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package org.aspectj.weaver;

Captures important runtime versions. Typically new versions are added here if something changes in the runtime and the code generation may be able to do something different (more optimal) for a later runtime.
Author:Andy Clement
/** * Captures important runtime versions. Typically new versions are added here if something * changes in the runtime and the code generation may be able to do something different * (more optimal) for a later runtime. * * @author Andy Clement */
public enum RuntimeVersion { V1_2("1.2"), V1_5("1.5"), V1_6_10("1.6.10"), V1_9("1.9"); private String[] aliases = null; RuntimeVersion(String... aliases) { this.aliases = aliases; } public static RuntimeVersion getVersionFor(String version) { for (RuntimeVersion candidateVersion: values()) { if (candidateVersion.name().equals(version)) { return candidateVersion; } if (candidateVersion.aliases != null) { for (String alias: candidateVersion.aliases) { if (alias.equals(version)) { return candidateVersion; } } } } return null; } public boolean isThisVersionOrLater(RuntimeVersion version) { return this.compareTo(version) >= 0; } }