/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Xerox Corporation, 
 *               2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     Xerox/PARC     initial implementation 
 * ******************************************************************/

package org.aspectj.bridge;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage.Kind;
import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil;

Convenience API's for constructing, printing, and sending messages.
/** * Convenience API's for constructing, printing, and sending messages. */
public class MessageUtil { // ------ some constant, content-less messages // no variants for "info" or "debug", which should always have content public static final IMessage ABORT_NOTHING_TO_RUN = new Message("aborting - nothing to run", IMessage.ABORT, null, null); public static final IMessage FAIL_INCOMPLETE = new Message("run not completed", IMessage.FAIL, null, null); public static final IMessage ABORT_NOMESSAGE = new Message("", IMessage.ABORT, null, null); public static final IMessage FAIL_NOMESSAGE = new Message("", IMessage.FAIL, null, null); public static final IMessage ERROR_NOMESSAGE = new Message("", IMessage.ERROR, null, null); public static final IMessage WARNING_NOMESSAGE = new Message("", IMessage.WARNING, null, null);
handle abort message (ignored if handler is null)
/** handle abort message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean abort(IMessageHandler handler, String message) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(abort(message))); }
create and handle exception message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle exception message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean abort(IMessageHandler handler, String message, Throwable t) { if (handler != null) { return handler.handleMessage(abort(message, t)); } return false; }
create and handle fail message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle fail message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean fail(IMessageHandler handler, String message) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(fail(message))); } // /** create and handle fail message from reader (ignored if handler is null) */ // public static boolean fail(IMessageHandler handler, String message, LineReader reader) { // return ((null != handler) // && handler.handleMessage(fail(message, reader))); // }
create and handle fail message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle fail message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean fail(IMessageHandler handler, String message, Throwable thrown) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(fail(message, thrown))); }
create and handle error message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle error message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean error(IMessageHandler handler, String message) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(error(message))); }
create and handle warn message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle warn message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean warn(IMessageHandler handler, String message) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(warn(message))); }
create and handle debug message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle debug message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean debug(IMessageHandler handler, String message) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(debug(message))); }
create and handle info message (ignored if handler is null)
/** create and handle info message (ignored if handler is null) */
public static boolean info(IMessageHandler handler, String message) { return ((null != handler) && handler.handleMessage(info(message))); }
Returns:ABORT_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise
/** @return ABORT_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise */
// public static IMessage abort(String message) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return ABORT_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.ABORT, null, null); } }
Returns:abort IMessage with thrown and message o ABORT_NOMESSAGE if both are empty/null
/** * @return abort IMessage with thrown and message o ABORT_NOMESSAGE if both are empty/null */
// public static IMessage abort(String message, Throwable thrown) { if (!LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return new Message(message, IMessage.ABORT, thrown, null); } else if (null == thrown) { return ABORT_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(thrown.getMessage(), IMessage.ABORT, thrown, null); } }
Returns:FAIL_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise
/** @return FAIL_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise */
public static IMessage fail(String message) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return FAIL_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.FAIL, null, ISourceLocation.EMPTY); // return fail(message, (LineReader) null); } }
Create fail message. If message is empty but thrown is not, use thrown.getMessage() as the message. If message is empty and thrown is null, return FAIL_NOMESSAGE.
