/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     PARC     initial implementation 
 * ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.weaver;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

The AjcMemberMaker is responsible for creating the representations of methods/fields/etc that are placed in both aspects and affected target types. It uses the NameMangler class to create the actual names that will be used.
/** * The AjcMemberMaker is responsible for creating the representations of methods/fields/etc that are placed in both aspects and * affected target types. It uses the NameMangler class to create the actual names that will be used. */
public class AjcMemberMaker { private static final int PUBLIC_STATIC_FINAL = Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL; private static final int PRIVATE_STATIC = Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC; private static final int PUBLIC_STATIC = Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC; private static final int BRIDGE = 0x0040; private static final int VISIBILITY = Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.PROTECTED; public static final UnresolvedType CFLOW_STACK_TYPE = UnresolvedType.forName(NameMangler.CFLOW_STACK_TYPE); public static final UnresolvedType AROUND_CLOSURE_TYPE = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/AroundClosure;"); public static final UnresolvedType CONVERSIONS_TYPE = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/runtime/internal/Conversions;"); public static final UnresolvedType NO_ASPECT_BOUND_EXCEPTION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/NoAspectBoundException;"); public static ResolvedMember ajcPreClinitMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PRIVATE_STATIC, NameMangler.AJC_PRE_CLINIT_NAME, "()V"); } public static ResolvedMember ajcPostClinitMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PRIVATE_STATIC, NameMangler.AJC_POST_CLINIT_NAME, "()V"); } public static Member noAspectBoundExceptionInit() { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, NO_ASPECT_BOUND_EXCEPTION, Modifier.PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V"); } public static Member noAspectBoundExceptionInit2() { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, NO_ASPECT_BOUND_EXCEPTION, Modifier.PUBLIC, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"); } public static Member noAspectBoundExceptionInitWithCause() { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, NO_ASPECT_BOUND_EXCEPTION, Modifier.PUBLIC, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"); } public static ResolvedMember perCflowPush(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, NameMangler.PERCFLOW_PUSH_METHOD, "()V"); } public static ResolvedMember perCflowField(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, NameMangler.PERCFLOW_FIELD_NAME, CFLOW_STACK_TYPE.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember perSingletonField(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, NameMangler.PERSINGLETON_FIELD_NAME, declaringType.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember initFailureCauseField(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, declaringType, PRIVATE_STATIC, NameMangler.INITFAILURECAUSE_FIELD_NAME, UnresolvedType.THROWABLE.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember perObjectField(UnresolvedType declaringType, ResolvedType aspectType) { int modifiers = Modifier.PRIVATE; if (!UnresolvedType.SERIALIZABLE.resolve(aspectType.getWorld()).isAssignableFrom(aspectType)) { modifiers |= Modifier.TRANSIENT; } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, declaringType, modifiers, aspectType, NameMangler.perObjectInterfaceField(aspectType), UnresolvedType.NONE); } // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for aspect instance field, declared in matched type public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinField(UnresolvedType declaringType, ResolvedType aspectType) { int modifiers = Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.STATIC; if (!isSerializableAspect(aspectType)) { modifiers |= Modifier.TRANSIENT; } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, declaringType, modifiers, aspectType, NameMangler.perTypeWithinFieldForTarget(aspectType), UnresolvedType.NONE); } // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for type instance field, declared in aspect // (holds typename for which aspect instance exists) public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinWithinTypeField(UnresolvedType declaringType, ResolvedType aspectType) { int modifiers = Modifier.PRIVATE; if (!isSerializableAspect(aspectType)) { modifiers |= Modifier.TRANSIENT; } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, declaringType, modifiers, UnresolvedType.JL_STRING, NameMangler.PERTYPEWITHIN_WITHINTYPEFIELD, UnresolvedType.NONE); } private static boolean isSerializableAspect(ResolvedType aspectType) { return UnresolvedType.SERIALIZABLE.resolve(aspectType.getWorld()).isAssignableFrom(aspectType); } public static ResolvedMember perObjectBind(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC | Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED, NameMangler.PEROBJECT_BIND_METHOD, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for getInstance() method, declared in aspect public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinGetInstance(UnresolvedType declaringType) { // private static a.X ajc$getInstance(java.lang.Class) ResolvedMemberImpl rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PRIVATE_STATIC, declaringType, // return value NameMangler.PERTYPEWITHIN_GETINSTANCE_METHOD, new UnresolvedType[] { UnresolvedType.JL_CLASS }); return rm; } // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for