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/* $Id: InlineContainer.java 1562429 2014-01-29 12:52:26Z vhennebert $ */

package org.apache.fop.fo.flow;

import org.xml.sax.Locator;

import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException;
import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Length;
import org.apache.fop.datatypes.Numeric;
import org.apache.fop.fo.FONode;
import org.apache.fop.fo.FObj;
import org.apache.fop.fo.PropertyList;
import org.apache.fop.fo.ValidationException;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonBorderPaddingBackground;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.CommonMarginInline;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.KeepProperty;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.LengthRangeProperty;
import org.apache.fop.fo.properties.SpaceProperty;
import org.apache.fop.traits.Direction;
import org.apache.fop.traits.WritingMode;
import org.apache.fop.traits.WritingModeTraits;

public class InlineContainer extends FObj {

    private LengthRangeProperty inlineProgressionDimension;
    private LengthRangeProperty blockProgressionDimension;
    private int overflow;
    private CommonBorderPaddingBackground commonBorderPaddingBackground;
    private CommonMarginInline commonMarginInline;
    private Numeric referenceOrientation;
    private int displayAlign;
    private KeepProperty keepTogether;
    private KeepProperty keepWithNext;
    private KeepProperty keepWithPrevious;
    private SpaceProperty lineHeight;
    private Length alignmentAdjust;
    private int alignmentBaseline;
    private Length baselineShift;
    private int dominantBaseline;
    private WritingModeTraits writingModeTraits;

used for FO validation
/** used for FO validation */
private boolean blockItemFound;
Creates a new instance.
  • parent – the parent of this inline-container
/** * Creates a new instance. * * @param parent the parent of this inline-container */
public InlineContainer(FONode parent) { super(parent); } @Override public void bind(PropertyList pList) throws FOPException { super.bind(pList); alignmentAdjust = pList.get(PR_ALIGNMENT_ADJUST).getLength(); alignmentBaseline = pList.get(PR_ALIGNMENT_BASELINE).getEnum(); baselineShift = pList.get(PR_BASELINE_SHIFT).getLength(); blockProgressionDimension = pList.get(PR_BLOCK_PROGRESSION_DIMENSION).getLengthRange(); commonBorderPaddingBackground = pList.getBorderPaddingBackgroundProps(); commonMarginInline = pList.getMarginInlineProps(); displayAlign = pList.get(PR_DISPLAY_ALIGN).getEnum(); dominantBaseline = pList.get(PR_DOMINANT_BASELINE).getEnum(); inlineProgressionDimension = pList.get(PR_INLINE_PROGRESSION_DIMENSION).getLengthRange(); keepTogether = pList.get(PR_KEEP_TOGETHER).getKeep(); keepWithNext = pList.get(PR_KEEP_WITH_NEXT).getKeep(); keepWithPrevious = pList.get(PR_KEEP_WITH_PREVIOUS).getKeep(); lineHeight = pList.get(PR_LINE_HEIGHT).getSpace(); overflow = pList.get(PR_OVERFLOW).getEnum(); referenceOrientation = pList.get(PR_REFERENCE_ORIENTATION).getNumeric(); writingModeTraits = new WritingModeTraits( WritingMode.valueOf(pList.get(PR_WRITING_MODE).getEnum()), pList.getExplicit(PR_WRITING_MODE) != null); }
XSL Content Model: marker* (%block;)+
/** * {@inheritDoc} * <br>XSL Content Model: marker* (%block;)+ */
@Override protected void validateChildNode(Locator loc, String nsURI, String localName) throws ValidationException { if (FO_URI.equals(nsURI)) { if (localName.equals("marker")) { if (blockItemFound) { nodesOutOfOrderError(loc, "fo:marker", "(%block;)+"); } } else if (!isBlockItem(nsURI, localName)) { invalidChildError(loc, nsURI, localName); } else { blockItemFound = true; } } } @Override public void endOfNode() throws FOPException { if (!blockItemFound) { missingChildElementError("marker* (%block;)+"); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String getLocalName() { return "inline-container"; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * @return {@link org.apache.fop.fo.Constants#FO_INLINE_CONTAINER} */
public int getNameId() { return FO_INLINE_CONTAINER; } public LengthRangeProperty getInlineProgressionDimension() { return inlineProgressionDimension; } public LengthRangeProperty getBlockProgressionDimension() { return blockProgressionDimension; } public int getOverflow() { return overflow; } public CommonBorderPaddingBackground getCommonBorderPaddingBackground() { return this.commonBorderPaddingBackground; } public CommonMarginInline getCommonMarginInline() { return this.commonMarginInline; } public int getReferenceOrientation() { return referenceOrientation.getValue(); } public int getDisplayAlign() { return this.displayAlign; } public KeepProperty getKeepWithPrevious() { return keepWithPrevious; } public KeepProperty getKeepTogether() { return keepTogether; } public KeepProperty getKeepWithNext() { return keepWithNext; } public SpaceProperty getLineHeight() { return lineHeight; } public Length getAlignmentAdjust() { return alignmentAdjust; } public int getAlignmentBaseline() { return alignmentBaseline; } public Length getBaselineShift() { return baselineShift; } public int getDominantBaseline() { return dominantBaseline; } public WritingMode getWritingMode() { return writingModeTraits.getWritingMode(); }
Obtain writing mode explicit indicator.
Returns:the writing mode explicit indicator
/** * Obtain writing mode explicit indicator. * @return the writing mode explicit indicator */
public boolean getExplicitWritingMode() { return writingModeTraits.getExplicitWritingMode(); } public Direction getInlineProgressionDirection() { return writingModeTraits.getInlineProgressionDirection(); } public Direction getBlockProgressionDirection() { return writingModeTraits.getBlockProgressionDirection(); } public Direction getColumnProgressionDirection() { return writingModeTraits.getColumnProgressionDirection(); } public Direction getRowProgressionDirection() { return writingModeTraits.getRowProgressionDirection(); } public Direction getShiftDirection() { return writingModeTraits.getShiftDirection(); } @Override public boolean isDelimitedTextRangeBoundary(int boundary) { return false; } @Override public boolean generatesReferenceAreas() { return true; } @Override protected boolean isBidiBoundary(boolean propagate) { return getExplicitWritingMode(); } }