package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1TaggedObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERTaggedObject;

Class for containing a restriction object subtrees in NameConstraints. See RFC 3280.
      GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE 
        base                    GeneralName,
        minimum         [0]     BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,
        maximum         [1]     BaseDistance OPTIONAL 
See Also:
  • NameConstraints
/** * Class for containing a restriction object subtrees in NameConstraints. See * RFC 3280. * * <pre> * * GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE * { * base GeneralName, * minimum [0] BaseDistance DEFAULT 0, * maximum [1] BaseDistance OPTIONAL * } * </pre> * * @see org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.NameConstraints * */
public class GeneralSubtree extends ASN1Object { private static final BigInteger ZERO = BigInteger.valueOf(0); private GeneralName base; private ASN1Integer minimum; private ASN1Integer maximum; private GeneralSubtree( ASN1Sequence seq) { base = GeneralName.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(0)); switch (seq.size()) { case 1: break; case 2: ASN1TaggedObject o = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(1)); switch (o.getTagNo()) { case 0: minimum = ASN1Integer.getInstance(o, false); break; case 1: maximum = ASN1Integer.getInstance(o, false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad tag number: " + o.getTagNo()); } break; case 3: { { ASN1TaggedObject oMin = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(1)); if (oMin.getTagNo() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad tag number for 'minimum': " + oMin.getTagNo()); } minimum = ASN1Integer.getInstance(oMin, false); } { ASN1TaggedObject oMax = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(2)); if (oMax.getTagNo() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad tag number for 'maximum': " + oMax.getTagNo()); } maximum = ASN1Integer.getInstance(oMax, false); } break; } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.size()); } }
Constructor from a given details. According RFC 3280, the minimum and maximum fields are not used with any name forms, thus minimum MUST be zero, and maximum MUST be absent.

If minimum is null, zero is assumed, if maximum is null, maximum is absent.

  • base – A restriction.
  • minimum – Minimum
  • maximum – Maximum
/** * Constructor from a given details. * * According RFC 3280, the minimum and maximum fields are not used with any * name forms, thus minimum MUST be zero, and maximum MUST be absent. * <p> * If minimum is <code>null</code>, zero is assumed, if * maximum is <code>null</code>, maximum is absent. * * @param base * A restriction. * @param minimum * Minimum * * @param maximum * Maximum */
public GeneralSubtree( GeneralName base, BigInteger minimum, BigInteger maximum) { this.base = base; if (maximum != null) { this.maximum = new ASN1Integer(maximum); } if (minimum == null) { this.minimum = null; } else { this.minimum = new ASN1Integer(minimum); } } public GeneralSubtree(GeneralName base) { this(base, null, null); } public static GeneralSubtree getInstance( ASN1TaggedObject o, boolean explicit) { return new GeneralSubtree(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(o, explicit)); } public static GeneralSubtree getInstance( Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } if (obj instanceof GeneralSubtree) { return (GeneralSubtree) obj; } return new GeneralSubtree(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(obj)); } public GeneralName getBase() { return base; } public BigInteger getMinimum() { if (minimum == null) { return ZERO; } return minimum.getValue(); } public BigInteger getMaximum() { if (maximum == null) { return null; } return maximum.getValue(); }
Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream. Returns:
      GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE 
        base                    GeneralName,
        minimum         [0]     BaseDistance DEFAULT 0,
        maximum         [1]     BaseDistance OPTIONAL 
Returns:a ASN1Primitive
/** * Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream. * * Returns: * * <pre> * GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE * { * base GeneralName, * minimum [0] BaseDistance DEFAULT 0, * maximum [1] BaseDistance OPTIONAL * } * </pre> * * @return a ASN1Primitive */
public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() { ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); v.add(base); if (minimum != null && !minimum.getValue().equals(ZERO)) { v.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, minimum)); } if (maximum != null) { v.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 1, maximum)); } return new DERSequence(v); } }