getWithinTypeName() method public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode) { // public String getWithinTypeName() ResolvedMemberImpl rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, Modifier.PUBLIC, UnresolvedType.JL_STRING, // return // value NameMangler.PERTYPEWITHIN_GETWITHINTYPENAME_METHOD, UnresolvedType.NONE); return rm; } public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinCreateAspectInstance(UnresolvedType declaringType) { // public static a.X ajc$createAspectInstance(java.lang.String) ResolvedMemberImpl rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, declaringType, // return value NameMangler.PERTYPEWITHIN_CREATEASPECTINSTANCE_METHOD, new UnresolvedType[] { UnresolvedType.forSignature("Ljava/lang/String;") }, new UnresolvedType[] {}); return rm; } public static UnresolvedType perObjectInterfaceType(UnresolvedType aspectType) { return UnresolvedType.forName(aspectType.getName() + "$ajcMightHaveAspect"); } public static ResolvedMember perObjectInterfaceGet(UnresolvedType aspectType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, perObjectInterfaceType(aspectType), Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.ABSTRACT, NameMangler.perObjectInterfaceGet(aspectType), "()" + aspectType.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember perObjectInterfaceSet(UnresolvedType aspectType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, perObjectInterfaceType(aspectType), Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.ABSTRACT, NameMangler.perObjectInterfaceSet(aspectType), "(" + aspectType.getSignature() + ")V"); } // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for localAspectOf() method, declared in matched type public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinLocalAspectOf(UnresolvedType shadowType, UnresolvedType aspectType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, shadowType,// perTypeWithinInterfaceType(aspectType), Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC, NameMangler.perTypeWithinLocalAspectOf(aspectType), "()" + aspectType.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember perSingletonAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, "aspectOf", "()" + declaringType.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember perSingletonHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, "hasAspect", "()Z"); } public static ResolvedMember perCflowAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return perSingletonAspectOfMethod(declaringType); } public static ResolvedMember perCflowHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return perSingletonHasAspectMethod(declaringType); } public static ResolvedMember perObjectAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, "aspectOf", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)" + declaringType.getSignature()); } public static ResolvedMember perObjectHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, "hasAspect", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"); } // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for aspectOf(), declared in aspect public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinAspectOfMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode) { UnresolvedType parameterType = null; if (inJava5Mode) { parameterType = UnresolvedType.forRawTypeName("java.lang.Class"); } else { parameterType = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Ljava/lang/Class;"); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, declaringType, "aspectOf", new UnresolvedType[] { parameterType }); // return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, // declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, "aspectOf", // "(Ljava/lang/Class;)" + declaringType.getSignature()); } /* * public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode) { * UnresolvedType returnType = null; if (inJava5Mode) { returnType = UnresolvedType.forRawTypeName("java.lang.Class"); } else { * returnType = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Ljava/lang/Class;"); } return new * ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD,declaringType,Modifier.PUBLIC,ResolvedType.JAVA_LANG_STRING,"getWithinType",new * UnresolvedType[]{}); } */ // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for hasAspect(), declared in aspect public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinHasAspectMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode) { UnresolvedType parameterType = null; if (inJava5Mode) { parameterType = UnresolvedType.forRawTypeName("java.lang.Class"); } else { parameterType = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Ljava/lang/Class;"); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, UnresolvedType.BOOLEAN, "hasAspect", new UnresolvedType[] { parameterType }); // return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, // declaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, "hasAspect", // "(Ljava/lang/Class;)Z"); } // -- privileged accessors public static ResolvedMember privilegedAccessMethodForMethod(UnresolvedType aspectType, ResolvedMember method) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, method.getDeclaringType(), Modifier.PUBLIC | (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers()) ? Modifier.STATIC : 0), method.getReturnType(), NameMangler.privilegedAccessMethodForMethod(method.getName(), method.getDeclaringType(), aspectType), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getExceptions()); }
Return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic getter for the field. The old style (<1.6.9) is a heavyweight static method with a long name. The new style (1.6.9 and later) is short, and reusable across aspects.
