 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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package freemarker.core;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;

import freemarker.core.Macro.Context;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.SimpleDate;
import freemarker.template.SimpleScalar;
import freemarker.template.TemplateDateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateHashModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModel;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.TemplateScalarModel;
import freemarker.template._TemplateAPI;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;

A reference to a built-in identifier, such as .root
/** * A reference to a built-in identifier, such as .root */
final class BuiltinVariable extends Expression { static final String TEMPLATE_NAME_CC = "templateName"; static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = "template_name"; static final String MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC = "mainTemplateName"; static final String MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME = "main_template_name"; static final String CURRENT_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC = "currentTemplateName"; static final String CURRENT_TEMPLATE_NAME = "current_template_name"; static final String NAMESPACE = "namespace"; static final String MAIN = "main"; static final String GLOBALS = "globals"; static final String LOCALS = "locals"; static final String DATA_MODEL_CC = "dataModel"; static final String DATA_MODEL = "data_model"; static final String LANG = "lang"; static final String LOCALE = "locale"; static final String LOCALE_OBJECT_CC = "localeObject"; static final String LOCALE_OBJECT = "locale_object"; static final String CURRENT_NODE_CC = "currentNode"; static final String CURRENT_NODE = "current_node"; static final String NODE = "node"; static final String PASS = "pass"; static final String VARS = "vars"; static final String VERSION = "version"; static final String INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS_CC = "incompatibleImprovements"; static final String INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS = "incompatible_improvements"; static final String ERROR = "error"; static final String OUTPUT_ENCODING_CC = "outputEncoding"; static final String OUTPUT_ENCODING = "output_encoding"; static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_CC = "outputFormat"; static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT = "output_format"; static final String AUTO_ESC_CC = "autoEsc"; static final String AUTO_ESC = "auto_esc"; static final String URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET_CC = "urlEscapingCharset"; static final String URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET = "url_escaping_charset"; static final String NOW = "now"; static final String GET_OPTIONAL_TEMPLATE = "get_optional_template"; static final String GET_OPTIONAL_TEMPLATE_CC = "getOptionalTemplate"; static final String CALLER_TEMPLATE_NAME = "caller_template_name"; static final String CALLER_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC = "callerTemplateName"; static final String[] SPEC_VAR_NAMES = new String[] { // IMPORTANT! Keep this sorted alphabetically! AUTO_ESC_CC, AUTO_ESC, CALLER_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC, CALLER_TEMPLATE_NAME, CURRENT_NODE_CC, CURRENT_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC, CURRENT_NODE, CURRENT_TEMPLATE_NAME, DATA_MODEL_CC, DATA_MODEL, ERROR, GET_OPTIONAL_TEMPLATE_CC, GET_OPTIONAL_TEMPLATE, GLOBALS, INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS_CC, INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS, LANG, LOCALE, LOCALE_OBJECT_CC, LOCALE_OBJECT, LOCALS, MAIN, MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC, MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME, NAMESPACE, NODE, NOW, OUTPUT_ENCODING_CC, OUTPUT_FORMAT_CC, OUTPUT_ENCODING, OUTPUT_FORMAT, PASS, TEMPLATE_NAME_CC, TEMPLATE_NAME, URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET_CC, URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET, VARS, VERSION }; private final String name; private final TemplateModel parseTimeValue; BuiltinVariable(Token nameTk, FMParserTokenManager tokenManager, TemplateModel parseTimeValue) throws ParseException { String name = nameTk.image; this.parseTimeValue = parseTimeValue; if (Arrays.binarySearch(SPEC_VAR_NAMES, name) < 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Unknown special variable name: "); sb.append(StringUtil.jQuote(name)).append("."); int shownNamingConvention; { int namingConvention = tokenManager.namingConvention; shownNamingConvention = namingConvention != Configuration.AUTO_DETECT_NAMING_CONVENTION ? namingConvention : Configuration.LEGACY_NAMING_CONVENTION /* [2.4] CAMEL_CASE */; } { String correctName; if (name.equals("auto_escape") || name.equals("auto_escaping") || name.equals("autoesc")) { correctName = "auto_esc"; } else if (name.equals("autoEscape") || name.equals("autoEscaping")) { correctName = "autoEsc"; } else { correctName = null; } if (correctName != null) { sb.append(" You may meant: "); sb.append(StringUtil.jQuote(correctName)).append("."); } } sb.append("\nThe allowed special variable names are: "); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < SPEC_VAR_NAMES.length; i++) { final String correctName = SPEC_VAR_NAMES[i]; int correctNameNamingConvetion = _CoreStringUtils.getIdentifierNamingConvention(correctName); if (shownNamingConvention == Configuration.CAMEL_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION ? correctNameNamingConvetion != Configuration.LEGACY_NAMING_CONVENTION : correctNameNamingConvetion != Configuration.CAMEL_CASE_NAMING_CONVENTION) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(correctName); } } throw new ParseException(sb.toString(), null, nameTk); } this.name = name.intern(); } @Override TemplateModel _eval(Environment env) throws TemplateException { if (parseTimeValue != null) { return parseTimeValue; } if (name == NAMESPACE) { return env.getCurrentNamespace(); } if (name == MAIN) { return env.getMainNamespace(); } if (name == GLOBALS) { return env.getGlobalVariables(); } if (name == LOCALS) { Macro.Context ctx = env.getCurrentMacroContext(); return ctx == null ? null : ctx.getLocals(); } if (name == DATA_MODEL || name == DATA_MODEL_CC) { return env.getDataModel(); } if (name == VARS) { return new VarsHash(env); } if (name == LOCALE) { return new SimpleScalar(env.getLocale().toString()); } if (name == LOCALE_OBJECT || name == LOCALE_OBJECT_CC) { return env.getObjectWrapper().wrap(env.getLocale()); } if (name == LANG) { return new SimpleScalar(env.getLocale().getLanguage()); } if (name == CURRENT_NODE || name == NODE || name == CURRENT_NODE_CC) { return env.getCurrentVisitorNode(); } if (name == TEMPLATE_NAME || name == TEMPLATE_NAME_CC) { // The behavior of env.getTemplate() was changed with IcI 2.3.22, but there was an unintended side effect // of changing the behavior of .template_name, which was fixed with IcI 2.3.23. IcI 2.3.22 deliberately // remains broken. return (env.getConfiguration().getIncompatibleImprovements().intValue() >= _TemplateAPI.VERSION_INT_2_3_23) ? new SimpleScalar(env.getTemplate230().getName()) : new SimpleScalar(env.getTemplate().getName()); } if (name == MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME || name == MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC) { return SimpleScalar.newInstanceOrNull(env.getMainTemplate().getName()); } if (name == CURRENT_TEMPLATE_NAME || name == CURRENT_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC) { return SimpleScalar.newInstanceOrNull(env.getCurrentTemplate().getName()); } if (name == PASS) { return Macro.DO_NOTHING_MACRO; } if (name == OUTPUT_ENCODING || name == OUTPUT_ENCODING_CC) { String s = env.getOutputEncoding(); return SimpleScalar.newInstanceOrNull(s); } if (name == URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET || name == URL_ESCAPING_CHARSET_CC) { String s = env.getURLEscapingCharset(); return SimpleScalar.newInstanceOrNull(s); } if (name == ERROR) { return new SimpleScalar(env.getCurrentRecoveredErrorMessage()); } if (name == NOW) { return new SimpleDate(new Date(), TemplateDateModel.DATETIME); } if (name == VERSION) { return new SimpleScalar(Configuration.getVersionNumber()); } if (name == INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS || name == INCOMPATIBLE_IMPROVEMENTS_CC) { return new SimpleScalar(env.getConfiguration().getIncompatibleImprovements().toString()); } if (name == GET_OPTIONAL_TEMPLATE) { return GetOptionalTemplateMethod.INSTANCE; } if (name == GET_OPTIONAL_TEMPLATE_CC) { return GetOptionalTemplateMethod.INSTANCE_CC; } if (name == CALLER_TEMPLATE_NAME || name == CALLER_TEMPLATE_NAME_CC) { Context ctx = env.getCurrentMacroContext(); if (ctx == null) { throw new TemplateException( "Can't get ." + name + " here, as there's no macro or function (that's " + "implemented in the template) call in context.", env); } TemplateObject callPlace = ctx.callPlace; String name = callPlace != null ? callPlace.getTemplate().getName() : null; return name != null ? new SimpleScalar(name) : TemplateScalarModel.EMPTY_STRING; } throw new _MiscTemplateException(this, "Invalid special variable: ", name); } @Override public String toString() { return "." + name; } @Override public String getCanonicalForm() { return "." + name; } @Override String getNodeTypeSymbol() { return getCanonicalForm(); } @Override boolean isLiteral() { return false; } @Override protected Expression deepCloneWithIdentifierReplaced_inner( String replacedIdentifier, Expression replacement, ReplacemenetState replacementState) { return this; } static class VarsHash implements TemplateHashModel { Environment env; VarsHash(Environment env) { this.env = env; } public TemplateModel get(String key) throws TemplateModelException { return env.getVariable(key); } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } } @Override int getParameterCount() { return 0; } @Override Object getParameterValue(int idx) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } @Override ParameterRole getParameterRole(int idx) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } }