/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Contributors.
 * All rights reserved. 
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available 
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at 
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html 
 * Contributors: 
 *     Mik Kersten     initial implementation 
 * ******************************************************************/

package org.aspectj.asm;

import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;

Represents program elements in the AspectJ containment hierarchy.
Author:Mik Kersten
/** * Represents program elements in the AspectJ containment hierarchy. * * @author Mik Kersten */
public interface IProgramElement extends Serializable { public List<IProgramElement> getChildren(); public void setChildren(List<IProgramElement> children); public void addChild(IProgramElement child); public boolean removeChild(IProgramElement child); // Extra stuff // Could be just a string but may prove more useful as an object in the long // run ... public static class ExtraInformation implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3880735494840820638L; private String extraInfo; public ExtraInformation() { extraInfo = ""; } public void setExtraAdviceInformation(String string) { extraInfo = string; } public String getExtraAdviceInformation() { return extraInfo; } public String toString() { return "ExtraInformation: [" + extraInfo + "]"; } } public void setExtraInfo(ExtraInformation info); public ExtraInformation getExtraInfo(); public IProgramElement getParent(); public void setParent(IProgramElement parent); public void setParentTypes(List<String> parentTypes); public List<String> getParentTypes(); public String getName(); public void setName(String name); public String getDetails(); public void setDetails(String details); public IProgramElement.Kind getKind(); public void setKind(Kind kind); public List<IProgramElement.Modifiers> getModifiers(); public void setModifiers(int i); public Accessibility getAccessibility(); public String getDeclaringType(); // TODO: remove (Emacs uses it) public String getPackageName();
  • method – return types or field types
/** * @param method * return types or field types */
public void setCorrespondingType(String returnType);
This correponds to both method return types and field types.
/** * This correponds to both method return types and field types. */
public String getCorrespondingType(); public String getCorrespondingType(boolean getFullyQualifiedType); public String toSignatureString(); public String toSignatureString(boolean getFullyQualifiedArgTypes); public void setRunnable(boolean value); public boolean isRunnable(); public boolean isImplementor(); public void setImplementor(boolean value); public boolean isOverrider(); public void setOverrider(boolean value); public IMessage getMessage(); public void setMessage(IMessage message); public ISourceLocation getSourceLocation(); public void setSourceLocation(ISourceLocation sourceLocation); public String toString();
Returns:the javadoc comment for this program element, null if not available
/** * @return the javadoc comment for this program element, null if not available */
public String getFormalComment(); public void setFormalComment(String comment);
Includes information about the origin of the node.
/** * Includes information about the origin of the node. */
public String toLinkLabelString(); public String toLinkLabelString(boolean getFullyQualifiedArgTypes);
Includes name, parameter types (if any) and details (if any).
/** * Includes name, parameter types (if any) and details (if any). */
public String toLabelString(); public String toLabelString(boolean getFullyQualifiedArgTypes); public List<String> getParameterNames(); public void setParameterNames(List<String> list); public List<char[]> getParameterSignatures(); public List<String> getParameterSignaturesSourceRefs(); public void setParameterSignatures(List<char[]> list, List<String> paramSourceRefs); public List<char[]> getParameterTypes();
The format of the string handle is not specified, but is stable across compilation sessions.
Returns:a string representation of this element
/** * The format of the string handle is not specified, but is stable across compilation sessions. * * @return a string representation of this element */
public String getHandleIdentifier(); public String getHandleIdentifier(boolean create); public void setHandleIdentifier(String handle);
Returns:a string representation of this node and all of its children (recursive)
/** * @return a string representation of this node and all of its children (recursive) */
public String toLongString(); public String getBytecodeName(); public String getBytecodeSignature(); public void setBytecodeName(String bytecodeName); public void setBytecodeSignature(String bytecodeSignature);
Returns:the full signature of this element, as it appears in the source
/** * @return the full signature of this element, as it appears in the source */
public String getSourceSignature(); public void setSourceSignature(String string); public IProgramElement walk(HierarchyWalker walker); public AsmManager getModel(); public int getRawModifiers();
Uses "typesafe enum" pattern.