  • aspectType – the aspect attempting the access
  • field – the field to be accessed
  • shortSyntax – is the old (long) or new (short) style format being used
Returns:a resolvedmember representing the synthetic getter
/** * Return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic getter for the field. The old style (<1.6.9) is a heavyweight static * method with a long name. The new style (1.6.9 and later) is short, and reusable across aspects. * * @param aspectType the aspect attempting the access * @param field the field to be accessed * @param shortSyntax is the old (long) or new (short) style format being used * @return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic getter */
public static ResolvedMember privilegedAccessMethodForFieldGet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field, boolean shortSyntax) { UnresolvedType fieldDeclaringType = field.getDeclaringType(); if (shortSyntax) { UnresolvedType[] args = null; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { args = ResolvedType.NONE; } else { args = new UnresolvedType[] { fieldDeclaringType }; } StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer("ajc$get$"); name.append(field.getName()); return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, fieldDeclaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, field.getReturnType(), name.toString(), args); } else { String getterName = NameMangler.privilegedAccessMethodForFieldGet(field.getName(), fieldDeclaringType, aspectType); String sig; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { sig = "()" + field.getReturnType().getSignature(); } else { sig = "(" + fieldDeclaringType.getSignature() + ")" + field.getReturnType().getSignature(); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, fieldDeclaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, getterName, sig); } }
Return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic setter for the field. The old style (<1.6.9) is a heavyweight static method with a long name. The new style (1.6.9 and later) is short, not always static, and reusable across aspects.
  • aspectType – the aspect attempting the access
  • field – the field to be accessed
  • shortSyntax – is the old or new style format being used
Returns:a resolvedmember representing the synthetic setter
/** * Return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic setter for the field. The old style (<1.6.9) is a heavyweight static * method with a long name. The new style (1.6.9 and later) is short, not always static, and reusable across aspects. * * @param aspectType the aspect attempting the access * @param field the field to be accessed * @param shortSyntax is the old or new style format being used * @return a resolvedmember representing the synthetic setter */
public static ResolvedMember privilegedAccessMethodForFieldSet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field, boolean shortSyntax) { UnresolvedType fieldDeclaringType = field.getDeclaringType(); if (shortSyntax) { UnresolvedType[] args = null; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { args = new UnresolvedType[] { field.getType() }; } else { args = new UnresolvedType[] { fieldDeclaringType, field.getType() }; } StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer("ajc$set$"); name.append(field.getName()); return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, fieldDeclaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, UnresolvedType.VOID, name.toString(), args); } else { String setterName = NameMangler.privilegedAccessMethodForFieldSet(field.getName(), fieldDeclaringType, aspectType); String sig; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { sig = "(" + field.getReturnType().getSignature() + ")V"; } else { sig = "(" + fieldDeclaringType.getSignature() + field.getReturnType().getSignature() + ")V"; } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, fieldDeclaringType, PUBLIC_STATIC, setterName, sig); } } // --- inline accessors // ??? can eclipse handle a transform this weird without putting synthetics into the mix public static ResolvedMember superAccessMethod(UnresolvedType baseType, ResolvedMember method) { UnresolvedType[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); // if (!method.isStatic()) { // paramTypes = UnresolvedType.insert(method.getDeclaringType(), paramTypes); // } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, baseType, Modifier.PUBLIC, method.getReturnType(), NameMangler.superDispatchMethod(baseType, method.getName()), paramTypes, method.getExceptions()); } public static ResolvedMember inlineAccessMethodForMethod(UnresolvedType aspectType, ResolvedMember method) { UnresolvedType[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { paramTypes = UnresolvedType.insert(method.getDeclaringType(), paramTypes); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, // ??? what about privileged and super access // ???Modifier.PUBLIC | (method.isStatic() ? Modifier.STATIC : 0), method.getReturnType(), NameMangler.inlineAccessMethodForMethod(method.getName(), method.getDeclaringType(), aspectType), paramTypes, method.getExceptions()); } public static ResolvedMember inlineAccessMethodForFieldGet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field) { String sig; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { sig = "()" + field.getReturnType().getSignature(); } else { sig = "(" + field.getDeclaringType().getSignature() + ")" + field.getReturnType().getSignature(); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, // Modifier.PUBLIC | (field.isStatic() ? // Modifier.STATIC : 0), NameMangler.inlineAccessMethodForFieldGet(field.getName(), field.getDeclaringType(), aspectType), sig); } public static ResolvedMember inlineAccessMethodForFieldSet(UnresolvedType aspectType, Member field) { String sig; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { sig = "(" + field.getReturnType().getSignature() + ")V"; } else { sig = "(" + field.getDeclaringType().getSignature() + field.getReturnType().getSignature() + ")V"; } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, // Modifier.PUBLIC | (field.isStatic() ? // Modifier.STATIC : 0), NameMangler.inlineAccessMethodForFieldSet(field.getName(), field.getDeclaringType(), aspectType), sig); } // --- runtimeLibrary api stuff public static Member cflowStackPeekInstance() { return new MemberImpl(Member.METHOD, CFLOW_STACK_TYPE, 0, "peekInstance", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); } public static Member cflowStackPushInstance() { return new MemberImpl(Member.METHOD, CFLOW_STACK_TYPE, 0, "pushInstance", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"); } public static Member cflowStackIsValid() { return new MemberImpl(Member.METHOD, CFLOW_STACK_TYPE, 0, "isValid", "()Z"); } public static Member cflowStackInit() { return new MemberImpl(Member.CONSTRUCTOR, CFLOW_STACK_TYPE, 0, "<init>", "()V"); } public static Member aroundClosurePreInitializationField() { return new MemberImpl(Member.FIELD, AROUND_CLOSURE_TYPE, 0, "preInitializationState", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"); } public static Member aroundClosurePreInitializationGetter() { return new MemberImpl(Member.METHOD, AROUND_CLOSURE_TYPE, 0, "getPreInitializationState", "()[Ljava/lang/Object;"); } public static ResolvedMember preIntroducedConstructor(UnresolvedType aspectType, UnresolvedType targetType, UnresolvedType[] paramTypes) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC_FINAL, UnresolvedType.OBJECTARRAY, NameMangler.preIntroducedConstructor(aspectType, targetType), paramTypes); } public static ResolvedMember postIntroducedConstructor(UnresolvedType aspectType, UnresolvedType targetType, UnresolvedType[] paramTypes) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC_FINAL, UnresolvedType.VOID, NameMangler.postIntroducedConstructor(aspectType, targetType), UnresolvedType.insert(targetType, paramTypes)); } public static ResolvedMember itdAtDeclareParentsField(ResolvedType targetType, UnresolvedType itdType, UnresolvedType aspectType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, targetType, Modifier.PRIVATE, itdType, NameMangler.itdAtDeclareParentsField( aspectType, itdType), ResolvedType.NONE); } public static ResolvedMember interConstructor(ResolvedType targetType, ResolvedMember constructor, UnresolvedType aspectType) { // // ResolvedType targetType, // UnresolvedType[] argTypes, // int modifiers) // { ResolvedMember ret = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.CONSTRUCTOR, targetType, Modifier.PUBLIC, UnresolvedType.VOID, "<init>", constructor.getParameterTypes(), constructor.getExceptions()); // System.out.println("ret: " + ret + " mods: " + Modifier.toString(modifiers)); if (Modifier.isPublic(constructor.getModifiers())) { return ret; } while (true) { ret = addCookieTo(ret, aspectType); if (targetType.lookupMemberNoSupers(ret) == null) { return ret; } } } public static ResolvedMember interFieldInitializer(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType) { return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, NameMangler.interFieldInitializer(aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()), Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) ? "()V" : "(" + field.getDeclaringType().getSignature() + ")V"); } private static int makePublicNonFinal(int modifiers) { return (modifiers & ~VISIBILITY & ~Modifier.FINAL) | Modifier.PUBLIC; } private static int makeNonFinal(int modifiers) { return (modifiers & ~Modifier.FINAL); }