Returns:FAIL_NOMESSAGE if thrown is null and message is empty or IMessage FAIL with message and thrown otherwise
/** * Create fail message. If message is empty but thrown is not, use thrown.getMessage() as the message. If message is empty and * thrown is null, return FAIL_NOMESSAGE. * * @return FAIL_NOMESSAGE if thrown is null and message is empty or IMessage FAIL with message and thrown otherwise */
public static IMessage fail(String message, Throwable thrown) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { if (null == thrown) { return FAIL_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(thrown.getMessage(), IMessage.FAIL, thrown, null); } } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.FAIL, thrown, null); } } /** * @return IMessage with IMessage.Kind FAIL and message as text and soure location from reader */ // public static IMessage fail(String message) {//, LineReader reader) { // ISourceLocation loc = null; // if (null == reader) { // loc = ISourceLocation.EMPTY; // } else { // int line = reader.getLineNumber(); // if (0 < line) { // line = 0; // } // loc = new SourceLocation(reader.getFile(), line, line, 0); // } // return new Message(message, IMessage.FAIL, null, ISourceLocation.EMPTY); // }
Returns:ERROR_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise
/** @return ERROR_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise */
// public static IMessage error(String message, ISourceLocation location) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return ERROR_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.ERROR, null, location); } }
Returns:WARNING_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise
/** @return WARNING_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise */
// public static IMessage warn(String message, ISourceLocation location) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return WARNING_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.WARNING, null, location); } }
Returns:ERROR_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise
/** @return ERROR_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise */
// public static IMessage error(String message) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return ERROR_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.ERROR, null, null); } }
Returns:WARNING_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise
/** @return WARNING_NOMESSAGE if message is empty or IMessage otherwise */
// public static IMessage warn(String message) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(message)) { return WARNING_NOMESSAGE; } else { return new Message(message, IMessage.WARNING, null, null); } }
Returns:IMessage.DEBUG message with message content
/** @return IMessage.DEBUG message with message content */
public static IMessage debug(String message) { return new Message(message, IMessage.DEBUG, null, null); }
Returns:IMessage.INFO message with message content
/** @return IMessage.INFO message with message content */
public static IMessage info(String message) { return new Message(message, IMessage.INFO, null, null); } // /** @return ISourceLocation with the current File/line of the reader */ // public static ISourceLocation makeSourceLocation(LineReader reader) { // LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(reader, "reader"); // // int line = reader.getLineNumber(); // if (0 < line) { // line = 0; // } // return new SourceLocation(reader.getFile(), line, line, 0); // } // ------------------------ printing messages
Print total counts message to the print stream, starting each on a new line
  • messageHolder –
  • out –
/** * Print total counts message to the print stream, starting each on a new line * * @param messageHolder * @param out */
public static void printMessageCounts(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder messageHolder) { if ((null == out) || (null == messageHolder)) { return; } printMessageCounts(out, messageHolder, ""); } public static void printMessageCounts(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder holder, String prefix) { out.println(prefix + "MessageHolder: " + MessageUtil.renderCounts(holder)); }
Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line
  • messageHolder –
  • out –
See Also:
/** * Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line * * @param messageHolder * @param out * @see #print(PrintStream, String, IMessageHolder, IMessageRenderer, IMessageHandler) */
public static void print(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder messageHolder) { print(out, messageHolder, (String) null, (IMessageRenderer) null, (IMessageHandler) null); }
Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line, with a prefix.
  • messageHolder –
  • out –
See Also:
/** * Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line, with a prefix. * * @param messageHolder * @param out * @see #print(PrintStream, String, IMessageHolder, IMessageRenderer, IMessageHandler) */
public static void print(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder holder, String prefix) { print(out, holder, prefix, (IMessageRenderer) null, (IMessageHandler) null); }
Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line, with a prefix and using a renderer.
  • messageHolder –
  • out –
  • renderer – IMessageRender to render result - use MESSAGE_LINE if null
See Also:
/** * Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line, with a prefix and using a renderer. * * @param messageHolder * @param out * @param renderer IMessageRender to render result - use MESSAGE_LINE if null * @see #print(PrintStream, String, IMessageHolder, IMessageRenderer, IMessageHandler) */
public static void print(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder holder, String prefix, IMessageRenderer renderer) { print(out, holder, prefix, renderer, (IMessageHandler) null); }
Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line, with a prefix and using a renderer. The first line renders a summary: {prefix}MessageHolder: {summary} Each message line has the following form:
{prefix}[{kind} {index}]: {rendering}
(where "{index}" (length 3) is the position within the set of like-kinded messages, ignoring selector omissions. Renderers are free to render multi-line output.