/** * Uses "typesafe enum" pattern. */
public static class Modifiers implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8279300899976607927L; public static final Modifiers STATIC = new Modifiers("static", 0x0008); public static final Modifiers FINAL = new Modifiers("final", 0x0010); public static final Modifiers ABSTRACT = new Modifiers("abstract", 0x0400); public static final Modifiers SYNCHRONIZED = new Modifiers("synchronized", 0x0020); public static final Modifiers VOLATILE = new Modifiers("volatile", 0x0040); public static final Modifiers STRICTFP = new Modifiers("strictfp", 0x0800); public static final Modifiers TRANSIENT = new Modifiers("transient", 0x0080); public static final Modifiers NATIVE = new Modifiers("native", 0x0100); public static final Modifiers[] ALL = { STATIC, FINAL, ABSTRACT, SYNCHRONIZED, VOLATILE, STRICTFP, TRANSIENT, NATIVE }; private final String name; private final int bit; private Modifiers(String name, int bit) { this.name = name; this.bit = bit; } public String toString() { return name; } public int getBit() { return bit; } // The 4 declarations below are necessary for serialization private static int nextOrdinal = 0; private final int ordinal = nextOrdinal++; private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return ALL[ordinal]; } }
Uses "typesafe enum" pattern.
/** * Uses "typesafe enum" pattern. */
public static class Accessibility implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5371838588180918519L; public static final Accessibility PUBLIC = new Accessibility("public"); public static final Accessibility PACKAGE = new Accessibility("package"); public static final Accessibility PROTECTED = new Accessibility("protected"); public static final Accessibility PRIVATE = new Accessibility("private"); public static final Accessibility PRIVILEGED = new Accessibility("privileged"); public static final Accessibility[] ALL = { PUBLIC, PACKAGE, PROTECTED, PRIVATE, PRIVILEGED }; private final String name; private Accessibility(String name) { this.name = name; } public String toString() { return name; } // The 4 declarations below are necessary for serialization private static int nextOrdinal = 0; private final int ordinal = nextOrdinal++; private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return ALL[ordinal]; } }
Uses "typesafe enum" pattern.
/** * Uses "typesafe enum" pattern. */
public static class Kind implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1963553877479266124L; public static final Kind PROJECT = new Kind("project"); public static final Kind PACKAGE = new Kind("package"); public static final Kind FILE = new Kind("file"); public static final Kind FILE_JAVA = new Kind("java source file"); public static final Kind FILE_ASPECTJ = new Kind("aspect source file"); public static final Kind FILE_LST = new Kind("build configuration file"); public static final Kind IMPORT_REFERENCE = new Kind("import reference"); public static final Kind CLASS = new Kind("class"); public static final Kind INTERFACE = new Kind("interface"); public static final Kind ASPECT = new Kind("aspect"); public static final Kind ENUM = new Kind("enum"); public static final Kind ENUM_VALUE = new Kind("enumvalue"); public static final Kind ANNOTATION = new Kind("annotation"); public static final Kind INITIALIZER = new Kind("initializer"); public static final Kind INTER_TYPE_FIELD = new Kind("inter-type field"); public static final Kind INTER_TYPE_METHOD = new Kind("inter-type method"); public static final Kind INTER_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR = new Kind("inter-type constructor"); public static final Kind INTER_TYPE_PARENT = new Kind("inter-type parent"); public static final Kind CONSTRUCTOR = new Kind("constructor"); public static final Kind METHOD = new Kind("method"); public static final Kind FIELD = new Kind("field"); public static final Kind POINTCUT = new Kind("pointcut"); public static final Kind ADVICE = new Kind("advice"); public static final Kind DECLARE_PARENTS = new Kind("declare parents"); public static final Kind DECLARE_WARNING = new Kind("declare warning"); public static final Kind DECLARE_ERROR = new Kind("declare error"); public static final Kind DECLARE_SOFT = new Kind("declare soft"); public static final Kind DECLARE_PRECEDENCE = new Kind("declare precedence"); public static final Kind CODE = new Kind("code"); public