Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.eclipse.debug.core.model; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceRuleFactory; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.PlatformObject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin; import org.eclipse.debug.core.IBreakpointManager; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.BreakpointManager; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.DebugCoreMessages;
Abstract implementation of a breakpoint. This class is intended to be sub-classed by implementations of breakpoints.
See Also:
  • IBreakpoint
/** * Abstract implementation of a breakpoint. This class is * intended to be sub-classed by implementations * of breakpoints. * * @see IBreakpoint * @since 2.0 */
public abstract class Breakpoint extends PlatformObject implements IBreakpoint, ITriggerPoint {
Creates a breakpoint.
/** * Creates a breakpoint. * * @since 3.8 */
public Breakpoint() { // Make sure that the breakpoint manager is initialized (for details see bug 54993) ((BreakpointManager)DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager()).ensureInitialized(); }
Underlying marker.
/** * Underlying marker. */
private IMarker fMarker= null;
See Also:
  • setMarker.setMarker(IMarker)
/** * @see IBreakpoint#setMarker(IMarker) */
@Override public void setMarker(IMarker marker) throws CoreException { fMarker= marker; }
See Also:
  • equals.equals(Object)
/** * @see Object#equals(Object) */
@Override public boolean equals(Object item) { if (item instanceof IBreakpoint) { return getMarker().equals(((IBreakpoint)item).getMarker()); } return false; }
See Also:
  • hashCode.hashCode()
/** * @see Object#hashCode() */
@Override public int hashCode() { return getMarker().hashCode(); }
See Also:
  • setEnabled.setEnabled(boolean)
/** * @see IBreakpoint#setEnabled(boolean) */
@Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) throws CoreException { if (enabled != isEnabled()) { setAttribute(ENABLED, enabled); if (isTriggerPoint()) { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().refreshTriggerpointDisplay(); } } }
See Also:
  • isEnabled.isEnabled()
/** * @see IBreakpoint#isEnabled() */
@Override public boolean isEnabled() throws CoreException { return getMarker().getAttribute(ENABLED, false); }
See Also:
  • isRegistered.isRegistered()
/** * @see IBreakpoint#isRegistered() */
@Override public boolean isRegistered() throws CoreException { IMarker marker= getMarker(); return marker.exists() && marker.getAttribute(REGISTERED, true); }
See Also:
  • setRegistered.setRegistered(boolean)
/** * @see IBreakpoint#setRegistered(boolean) */
@Override public void setRegistered(boolean registered) throws CoreException { if (isRegistered() != registered) { setAttribute(REGISTERED, registered); IBreakpointManager mgr = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager(); if (registered) { mgr.addBreakpoint(this); } else { mgr.removeBreakpoint(this, false); } } }
See Also:
  • delete.delete()
/** * @see IBreakpoint#delete() */
@Override public void delete() throws CoreException { DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager().removeBreakpoint(this, false); getMarker().delete(); }
See Also:
  • getMarker.getMarker()
/** * @see IBreakpoint#getMarker() */
@Override public IMarker getMarker() { return fMarker; }
See Also:
  • isPersisted.isPersisted()
/** * @see IBreakpoint#isPersisted() */
@Override public boolean isPersisted() throws CoreException { return getMarker().getAttribute(PERSISTED, true); }
See Also:
  • setPersisted.setPersisted(boolean)
/** * @see IBreakpoint#setPersisted(boolean) */
@Override public void setPersisted(boolean persisted) throws CoreException { if (isPersisted() != persisted) { setAttributes(new String[] {PERSISTED, IMarker.TRANSIENT}, new Object[] {Boolean.valueOf(persisted), Boolean.valueOf(!persisted)}); } }
See Also:
  • isPersisted.isPersisted()
/** * @see IBreakpoint#isPersisted() * @since 3.11 */
@Override public boolean isTriggerPoint() throws CoreException { return getMarker().getAttribute(TRIGGERPOINT, false); }
See Also:
  • setTriggerPoint.setTriggerPoint(boolean)
/** * @see ITriggerPoint#setTriggerPoint(boolean) * @since 3.11 */
@Override public void setTriggerPoint(boolean triggerPoint) throws CoreException { if (isTriggerPoint() != triggerPoint) { setAttribute(TRIGGERPOINT, triggerPoint); IBreakpointManager manager = DebugPlugin.getDefault().getBreakpointManager(); if (triggerPoint) { manager.addTriggerPoint(this); } else { manager.removeTriggerPoint(this); } } }
Convenience method to set the given boolean attribute of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable prevents deadlock.
  • attributeName – attribute name
  • value – attribute value
See Also:
/** * Convenience method to set the given boolean attribute of this * breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable. Setting marker * attributes in a workspace runnable prevents deadlock. * * @param attributeName attribute name * @param value attribute value * @exception CoreException is setting the attribute fails * @see IMarker#setAttribute(java.lang.String, boolean) */
protected void setAttribute(final String attributeName, final boolean value) throws CoreException { IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRunnable runnable= new IWorkspaceRunnable() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { ensureMarker().setAttribute(attributeName, value); } };, getMarkerRule(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null); }
Convenience method to set the given integer attribute of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable prevents deadlock.
  • attributeName – attribute name
  • value – attribute value
See Also:
/** * Convenience method to set the given integer attribute of * this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace * runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable * prevents deadlock. * * @param attributeName attribute name * @param value attribute value * @exception CoreException is setting the attribute fails * @see IMarker#setAttribute(java.lang.String, int) */
protected void setAttribute(final String attributeName, final int value) throws CoreException { IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRunnable runnable= new IWorkspaceRunnable() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { ensureMarker().setAttribute(attributeName, value); } };, getMarkerRule(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null); }
Convenience method to set the given attribute of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable prevents deadlock.
