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package org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.tosvg;

import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants;

Reads a WMF file, including an Aldus Placable Metafile Header.
Author:Luan O'Carroll
Version:$Id: WMFRecordStore.java 1831630 2018-05-15 12:56:55Z ssteiner $
/** * Reads a WMF file, including an Aldus Placable Metafile Header. * * @author <a href="mailto:luano@asd.ie">Luan O'Carroll</a> * @version $Id: WMFRecordStore.java 1831630 2018-05-15 12:56:55Z ssteiner $ */
public class WMFRecordStore extends AbstractWMFReader { private URL url; protected int numRecords; protected float vpX, vpY; protected List records; private boolean _bext = true; public WMFRecordStore() { super(); reset(); }
Resets the internal storage and viewport coordinates.
/** * Resets the internal storage and viewport coordinates. */
public void reset(){ numRecords = 0; vpX = 0; vpY = 0; vpW = 1000; vpH = 1000; scaleX = 1; scaleY = 1; scaleXY = 1f; inch = 84; records = new ArrayList( 20 ); }
Reads the WMF file from the specified Stream.
/** * Reads the WMF file from the specified Stream. */
protected boolean readRecords( DataInputStream is ) throws IOException { short functionId = 1; int recSize = 0; short recData; numRecords = 0; while ( functionId > 0) { recSize = readInt( is ); // Subtract size in 16-bit words of recSize and functionId; recSize -= 3; functionId = readShort( is ); if ( functionId <= 0 ) break; MetaRecord mr = new MetaRecord(); switch ( functionId ) { case WMFConstants.META_SETMAPMODE: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int mapmode = readShort( is ); if (mapmode == WMFConstants.MM_ANISOTROPIC) isotropic = false; mr.addElement(mapmode); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_DRAWTEXT: { for ( int i = 0; i < recSize; i++ ) recData = readShort( is ); // todo shouldn't the read data be used for something?? numRecords--; } break; case WMFConstants.META_EXTTEXTOUT: { int yVal = readShort( is ) * ySign; int xVal = (int) (readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int lenText = readShort( is ); int flag = readShort( is ); int read = 4; // used to track the actual size really read boolean clipped = false; int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; int len; // determination of clipping property if ((flag & WMFConstants.ETO_CLIPPED) != 0) { x1 = (int) (readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); y1 = readShort( is ) * ySign; x2 = (int) (readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); y2 = readShort( is ) * ySign; read += 4; clipped = true; } byte[] bstr = new byte[ lenText ]; int i = 0; for ( ; i < lenText; i++ ) { bstr[ i ] = is.readByte(); } read += (lenText + 1)/2; /* must do this because WMF strings always have an even number of bytes, even * if there is an odd number of characters */ if (lenText % 2 != 0) is.readByte(); // if the record was not completely read, finish reading if (read < recSize) for (int j = read; j < recSize; j++) readShort( is ); /* get the StringRecord, having decoded the String, using the current * charset (which was given by the last META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT) */ mr = new MetaRecord.ByteRecord(bstr); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; mr.addElement( xVal ); mr.addElement( yVal ); mr.addElement( flag ); if (clipped) { mr.addElement( x1 ); mr.addElement( y1 ); mr.addElement( x2 ); mr.addElement( y2 ); } records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_TEXTOUT: { int len = readShort( is ); int read = 1; // used to track the actual size really read byte[] bstr = new byte[ len ]; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { bstr[ i ] = is.readByte(); } /* must do this because WMF strings always have an even number of bytes, even * if there is an odd number of characters */ if (len % 2 != 0) is.readByte(); read += (len + 1) / 2; int yVal = readShort( is ) * ySign; int xVal = (int) (readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); read += 2; // if the record was not completely read, finish reading if (read < recSize) for (int j = read; j < recSize; j++) readShort( is ); /* get the StringRecord, having decoded the String, using the current * charset (which was givben by the last META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT) */ mr = new MetaRecord.ByteRecord(bstr); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; mr.addElement( xVal ); mr.addElement( yVal ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT: { int lfHeight = readShort( is ); int lfWidth = readShort( is ); int lfEscapement = readShort( is ); int lfOrientation = readShort( is ); int lfWeight = readShort( is ); int lfItalic = is.readByte(); int lfUnderline = is.readByte(); int lfStrikeOut = is.readByte(); int lfCharSet = is.readByte() & 0x00ff; //System.out.println("lfCharSet: "+(lfCharSet & 0x00ff)); int lfOutPrecision = is.readByte(); int lfClipPrecision = is.readByte(); int lfQuality = is.readByte(); int lfPitchAndFamily = is.readByte(); // don't need to read the end of the record, // because it will always be completely used int len = (2*(recSize-9)); byte[] lfFaceName = new byte[ len ]; byte ch; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) lfFaceName[ i ] = is.readByte(); String str = new String( lfFaceName ); // what locale ?? ascii ?? platform ?? mr = new MetaRecord.StringRecord( str ); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; mr.addElement( lfHeight ); mr.addElement( lfItalic ); mr.addElement( lfWeight ); mr.addElement( lfCharSet ); mr.addElement( lfUnderline ); mr.addElement( lfStrikeOut ); mr.addElement( lfOrientation ); // escapement is the orientation of the text in tenth of degrees mr.addElement( lfEscapement ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETVIEWPORTORG: case WMFConstants.META_SETVIEWPORTEXT: case WMFConstants.META_SETWINDOWORG: case WMFConstants.META_SETWINDOWEXT: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int height = readShort( is ); int width = readShort( is ); // inverse the values signs if they are negative if (width < 0) { width = -width; xSign = -1; } if (height < 0) { height = -height; ySign = -1; } if (_bext && functionId == WMFConstants.META_SETWINDOWEXT) { vpW = width; vpH = height; // two lines below commented out due to bug BATIK-1096 // if (! isotropic) scaleXY = (float)vpW / (float)vpH; // vpW = (int)(vpW * scaleXY); _bext = false; } // sets the width, height of the image if the file does not have an APM (in this case it is retrieved // from the viewport) if (! isAldus) { this.width = vpW; this.height = vpH; } mr.addElement((int)(width * scaleXY)); mr.addElement( height ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG: case WMFConstants.META_OFFSETWINDOWORG: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int y = readShort( is ) * ySign; int x = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); mr.addElement( x ); mr.addElement( y ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT: case WMFConstants.META_SCALEWINDOWEXT: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int ydenom = readShort( is ); int ynum = readShort( is ); int xdenom= readShort( is ); int xnum = readShort( is ); mr.addElement( xdenom ); mr.addElement( ydenom ); mr.addElement( xnum ); mr.addElement( ynum ); records.add( mr ); scaleX = scaleX * xdenom / xnum; scaleY = scaleY * ydenom / ynum; } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; // The style mr.addElement( readShort( is )); int colorref = readInt( is ); int red = colorref & 0xff; int green = ( colorref & 0xff00 ) >> 8; int blue = ( colorref & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; int flags = ( colorref & 0x3000000 ) >> 24; mr.addElement( red ); mr.addElement( green ); mr.addElement( blue ); // The hatch style mr.addElement( readShort( is ) ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEPENINDIRECT: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; // The style mr.addElement( readShort( is ) ); int width = readInt( is ); int colorref = readInt( is ); /** * sometimes records generated by PPT have a * recSize of 6 and not 5 => in this case only we have * to read a last short element **/ //int height = readShort( is ); if (recSize == 6) readShort(is); int red = colorref & 0xff; // format: fff.bbbbbbbb.gggggggg.rrrrrrrr int green = ( colorref & 0xff00 ) >> 8; int blue = ( colorref & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; int flags = ( colorref & 0x3000000 ) >> 24; mr.addElement( red ); mr.addElement( green ); mr.addElement( blue ); // The pen width mr.addElement( width ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETTEXTALIGN: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int align = readShort( is ); // need to do this, because sometimes there is more than one short if (recSize > 1) for (int i = 1; i < recSize; i++) readShort( is ); mr.addElement( align ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETTEXTCOLOR: case WMFConstants.META_SETBKCOLOR: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int colorref = readInt( is ); int red = colorref & 0xff; int green = ( colorref & 0xff00 ) >> 8; int blue = ( colorref & 0xff0000 ) >> 16; int flags = ( colorref & 0x3000000 ) >> 24; mr.addElement( red ); mr.addElement( green ); mr.addElement( blue ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_LINETO: case