return; } if (isClosed) { writeHandler.onError(new IOException("Connection is closed")); return; } if (maxQueueSize < 0 || spaceInBytes() < maxQueueSize) { try { writeHandler.onWritePossible(); } catch (Throwable e) { writeHandler.onError(e); } return; } offerWriteHandler(writeHandler); if (spaceInBytes() < maxQueueSize && removeWriteHandler(writeHandler)) { try { writeHandler.onWritePossible(); } catch (Throwable e) { writeHandler.onError(e); } } else { checkWriteHandlerOnClose(writeHandler); } } public final boolean forgetWritePossible(final WriteHandler writeHandler) { return removeWriteHandler(writeHandler); } private void checkWriteHandlerOnClose(final WriteHandler writeHandler) { if (isClosed && removeWriteHandler(writeHandler)) { writeHandler.onError(new IOException("Connection is closed")); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- Protected Methods public void doNotify() { if (maxQueueSizeHolder == null || writeHandlersCounter == 0) { return; } final int maxQueueSize = maxQueueSizeHolder.getMaxQueueSize(); while (spaceInBytes() < maxQueueSize) { WriteHandler writeHandler = pollWriteHandler(); if (writeHandler == null) { return; } try { writeHandler.onWritePossible(); } catch (Throwable e) { writeHandler.onError(e); } } }
Set current task element.
  • task – current element.
/** * Set current task element. * @param task current element. */
public void setCurrentElement(final E task) { currentElement = task; if (task != null && isClosed && currentElementUpdater.compareAndSet(this, task, null)) { task.notifyFailure(new IOException("Connection closed")); } } public boolean compareAndSetCurrentElement(final E expected, final E newValue) { if (currentElementUpdater.compareAndSet(this, expected, newValue)) { if (newValue != null && isClosed && currentElementUpdater.compareAndSet(this, newValue, null)) { newValue.notifyFailure(new IOException("Connection closed")); return false; } return true; } return false; }
Remove the task from queue.
  • task – the task to remove.
Returns:true if tasked was removed, or false otherwise.
/** * Remove the task from queue. * @param task the task to remove. * @return <tt>true</tt> if tasked was removed, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */
public boolean remove(final E task) { return queue.remove(task); }
Add the new task into the task queue.
  • task – new task.
/** * Add the new task into the task queue. * * @param task new task. */
public void offer(final E task) { queue.offer(task); if (isClosed && queue.remove(task)) { task.notifyFailure(new IOException("Connection closed")); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return spaceInBytes == 0; } public void onClose() { onClose(null); } public void onClose(final Throwable cause) { isClosed = true; IOException error = null; if (!isEmpty()) { if (error == null) { error = new IOException("Connection closed", cause); } AsyncQueueRecord record; while ((record = poll()) != null) { record.notifyFailure(error); } } WriteHandler writeHandler; while ((writeHandler = pollWriteHandler()) != null) { if (error == null) { error = new IOException("Connection closed", cause); } writeHandler.onError(error); } } private void offerWriteHandler(final WriteHandler writeHandler) { writeHandlersCounterUpdater.incrementAndGet(this); writeHandlersQueue.offer(writeHandler); } private boolean removeWriteHandler(final WriteHandler writeHandler) { if (writeHandlersQueue.remove(writeHandler)) { writeHandlersCounterUpdater.decrementAndGet(this); return true; } return false; } private WriteHandler pollWriteHandler() { final WriteHandler record = writeHandlersQueue.poll(); if (record != null) { writeHandlersCounterUpdater.decrementAndGet(this); return record; } return null; } //----------------------------------------------------------- Nested Classes public interface MutableMaxQueueSize { int getMaxQueueSize(); } }