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package org.aspectj.weaver;

import java.io.IOException;

Represents a type variable with possible bounds.
Author:Adrian Colyer, Andy Clement
/** * Represents a type variable with possible bounds. * * @author Adrian Colyer * @author Andy Clement */
public class TypeVariable { public static final TypeVariable[] NONE = new TypeVariable[0]; // the name of the type variable as recorded in the generic signature private String name; // index private int rank; // computed as required: either ==superclass or ==superInterfaces[0] or is OBJECT private UnresolvedType firstbound; // the upper bound of the type variable. From the extends clause, eg. T extends Number private UnresolvedType superclass; // any additional upper (interface) bounds. from the extends clause, e.g. T extends Number & Comparable private UnresolvedType[] superInterfaces = UnresolvedType.NONE; // It would be nice to push this field onto the TypeVariableDeclaringElement // interface (a getKind()) but at the moment we don't always guarantee // to set the declaring element (eclipse seems to utilise the knowledge of // what declared the type variable, but we dont yet...) public static final int UNKNOWN = -1; public static final int METHOD = 1; public static final int TYPE = 2; // What kind of element declared this type variable? private int declaringElementKind = UNKNOWN; private TypeVariableDeclaringElement declaringElement; // whether or not the bounds of this type variable have been resolved public boolean isResolved = false; // Is this type variable in the process of being resolved (allows for something self-referential like Enum) private boolean beingResolved = false;
Constructor for an unbound type variable, eg. 'T'
/** * Constructor for an unbound type variable, eg. 'T' */
public TypeVariable(String name) { this.name = name; } public TypeVariable(String name, UnresolvedType anUpperBound) { this(name); this.superclass = anUpperBound; } public TypeVariable(String name, UnresolvedType anUpperBound, UnresolvedType[] superInterfaces) { this(name, anUpperBound); this.superInterfaces = superInterfaces; }
Returns:the first bound, either the superclass or if non is specified the first interface or if non are specified then OBJECT
/** * @return the first bound, either the superclass or if non is specified the first interface or if non are specified then OBJECT */
public UnresolvedType getFirstBound() { if (firstbound != null) { return firstbound; } if (superclass == null || superclass.getSignature().equals("Ljava/lang/Object;")) { if (superInterfaces.length > 0) { firstbound = superInterfaces[0]; } else { firstbound = UnresolvedType.OBJECT; } } else { firstbound = superclass; } return firstbound; } public UnresolvedType getUpperBound() { return superclass; } public UnresolvedType[] getSuperInterfaces() { return superInterfaces; } public String getName() { return name; }
resolve all the bounds of this type variable
/** * resolve all the bounds of this type variable */
public TypeVariable resolve(World world) { if (isResolved) { return this; } if (beingResolved) { return this; } beingResolved = true; TypeVariable resolvedTVar = null; if (declaringElement != null) { // resolve by finding the real type var that we refer to... if (declaringElementKind == TYPE) { UnresolvedType declaring = (UnresolvedType) declaringElement; ReferenceType rd = (ReferenceType) declaring.resolve(world); TypeVariable[] tVars = rd.getTypeVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < tVars.length; i++) { if (tVars[i].getName().equals(getName())) { resolvedTVar = tVars[i]; break; } } } else { // look for type variable on method... ResolvedMember declaring = (ResolvedMember) declaringElement; TypeVariable[] tvrts = declaring.getTypeVariables(); for (int i = 0; i < tvrts.length; i++) { if (tvrts[i].getName().equals(getName())) { resolvedTVar = tvrts[i]; // if (tvrts[i].isTypeVariableReference()) { // TypeVariableReferenceType tvrt = (TypeVariableReferenceType) tvrts[i].resolve(inSomeWorld); // TypeVariable tv = tvrt.getTypeVariable(); // if (tv.getName().equals(getName())) resolvedTVar = tv; // } } } } if (resolvedTVar == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); // well, this is bad... we didn't find the type variable on the member // could be a separate compilation issue... // should issue message, this is a workaround to get us going... // resolvedTVar = this; } } else { resolvedTVar = this; } superclass = resolvedTVar.superclass; superInterfaces = resolvedTVar.superInterfaces; if (superclass != null) { ResolvedType rt = superclass.resolve(world); // if (!superclass.isTypeVariableReference() && rt.isInterface()) { // throw new IllegalStateException("Why is the type an interface? " + rt); // } superclass = rt; } firstbound = getFirstBound().resolve(world); for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { superInterfaces[i] = superInterfaces[i].resolve(world); } isResolved = true; beingResolved = false; return this; }
answer true if the given type satisfies all of the bound constraints of this type variable. If type variable has not been resolved then throws IllegalStateException
/** * answer true if the given type satisfies all of the bound constraints of this type variable. If type variable has not been * resolved then throws IllegalStateException */