  • out – the PrintStream sink - return silently if null
  • messageHolder – the IMessageHolder with the messages to print
  • renderer – IMessageRender to render result - use MESSAGE_ALL if null
  • selector – IMessageHandler to select messages to render - if null, do all non-null
/** * Print all message to the print stream, starting each on a new line, with a prefix and using a renderer. The first line * renders a summary: {prefix}MessageHolder: {summary} Each message line has the following form: * * <pre> * {prefix}[{kind} {index}]: {rendering} * </pre> * * (where "{index}" (length 3) is the position within the set of like-kinded messages, ignoring selector omissions. Renderers * are free to render multi-line output. * * @param out the PrintStream sink - return silently if null * @param messageHolder the IMessageHolder with the messages to print * @param renderer IMessageRender to render result - use MESSAGE_ALL if null * @param selector IMessageHandler to select messages to render - if null, do all non-null */
public static void print(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder holder, String prefix, IMessageRenderer renderer, IMessageHandler selector) { print(out, holder, prefix, renderer, selector, true); } public static void print(PrintStream out, IMessageHolder holder, String prefix, IMessageRenderer renderer, IMessageHandler selector, boolean printSummary) { if ((null == out) || (null == holder)) { return; } if (null == renderer) { renderer = MESSAGE_ALL; } if (null == selector) { selector = PICK_ALL; } if (printSummary) { out.println(prefix + "MessageHolder: " + MessageUtil.renderCounts(holder)); } for (IMessage.Kind kind : IMessage.KINDS) { if (!selector.isIgnoring(kind)) { IMessage[] messages = holder.getMessages(kind, IMessageHolder.EQUAL); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { if (selector.handleMessage(messages[i])) { String label = (null == prefix ? "" : prefix + "[" + kind + " " + LangUtil.toSizedString(i, 3) + "]: "); out.println(label + renderer.renderToString(messages[i])); } } } } } public static String toShortString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "null"; } String m = message.getMessage(); Throwable t = message.getThrown(); return (message.getKind() + (null == m ? "" : ": " + m) + (null == t ? "" : ": " + LangUtil.unqualifiedClassName(t))); }
Returns:int number of message of this kind (optionally or greater) in list
/** @return int number of message of this kind (optionally or greater) in list */
public static int numMessages(List<IMessage> messages, Kind kind, boolean orGreater) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(messages)) { return 0; } IMessageHandler selector = makeSelector(kind, orGreater, null); IMessage[] result = visitMessages(messages, selector, true, false); return result.length; }
Select all messages in holder except those of the same kind (optionally or greater). If kind is null, then all messages are rejected, so an empty list is returned.
Returns:unmodifiable list of specified IMessage
/** * Select all messages in holder except those of the same kind (optionally or greater). If kind is null, then all messages are * rejected, so an empty list is returned. * * @return unmodifiable list of specified IMessage */
public static IMessage[] getMessagesExcept(IMessageHolder holder, final IMessage.Kind kind, final boolean orGreater) { if ((null == holder) || (null == kind)) { return new IMessage[0]; } IMessageHandler selector = new IMessageHandler() { public boolean handleMessage(IMessage message) { IMessage.Kind test = message.getKind(); return (!(orGreater ? kind.isSameOrLessThan(test) : kind == test)); } public boolean isIgnoring(Kind kind) { return false; } public void dontIgnore(IMessage.Kind kind) { } public void ignore(Kind kind) { } }; return visitMessages(holder, selector, true, false); }
Returns:unmodifiable list of IMessage complying with parameters
/** @return unmodifiable list of IMessage complying with parameters */
public static List<IMessage> getMessages(IMessageHolder holder, IMessage.Kind kind, boolean orGreater, String infix) { if (null == holder) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if ((null == kind) && LangUtil.isEmpty(infix)) { return holder.getUnmodifiableListView(); } IMessageHandler selector = makeSelector(kind, orGreater, infix); IMessage[] messages = visitMessages(holder, selector, true, false); if (LangUtil.isEmpty(messages)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(messages)); }
Extract messages of type kind from the input list.
  • messages – if null, return EMPTY_LIST
  • kind – if null, return messages
See Also:
/** * Extract messages of type kind from the input list. * * @param messages if null, return EMPTY_LIST * @param kind if null, return messages * @see MessageHandler#getMessages(Kind) */
public static List<IMessage> getMessages(List<IMessage> messages, IMessage.Kind kind) { if (null == messages) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (null == kind) { return messages; } ArrayList<IMessage> result = new ArrayList<IMessage>(); for (IMessage message : messages) { if (kind == message.getKind()) { result.add(message); } } if (0 == result.size()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return result; }
Map to the kind of messages associated with this string key.
