Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;
Covert a SyncInfo into a IDiff
/** * Covert a SyncInfo into a IDiff */
public class SyncInfoToDiffConverter { private static class PrecalculatedSyncInfo extends SyncInfo { public int kind; public PrecalculatedSyncInfo(int kind, IResource local, IResourceVariant base, IResourceVariant remote, IResourceVariantComparator comparator) { super(local, base, remote, comparator); this.kind = kind; } @Override protected int calculateKind() throws TeamException { return kind; } } private static SyncInfoToDiffConverter instance; public static String diffKindToString(int kind) { String label = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if(kind==IDiff.NO_CHANGE) { label = Messages.RemoteSyncElement_insync; } else { switch(kind) { case IDiff.CHANGE: label = Messages.RemoteSyncElement_change ; break; case IDiff.ADD: label = Messages.RemoteSyncElement_addition; break; case IDiff.REMOVE: label = Messages.RemoteSyncElement_deletion; break; } } return label; } public static String diffDirectionToString(int direction) { switch(direction) { case IThreeWayDiff.CONFLICTING: return Messages.RemoteSyncElement_conflicting; case IThreeWayDiff.OUTGOING: return Messages.RemoteSyncElement_outgoing; case IThreeWayDiff.INCOMING: return Messages.RemoteSyncElement_incoming; } return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static String diffStatusToString(int status) { int kind = status & Diff.KIND_MASK; String label = diffKindToString(kind); int direction = status & ThreeWayDiff.DIRECTION_MASK; if (direction != 0) label = NLS.bind(Messages.concatStrings, new String[] { diffDirectionToString(direction), label }); return label; } public static int asDiffFlags(int syncInfoFlags) { if (syncInfoFlags == SyncInfo.IN_SYNC) return IDiff.NO_CHANGE; int kind = SyncInfo.getChange(syncInfoFlags); int diffFlags = 0; switch (kind) { case SyncInfo.ADDITION: diffFlags = IDiff.ADD; break; case SyncInfo.DELETION: diffFlags = IDiff.REMOVE; break; case SyncInfo.CHANGE: diffFlags = IDiff.CHANGE; break; } int direction = SyncInfo.getDirection(syncInfoFlags); switch (direction) { case SyncInfo.INCOMING: diffFlags |= IThreeWayDiff.INCOMING; break; case SyncInfo.OUTGOING: diffFlags |= IThreeWayDiff.OUTGOING; break; case SyncInfo.CONFLICTING: diffFlags |= IThreeWayDiff.CONFLICTING; break; } return diffFlags; } private static int asSyncInfoKind(IThreeWayDiff diff) { int kind = diff.getKind(); if (diff.getKind() == IDiff.NO_CHANGE) return SyncInfo.IN_SYNC; int syncKind = 0; switch (kind) { case IDiff.ADD: syncKind = SyncInfo.ADDITION; break; case IDiff.REMOVE: syncKind = SyncInfo.DELETION; break; case IDiff.CHANGE: syncKind = SyncInfo.CHANGE; break; } int direction = diff.getDirection(); switch (direction) { case IThreeWayDiff.INCOMING: syncKind |= SyncInfo.INCOMING; break; case IThreeWayDiff.OUTGOING: syncKind |= SyncInfo.OUTGOING; break; case IThreeWayDiff.CONFLICTING: syncKind |= SyncInfo.CONFLICTING; break; } return syncKind; } public IDiff getDeltaFor(SyncInfo info) { if (info.getComparator().isThreeWay()) { ITwoWayDiff local = getLocalDelta(info); ITwoWayDiff remote = getRemoteDelta(info); return new ThreeWayDiff(local, remote); } else { if (info.getKind() != SyncInfo.IN_SYNC) { IResourceVariant remote = info.getRemote(); IResource local = info.getLocal(); int kind; if (remote == null) { kind = IDiff.REMOVE; } else if (!local.exists()) { kind = IDiff.ADD; } else { kind = IDiff.CHANGE; } if (local.getType() == IResource.FILE) { IFileRevision after = asFileState(remote); IFileRevision before = getFileRevisionFor((IFile)local); return new ResourceDiff(info.getLocal(), kind, 0, before, after); } // For folders, we don't need file states return new ResourceDiff(info.getLocal(), kind); } return null; } } private ITwoWayDiff getRemoteDelta(SyncInfo info) { int direction = SyncInfo.getDirection(info.getKind()); if (direction == SyncInfo.INCOMING || direction == SyncInfo.CONFLICTING) { IResourceVariant ancestor = info.getBase(); IResourceVariant remote = info.getRemote(); int kind; if (ancestor == null) { kind = IDiff.ADD; } else if (remote == null) { kind = IDiff.REMOVE; } else { kind = IDiff.CHANGE; } // For folders, we don't need file states if (info.getLocal().getType() == IResource.FILE) { IFileRevision before = asFileState(ancestor); IFileRevision after = asFileState(remote); return