public boolean canBeBoundTo(ResolvedType candidate) { if (!isResolved) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't answer binding questions prior to resolving"); } // wildcard can accept any binding if (candidate.isGenericWildcard()) { return true; } // otherwise can be bound iff... // candidate is a subtype of upperBound if (superclass != null && !isASubtypeOf(superclass, candidate)) { return false; } // candidate is a subtype of all superInterfaces for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { if (!isASubtypeOf(superInterfaces[i], candidate)) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isASubtypeOf(UnresolvedType candidateSuperType, UnresolvedType candidateSubType) { ResolvedType superType = (ResolvedType) candidateSuperType; ResolvedType subType = (ResolvedType) candidateSubType; return superType.isAssignableFrom(subType); } // only used when resolving public void setUpperBound(UnresolvedType superclass) { // if (isResolved) { // throw new IllegalStateException("Why set this late?"); // } this.firstbound = null; this.superclass = superclass; } // only used when resolving public void setAdditionalInterfaceBounds(UnresolvedType[] superInterfaces) { // if (isResolved) { // throw new IllegalStateException("Why set this late?"); // } this.firstbound = null; this.superInterfaces = superInterfaces; } public String toDebugString() { return getDisplayName(); } public String getDisplayName() { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); ret.append(name); if (!getFirstBound().getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) { ret.append(" extends "); ret.append(getFirstBound().getName()); if (superInterfaces != null) { for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { if (!getFirstBound().equals(superInterfaces[i])) { ret.append(" & "); ret.append(superInterfaces[i].getName()); } } } } return ret.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "TypeVar " + getDisplayName(); }
Return complete signature, e.g. "T extends Number" would return "T:Ljava/lang/Number;" note: MAY INCLUDE P types if bounds are parameterized types
/** * Return complete signature, e.g. "T extends Number" would return "T:Ljava/lang/Number;" note: MAY INCLUDE P types if bounds * are parameterized types */
public String getSignature() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(name); sb.append(":"); if (superInterfaces.length == 0 || !superclass.getSignature().equals(UnresolvedType.OBJECT.getSignature())) { sb.append(superclass.getSignature()); } if (superInterfaces.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { sb.append(":"); UnresolvedType iBound = superInterfaces[i]; sb.append(iBound.getSignature()); } } return sb.toString(); }
Returns:signature for inclusion in an attribute, there must be no 'P' in it signatures
/** * @return signature for inclusion in an attribute, there must be no 'P' in it signatures */
public String getSignatureForAttribute() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(name); sb.append(":"); if (superInterfaces.length == 0 || !superclass.getSignature().equals(UnresolvedType.OBJECT.getSignature())) { sb.append(((ReferenceType)superclass).getSignatureForAttribute()); } if (superInterfaces.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { sb.append(":"); ResolvedType iBound = (ResolvedType) superInterfaces[i]; sb.append(iBound.getSignatureForAttribute()); } } return sb.toString(); } public void setRank(int rank) { this.rank = rank; } public int getRank() { return rank; } public void setDeclaringElement(TypeVariableDeclaringElement element) { this.declaringElement = element; if (element instanceof UnresolvedType) { this.declaringElementKind = TYPE; } else { this.declaringElementKind = METHOD; } } public TypeVariableDeclaringElement getDeclaringElement() { return declaringElement; } public void setDeclaringElementKind(int kind) { this.declaringElementKind = kind; } public int getDeclaringElementKind() { // if (declaringElementKind==UNKNOWN) throw new RuntimeException("Dont know declarer of this tvar : "+this); return declaringElementKind; } public void write(CompressingDataOutputStream s) throws IOException { // name, upperbound, additionalInterfaceBounds, lowerbound s.writeUTF(name); superclass.write(s); if (superInterfaces.length == 0) { s.writeInt(0); } else { s.writeInt(superInterfaces.length); for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) { UnresolvedType ibound = superInterfaces[i]; ibound.write(s); } } } public static TypeVariable read(VersionedDataInputStream s) throws IOException { // if (s.getMajorVersion()>=AjAttribute.WeaverVersionInfo.WEAVER_VERSION_MAJOR_AJ150) { String name = s.readUTF(); UnresolvedType ubound = UnresolvedType.read(s); int iboundcount = s.readInt(); UnresolvedType[] ibounds = UnresolvedType.NONE; if (iboundcount > 0) { ibounds = new UnresolvedType[iboundcount]; for (int i = 0; i < iboundcount; i++) { ibounds[i] = UnresolvedType.read(s); } } TypeVariable newVariable = new TypeVariable(name, ubound, ibounds); return newVariable; } public String getGenericSignature() { return "T" + name + ";"; } public String getErasureSignature() { return getFirstBound().getErasureSignature(); } public UnresolvedType getSuperclass() { return superclass; } public void setSuperclass(UnresolvedType superclass) { this.firstbound = null; this.superclass = superclass; } }