  • kind – the String representing the kind of message (IMessage.Kind.toString())
Returns:Kind the associated IMessage.Kind, or null if not found
/** * Map to the kind of messages associated with this string key. * * @param kind the String representing the kind of message (IMessage.Kind.toString()) * @return Kind the associated IMessage.Kind, or null if not found */
public static IMessage.Kind getKind(String kind) { if (null != kind) { kind = kind.toLowerCase(); for (IMessage.Kind k : IMessage.KINDS) { if (kind.equals(k.toString())) { return k; } } } return null; }
Run visitor over the set of messages in holder, optionally accumulating those accepted by the visitor
/** * Run visitor over the set of messages in holder, optionally accumulating those accepted by the visitor */
public static IMessage[] visitMessages(IMessageHolder holder, IMessageHandler visitor, boolean accumulate, boolean abortOnFail) { if (null == holder) { return IMessage.RA_IMessage; } else { return visitMessages(holder.getUnmodifiableListView(), visitor, accumulate, abortOnFail); } }
Run visitor over the set of messages in holder, optionally accumulating those accepted by the visitor
/** * Run visitor over the set of messages in holder, optionally accumulating those accepted by the visitor */
public static IMessage[] visitMessages(IMessage[] messages, IMessageHandler visitor, boolean accumulate, boolean abortOnFail) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(messages)) { return IMessage.RA_IMessage; } else { return visitMessages(Arrays.asList(messages), visitor, accumulate, abortOnFail); } }
Run visitor over a collection of messages, optionally accumulating those accepted by the visitor
  • messages – if null or empty, return IMessage.RA_IMessage
  • visitor – run visitor.handleMessage(message) on each message - if null and messages not empty, IllegalArgumentException
  • accumulate – if true, then return accepted IMessage[]
  • abortOnFail – if true and visitor returns false, stop visiting
Returns:IMessage.RA_IMessage if collection is empty, if not accumulate, or if visitor accepted no IMessage, or IMessage[] of accepted messages otherwise
/** * Run visitor over a collection of messages, optionally accumulating those accepted by the visitor * * @param messages if null or empty, return IMessage.RA_IMessage * @param visitor run visitor.handleMessage(message) on each message - if null and messages not empty, IllegalArgumentException * @param accumulate if true, then return accepted IMessage[] * @param abortOnFail if true and visitor returns false, stop visiting * @return IMessage.RA_IMessage if collection is empty, if not accumulate, or if visitor accepted no IMessage, or IMessage[] of * accepted messages otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any in collection are not instanceof IMessage */
public static IMessage[] visitMessages(Collection<IMessage> messages, IMessageHandler visitor, final boolean accumulate, final boolean abortOnFail) { if (LangUtil.isEmpty(messages)) { return IMessage.RA_IMessage; } LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(visitor, "visitor"); ArrayList<IMessage> result = (accumulate ? new ArrayList<IMessage>() : null); for (IMessage m : messages) { if (visitor.handleMessage(m)) { if (accumulate) { result.add(m); } } else if (abortOnFail) { break; } } if (!accumulate || (0 == result.size())) { return IMessage.RA_IMessage; } else { return result.toArray(IMessage.RA_IMessage); } }
Make an IMessageHandler that handles IMessage if they have the right kind (or greater) and contain some infix String.
  • kind – the IMessage.Kind required of the message
  • orGreater – if true, also accept messages with greater kinds, as defined by IMessage.Kind.COMPARATOR
  • infix – the String text to require in the message - may be null or empty to accept any message with the specified kind.