static final Kind ERROR = new Kind("error"); public static final Kind DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_CONSTRUCTOR = new Kind("declare @constructor"); public static final Kind DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_FIELD = new Kind("declare @field"); public static final Kind DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_METHOD = new Kind("declare @method"); public static final Kind DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_TYPE = new Kind("declare @type"); public static final Kind SOURCE_FOLDER = new Kind("source folder"); public static final Kind PACKAGE_DECLARATION = new Kind("package declaration"); public static final Kind[] ALL = { PROJECT, PACKAGE, FILE, FILE_JAVA, FILE_ASPECTJ, FILE_LST, IMPORT_REFERENCE, CLASS, INTERFACE, ASPECT, ENUM, ENUM_VALUE, ANNOTATION, INITIALIZER, INTER_TYPE_FIELD, INTER_TYPE_METHOD, INTER_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR, INTER_TYPE_PARENT, CONSTRUCTOR, METHOD, FIELD, POINTCUT, ADVICE, DECLARE_PARENTS, DECLARE_WARNING, DECLARE_ERROR, DECLARE_SOFT, DECLARE_PRECEDENCE, CODE, ERROR, DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_CONSTRUCTOR, DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_FIELD, DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_METHOD, DECLARE_ANNOTATION_AT_TYPE, SOURCE_FOLDER, PACKAGE_DECLARATION }; public static Kind getKindForString(String kindString) { for (int i = 0; i < ALL.length; i++) { if (ALL[i].toString().equals(kindString)) { return ALL[i]; } } return ERROR; } private final String name; private Kind(String name) { this.name = name; } public String toString() { return name; } public static List<Kind> getNonAJMemberKinds() { List<Kind> list = new ArrayList<Kind>(); list.add(METHOD); list.add(ENUM_VALUE); list.add(FIELD); list.add(CONSTRUCTOR); return list; } public boolean isMember() { return this == FIELD || this == METHOD || this == CONSTRUCTOR || this == POINTCUT || this == ADVICE || this == ENUM_VALUE; } public boolean isInterTypeMember() { return this == INTER_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR || this == INTER_TYPE_FIELD || this == INTER_TYPE_METHOD; } public boolean isType() { return this == CLASS || this == INTERFACE || this == ASPECT || this == ANNOTATION || this == ENUM; } public boolean isSourceFile() { return this == FILE_ASPECTJ || this == FILE_JAVA; } public boolean isFile() { return this == FILE; } public boolean isDeclare() { return name.startsWith("declare"); } public boolean isDeclareAnnotation() { return name.startsWith("declare @"); } public boolean isDeclareParents() { return name.startsWith("declare parents"); } public boolean isDeclareSoft() { return name.startsWith("declare soft"); } public boolean isDeclareWarning() { return name.startsWith("declare warning"); } public boolean isDeclareError() { return name.startsWith("declare error"); } public boolean isDeclarePrecedence() { return name.startsWith("declare precedence"); } // The 4 declarations below are necessary for serialization private static int nextOrdinal = 0; private final int ordinal = nextOrdinal++; private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return ALL[ordinal]; } public boolean isPackageDeclaration() { return this == PACKAGE_DECLARATION; } } public void setAnnotationStyleDeclaration(boolean b); public boolean isAnnotationStyleDeclaration();
  • fullyQualifiedannotationType – the annotation type, eg. p.q.r.Foo
/** * @param fullyQualifiedannotationType * the annotation type, eg. p.q.r.Foo */
public void setAnnotationType(String fullyQualifiedannotationType);
Returns:the fully qualified annotation type, eg. p.q.r.Foo
/** * @return the fully qualified annotation type, eg. p.q.r.Foo */
public String getAnnotationType(); public String[] getRemovedAnnotationTypes(); public Map<String, List<String>> getDeclareParentsMap(); public void setDeclareParentsMap(Map<String, List<String>> newmap); public void addFullyQualifiedName(String fqname); public String getFullyQualifiedName(); public void setAnnotationRemover(boolean isRemover); public boolean isAnnotationRemover();
Returns:the return type of a method or type of a field in signature form (e.g. Ljava/lang/String;)
/** * @return the return type of a method or type of a field in signature form (e.g. Ljava/lang/String;) */
public String getCorrespondingTypeSignature(); }