 * Copyright (c) 2021 Goldman Sachs.
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package org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.bag;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.ImmutableBag;

A PartitionImmutableBag is the result of splitting an immutable bag into two immutable bags based on a Predicate. The results that answer true for the Predicate will be returned from the getSelected() method and the results that answer false for the predicate will be returned from the getRejected() method.
/** * A PartitionImmutableBag is the result of splitting an immutable bag into two immutable bags based on a Predicate. * The results that answer true for the Predicate will be returned from the getSelected() method and the * results that answer false for the predicate will be returned from the getRejected() method. */
public interface PartitionImmutableBag<T> extends PartitionImmutableBagIterable<T>, PartitionUnsortedBag<T> { @Override ImmutableBag<T> getSelected(); @Override ImmutableBag<T> getRejected(); }