 * Copyright (c) 2019 Goldman Sachs and others.
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package org.eclipse.collections.impl.list;

This is a utility class for common behaviors between Interval and IntInterval. It is a public class only because Interval and IntInterval are in different packages.
/** * This is a utility class for common behaviors between Interval and IntInterval. It is * a public class only because Interval and IntInterval are in different packages. */
public final class IntervalUtils { private IntervalUtils() { throw new AssertionError("Suppress default constructor for noninstantiability"); } public static void checkArguments(long from, long to, long stepBy) { IntervalUtils.checkStepBy(from, to, stepBy); IntervalUtils.checkSize(from, to, stepBy); } private static void checkSize(long from, long to, long stepBy) { long rangeSize = (to - from) / stepBy + 1L; if ((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE < rangeSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Range size: " + rangeSize + " exceeds max size() of " + Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } private static void checkStepBy(long from, long to, long stepBy) { if (stepBy == 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use a step by of 0"); } if (from > to && stepBy > 0L || from < to && stepBy < 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Step by is incorrect for the range"); } } public static int intSize(long from, long to, long step) { long result = (to - from) / step + 1L; return (int) result; } public static boolean contains(long value, long from, long to, long step) { return IntervalUtils.isWithinBoundaries(value, from, to, step) && (value - from) % step == 0L; } public static boolean isWithinBoundaries(long value, long from, long to, long step) { return step > 0L && from <= value && value <= to || step < 0L && to <= value && value <= from; } public static int indexOf(long value, long from, long to, long step) { if (!IntervalUtils.isWithinBoundaries(value, from, to, step)) { return -1; } long diff = value - from; if (diff % step == 0L) { return (int) (diff / step); } return -1; } public static long valueAtIndex(int index, long from, long to, long step) { if (index <= 0) { return from; } long value = from + step * (long) index; if (step > 0L) { return Math.min(value, to); } return Math.max(value, to); } public static int binarySearch(long value, long from, long to, long step) { if (step > 0L && from > value || step < 0L && from < value) { return -1; } if (step > 0L && to < value || step < 0 && to > value) { return -1 - IntervalUtils.intSize(from, to, step); } long diff = value - from; int index = (int) (diff / step); return diff % step == 0L ? index : (index + 2) * -1; } }