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package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;

import java.util.Comparator;

import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;

public class PointcutEvaluationExpenseComparator implements Comparator<Pointcut> {

	private static final int MATCHES_NOTHING = -1;
	private static final int WITHIN = 1;
	private static final int ATWITHIN = 2;
	private static final int STATICINIT = 3;
	private static final int ADVICEEXECUTION = 4;
	private static final int HANDLER = 5;
	private static final int GET_OR_SET = 6;
	private static final int WITHINCODE = 7;
	private static final int ATWITHINCODE = 8;
	private static final int EXE_INIT_PREINIT = 9;
	private static final int CALL_WITH_DECLARING_TYPE = 10;
	private static final int THIS_OR_TARGET = 11;
	private static final int CALL_WITHOUT_DECLARING_TYPE = 12;
	private static final int ANNOTATION = 13;
	private static final int AT_THIS_OR_TARGET = 14;
	private static final int ARGS = 15;
	private static final int AT_ARGS = 16;
	private static final int CFLOW = 17;
	private static final int IF = 18;
	private static final int OTHER = 20;

Compare 2 pointcuts based on an estimate of how expensive they may be to evaluate. within
@withinstaticinitialization [make sure this has a fast match method] adviceexecution handler get, set withincode
@withincodeexecution, initialization, preinitialization call
@annotationthis, target @target args
@argscflow, cflowbelow if
/** * Compare 2 pointcuts based on an estimate of how expensive they may be to evaluate. * * within * * @within staticinitialization [make sure this has a fast match method] adviceexecution handler get, set withincode * @withincode execution, initialization, preinitialization call * @annotation this, target * @this, @target args * @args cflow, cflowbelow if */
public int compare(Pointcut p1, Pointcut p2) { // important property for a well-defined comparator if (p1.equals(p2)) { return 0; } int result = getScore(p1) - getScore(p2); if (result == 0) { // they have the same evaluation expense, but are not 'equal' // sort by hashCode int p1code = p1.hashCode(); int p2code = p2.hashCode(); if (p1code == p2code) { return 0; } else if (p1code < p2code) { return -1; } else { return +1; } } return result; } // a higher score means a more expensive evaluation private int getScore(Pointcut p) { if (p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.NO_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS) { return MATCHES_NOTHING; } if (p instanceof WithinPointcut) { return WITHIN; } if (p instanceof WithinAnnotationPointcut) { return ATWITHIN; } if (p instanceof KindedPointcut) { KindedPointcut kp = (KindedPointcut) p; Shadow.Kind kind = kp.getKind(); if (kind == Shadow.AdviceExecution) { return ADVICEEXECUTION; } else if ((kind == Shadow.ConstructorCall) || (kind == Shadow.MethodCall)) { TypePattern declaringTypePattern = kp.getSignature().getDeclaringType(); if (declaringTypePattern instanceof AnyTypePattern) { return CALL_WITHOUT_DECLARING_TYPE; } else { return CALL_WITH_DECLARING_TYPE; } } else if ((kind == Shadow.ConstructorExecution) || (kind == Shadow.MethodExecution) || (kind == Shadow.Initialization) || (kind == Shadow.PreInitialization)) { return EXE_INIT_PREINIT; } else if (kind == Shadow.ExceptionHandler) { return HANDLER; } else if ((kind == Shadow.FieldGet) || (kind == Shadow.FieldSet)) { return GET_OR_SET; } else if (kind == Shadow.StaticInitialization) { return STATICINIT; } else { return OTHER; } } if (p instanceof AnnotationPointcut) { return ANNOTATION; } if (p instanceof ArgsPointcut) { return ARGS; } if (p instanceof ArgsAnnotationPointcut) { return AT_ARGS; } if (p instanceof CflowPointcut || p instanceof ConcreteCflowPointcut) { return CFLOW; } if (p instanceof HandlerPointcut) { return HANDLER; } if (p instanceof IfPointcut) { return IF; } if (p instanceof ThisOrTargetPointcut) { return THIS_OR_TARGET; } if (p instanceof ThisOrTargetAnnotationPointcut) { return AT_THIS_OR_TARGET; } if (p instanceof WithincodePointcut) { return WITHINCODE; } if (p instanceof WithinCodeAnnotationPointcut) { return ATWITHINCODE; } if (p instanceof NotPointcut) { return getScore(((NotPointcut) p).getNegatedPointcut()); } if (p instanceof AndPointcut) { int leftScore = getScore(((AndPointcut) p).getLeft()); int rightScore = getScore(((AndPointcut) p).getRight()); if (leftScore < rightScore) { return leftScore; } else { return rightScore; } } if (p instanceof OrPointcut) { int leftScore = getScore(((OrPointcut) p).getLeft()); int rightScore = getScore(((OrPointcut) p).getRight()); if (leftScore > rightScore) { return leftScore; } else { return rightScore; } } return OTHER; } }