Returns:IMessageHandler selector that works to param specs
/** * Make an IMessageHandler that handles IMessage if they have the right kind (or greater) and contain some infix String. * * @param kind the IMessage.Kind required of the message * @param orGreater if true, also accept messages with greater kinds, as defined by IMessage.Kind.COMPARATOR * @param infix the String text to require in the message - may be null or empty to accept any message with the specified kind. * @return IMessageHandler selector that works to param specs */
public static IMessageHandler makeSelector(IMessage.Kind kind, boolean orGreater, String infix) { if (!orGreater && LangUtil.isEmpty(infix)) { if (kind == IMessage.ABORT) { return PICK_ABORT; } else if (kind == IMessage.DEBUG) { return PICK_DEBUG; } else if (kind == IMessage.DEBUG) { return PICK_DEBUG; } else if (kind == IMessage.ERROR) { return PICK_ERROR; } else if (kind == IMessage.FAIL) { return PICK_FAIL; } else if (kind == IMessage.INFO) { return PICK_INFO; } else if (kind == IMessage.WARNING) { return PICK_WARNING; } } return new KindSelector(kind, orGreater, infix); } // ------------------ visitors to select messages public static final IMessageHandler PICK_ALL = new KindSelector((IMessage.Kind) null); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_ABORT = new KindSelector(IMessage.ABORT); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_DEBUG = new KindSelector(IMessage.DEBUG); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_ERROR = new KindSelector(IMessage.ERROR); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_FAIL = new KindSelector(IMessage.FAIL); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_INFO = new KindSelector(IMessage.INFO); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_WARNING = new KindSelector(IMessage.WARNING); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_ABORT_PLUS = new KindSelector(IMessage.ABORT, true); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_DEBUG_PLUS = new KindSelector(IMessage.DEBUG, true); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_ERROR_PLUS = new KindSelector(IMessage.ERROR, true); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_FAIL_PLUS = new KindSelector(IMessage.FAIL, true); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_INFO_PLUS = new KindSelector(IMessage.INFO, true); public static final IMessageHandler PICK_WARNING_PLUS = new KindSelector(IMessage.WARNING, true);
implementation for PICK_... constants
/** implementation for PICK_... constants */
private static class KindSelector implements IMessageHandler { final IMessage.Kind sought; final boolean floor; final String infix; KindSelector(IMessage.Kind sought) { this(sought, false); } KindSelector(IMessage.Kind sought, boolean floor) { this(sought, floor, null); } KindSelector(IMessage.Kind sought, boolean floor, String infix) { this.sought = sought; this.floor = floor; this.infix = (LangUtil.isEmpty(infix) ? null : infix); }
Returns:false if this message is null, of true if we seek any kind (null) or if this has the exact kind we seek and this has any text sought
/** * @return false if this message is null, of true if we seek any kind (null) or if this has the exact kind we seek and this * has any text sought */
public boolean handleMessage(IMessage message) { return ((null != message) && !isIgnoring(message.getKind()) && textIn(message)); }
Returns:true if handleMessage would return false for a message of this kind
/** @return true if handleMessage would return false for a message of this kind */
public boolean isIgnoring(IMessage.Kind kind) { if (!floor) { return ((null != sought) && (sought != kind)); } else if (null == sought) { return false; } else { return (0 < IMessage.Kind.COMPARATOR.compare(sought, kind)); } } public void dontIgnore(IMessage.Kind kind) { } private boolean textIn(IMessage message) { if (null == infix) { return true; } String text = message.getMessage(); return (text.indexOf(infix) != -1); } public void ignore(Kind kind) { } } // ------------------ components to render messages
parameterize rendering behavior for messages
/** parameterize rendering behavior for messages */
public static interface IMessageRenderer { String renderToString(IMessage message); }
render message more verbosely if it is worse
/** render message more verbosely if it is worse */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_SCALED = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_SCALED"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } IMessage.Kind kind = message.getKind(); int level = 3; if ((kind == IMessage.ABORT) || (kind == IMessage.FAIL)) { level = 1; } else if ((kind == IMessage.ERROR) || (kind == IMessage.WARNING)) { level = 2; } else { level = 3; } String result = null; switch (level) { case (1): result = MESSAGE_TOSTRING.renderToString(message); break; case (2): result = MESSAGE_LINE.renderToString(message); break; case (3): result = MESSAGE_SHORT.renderToString(message); break; } Throwable thrown = message.getThrown(); if (null != thrown) { if (level == 3) { result += "Thrown: \n" + LangUtil.renderExceptionShort(thrown); } else { result += "Thrown: \n" + LangUtil.renderException(thrown); } } return result; } };
render message as label, i.e., less than 33 char
/** render message as label, i.e., less than 33 char */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_LABEL = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_LABEL"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return renderMessageLine(message, 5, 5, 32); } };
render message as label, i.e., less than 33 char, with no source location
/** render message as label, i.e., less than 33 char, with no source location */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_LABEL_NOLOC = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_LABEL_NOLOC"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return renderMessageLine(message, 10, 0, 32); } };