new ResourceDiff(info.getLocal(), kind, 0, before, after); } return new ResourceDiff(info.getLocal(), kind); } return null; } private IFileRevision asFileState(final IResourceVariant variant) { if (variant == null) return null; return asFileRevision(variant); } private IFileRevision getFileRevisionFor(final IFile file) { return new LocalFileRevision(file); } protected ResourceVariantFileRevision asFileRevision(final IResourceVariant variant) { return new ResourceVariantFileRevision(variant); } private ITwoWayDiff getLocalDelta(SyncInfo info) { int direction = SyncInfo.getDirection(info.getKind()); if (direction == SyncInfo.OUTGOING || direction == SyncInfo.CONFLICTING) { IResourceVariant ancestor = info.getBase(); IResource local = info.getLocal(); int kind; if (ancestor == null) { kind = IDiff.ADD; } else if (!local.exists()) { kind = IDiff.REMOVE; } else { kind = IDiff.CHANGE; } if (local.getType() == IResource.FILE) { IFileRevision before = asFileState(ancestor); IFileRevision after = getFileRevisionFor((IFile)local); return new ResourceDiff(info.getLocal(), kind, 0, before, after); } // For folders, we don't need file states return new ResourceDiff(info.getLocal(), kind); } return null; } public static IResourceVariant getRemoteVariant(IThreeWayDiff twd) { IFileRevision revision = getRemote(twd); if (revision != null) return asResourceVariant(revision); return null; } public static IResourceVariant getBaseVariant(IThreeWayDiff twd) { IResourceDiff diff = (IResourceDiff)twd.getRemoteChange(); if (diff != null) return asResourceVariant(diff.getBeforeState()); diff = (IResourceDiff)twd.getLocalChange(); if (diff != null) return asResourceVariant(diff.getBeforeState()); return null; } public SyncInfo asSyncInfo(IDiff diff, IResourceVariantComparator comparator) { if (diff instanceof ResourceDiff) { ResourceDiff rd = (ResourceDiff) diff; IResource local = rd.getResource(); IFileRevision afterState = rd.getAfterState(); IResourceVariant remote = asResourceVariant(afterState); int kind; if (remote == null) { kind = SyncInfo.DELETION; } else if (!local.exists()) { kind = SyncInfo.ADDITION; } else { kind = SyncInfo.CHANGE; } SyncInfo info = createSyncInfo(comparator, kind, local, null, remote); return info; } else if (diff instanceof IThreeWayDiff) { IThreeWayDiff twd = (IThreeWayDiff) diff; IResource local = getLocal(twd); if (local != null) { IResourceVariant remote = getRemoteVariant(twd); IResourceVariant base = getBaseVariant(twd); int kind = asSyncInfoKind(twd); SyncInfo info = createSyncInfo(comparator, kind, local, base, remote); return info; } } return null; } protected SyncInfo createSyncInfo(IResourceVariantComparator comparator, int kind, IResource local, IResourceVariant base, IResourceVariant remote) { PrecalculatedSyncInfo info = new PrecalculatedSyncInfo(kind, local, base, remote, comparator); try { info.init(); } catch (TeamException e) { // Ignore } return info; } private static IResource getLocal(IThreeWayDiff twd) { IResourceDiff diff = (IResourceDiff)twd.getRemoteChange(); if (diff != null) return diff.getResource(); diff = (IResourceDiff)twd.getLocalChange(); if (diff != null) return diff.getResource(); return null; } public static IResourceVariant asResourceVariant(IFileRevision revision) { if (revision == null) return null; if (revision instanceof ResourceVariantFileRevision) { ResourceVariantFileRevision rvfr = (ResourceVariantFileRevision) revision; return rvfr.getVariant(); } if (revision instanceof IAdaptable) { IAdaptable adaptable = (IAdaptable) revision; Object o = adaptable.getAdapter(IResourceVariant.class); if (o instanceof IResourceVariant) { return (IResourceVariant) o; } } return null; } public static IFileRevision getRemote(IDiff diff) { if (diff instanceof IResourceDiff) { IResourceDiff rd = (IResourceDiff) diff; return rd.getAfterState(); } if (diff instanceof IThreeWayDiff) { IThreeWayDiff twd = (IThreeWayDiff) diff; return getRemote(twd); } return null; } public static IFileRevision getRemote(IThreeWayDiff twd) { IResourceDiff rd = (IResourceDiff)twd.getRemoteChange(); if (rd != null) return rd.getAfterState(); rd = (IResourceDiff)twd.getLocalChange(); if (rd != null) return rd.getBeforeState(); return null; } public static SyncInfoToDiffConverter getDefault() { if (instance == null) instance = new SyncInfoToDiffConverter(); return instance; } }