WMFConstants.META_MOVETO: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int y = readShort( is ) * ySign; int x = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); mr.addElement( x ); mr.addElement( y ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETPOLYFILLMODE : { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int mode = readShort( is ); // need to do this, because sometimes there is more than one short if (recSize > 1) for (int i = 1; i < recSize; i++) readShort( is ); mr.addElement( mode ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_POLYPOLYGON: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int count = readShort( is ); // number of polygons int[] pts = new int[ count ]; int ptCount = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { pts[ i ] = readShort( is ); // number of points for the polygon ptCount += pts[ i ]; } mr.addElement( count ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) mr.addElement( pts[ i ] ); int offset = count+1; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { int nPoints = pts[ i ]; for ( int j = 0; j < nPoints; j++ ) { mr.addElement((int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY)); // x position of the polygon mr.addElement( readShort( is ) * ySign ); // y position of the polygon } } records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_POLYLINE: case WMFConstants.META_POLYGON: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int count = readShort( is ); mr.addElement( count ); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { mr.addElement((int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY)); mr.addElement( readShort( is ) * ySign ); } records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_ELLIPSE: case WMFConstants.META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT: case WMFConstants.META_RECTANGLE: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int bottom = readShort( is ) * ySign; int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ) * ySign; int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); mr.addElement( left ); mr.addElement( top ); mr.addElement( right ); mr.addElement( bottom ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_CREATEREGION: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ) * ySign; int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int bottom = readShort( is ) * ySign; mr.addElement( left ); mr.addElement( top ); mr.addElement( right ); mr.addElement( bottom ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_ROUNDRECT: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int el_height = readShort( is ) * ySign; int el_width = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int bottom = readShort( is ) * ySign; int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ) * ySign; int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); mr.addElement( left ); mr.addElement( top ); mr.addElement( right ); mr.addElement( bottom ); mr.addElement( el_width ); mr.addElement( el_height ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_ARC: case WMFConstants.META_PIE: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int yend = readShort( is ) * ySign; int xend = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int ystart = readShort( is ) * ySign; int xstart = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int bottom = readShort( is ) * ySign; int right = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ) * ySign; int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); mr.addElement( left ); mr.addElement( top ); mr.addElement( right ); mr.addElement( bottom ); mr.addElement( xstart ); mr.addElement( ystart ); mr.addElement( xend ); mr.addElement( yend ); records.add( mr ); } break; // META_PATBLT added case WMFConstants.META_PATBLT : { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int rop = readInt( is ); int height = readShort( is ) * ySign; int width = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int left = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int top = readShort( is ) * ySign; mr.addElement( rop ); mr.addElement( height ); mr.addElement( width ); mr.addElement( top ); mr.addElement( left ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_SETBKMODE: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; int mode = readShort( is ); mr.addElement( mode ); //if (recSize > 1) readShort( is ); if (recSize > 1) for (int i = 1; i < recSize; i++) readShort( is ); records.add( mr ); } break; // UPDATED : META_SETROP2 added case WMFConstants.META_SETROP2: { mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; // rop should always be a short, but it is sometimes an int... int rop; if (recSize == 1) rop = readShort( is ); else rop = readInt( is ); mr.addElement( rop ); records.add( mr ); } break; // UPDATED : META_DIBSTRETCHBLT added case WMFConstants.META_DIBSTRETCHBLT: { int mode = is.readInt() & 0xff; int heightSrc = readShort( is ) * ySign; int widthSrc = readShort( is ) * xSign; int sy = readShort( is ) * ySign; int sx = readShort( is ) * xSign; int heightDst = readShort( is ) * ySign; int widthDst = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int dy = readShort( is ) * ySign; int dx = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int len = 2*recSize - 20; byte[] bitmap = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) bitmap[i] = is.readByte(); mr = new MetaRecord.ByteRecord(bitmap); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; mr.addElement( mode ); mr.addElement( heightSrc ); mr.addElement( widthSrc ); mr.addElement( sy ); mr.addElement( sx ); mr.addElement( heightDst ); mr.addElement( widthDst ); mr.addElement( dy ); mr.addElement( dx ); records.add( mr ); } break; case WMFConstants.META_STRETCHDIB: { int mode = is.readInt() & 0xff; int usage = readShort( is ); int heightSrc = readShort( is ) * ySign; int widthSrc = readShort( is ) * xSign; int sy = readShort( is ) * ySign; int sx = readShort( is ) * xSign; int heightDst = readShort( is ) * ySign; int widthDst = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int dy = readShort( is ) * ySign; int dx = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int len = 2*recSize - 22; byte[] bitmap = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) bitmap[i] = is.readByte(); mr = new MetaRecord.ByteRecord(bitmap); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; mr.addElement(mode); mr.addElement(heightSrc); mr.addElement(widthSrc); mr.addElement(sy); mr.addElement(sx); mr.addElement(heightDst); mr.addElement(widthDst); mr.addElement(dy); mr.addElement(dx); records.add( mr ); } break; // UPDATED : META_DIBBITBLT added case WMFConstants.META_DIBBITBLT: { int mode = is.readInt() & 0xff; int sy = readShort( is ); int sx = readShort( is ); int hdc = readShort( is ); int height = readShort( is ); int width = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int dy = readShort( is ); int dx = (int)(readShort( is ) * xSign * scaleXY); int len = 2*recSize - 18; if (len > 0) { byte[] bitmap = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) bitmap[i] = is.readByte(); mr = new MetaRecord.ByteRecord(bitmap); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; } else { // what does this mean?? len <= 0 ?? mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) is.readByte(); } mr.addElement( mode ); mr.addElement( height ); mr.addElement( width ); mr.addElement( sy ); mr.addElement( sx ); mr.addElement( dy ); mr.addElement( dx ); records.add( mr ); } break; // UPDATED : META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH added case WMFConstants.META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH: { int type = is.readInt() & 0xff; int len = 2*recSize - 4; byte[] bitmap = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) bitmap[i] = is.readByte(); mr = new MetaRecord.ByteRecord(bitmap); mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; mr.addElement( type ); records.add( mr ); } break; default: mr.numPoints = recSize; mr.functionId = functionId; for ( int j = 0; j < recSize; j++ ) mr.addElement( readShort( is ) ); records.add( mr ); break; } numRecords++; } // sets the characteristics of the image if the file does not have an APM (in this case it is retrieved // from the viewport). This is only useful if one wants to retrieve informations about the file after // decoding it. if (! isAldus) { right = (int)vpX; left = (int)(vpX + vpW); top = (int)vpY; bottom = (int)(vpY + vpH); } setReading( false ); return true; }
Returns the current URL
/** * Returns the current URL */
public URL getUrl() { return url; }
Sets the current URL
/** * Sets the current URL */
public void setUrl( URL newUrl) { url = newUrl; }
Returns a meta record.
/** * Returns a meta record. */
public MetaRecord getRecord( int idx ) { return (MetaRecord)records.get( idx ); }
Returns a number of records in the image
/** * Returns a number of records in the image */
public int getNumRecords() { return numRecords; }
Returns the viewport x origin
/** * Returns the viewport x origin */
public float getVpX() { return vpX; }
Returns the viewport y origin
/** * Returns the viewport y origin */
public float getVpY() { return vpY; }
Sets the viewport x origin
/** * Sets the viewport x origin */
public void setVpX(float newValue ) { vpX = newValue; }
Sets the viewport y origin
/** * Sets the viewport y origin */
public void setVpY(float newValue ) { vpY = newValue; } }