render message as line, i.e., less than 75 char, no internal line sep
/** render message as line, i.e., less than 75 char, no internal line sep */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_LINE = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_LINE"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return renderMessageLine(message, 8, 2, 74); } };
render message as line, i.e., less than 75 char, no internal line sep, trying to trim text as needed to end with a full source location
/** * render message as line, i.e., less than 75 char, no internal line sep, trying to trim text as needed to end with a full * source location */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_LINE_FORCE_LOC = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_LINE_FORCE_LOC"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return renderMessageLine(message, 2, 40, 74); } };
render message without restriction, up to 10K, including throwable
/** render message without restriction, up to 10K, including throwable */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_ALL = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_ALL"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { return renderMessage(message); } }; // /** render message without restriction, up to 10K, including (but eliding) throwable */ // public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_ALL_ELIDED= new IMessageRenderer() { // public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_ALL_ELIDED"; } // public String renderToString(IMessage message) { // return renderMessage(message, true); // } // };
render message without restriction, except any Throwable thrown
/** render message without restriction, except any Throwable thrown */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_MOST = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_MOST"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return renderMessageLine(message, 1, 1, 10000); } };
render message as wide line, i.e., less than 256 char, no internal line sep, except any Throwable thrown
/** * render message as wide line, i.e., less than 256 char, no internal line sep, except any Throwable thrown */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_WIDELINE = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_WIDELINE"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return renderMessageLine(message, 8, 2, 255); // XXX revert to 256 } };
render message using its toString() or "((IMessage) null)"
/** render message using its toString() or "((IMessage) null)" */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_TOSTRING = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_TOSTRING"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } return message.toString(); } };
render message using toShortString(IMessage)"
/** render message using toShortString(IMessage)" */
public static final IMessageRenderer MESSAGE_SHORT = new IMessageRenderer() { public String toString() { return "MESSAGE_SHORT"; } public String renderToString(IMessage message) { return toShortString(message); } };
This renders IMessage as String, ignoring empty elements and eliding any thrown stack traces.
See Also:
  • renderSourceLocation(ISourceLocation loc)
Returns:"((IMessage) null)" if null or String rendering otherwise, including everything (esp. throwable stack trace)
/** * This renders IMessage as String, ignoring empty elements and eliding any thrown stack traces. * * @return "((IMessage) null)" if null or String rendering otherwise, including everything (esp. throwable stack trace) * @see renderSourceLocation(ISourceLocation loc) */
public static String renderMessage(IMessage message) { return renderMessage(message, true); }
This renders IMessage as String, ignoring empty elements and eliding any thrown.
See Also:
  • renderSourceLocation(ISourceLocation loc)
Returns:"((IMessage) null)" if null or String rendering otherwise, including everything (esp. throwable stack trace)
/** * This renders IMessage as String, ignoring empty elements and eliding any thrown. * * @return "((IMessage) null)" if null or String rendering otherwise, including everything (esp. throwable stack trace) * @see renderSourceLocation(ISourceLocation loc) */
public static String renderMessage(IMessage message, boolean elide) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } ISourceLocation loc = message.getSourceLocation(); String locString = (null == loc ? "" : " at " + loc); String result = message.getKind() + locString + " " + message.getMessage(); Throwable thrown = message.getThrown(); if (thrown != null) { result += " -- " + LangUtil.renderExceptionShort(thrown); result += "\n" + LangUtil.renderException(thrown, elide); } if (message.getExtraSourceLocations().isEmpty()) { return result; } else { return addExtraSourceLocations(message, result); } } public static String addExtraSourceLocations(IMessage message, String baseMessage) { StringWriter buf = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(buf); writer.println(baseMessage); for (Iterator<ISourceLocation> iter = message.getExtraSourceLocations().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ISourceLocation element = iter.next(); if (element != null) { writer.print("\tsee also: " + element.toString()); if (iter.hasNext()) { writer.println(); } } } try { buf.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } return buf.getBuffer().toString(); }
Render ISourceLocation to String, ignoring empty elements (null or ISourceLocation.NO_FILE or ISourceLocation.NO_COLUMN (though implementations may return 0 from getColumn() when passed NO_COLUMN as input)).