This static method goes on the aspect that declares the inter-type field
/** * This static method goes on the aspect that declares the inter-type field */
public static ResolvedMember interFieldSetDispatcher(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType) { ResolvedMember rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, UnresolvedType.VOID, NameMangler.interFieldSetDispatcher(aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()), Modifier.isStatic(field .getModifiers()) ? new UnresolvedType[] { field.getReturnType() } : new UnresolvedType[] { field.getDeclaringType(), field.getReturnType() }); rm.setTypeVariables(field.getTypeVariables()); return rm; }
This static method goes on the aspect that declares the inter-type field
/** * This static method goes on the aspect that declares the inter-type field */
public static ResolvedMember interFieldGetDispatcher(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType) { ResolvedMember rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, field.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interFieldGetDispatcher(aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()), Modifier.isStatic(field .getModifiers()) ? UnresolvedType.NONE : new UnresolvedType[] { field.getDeclaringType() }, UnresolvedType.NONE); rm.setTypeVariables(field.getTypeVariables()); return rm; } // private static int makeFieldModifiers(int declaredModifiers) { // int ret = Modifier.PUBLIC; // if (Modifier.isTransient(declaredModifiers)) ret |= Modifier.TRANSIENT; // if (Modifier.isVolatile(declaredModifiers)) ret |= Modifier.VOLATILE; // return ret; // }
This field goes on the class the field is declared onto. Field names for ITDs onto interfaces are handled below.
/** * This field goes on the class the field is declared onto. Field names for ITDs onto interfaces are handled below. */
public static ResolvedMember interFieldClassField(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean newStyle) { int modifiers = (newStyle ? makeNonFinal(field.getModifiers()) : makePublicNonFinal(field.getModifiers())); String name = null; if (newStyle) { name = field.getName(); } else { name = NameMangler.interFieldClassField(field.getModifiers(), aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, field.getDeclaringType(), modifiers, field.getReturnType(), name, UnresolvedType.NONE, UnresolvedType.NONE); }
This field goes on top-most implementers of the interface the field is declared onto
/** * This field goes on top-most implementers of the interface the field is declared onto */
public static ResolvedMember interFieldInterfaceField(ResolvedMember field, UnresolvedType onClass, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean newStyle) { String name = null; if (newStyle) { name = field.getName(); } else { name = NameMangler.interFieldInterfaceField(aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.FIELD, onClass, makePublicNonFinal(field.getModifiers()), field.getReturnType(), name, UnresolvedType.NONE, UnresolvedType.NONE); }
This instance method goes on the interface the field is declared onto as well as its top-most implementors
/** * This instance method goes on the interface the field is declared onto as well as its top-most implementors */
public static ResolvedMember interFieldInterfaceSetter(ResolvedMember field, ResolvedType onType, UnresolvedType aspectType) { int modifiers = Modifier.PUBLIC; if (onType.isInterface()) { modifiers |= Modifier.ABSTRACT; } ResolvedMember rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, onType, modifiers, UnresolvedType.VOID, NameMangler.interFieldInterfaceSetter(aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()), new UnresolvedType[] { field.getReturnType() }, UnresolvedType.NONE); rm.setTypeVariables(field.getTypeVariables()); return rm; }
This instance method goes on the interface the field is declared onto as well as its top-most implementors
/** * This instance method goes on the interface the field is declared onto as well as its top-most implementors */
public static ResolvedMember interFieldInterfaceGetter(ResolvedMember field, ResolvedType onType, UnresolvedType aspectType) { int modifiers = Modifier.PUBLIC; if (onType.isInterface()) { modifiers |= Modifier.ABSTRACT; } ResolvedMember rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, onType, modifiers, field.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interFieldInterfaceGetter(aspectType, field.getDeclaringType(), field.getName()), UnresolvedType.NONE, UnresolvedType.NONE); rm.setTypeVariables(field.getTypeVariables()); return rm; }
This method goes on the target type of the inter-type method. (and possibly the topmost-implementors, if the target type is an interface). The implementation will call the interMethodDispatch method on the aspect.
