/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Xerox Corporation, 
 *               2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     Xerox/PARC     initial implementation 
 * ******************************************************************/

package org.aspectj.bridge;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil;

Wrap an IMessageHandler to count messages handled. Messages being ignored by the delegate IMessageHandler are not counted.
/** * Wrap an IMessageHandler to count messages handled. Messages being ignored by the delegate IMessageHandler are not counted. */
public class CountingMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler { public final IMessageHandler delegate; public final CountingMessageHandler proxy; private final Hashtable<IMessage.Kind, IntHolder> counters; public static CountingMessageHandler makeCountingMessageHandler(IMessageHandler handler) { if (handler instanceof CountingMessageHandler) { return (CountingMessageHandler) handler; } else { return new CountingMessageHandler(handler); } } public CountingMessageHandler(IMessageHandler delegate) { LangUtil.throwIaxIfNull(delegate, "delegate"); this.delegate = delegate; this.counters = new Hashtable<IMessage.Kind, IntHolder>(); proxy = (delegate instanceof CountingMessageHandler ? (CountingMessageHandler) delegate : null); }
/** @return delegate.handleMessage(IMessage) */
public boolean handleMessage(IMessage message) throws AbortException { if (null != proxy) { return proxy.handleMessage(message); } if (null != message) { IMessage.Kind kind = message.getKind(); if (!isIgnoring(kind)) { increment(kind); } } return delegate.handleMessage(message); }
/** @return delegate.isIgnoring(IMessage.Kind) */
public boolean isIgnoring(IMessage.Kind kind) { return delegate.isIgnoring(kind); }
  • kind –
See Also:
  • isIgnoring.isIgnoring(Kind)
/** * Delegate * * @see org.aspectj.bridge.IMessageHandler#isIgnoring(org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage.Kind) * @param kind */
public void dontIgnore(IMessage.Kind kind) { delegate.dontIgnore(kind); }
  • kind –
See Also:
  • ignore.ignore(Kind)
/** * Delegate * * @see org.aspectj.bridge.IMessageHandler#ignore(org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage.Kind) * @param kind */
public void ignore(IMessage.Kind kind) { delegate.ignore(kind); }
/** @return delegate.toString() */
public String toString() { return delegate.toString(); }
Return count of messages seen through this interface.
  • kind – the IMessage.Kind of the messages to count (if null, count all)
  • orGreater – if true, then count this kind and any considered greater by the ordering of IMessage.Kind.COMPARATOR
See Also:
Returns:number of messages of this kind (optionally or greater)
/** * Return count of messages seen through this interface. * * @param kind the IMessage.Kind of the messages to count (if null, count all) * @param orGreater if true, then count this kind and any considered greater by the ordering of IMessage.Kind.COMPARATOR * @return number of messages of this kind (optionally or greater) * @see IMessage.Kind.COMPARATOR */
public int numMessages(IMessage.Kind kind, boolean orGreater) { if (null != proxy) { return proxy.numMessages(kind, orGreater); } int result = 0; if (null == kind) { for (Enumeration<IntHolder> enu = counters.elements(); enu.hasMoreElements();) { result += (enu.nextElement()).count; } } else if (!orGreater) { result = numMessages(kind); } else { for (IMessage.Kind k : IMessage.KINDS) { if (kind.isSameOrLessThan(k)) { result += numMessages(k); } } } return result; }
Returns:true if 0 is less than numMessages(IMessage.ERROR, true)
/** * @return true if 0 is less than <code>numMessages(IMessage.ERROR, true)</code> */
public boolean hasErrors() { return (0 < numMessages(IMessage.ERROR, true)); } private int numMessages(IMessage.Kind kind) { if (null != proxy) { return proxy.numMessages(kind); } IntHolder counter = counters.get(kind); return (null == counter ? 0 : counter.count); } private void increment(IMessage.Kind kind) { if (null != proxy) { throw new IllegalStateException("not called when proxying"); } IntHolder counter = counters.get(kind); if (null == counter) { counter = new IntHolder(); counters.put(kind, counter); } counter.count++; } private static class IntHolder { int count; } public void reset() { if (proxy != null) { proxy.reset(); } counters.clear(); } }