Returns:"((ISourceLocation) null)" if null or String rendering
/** * Render ISourceLocation to String, ignoring empty elements (null or ISourceLocation.NO_FILE or ISourceLocation.NO_COLUMN * (though implementations may return 0 from getColumn() when passed NO_COLUMN as input)). * * @return "((ISourceLocation) null)" if null or String rendering * * <pre> * {file:}line{:column} * </pre> * */
public static String renderSourceLocation(ISourceLocation loc) { if (null == loc) { return "((ISourceLocation) null)"; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); File sourceFile = loc.getSourceFile(); if (sourceFile != ISourceLocation.NO_FILE) { sb.append(sourceFile.getPath()); sb.append(":"); } int line = loc.getLine(); sb.append("" + line); int column = loc.getColumn(); if (column != ISourceLocation.NO_COLUMN) { sb.append(":" + column); } return sb.toString(); }
Render message in a line. IMessage.Kind is always printed, then any unqualified exception class, then the remainder of text and location according to their relative scale, all to fit in max characters or less. This does not render thrown except for the unqualified class name
  • max – the number of characters - forced to 32..10000
  • textScale – relative proportion to spend on message and/or exception message, relative to source location - if 0, message is suppressed
  • locScale – relative proportion to spend on source location suppressed if 0
Returns:"((IMessage) null)" or message per spec
/** * Render message in a line. IMessage.Kind is always printed, then any unqualified exception class, then the remainder of text * and location according to their relative scale, all to fit in max characters or less. This does not render thrown except for * the unqualified class name * * @param max the number of characters - forced to 32..10000 * @param textScale relative proportion to spend on message and/or exception message, relative to source location - if 0, * message is suppressed * @param locScale relative proportion to spend on source location suppressed if 0 * @return "((IMessage) null)" or message per spec */
public static String renderMessageLine(IMessage message, int textScale, int locScale, int max) { if (null == message) { return "((IMessage) null)"; } if (max < 32) { max = 32; } else if (max > 10000) { max = 10000; } if (0 > textScale) { textScale = -textScale; } if (0 > locScale) { locScale = -locScale; } String text = message.getMessage(); Throwable thrown = message.getThrown(); ISourceLocation sl = message.getSourceLocation(); IMessage.Kind kind = message.getKind(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(kind.toString()); result.append(": "); if (null != thrown) { result.append(LangUtil.unqualifiedClassName(thrown) + " "); if ((null == text) || ("".equals(text))) { text = thrown.getMessage(); } } if (0 == textScale) { text = ""; } else if ((null != text) && (null != thrown)) { // decide between message and exception text? String s = thrown.getMessage(); if ((null != s) && (0 < s.length())) { text += " - " + s; } } String loc = ""; if ((0 != locScale) && (null != sl)) { File f = sl.getSourceFile(); if (f == ISourceLocation.NO_FILE) { f = null; } if (null != f) { loc = f.getName(); } int line = sl.getLine(); int col = sl.getColumn(); int end = sl.getEndLine(); if ((0 == line) && (0 == col) && (0 == end)) { // ignore numbers if default } else { loc += ":" + line + (col == 0 ? "" : ":" + col); if (line != end) { // XXX consider suppressing nonstandard... loc += ":" + end; } } if (!LangUtil.isEmpty(loc)) { loc = "@[" + loc; // matching "]" added below after clipping } } // now budget between text and loc float totalScale = locScale + textScale; float remainder = max - result.length() - 4; if ((remainder > 0) && (0 < totalScale)) { int textSize = (int) (remainder * textScale / totalScale); int locSize = (int) (remainder * locScale / totalScale); // adjust for underutilization int extra = locSize - loc.length(); if (0 < extra) { locSize = loc.length(); textSize += extra; } extra = textSize - text.length(); if (0 < extra) { textSize = text.length(); if (locSize < loc.length()) { locSize += extra; } } if (locSize > loc.length()) { locSize = loc.length(); } if (textSize > text.length()) { textSize = text.length(); } if (0 < textSize) { result.append(text.substring(0, textSize)); } if (0 < locSize) { if (0 < textSize) { result.append(" "); } result.append(loc.substring(0, locSize) + "]"); } } return result.toString(); }
Returns:String of the form "{(# {type}) }.." for message kinds, skipping 0
/** @return String of the form "{(# {type}) }.." for message kinds, skipping 0 */
public static String renderCounts(IMessageHolder holder) { if (0 == holder.numMessages(null, false)) { return "(0 messages)"; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (IMessage.Kind kind : IMessage.KINDS) { int num = holder.numMessages(kind, false); if (0 < num) { sb.append(" (" + num + " " + kind + ") "); } } return sb.toString(); }
Factory for handler adapted to PrintStream XXX weak - only handles println(String)
  • handler – the IMessageHandler sink for the messages generated
  • kind – the IMessage.Kind of message to create
  • overage – the OuputStream for text not captured by the handler (if null, System.out used)
/** * Factory for handler adapted to PrintStream XXX weak - only handles println(String) * * @param handler the IMessageHandler sink for the messages generated * @param kind the IMessage.Kind of message to create * @param overage the OuputStream for text not captured by the handler (if null, System.out used) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if kind or handler is null */