/** * This method goes on the target type of the inter-type method. (and possibly the topmost-implementors, if the target type is * an interface). The implementation will call the interMethodDispatch method on the aspect. */
public static ResolvedMember interMethod(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean onInterface) { if (Modifier.isPublic(meth.getModifiers()) && !onInterface) { return meth; } int modifiers = makePublicNonFinal(meth.getModifiers()); if (onInterface) { modifiers |= Modifier.ABSTRACT; } ResolvedMemberImpl rmi = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, meth.getDeclaringType(), modifiers, meth.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interMethod(meth.getModifiers(), aspectType, meth.getDeclaringType(), meth.getName()), meth.getParameterTypes(), meth.getExceptions()); rmi.setParameterNames(meth.getParameterNames()); rmi.setTypeVariables(meth.getTypeVariables()); return rmi; }
This method goes on the target type of the inter-type method. (and possibly the topmost-implementors, if the target type is an interface). The implementation will call the interMethodDispatch method on the aspect.
/** * This method goes on the target type of the inter-type method. (and possibly the topmost-implementors, if the target type is * an interface). The implementation will call the interMethodDispatch method on the aspect. */
public static ResolvedMember interMethodBridger(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType, boolean onInterface) { // if (Modifier.isPublic(meth.getModifiers()) && !onInterface) // return meth; int modifiers = makePublicNonFinal(meth.getModifiers()) | BRIDGE; if (onInterface) { modifiers |= Modifier.ABSTRACT; } ResolvedMemberImpl rmi = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, meth.getDeclaringType(), modifiers, meth.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interMethod(meth.getModifiers(), aspectType, meth.getDeclaringType(), meth.getName()), meth.getParameterTypes(), meth.getExceptions()); rmi.setTypeVariables(meth.getTypeVariables()); return rmi; }
Sometimes the intertyped method requires a bridge method alongside it. For example if the method 'N SomeI.m()' is put onto an interface 'interface I' and then a concrete implementation is 'class C implements I' then the ITD on the interface will be 'Number m()', whereas the ITD on the 'topmostimplementor' will be 'Float m()'. A bridge method needs to be created in the topmostimplementor 'Number m()' that delegates to 'Float m()'
/** * Sometimes the intertyped method requires a bridge method alongside it. For example if the method 'N SomeI<N>.m()' is put onto * an interface 'interface I<N extends Number>' and then a concrete implementation is 'class C implements I<Float>' then the ITD * on the interface will be 'Number m()', whereas the ITD on the 'topmostimplementor' will be 'Float m()'. A bridge method needs * to be created in the topmostimplementor 'Number m()' that delegates to 'Float m()' */
public static ResolvedMember bridgerToInterMethod(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType) { int modifiers = makePublicNonFinal(meth.getModifiers()); ResolvedMemberImpl rmi = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, modifiers, meth.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interMethod(meth.getModifiers(), aspectType, meth.getDeclaringType(), meth.getName()), meth.getParameterTypes(), meth.getExceptions()); rmi.setTypeVariables(meth.getTypeVariables()); return rmi; }
This static method goes on the declaring aspect of the inter-type method. The implementation calls the interMethodBody() method on the aspect.