  • attributeName – attribute name
  • value – attribute value
See Also:
/** * Convenience method to set the given attribute of * this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace * runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable * prevents deadlock. * * @param attributeName attribute name * @param value attribute value * @exception CoreException is setting the attribute fails * @see IMarker#setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) */
protected void setAttribute(final String attributeName, final Object value) throws CoreException { IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRunnable runnable= new IWorkspaceRunnable() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { ensureMarker().setAttribute(attributeName, value); } };, getMarkerRule(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null); }
Convenience method to set the given attributes of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable prevents deadlock.
  • attributeNames – attribute names
  • values – attribute values
See Also:
/** * Convenience method to set the given attributes of * this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace * runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable * prevents deadlock. * * @param attributeNames attribute names * @param values attribute values * @exception CoreException is setting the attributes fails * @see IMarker#setAttributes(java.lang.String[], java.lang.Object[]) */
protected void setAttributes(final String[] attributeNames, final Object[] values) throws CoreException { IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRunnable runnable= new IWorkspaceRunnable() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { ensureMarker().setAttributes(attributeNames, values); } };, getMarkerRule(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null); }
Convenience method to set the attributes of this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable prevents deadlock.
  • attributes – attribute map
See Also:
/** * Convenience method to set the attributes of * this breakpoint's underlying marker in a workspace * runnable. Setting marker attributes in a workspace runnable * prevents deadlock. * * @param attributes attribute map * @exception CoreException is setting the attributes fails * @see IMarker#setAttributes(java.util.Map) */
protected void setAttributes(final Map<String, ? extends Object> attributes) throws CoreException { IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRunnable runnable= new IWorkspaceRunnable() { @Override public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { ensureMarker().setAttributes(attributes); } };, getMarkerRule(), IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null); }
Returns the marker associated with this breakpoint.
  • DebugException – if no marker is associated with this breakpoint or the associated marker does not exist
Returns:breakpoint marker
/** * Returns the marker associated with this breakpoint. * * @return breakpoint marker * @exception DebugException if no marker is associated with * this breakpoint or the associated marker does not exist */
protected IMarker ensureMarker() throws DebugException { IMarker m = getMarker(); if (m == null || !m.exists()) { throw new DebugException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, DebugPlugin.getUniqueIdentifier(), DebugException.REQUEST_FAILED, DebugCoreMessages.Breakpoint_no_associated_marker, null)); } return m; }
Returns whether this breakpoint has an associated marker that exists.
Returns:returns whether this breakpoint has an associated marker that exists
/** * Returns whether this breakpoint has an associated marker that exists. * * @return returns whether this breakpoint has an associated marker that exists * @since 2.1 */
protected boolean markerExists() { IMarker m = getMarker(); return (m != null && m.exists()); }
Returns a scheduling rule to use when modifying markers on the given resource, possibly null.
  • resource – a resource on which a marker will be created, modified, or deleted
Returns:a scheduling rule to use when modifying markers on the given resource possibly null
/** * Returns a scheduling rule to use when modifying markers on the given resource, * possibly <code>null</code>. * * @param resource a resource on which a marker will be created, modified, or deleted * @return a scheduling rule to use when modifying markers on the given resource * possibly <code>null</code> * @since 3.1 */
protected ISchedulingRule getMarkerRule(IResource resource) { ISchedulingRule rule = null; if (resource != null) { IResourceRuleFactory ruleFactory = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRuleFactory(); rule = ruleFactory.markerRule(resource); } return rule; }
Returns a scheduling rule to use when modifying or deleting this breakpoint's marker, possibly null. This method is only valid when this breakpoint's marker has already been created. When creating a marker on a specific resource, use getMarkerRule(IResource) instead.
Returns:a scheduling rule to use when modifying or deleting this breakpoint's marker
/** * Returns a scheduling rule to use when modifying or deleting this breakpoint's marker, * possibly <code>null</code>. This method is only valid when this breakpoint's * marker has already been created. When creating a marker on a specific resource, * use <code>getMarkerRule(IResource)</code> instead. * * @return a scheduling rule to use when modifying or deleting this breakpoint's marker * @since 3.1 */
protected ISchedulingRule getMarkerRule() { ISchedulingRule rule = null; IMarker marker = getMarker(); if (marker != null) { IResource resource = marker.getResource(); if (resource != null) { IResourceRuleFactory ruleFactory = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRuleFactory(); rule = ruleFactory.markerRule(resource); } } return rule; }
Execute the given workspace runnable with the scheduling rule to use when running the operation.
  • rule – the rule to use when running the operation
  • wr – the runnable operation
  • DebugException – If a core exception occurs performing the operation
/** * Execute the given workspace runnable with the scheduling rule to use when running the operation. * * @param rule the rule to use when running the operation * @param wr the runnable operation * @throws DebugException If a core exception occurs performing the operation * @since 3.1 */
protected void run(ISchedulingRule rule, IWorkspaceRunnable wr) throws DebugException { try { ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().run(wr, rule, IWorkspace.AVOID_UPDATE, null); } catch (CoreException e) { throw new DebugException(e.getStatus()); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()); builder.append(" on ["); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (fMarker != null) { builder.append("marker="); //$NON-NLS-1$ builder.append(fMarker); } builder.append("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return builder.toString(); } }