 * Copyright (c) 2021 Goldman Sachs and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.

package org.eclipse.collections.api.map;

import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.MutableBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableBooleanBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableByteBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableCharBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableDoubleBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableFloatBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableIntBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableLongBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.bag.primitive.MutableShortBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function0;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.Function2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.BooleanFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ByteFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.CharFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.DoubleFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.FloatFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.IntFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.LongFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.function.primitive.ShortFunction;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.predicate.Predicate2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.block.procedure.Procedure2;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.Maps;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.bag.MutableBagMultimap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.multimap.set.MutableSetMultimap;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.ordered.OrderedIterable;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.partition.bag.PartitionMutableBag;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.MutableSet;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair;

A MutableMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods. The MutableMap interface additionally implements some of the methods in the Smalltalk Dictionary protocol.
/** * A MutableMap is similar to a JCF Map but adds additional useful internal iterator methods. The MutableMap interface * additionally implements some of the methods in the Smalltalk Dictionary protocol. */
public interface MutableMap<K, V> extends MutableMapIterable<K, V>, UnsortedMapIterable<K, V>, Cloneable {
Adds all the entries derived from iterable to this. The key and value for each entry is determined by applying the keyFunction and valueFunction to each item in collection. Any entry in map that has the same key as an entry in this will have its value replaced by that in map.
/** * Adds all the entries derived from {@code iterable} to {@code this}. The key and value for each entry * is determined by applying the {@code keyFunction} and {@code valueFunction} to each item in * {@code collection}. Any entry in {@code map} that has the same key as an entry in {@code this} * will have its value replaced by that in {@code map}. */
<E> MutableMap<K, V> collectKeysAndValues( Iterable<E> iterable, Function<? super E, ? extends K> keyFunction, Function<? super E, ? extends V> valueFunction); @Override MutableMap<K, V> newEmpty(); MutableMap<K, V> clone(); @Override MutableMap<K, V> asUnmodifiable(); @Override MutableMap<K, V> asSynchronized(); @Override MutableSetMultimap<V, K> flip(); @Override MutableMap<K, V> select(Predicate2<? super K, ? super V> predicate); @Override MutableMap<K, V> reject(Predicate2<? super K, ? super V> predicate); @Override <R> MutableMap<K, R> collectValues(Function2<? super K, ? super V, ? extends R> function); @Override <K2, V2> MutableMap<K2, V2> collect(Function2<? super K, ? super V, Pair<K2, V2>> function); @Override MutableMap<K, V> tap(Procedure<? super V> procedure); @Override MutableBag<V> select(Predicate<? super V> predicate); @Override <P> MutableBag<V> selectWith(Predicate2<? super V, ? super P> predicate, P parameter); @Override MutableBag<V> reject(Predicate<? super V> predicate); @Override <P> MutableBag<V> rejectWith(Predicate2<? super V, ? super P> predicate, P parameter); @Override PartitionMutableBag<V> partition(Predicate<? super V> predicate); @Override <P> PartitionMutableBag<V> partitionWith(Predicate2<? super V, ? super P> predicate, P parameter); @Override <S> MutableBag<S> selectInstancesOf(Class<S> clazz); @Override <R> MutableBag<R> collect(Function<? super V, ? extends R> function); @Override <P, V1> MutableBag<V1> collectWith(Function2<? super V, ? super P, ? extends V1> function, P parameter); @Override MutableBooleanBag collectBoolean(BooleanFunction<? super V> booleanFunction); @Override MutableByteBag collectByte(ByteFunction<? super V> byteFunction); @Override MutableCharBag collectChar(CharFunction<? super V> charFunction); @Override MutableDoubleBag collectDouble(DoubleFunction<? super V> doubleFunction); @Override MutableFloatBag collectFloat(FloatFunction<? super V> floatFunction); @Override MutableIntBag collectInt(IntFunction<? super V> intFunction); @Override MutableLongBag collectLong(LongFunction<? super V> longFunction); @Override MutableShortBag collectShort(ShortFunction<? super V> shortFunction); @Override <R> MutableBag<R> collectIf(Predicate<? super V> predicate, Function<? super V, ? extends R> function); @Override <R> MutableBag<R> flatCollect(Function<? super V, ? extends Iterable<R>> function);
/** * @since 9.2 */
@Override default <P, R> MutableBag<R> flatCollectWith(Function2<? super V, ? super P, ? extends Iterable<R>> function, P parameter) { return this.flatCollect(each -> function.apply(each, parameter)); }
Deprecated:in 6.0. Use OrderedIterable.zip(Iterable) instead.
/** * @deprecated in 6.0. Use {@link OrderedIterable#zip(Iterable)} instead. */
@Override @Deprecated <S> MutableBag<Pair<V, S>> zip(Iterable<S> that);
Deprecated:in 6.0. Use OrderedIterable.zipWithIndex() instead.
/** * @deprecated in 6.0. Use {@link OrderedIterable#zipWithIndex()} instead. */
@Override @Deprecated MutableSet<Pair<V, Integer>> zipWithIndex(); @Override <VV> MutableBagMultimap<VV, V> groupBy(Function<? super V, ? extends VV> function); @Override <VV> MutableBagMultimap<VV, V> groupByEach(Function<? super V, ? extends Iterable<VV>> function); @Override default <V1> MutableMap<V1, V> groupByUniqueKey(Function<? super V, ? extends V1> function) { return this.groupByUniqueKey(function, Maps.mutable.withInitialCapacity(this.size())); } @Override default <KK, VV> MutableMap<KK, VV> aggregateInPlaceBy( Function<? super V, ? extends KK> groupBy, Function0<? extends VV> zeroValueFactory, Procedure2<? super VV, ? super V> mutatingAggregator) { MutableMap<KK, VV> map = Maps.mutable.empty(); this.forEach(each -> { KK key = groupBy.valueOf(each); VV value = map.getIfAbsentPut(key, zeroValueFactory); mutatingAggregator.value(value, each); }); return map; } @Override default <KK, VV> MutableMap<KK, VV> aggregateBy( Function<? super V, ? extends KK> groupBy, Function0<? extends VV> zeroValueFactory, Function2<? super VV, ? super V, ? extends VV> nonMutatingAggregator) { return this.aggregateBy( groupBy, zeroValueFactory, nonMutatingAggregator, Maps.mutable.empty()); } @Override default <K1, V1, V2> MutableMap<K1, V2> aggregateBy( Function<? super K, ? extends K1> keyFunction, Function<? super V, ? extends V1> valueFunction, Function0<? extends V2> zeroValueFactory, Function2<? super V2, ? super V1, ? extends V2> nonMutatingAggregator) { MutableMap<K1, V2> map = Maps.mutable.empty(); this.forEachKeyValue((key, value) -> { map.updateValueWith(keyFunction.valueOf(key), zeroValueFactory, nonMutatingAggregator, valueFunction.valueOf(value)); }); return map; } @Override MutableMap<V, K> flipUniqueValues(); @Override MutableMap<K, V> withKeyValue(K key, V value); @Override default MutableMap<K, V> withMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { this.putAll(map); return this; } @Override default MutableMap<K, V> withMapIterable(MapIterable<? extends K, ? extends V> mapIterable) { this.putAllMapIterable(mapIterable); return this; } @Override MutableMap<K, V> withAllKeyValues(Iterable<? extends Pair<? extends K, ? extends V>> keyValues); @Override MutableMap<K, V> withAllKeyValueArguments(Pair<? extends K, ? extends V>... keyValuePairs); @Override MutableMap<K, V> withoutKey(K key); @Override MutableMap<K, V> withoutAllKeys(Iterable<? extends K> keys); }