/** * This static method goes on the declaring aspect of the inter-type method. The implementation calls the interMethodBody() * method on the aspect. */
public static ResolvedMember interMethodDispatcher(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType) { UnresolvedType[] paramTypes = meth.getParameterTypes(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(meth.getModifiers())) { paramTypes = UnresolvedType.insert(meth.getDeclaringType(), paramTypes); } ResolvedMemberImpl rmi = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, PUBLIC_STATIC, meth.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interMethodDispatcher(aspectType, meth.getDeclaringType(), meth.getName()), paramTypes, meth.getExceptions()); rmi.setParameterNames(meth.getParameterNames()); rmi.setTypeVariables(meth.getTypeVariables()); return rmi; }
This method goes on the declaring aspect of the inter-type method. It contains the real body of the ITD method.
/** * This method goes on the declaring aspect of the inter-type method. It contains the real body of the ITD method. */
public static ResolvedMember interMethodBody(ResolvedMember meth, UnresolvedType aspectType) { UnresolvedType[] paramTypes = meth.getParameterTypes(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(meth.getModifiers())) { paramTypes = UnresolvedType.insert(meth.getDeclaringType(), paramTypes); } int modifiers = PUBLIC_STATIC; if (Modifier.isStrict(meth.getModifiers())) { modifiers |= Modifier.STRICT; } ResolvedMemberImpl rmi = new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, aspectType, modifiers, meth.getReturnType(), NameMangler.interMethodBody(aspectType, meth.getDeclaringType(), meth.getName()), paramTypes, meth.getExceptions()); rmi.setParameterNames(meth.getParameterNames()); rmi.setTypeVariables(meth.getTypeVariables()); return rmi; } private static ResolvedMember addCookieTo(ResolvedMember ret, UnresolvedType aspectType) { UnresolvedType[] params = ret.getParameterTypes(); UnresolvedType[] freshParams = UnresolvedType.add(params, aspectType); return new ResolvedMemberImpl(ret.getKind(), ret.getDeclaringType(), ret.getModifiers(), ret.getReturnType(), ret.getName(), freshParams, ret.getExceptions()); } public static ResolvedMember toObjectConversionMethod(UnresolvedType fromType) { if (fromType.isPrimitiveType()) { String name = fromType.toString() + "Object"; return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, CONVERSIONS_TYPE, PUBLIC_STATIC, UnresolvedType.OBJECT, name, new UnresolvedType[] { fromType }, UnresolvedType.NONE); } else { return null; } } public static Member interfaceConstructor(ResolvedType resolvedTypeX) { // AMC next two lines should not be needed when sig for generic type is changed ResolvedType declaringType = resolvedTypeX; if (declaringType.isRawType()) { declaringType = declaringType.getGenericType(); } return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.CONSTRUCTOR, declaringType, Modifier.PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V"); } // -- common types we use. Note: Java 5 dependand types are refered to as String public final static UnresolvedType ASPECT_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/Aspect;"); public final static UnresolvedType BEFORE_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/Before;"); public final static UnresolvedType AROUND_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/Around;"); public final static UnresolvedType AFTERRETURNING_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/AfterReturning;"); public final static UnresolvedType AFTERTHROWING_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/AfterThrowing;"); public final static UnresolvedType AFTER_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/After;"); public final static UnresolvedType POINTCUT_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/Pointcut;"); public final static UnresolvedType DECLAREERROR_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/DeclareError;"); public final static UnresolvedType DECLAREWARNING_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/DeclareWarning;"); public final static UnresolvedType DECLAREPRECEDENCE_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/DeclarePrecedence;"); // public final static UnresolvedType DECLAREIMPLEMENTS_ANNOTATION = // UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/DeclareImplements;"); public final static UnresolvedType DECLAREPARENTS_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/DeclareParents;"); public final static UnresolvedType DECLAREMIXIN_ANNOTATION = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/annotation/DeclareMixin;"); public final static UnresolvedType TYPEX_JOINPOINT = UnresolvedType.forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;"); public final static UnresolvedType TYPEX_PROCEEDINGJOINPOINT = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;"); public final static UnresolvedType TYPEX_STATICJOINPOINT = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$StaticPart;"); public final static UnresolvedType TYPEX_ENCLOSINGSTATICJOINPOINT = UnresolvedType .forSignature("Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint$EnclosingStaticPart;"); }