public static PrintStream handlerPrintStream(final IMessageHandler handler, final IMessage.Kind kind, final OutputStream overage, final String prefix) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(handler, "handler"); LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(kind, "kind"); class HandlerPrintStream extends PrintStream { HandlerPrintStream() { super(null == overage ? System.out : overage); } public void println() { println(""); } public void println(Object o) { println(null == o ? "null" : o.toString()); } public void println(String input) { String textMessage = (null == prefix ? input : prefix + input); IMessage m = new Message(textMessage, kind, null, null); handler.handleMessage(m); } } return new HandlerPrintStream(); }
utility class
/** utility class */
private MessageUtil() { }
Handle all messages in the second handler using the first
  • handler – the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source
  • holder – the IMessageHolder source for all messages to handle
  • fastFail – if true, stop on first failure
Returns:false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed
/** * Handle all messages in the second handler using the first * * @param handler the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source * @param holder the IMessageHolder source for all messages to handle * @param fastFail if true, stop on first failure * @return false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed */
public static boolean handleAll(IMessageHandler sink, IMessageHolder source, boolean fastFail) { return handleAll(sink, source, null, true, fastFail); }
Handle messages in the second handler using the first
  • handler – the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source
  • holder – the IMessageHolder source for all messages to handle
  • kind – the IMessage.Kind to select, if not null
  • orGreater – if true, also accept greater kinds
  • fastFail – if true, stop on first failure
Returns:false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed
/** * Handle messages in the second handler using the first * * @param handler the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source * @param holder the IMessageHolder source for all messages to handle * @param kind the IMessage.Kind to select, if not null * @param orGreater if true, also accept greater kinds * @param fastFail if true, stop on first failure * @return false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed */
public static boolean handleAll(IMessageHandler sink, IMessageHolder source, IMessage.Kind kind, boolean orGreater, boolean fastFail) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(sink, "sink"); LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(source, "source"); return handleAll(sink, source.getMessages(kind, orGreater), fastFail); }
Handle messages in the second handler using the first if they are NOT of this kind (optionally, or greater). If you pass null as the kind, then all messages are ignored and this returns true.
  • handler – the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source
  • holder – the IMessageHolder source for all messages to handle
  • kind – the IMessage.Kind to reject, if not null
  • orGreater – if true, also reject greater kinds
  • fastFail – if true, stop on first failure
Returns:false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed
/** * Handle messages in the second handler using the first if they are NOT of this kind (optionally, or greater). If you pass null * as the kind, then all messages are ignored and this returns true. * * @param handler the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source * @param holder the IMessageHolder source for all messages to handle * @param kind the IMessage.Kind to reject, if not null * @param orGreater if true, also reject greater kinds * @param fastFail if true, stop on first failure * @return false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed */
public static boolean handleAllExcept(IMessageHandler sink, IMessageHolder source, IMessage.Kind kind, boolean orGreater, boolean fastFail) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(sink, "sink"); LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(source, "source"); if (null == kind) { return true; } IMessage[] messages = getMessagesExcept(source, kind, orGreater); return handleAll(sink, messages, fastFail); }
Handle messages in the sink.
  • handler – the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source
  • sources – the IMessage[] messages to handle
  • fastFail – if true, stop on first failure
Returns:false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed
/** * Handle messages in the sink. * * @param handler the IMessageHandler sink for all messages in source * @param sources the IMessage[] messages to handle * @param fastFail if true, stop on first failure * @return false if any sink.handleMessage(..) failed * @throws IllegalArgumentException if sink is null */
public static boolean handleAll(IMessageHandler sink, IMessage[] sources, boolean fastFail) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(sink, "sink"); if (LangUtil.isEmpty(sources)) { return true; } boolean result = true; for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { if (!sink.handleMessage(sources[i])) { if (fastFail) { return false; } if (result) { result = false; } } } return result; } }